Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2

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by Michael Burlingame

  205. Josephine Forney Roedel, diary entry for 19 Nov. 1863, DLC.

  206. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 113 (entry for 19 Nov. 1863).

  207. Warren, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Declaration, 79.

  208. Cincinnati Commercial, 23 Nov. 1863.

  209. Sam Wood to Bradford R. Wood, n.p., n.d., quoted in Bradford Wood to George G. Fogg, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 Oct. 1863, Fogg Papers, New Hampshire Historical Society; Washington correspondence, 15 Aug., 13 Oct., New York Evening Post, 17 Aug., 14 Oct. 1863.

  210. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 113 (entry for 19 Nov. 1863).

  211. Philadelphia Daily Age, 21 Nov. 1863.

  212. Harper’s Weekly, 5 Dec. 1863.

  213. Henry C. Robinson to George B. McClellan, 17 July 1864, McClellan Papers, DLC.

  214. Milwaukee Sentinel, 26 Nov. 1863.

  215. New York Herald, 21 Nov. 1863.

  216. New York World, 20 Nov. 1863.

  217. Boston Evening Journal, 23 Nov. 1863.

  218. Washington Chronicle, 21 Nov, 1861.

  219. Sophronia E. Bucklin, In Hospital and Camp: A Woman’s Record of Thrilling Incidents among the Wounded in the Late War (Philadelphia: J. E. Potter, 1869), 195.

  220. Gettysburg correspondence, 19 Nov. 1863, New York Times, in Lincoln in the Times: The Life of Abraham Lincoln as Originally Reported in the New York Times, ed. David Herbert Donald and Harold Holzer (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005), 190.

  221. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 113 (entry for 19 Nov. 1863).

  222. CWL, 7:17–23. The manuscript which Lincoln read from is not extant. Unlike the version published by Joseph L. Gilbert, a surviving early version of the speech—the so-called Nicolay copy—does not contain “under God.”

  223. Columbus Ohio State Journal, 23 Nov. 1863.

  224. Everett to Mrs. Hamilton Fish, Boston, 18 Mar. 1864, Fish Papers, DLC.

  225. Cincinnati Gazette, 23 Nov. 1863.

  226. Ohio State Journal (Columbus), 4 Apr. 1864.

  227. Philadelphia Press, 21, 25 Nov. 1863.

  228. Chicago Tribune, 20 Nov. 1863.

  229. Washington Daily Morning Chronicle, 21 Nov. 1863.

  230. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 20 Nov. 1863.

  231. Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 21 Nov. 1863.

  232. Providence Daily Journal, 20 Nov. 1863.

  233. Harper’s Weekly, 5 and 12 Dec. 1863.

  234. Judith Kennedy Johnson, ed., The Journals of Charles King Newcomb (Providence, RI: Brown University Press, 1946), 194, 196, (entries for 21 Aug. and 23 Nov. 1863).

  235. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., to Charles Francis Adams, Newport, Rhode Island, 7 Mar. 1865, in Worthington Chauncey Ford, ed., A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861–1865 (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1920), 2:257.

  236. Everett to Lincoln, Washington, 20 Nov. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  237. Statement of James Speed in Joseph H. Barrett, Abraham Lincoln and His Presidency (2 vols.; New York: D. Appleton, 1924), 2:208.

  238. Lincoln to Everett, Washington, 20 Nov. 1863, CWL, 7:24.

  239. Brooks, “Personal Reminiscences of Lincoln,” Scribner’s Monthly Magazine 15 (March 1878):678.

  240. Edward Dicey, Six Months in the Federal States (2 vols.; London: Macmillan, 1863), 1:227.

  241. Columbus Crisis, 2 Dec. 1863.

  242. Chicago Times, 23 Nov. 1863.

  243. Gettysburg Weekly Patriot and Union, 26 Nov. 1863.

  244. Chicago Times, 25 Nov. 1863.

  245. Ibid., 23 Nov. 1863.

  246. New York World, 27 November 1863.

  247. Cheshire Republican (New Hampshire), 2 Dec. 1863.

  248. New York World, 27 Nov. 1863.

  249. Boston Daily Courier, 1 Dec. 1863

  250. New York correspondence, 20 Nov., London Times, 4 Dec. 1863.

  251. Warren, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Declaration, 170.

  252. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 10 Nov. 1863; Washington Daily Morning Chronicle, 21 Nov. 1863.

  253. “Abraham Lincoln: Remarks at the Funeral Services Held in Concord, April 19, 1863,” in Emerson, Miscellanies (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1884), 311.

  254. Washington correspondence by “Zeta,” 3 Dec., Chicago Tribune, 8 Dec. 1863.

  255. Washington correspondence, 14 Dec., Chicago Tribune, 15 Dec. 1863.

  256. Gustavus V. Fox to his wife Virginia, Washington, 6 Dec. 1863, Fox Papers, New-York Historical Society.

  257. Washington correspondence, 14 Jan., Chicago Tribune, 19 Jan. 1864.

  258. Samuel Wilkeson, “How Mr. Lincoln Indorsed the Negro,” unidentified clipping, Redlands Shrine, A.K. Smiley Library, Redlands, California.

  259. Washington correspondence, 22 Nov., New York Times, 23 Nov. 1863.

  260. John Hay, “The Heroic Age in Washington,” 1871, in Michael Burlingame, ed., At Lincoln’s Side: John Hay’s Civil War Correspondence and Selected Writings (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), 128.

  261. Nicolay memorandum, 7 December 1863, Burlingame, ed., With Lincoln in the White House, 121.

  262. CWL, 6:457.

  263. Ibid., 6:518.

  Chapter 32. “I Hope to Stand Firm Enough to Not Go Backward”

  1. John Savage, The Life and Public Services of Andrew Johnson (New York: Derby & Miller, 1866), 260.

  2. Lincoln to Johnson, Washington, 3 July 1862, Roy P. Basler et al., eds., Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln [hereafter CWL] (8 vols. plus index; New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953–1955), 5:303.

  3. Lincoln to Johnson, Washington, 11 July 1862, CWL, 5:313.

  4. Lincoln to Halleck, Washington, 11 July 1862, CWL, 5:313.

  5. Lincoln to John M. Fleming and Robert Morrow, Washington, 9 Aug. 1863, CWL, 6:373.

  6. Lincoln to Johnson, Washington, 11 Sept. 1863, CWL, 6:440.

  7. Lincoln to Rosecrans, Washington, 4 Oct. 1863, CWL, 6:498.

  8. Charles Francis Adams, ed., Memoirs of John Quincy Adams: Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848 (12 vols.; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1874–1877), 11:19 (entry for 16 Sept. 1841).

  9. David L. Swain to Nicholas Woodfin, 11 May 1862, in Norman D. Brown, Edward Stanly: Whiggery’s Tarheel “Conqueror” (University: University of Alabama Press, 1974), 206.

  10. William E. Doubleday to Zachariah Chandler, New York, 3 June 1862, Chandler Papers, DLC.

  11. Sumner to an unidentified correspondent, 5 June 1862, The Liberator (Boston), 20 June 1862.

  12. Moncure Conway, Autobiography: Memories and Experiences (2 vols.; New York: Cassell, 1904), 1:380, 383.

  13. Henry W. Bellows to his son, Washington, 7 June 1862, Bellows Papers, MHi.

  14. George B. Cheever to his sister Elizabeth Washburn, n.p., 3 June 1862, Cheever Family Papers, American Antiquarian Society.

  15. New York Tribune, semiweekly ed., 20 June 1862.

  16. James C. Welling diary, entry for 27 Sept. 1862, in Allen Thorndike Rice, ed., Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time (New York: North American, 1886), 533.

  17. CWL, 5:445; Stanly to Lincoln, 15 Jan. 1862, in Congressional Committee Reports, 40th Congress, 1st Session, House report 7, 331–332, in J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton, Reconstruction in North Carolina (Raleigh, NC: Edwards and Broughton, 1906), 89.

  18. Boutwell to N. P. Banks, Washington, 26 May 1863, Banks Papers, DLC.

  19. Lincoln to Reverdy Johnson, Washington, 26 July 1862, CWL, 5:342–343.

  20. Lincoln to Cuthbert Bullitt, Washington, 28 July 1862, CWL, 5:344–346.

  21. Lincoln to August Belmont, Washington, 31 July 1862, CWL, 5:350.

  22. Lincoln to Butler, Washington, 14 Oct. 1862, CWL, 5:462–463.

  23. Lincoln to Shepley, Washington, 21 Nov. 1862, CWL, 5:504–505.

  24. John P. Usher interviewed by Nicolay, 8 Oct. 1878, in Michael Burlingame, ed., An Oral History of Abraham Lincoln: John G. Nicolay’s Interviews and Essays (Carbondale: Southern Illino
is University Press, 1996), 67.

  25. Benjamin F. Flanders to Lincoln, New Orleans, 16 Jan. 1864, AL MSS DLC.

  26. Lincoln to Thomas Cottman, Washington, 15 Dec. 1863, CWL, 7:66–67.

  27. Boutwell to Banks, Washington, 5 Aug. 1863, Banks Papers, DLC.

  28. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 5 Nov. 1863, CWL, 7:1.

  29. Flanders to Chase, New Orleans, 12 Dec. 1863, Chase Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  30. Chase to Greeley, Washington, 9 Oct. 1863, John Niven, ed., The Salmon P. Chase Papers (5 vols.; Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1993–1998), 4:151.

  31. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 5 Nov. 1863, CWL, 7:1–2.

  32. Lincoln to McClernand, Washington, 8 Jan. 1863, CWL, 6:49.

  33. Lincoln to Hurlbut, Washington, [c. Aug. 15?] 186[3], draft, CWL, 6:387.

  34. William C. Harris, With Charity for All: Lincoln and the Restoration of the Union (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1997), 114.

  35. Lincoln to Hurlbut, Washington, 31 July 1863, CWL, 6:358.

  36. Washington correspondence by Van [D. W. Bartlett], 24 Nov., Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 28 Nov. 1863.

  37. Etheridge to Richard W. Thompson, Washington, 23 Mar. 1863, Thompson Papers, LMF.

  38. Dawes to his wife Electa, Washington, 8 Dec. 1863, Dawes Papers, DLC.

  39. Nicolay, memorandum, 6 Dec. 1863, in Burlingame, ed., With Lincoln in the White House, 121.

  40. Michael Burlingame and John R. Turner Ettlinger, eds., Inside Lincoln’s White House: The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997), 121 (entry for 9 Dec. 1863).

  41. Washington correspondence, 7 Dec., Cincinnati Commercial, 10 Dec. 1863.

  42. Reid to John Hay, n.d., in Royal Cortissoz, The Life of Whitelaw Reid (2 vols.; New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1921), 2:130.

  43. Howard K. Beale and Alan W. Brownsword, eds., Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson (3 vols.; New York: W. W. Norton, 1960), 1:481 (entry for Dec. 1863—no day of the month indicated).

  44. Lincoln to Montgomery Blair, Washington, 2 Nov. 1863, CWL, 6:555.

  45. Whitelaw Reid to Horace Greeley, Washington, 2 Nov. 1863, Cortissoz, Reid, 1:107.

  46. Chandler to Lincoln, Detroit, 15 Nov. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  47. Lincoln to Chandler, Washington, 20 Nov. 1863, CWL, 7:24.

  48. Nashville Press, n.d., copied in the Philadelphia Inquirer, 5 Jan. 1864; John S. Brien to William H. Seward, Nashville, 21 July 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  49. Lincoln to Rosecrans, Washington, 4 Oct. 1863, CWL, 6:498.

  50. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 71 (entry for 9 Aug. 1863).

  51. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 31 Jan. 1864, CWL, 7:162.

  52. Annual message to Congress and Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 8 Dec. 1863, CWL, 7:50–55.

  53. Washington correspondence, 10 Dec., Cincinnati Commercial, 11 Dec. 1863.

  54. Washington correspondence, 12 Dec. 1863, Sacramento Daily Union, 18 Jan. 1864, in Michael Burlingame, ed., Lincoln Observed: Civil War Dispatches of Noah Brooks (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998), 94; Noah Brooks to George Witherle, Washington, 23 Dec. 1863, ibid., 97.

  55. William Dennison to Lincoln, Columbus, 10 Dec. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  56. Washington correspondence, 12 Dec. 1863, Sacramento Daily Union, 18 Jan. 1864, in Burlingame, ed., Lincoln Observed, 94.

  57. Chicago Tribune, 14 and 30 Dec. 1863.

  58. Congressional Globe, 38th Congress, 1st Session, 289 (13 June 1864).

  59. New York Herald, 11 Dec. 1863.

  60. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 121–122 (entry for 9 Dec. 1863).

  61. Washington correspondence by “Occasional” (John W. Forney), 9 Dec., Philadelphia Press, 10 Dec. 1863.

  62. Samuel Galloway to Lincoln, Columbus, 19 Dec. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  63. Allan Nevins and Milton Halsey, eds., Diary of George Templeton Strong, 1835–1875 (4 vols.; New York: Macmillan, 1952), 3:379 (entry for 11 Dec. 1863).

  64. Norton to G. W. Curtis, Cambridge, 10 Dec. 1863, Sara Norton and M. A. De Wolfe Howe, eds., Letters of Charles Eliot Norton (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913), 1:266.

  65. Watchman and Reflector, n.d., copied in Little’s Living Age, 6 Feb. 1864, 283.

  66. Everett diary, 10 Dec. 1863, Everett Papers, MHi.

  67. Washington correspondence, 10 Dec., Cincinnati Commercial, 14 Dec. 1863.

  68. Charles Upson to Austin Blair, Washington, 4 Jan. 1864 [misdated 1863], 9 Dec. 1863, Blair Papers, Detroit Public Library.

  69. Chicago Tribune, 14 Dec. 1863.

  70. Boston Commonwealth, 18 and 11 Dec. 1863.

  71. New York Independent, 17 Dec. 1863.

  72. Henry Winter Davis to Samuel F. Du Pont, n.p., 11 Dec. 1863, transcript, S. F. Du Pont Papers, Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Delaware.

  73. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 125 (entry for 10 Dec. 1863).

  74. Usher’s recollections in Humorous and Pathetic Stories of Abraham Lincoln (5th ed., 2nd series; Fort Wayne, IN: Lincoln Publishing Co., 1900), 16.

  75. John P. Usher to Richard W. Thompson, Washington, 14 Aug. 1864, R. W. Thompson Papers, LMF; Chase to Lincoln, Washington, 12 Apr. 1865, AL MSS DLC.

  76. Speech by Swett, 22 Oct. 1887, Chicago Times, 23 Oct. 1887.

  77. Lincoln to Thomas Cottman, Washington, 15 Dec. 1863, CWL 7:66.

  78. New York Times, 11 Dec. 1863; Harper’s Weekly, 19 Dec. 1863.

  79. The Rev. Mr. John G. Fee to Wendell Phillips, Liberator, 18 Mar. 1864; Whitelaw Reid to Anna E. Dickinson, Washington, 3 Apr. 1864, Dickinson Papers, DLC.

  80. New York Evening Post, 10, 15 Dec. 1863.

  81. New York World, 10 Dec. 1863.

  82. Charles Ray Wilson, “The Cincinnati Daily Enquirer and Civil War Politics: A Study of Copperhead Opinion” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1934), 245–246.

  83. Dubuque Herald, 20 December 1863, in Hubert H. Wubben, Civil War Iowa and the Copperhead Movement (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1980), 107.

  84. Washington correspondence, 9 Dec., Chicago Tribune, 10 Dec. 1863.

  85. Fessenden to his family, Washington, 19 Dec. 1862, Francis Fessenden, Life and Public Services of William Pitt Fessenden (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1907), 1:266–267.

  86. Butler to Wendell Phillips, Fort Monroe, 11 Dec. 1862, Jessie Ames Marshall, ed., Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, During the Period of the Civil War (5 vols.; Norwood, MA: Plimpton Press, 1917), 3:204.

  87. Phillips to Butler, Boston, 13 Dec. 1862, ibid., 207.

  88. Phillips’s speech, 22 Dec. 1863, National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 9 Jan. 1864, in Andrew Kull, The Color-Blind Constitution (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992), 246.

  89. Douglass to an English correspondent, [July 1864], The Liberator (Boston), 16 Sept. 1864.

  90. John Russell Young quoted in T. C. Evans, “Personal Reminiscences of John Hay,” Chattanooga, Tennessee, Sunday Times, 30 July 1905.

  91. Washington correspondence by “Norman,” 31 Dec. 1863, Ohio State Journal (Columbus), 2 Jan. 1864.

  92. Hay to Nicolay, at sea off the coast of Florida, 8 Feb. 1864, in Michael Burlingame ed., At Lincoln’s Side: John Hay’s Civil War Correspondence and Selected Writings (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), 75.

  93. Hay to Lincoln, mouth of the St. John’s River, 8 Feb. 1864, ibid., 75–76.

  94. Hawley to Charles Dudley Warner, Jacksonville, Florida, 4 Mar. 1864, Arthur L. Shipman, “Letters of Joseph R. Hawley,” typescript dated 1929, 199, Connecticut Historical Society.

  95. Hay to N. P. Banks, Key West, 7 Mar. 1864, in Burlingame, ed., At Lincoln’s Side, 78–79.

  96. New York Herald, 23 Feb. 1864.

  97. Washington National Republican, in the New York Times, 7 Mar. 1864.

  98. Banks to Lincoln, New Orlea
ns, 30 Dec. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  99. Boutwell to Banks, Washington, 21 Dec. 1863, Banks Papers, DLC; Boutwell to Banks, Washington, 11 Jan. 1864, W. P. Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  100. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 24 Dec. 1864, CWL, 7:89-90.

  101. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 13 Jan. 1864, CWL, 7:123-124.

  102. Lincoln to Hahn, Washington, 13 Mar. 1864, CWL, 7:243.

  103. Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, weekly ed., 2 Jan. 1864.

  104. Chase to Durant, Washington, 28 Dec. 1863, Niven, ed., Chase Papers, 4:230.

  105. Chase to Stickney, Washington, 29 Dec. 1863, in LaWanda Cox, Lincoln and Black Freedom: A Study in Presidential Leadership (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1981), 80.

  106. Lincoln’s December 16 endorsement on John L. Riddell to Lincoln, 15 Dec. 1863, CWL, 7:71.

  107. Durant to Chase, New Orleans, 16 Jan., 21 Feb. 1864, Niven, ed., Chase Papers, 4:258, 301.

  108. Flanders to Chase, New Orleans, 14 Jan. 1864, Chase Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  109. Durant to Chase, New Orleans, 21 Feb. 1864, in Niven, ed., Chase Papers, 4:302.

  110. Lincoln to Hahn, Washington, 13 Mar. 1864, CWL, 7:243.

  111. Petition dated 10 Mar. 1864, The Liberator (Boston), 1 Apr. 1864.

  112. Reminiscences of John W. Forney in a lecture delivered in November 1865 before the Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society of Weldon, Pennsylvania, New York Evening Post, 30 Nov. 1865.

  113. Washington correspondence, 5 Mar., Ohio State Journal (Columbus), 9 Mar. 1864.

  114. New York Evening Post, 4 Mar. 1864.

  115. Chase to Durant, Washington, 28 Dec. 1863, Niven, ed., Chase Papers, 4:230.

  116. George S. Denison to Chase, New Orleans, 8 Oct. 1864, Chase Papers, DLC.

  117. New York Times, 23 June 1865.

  118. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 9 Aug. 1864, CWL, 7:486.

  119. Wayne McVeagh in Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 120 (entry for 28 Nov. 1863).

  120. Howard K. Beale, ed., The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859–1866 (Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1930, vol. IV; Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933), 310 (entry for 17 Oct. 1863).

  121. Henry Winter Davis to Samuel F. Du Pont, n.p., [9?] Jan. 1864, transcript, S. F. Du Pont Papers, Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Delaware.


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