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Breathless Page 16

by Cheryl Douglas

  He tensed up, the abdominal muscles under her hand clenching. “I already know where this is going. I thought we were on the same page.”

  She didn’t want to hurt him, but she refused to jump into a relationship she wasn’t ready for. He’d said he loved her. She suspected she felt the same way, but it was too soon to know for sure. “I’m crazy about you, you know that.”

  “Let’s just agree to a trial run—”

  “I’m used to having my own place, being independent.” Giving up that freedom terrified her.

  His arms tightened as though he thought if he held her tighter, he could prevent her from slipping away. “You could get your student loans paid off in no time if you didn’t have to worry about living expenses.”

  That would be incredible, but she wouldn’t even consider living off him. The maintenance fees alone in a building like his were probably more than her monthly rent and utilities combined. She couldn’t afford to contribute much if she lived with Keith. “That’s not gonna happen, sorry.” She tried to sit up, but he pulled closer so that his chest was against her back.

  “Give me one good reason.”

  “We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “We’ve known each other for years. Try again.”

  She knew he wasn’t going to let it go without a fight. She didn’t want to argue, but she wouldn’t back down either. If they were going to have a relationship, she expected to be his equal partner. “We haven’t seen each other or spoken regularly in a long time. We’ve both changed a lot since college. Our lives have moved in totally different directions.”

  “I know everything I need to know.” He kissed her shoulder. “I know how I feel about you. That’s the only thing that matters.”

  She believed he felt that way, but how would he feel in a year? Would a monogamous relationship have lost its appeal for him? Only time would tell. Tara was willing to invest the time, but that meant taking it slowly. She stroked the arm he had wrapped around her waist. “Please, don’t push me on this.”

  Sighing, he said, “Fine, take all the time you need.”

  She knew he was sulking, which was not the way she’d envisioned ending their day. She rolled over and kissed his neck, hoping to make him forget all about their disagreement.

  “You don’t play fair.” She felt his smile against the curve of her neck. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  Raising her head, she said, “I’ll stay for now, but promise you won’t try to make me feel guilty if I decide I need my own space?”

  Grinning, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I can’t promise that. I intend to pull out all the stops to keep you right here.” He laughed when she slapped his chest. “And I do fight dirty, so consider yourself forewarned.”


  Keith was sitting at his desk the next day when his phone rang. “Hello.”

  “You’re even stupider than I thought.”

  Biagio. Pushing away from his desk, Keith gripped the phone tighter. “What the hell do you want?”

  “I already told you what I want. I want Tara back.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s not gonna happen.”

  “Oh, it will. I can promise you that.”

  Keith knew Tara wouldn’t go back to her ex after being intimate with him, but that didn’t stop him from experiencing a twinge of jealousy. “You’re wasting your time. She’s moved on… with me.”

  “I know that’s what you think.” He laughed. “But this living arrangement of yours is only temporary, trust me.”

  Keith picked up the cordless phone and walked the length of the office. “If you know she’s living with me, that should tell you it’s serious.” At least it was for Keith. Tara wasn’t ready to jump in with both feet just yet, but they would grow closer every day. It was inevitable.

  “I don’t care how you feel. I want to know how my angel feels.”

  Keith’s stomach churned at the term of endearment, but even more at the thought of Biagio getting anywhere near Tara. “Stay the hell away from her!” His door was open a crack, and he crossed the room to close it. “I mean it. You get within ten feet of her, and she’ll take out a restraining order against you so fast—”

  Laughing, Biagio said, “Do you really think a piece of paper will keep me from her?” Lowering his voice, he said, “Nothing will keep me away from her. Not you, a cop, or an army of guards. I’ll make my move, Armstrong, and when I do, you won’t know what the hell hit you.”


  Tara arrived home before Keith. She and Ava had stopped at the grocery store on the way home, so Tara bought the ingredients for chicken cacciatore and cheesecake. She knew she was at risk of settling into a life of domestic bliss too soon, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Waking up in Keith’s arms could easily become addictive.

  She had the small TV in the kitchen tuned to a country music video station, so she didn’t hear Keith come in. He slid his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply.

  “Hmm, I don’t know which smells better: you or the dinner.”

  Smiling, she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Careful how you answer that, mister.”

  He chuckled and leaned over her shoulder to take another whiff of the dinner. “I’m famished, so I’m going to go with the food. By the time I’m ready for dessert, you’ll definitely be back at the top of my list.”

  Tearing her eyes off him was difficult. She’d left for work as he was getting out of the shower, so she hadn’t seen him in his black suit, light blue shirt, and matching silk tie. He was sexy in sweats, but in a custom suit, the man was a walking God. “You look nice.”

  He grinned as though he’d been reading her mind. “Thanks, but I’m gonna go grab a shower and get out of this thing.” He raised an eyebrow. “Care to join me?”

  “I’d love to, but I can’t. I have to keep an eye on this and add the blueberries to the cheesecake.”

  “Cheesecake too?” He patted his flat stomach. “You do realize you’re going to have to help me work this off later, right?”

  Tara turned back to the stove when she felt heat rising up her neck. The night before was the first time they’d made love, and she wasn’t used to the intimacy their new relationship entailed. Not that she hadn’t replayed their night in her head a dozen times. Who was she kidding? She was as anxious as he was for a re-enactment.

  When she heard his laughter drifting down the hallway, she knew his damn telepathy was at work again. It was scary how well he knew her already. They had been friends back in the day, but that didn’t explain the intense bond that had evolved almost overnight. Or had it been building for months and she just hadn’t noticed?

  Twenty minutes later, he returned wearing a light blue T-shirt and black, Nike warm-up shorts. His hair was still damp, and he hadn’t bothered to shave. “How was your day?” He kissed her cheek before leaning in to steal a piece of chicken from the skillet.

  Tara slapped his hand. “It was good. How was yours?”

  “It was okay.” He grabbed a beer out of the fridge. “I spent most of it with Jace. Things with his business are coming together, but I still need to consult with him from time to time.”

  Brent and Keith were trying to help their half-brother get his family business back in the black. They were trying to repair their strained relationship with Jace and their mother, and according to Ava, it seemed to be working.

  “How’re things going with him?” she asked.

  “Okay.” He brought the bottle to his lips. “He’s not as bad as I thought he would be.”

  Tara plated the chicken cacciatore before handing one of the plates to Keith. “Gee, that’s a ringing endorsement if ever I’ve heard one.”

  “What can I say? It’s weird. I mean, we have the same mother, but we didn’t grow up together. He’s blood, but I doubt we’ll ever have the kind of relationship I have with Brent.” He led her into the dining room, set his plate down at the head of
the table, and held out the chair next to him for her.

  She couldn’t help but be impressed by his manners. His mother hadn’t been a part of his life growing up, but his father had obviously taught him how to treat a lady. “Speaking of Brent, were things tense between you two today?” She hated to think that she’d caused a rift between them. She knew how close they were.

  “No, it was fine.” He waited until she was seated to sit down and place the white linen napkin in his lap. “He knows when to push and when to back off.”

  “Is that so?” Tara smiled. “Does he do that often? Push you, I mean?”

  Keith grinned while picking up his fork. “Sure, he’s my older brother. Busting my chops is part of his job description.” He took a mouthful of food and rewarded her with an appreciate moan. “Wow. You’ve never told me—where’d you learn to cook like this?”

  Tara shouldn’t bask in a little compliment, but she did. She knew he hated to cook and probably hadn’t enjoyed many home-cooked meals until she moved in. She was happy to treat him after everything he’d done for her. “My mama’s an amazing cook. You think this is good? Wait ‘til I invite you to their place for dinner.”

  “Is that in the cards?” he asked, looking hopeful.

  She hadn’t intended her comment as an offer, but if things continued to go well for them, a visit seemed like a natural progression. “I think it might be.” She was still trying to play it cool, but his boyish grin made it difficult not to indulge him. He was so cute when he was getting what he wanted.

  “It is,” he said, winking as he brought another forkful of food to his mouth. “Not a doubt in my mind.”

  She loved how confident he was about where their relationship was headed, but things could change. People changed, feelings changed. Sometimes overnight. “So I guess it’s going to be a busy couple of weeks preparing for the wedding.”

  Keith smiled. “I know you’re trying to change the subject because you’re not ready to talk about us.”

  He was right. “We should do whatever we can to help Brent and Ava. I know they have a wedding planner, but it’s kind of our job as maid of honor and best man to step up and help them, right?”

  “Sure, whatever they need, we’ll be there. I think they know that.”

  Tara nodded and chewed slowly. Soon her best friend would be starting a new life…

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Was she that transparent? “I was just thinking about how things are going to change. For both of us. I’m used to prowling for men with my best friend. We won’t be able to do that anymore since she has Brent now.”

  Keith frowned. “You wouldn’t be able to do that even if Ava wasn’t marrying Brent. You have me, remember?”

  Tara was caught off guard by the reminder. She wanted to be in a committed relationship with him, didn’t she? “Right.”

  “Thanks,” he muttered, reaching for his beer.

  “I’m sorry.” Tara touched his hand. “I didn’t mean to sound like I’m not happy with where we are. I am.”

  He looked at her carefully. “You sure? I don’t want to be with a woman who doesn’t want to be with me, Tara.” He looked down at his half-empty plate. “I don’t mind taking this slow to convince you I’ve changed, if that’s what you need to put your mind at ease, but I can’t convince you to feel something you don’t.”

  She was messing up in a big way. She finally had a guy who cared about her, who would do anything for her, and she was making him question everything. “I’m sorry.” She pushed her plate aside. “You’re not the only one who’s terrible at relationships. I am too.” Offering him a wry smile, she said, “You do realize we’re doomed, right?”

  He reached for her hand. “I’m not a quitter. If it’s something I want, I go for it.” Bringing her hand to his lips, he said, “As long as you’re in this, I’m right there with you. I’ll fight for this—for you—as long and hard as it takes.”

  Tara stood up and settled into his lap. Wrapping her arms around him, she buried her face in his neck. “I want this to work. I do. Promise you won’t give up on me?”

  Keith chuckled. “Baby, that’s the easiest promise I’ve ever made.”

  Chapter Nine

  The weeks leading up to the wedding flew by in a flurry of activity. Before Keith knew it, he was standing up to give the toast at Ava and Brent’s reception. As soon as he moved to the podium, a hush fell over the room. Everyone knew what was coming. He wasn’t one to prepare speeches; he preferred to speak from the heart.

  “Those of you who know Brent know he can be an ornery S.O.B.” Keith smiled when his eyes fell on their father. Jerry was looking good in a classic black tuxedo with his friend Elsie at his side. Brent rolled his eyes and Ava held his arm, a wide smile on her face. She knew exactly what Keith was talking about.

  “When Brent wants something, he goes after it, and nothing gets in his way. I’ve always admired that about him.”

  Brent raised his glass to his brother with a smile.

  “Of course, that’s not the only thing I admire about him. It’s no secret he’s a genius in the boardroom, but what most people don’t realize is that he’d do anything for the people he loves. My dad and I have been fortunate enough to be in that select group for a long time, and now Ava’s joined the ranks too.” Keith smiled at his sister-in-law. “I see the way he looks at you. Like you’re the only person in the world… because to him, you’re the only one who matters.” Ava looked at Brent, her eyes welling with tears. Keith could feel Tara’s eyes, but he didn’t trust himself to look at her just yet. He needed to get through his speech first. “Ava, the most important thing to Brent is making all of your dreams come true, and I have no doubt he will.”

  Ava dabbed at her eyes with a cloth napkin, nodding.

  “Watching you guys fall in love and commit to spending your lives together has been an eye-opening experience for me…” This was it—the moment he bared his heart for Tara and the world to see. “I didn’t realize what I’d been missing until I saw what you had.” He risked a glance at Tara. She seemed to be holding her breath, waiting to hear what he might say next. “You make everyone around you believe in that happy ending we all want. I can see you guys growing old together, loving each other forever. I have no doubt that’s the way it’ll be. I was never a big believer in fate… now I am.”

  Ava reached for Brent’s hand and squeezed it as their eyes met.

  “You guys turned a cynic into a believer, and if your love is strong enough to do that, I know there’s nothing you can’t conquer together.” Keith raised his champagne glass and smiled at the bride and groom. “I love and respect you both so much, and there’s no one happier than I am that you found your way back to each other.”

  “Except for me!” Brent shouted. The guests laughed as Ava kissed her husband’s cheek.

  “Welcome to the family, Ava.” Keith winked at her. “At least now I’ll have someone to help me keep this guy in line.” Extending his glass in Brent and Ava’s direction, he said, “To Brent and Ava.”

  The chorus rang out, four hundred guests clinked glasses, and the newly married couple kissed. Keith stepped away from the podium, hoping to catch a breath of fresh air before the bridal party was called to the dance floor. Before he could escape, the band started playing, and the M.C. made his way to the microphone.

  Tara approached Keith and took his hand. Kissing his cheek, she said, “Your speech was beautiful. I know they loved it.”


  Keith didn’t know why he felt so melancholy. Maybe because Tara had been doing her best to keep him at arm’s length the past few weeks. They’d been sharing a bed, but whenever he told her he loved her, her only response was a smile. He didn’t know what more he could do to win her over.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, squeezing his hand.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He watched Ava and Brent dancing. Brent’s head was bent and he was whispering something in her ear
that made her smile. They looked so happy, so in love. Keith wondered whether he and Tara would ever get to that place.

  The M.C. asked the bridal party to join the bride and groom, so Keith led Tara to the middle of the grand ballroom. Taking her in his arms felt so right, but she still seemed to be wearing a suit of armor, and he didn’t know how to break through it.

  Laying her head on his shoulder, she said, “It was a beautiful wedding, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it was great.” Keith knew he wasn’t very talkative, but he didn’t know what to say. No words could express his frustration, especially because he’d promised to be patient and wait as long as it took for her to come around. He’d only invested a few weeks and was already discouraged. What did that say about him?

  “It’s been a crazy day.” She tilted her head back to look at him. “I’m pretty tired. How about you?”

  “Not really.” He was too restless to even think about sleep. The nights he’d had her in his arms, he’d never slept better, yet it still wasn’t enough. He wanted Tara to look at him the way Ava looked at Brent, as though she couldn’t imagine her life without him. He was beginning to wonder whether that day would ever come.

  Tara said, “I didn’t intend to bring this up tonight, but…”

  Anxiety tightened Keith’s gut. He knew whatever it was, he wouldn’t like it.


  “My uncle called me earlier. My parents told him about the fire.”


  “He has a place…” Tara’s heart beat so hard, she was sure he could feel it. She didn’t want to lose him, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. If things didn’t work out with Keith, she may never get a similar chance, and she would always regret not taking her uncle up on his generous offer.

  “Go on.”

  “It’s a little house, not far from the downtown core. He’s been renting it out for years, but the tenants gave their notice last night.”


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