Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2

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Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2 Page 189

by Michael Burlingame

Milliken, James, 52

  Mills, Joseph T., 675

  Mills, Joseph Y., 527

  Millson, John S., 67

  Milroy, Robert H., 501

  Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Sentinel, 573

  Minnesota, 566

  Sioux uprising in, 480–84

  Winnebago, 483

  miscegenation, as issue in 1864 campaign, 696–97

  Mississippi, 314, 586

  Corinth, 369

  expedition, 207

  rivers, 291

  Mississippi River, 433–35

  Missouri, 207, 219, 548–55, 642, 694

  Aid Bill, 443

  army enrollment within, 158

  Belmont, 217–18

  Border Ruffians, 540

  as Border State, 128–29, 230, 335–36

  Charcoals vs. Claybanks, 527–34, 544, 708

  Compromise, 42

  Department of, 535

  on elections, 421–22

  Frémont in, 200–212

  imbroglio in, 527–34

  incorporation of, 535

  legislature, 230

  martial law proclamation throughout, 202–3, 205–6, 211, 237, 334, 347, 477

  New Madrid, 314

  as part of Union, 158–59

  pro-secessionists in, 203

  Radicals, 540, 553–54

  Republicans, 442

  slavery in, 543–44

  southwest, 201

  State Militia, 535–39

  strategic importance of, 158

  U.S. Department of, 218. See also Enrolled Missouri Militia

  Missouri (St. Louis) Democrat, 66, 546

  Missouri (St. Louis) Republican, 66

  Mitchel, Frederick Augustus, 74

  Mitchel, Ormsby M., 197

  Mitchell, Cornelia, 252

  Mitchell, James, 90, 384, 392

  Mobile (Alabama) Mercury, 128

  Mobile (Alabama) Register, 67

  Mobile Bay, Farragut’s victory at, 688, 689

  Monitor, 306, 314. See also Merrimack

  Monroe Doctrine, 633, 644, 740–41

  Montauk, 809

  Moody, Seymour, 269

  Moore, Thomas: “The Fire-Worshippers,” 647–48

  Moran, Benjamin, 94

  Morehead, Charles S., 43–44, 98–99

  Morell, Brooks, 425

  Morgan, Edwin D., 623, 645, 704, 732, 745, 754, 763

  as governor, 162–63, 165–66, 326

  New York State Legislature and, 23–25

  as senator, 526, 611

  Morgan, George D., 175, 526

  Morgan, John Hunt, 354, 559, 739

  Morrill, Justin, 63

  Morrill Tariff Act, 15, 115, 133–34

  Morris, Edward Joy: as congressman, 153

  as minister to Turkey, 95

  Morris, Thomas A., 178

  Morrison, William R., 438

  Morse, Freeman H., 92

  Morse, Samuel F.B., 560, 697

  Morton, Oliver P., 560, 720

  on AL’s reelection, 669

  as governor, 125, 162–63, 415, 432, 435, 532

  Motley, John Lothrop, 172

  as minister to Austria, 92, 94–95

  on MTL, 259

  Moyer vs. Peabody, 153

  MTL. See Lincoln, Mary Todd

  Mullett, Alfred B., 611

  Munson’s Hill, abandonment of, 199

  review at, 193

  Murray, Robert, 352

  Myers, Gustavus, 792–93

  Napoleon III, 225, 228, 240, 257, 297, 558, 740–41, 797–98

  Napoleon, Prince, 257, 271, 277

  Nasby, Petroleum V., 720, 809

  Nashville, 313

  Nashville (Tennessee) Daily Press, 599

  Nashville (Tennessee) Republican Banner, 67

  Nashville (Tennessee) Union and American, 64

  Nason, Elias, 828

  National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 176, 203, 277, 283, 344, 350, 636–37, 742

  on AL, 403, 640

  on AL’s congressional messages, 233

  on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 339, 345

  on emancipation, 207

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 411

  “The Vote of Want of Confidence,” 436

  National Association of Colored Citizens and Their Friends, 684

  National Bank Note Company, 268

  National Banking Act, 559

  National Era (Washington, D.C.), 97

  National Republican Association of Washington, 97

  National Union League, 644–45

  Negrophobia, 339–40, 346, 383, 524, 697. See also miscegenation; racism

  Nelson, Homer A., 748

  Nelson, Samuel, 766

  Nelson, Thomas A.R., 68

  Nelson, William, 156, 157

  Nesmith, James W., 72–73, 271

  New Ironsides, 489

  New Jersey, 2, 717, 723

  cabinet members from, 52–53

  State Senate, 30–31

  New Mexico Compromise, 47, 56

  New Orleans, 192, 516, 741

  campaign, 196–97, 435

  capture of, 314, 333, 434

  military governor of, 585–91

  New Orleans (Louisiana) Crescent, 6

  New Orleans (Louisiana) Picayune, 34

  New York, 2, 240–41, 621, 736, 749, 808, 823–24

  Artillery, Thirteenth, 276

  Democrats, 30

  elections in, 420, 724

  lobbying from, 115

  patronage and, 78

  protests in, 210

  Seventh Regiment of, 146–47

  State Legislature, 23–25

  State Supreme Court, 231

  Union Defence Committee, 164, 179

  New York Anglo-African, 235, 345, 411

  New York Assembly, 24

  New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 256, 271, 818

  New York Commercial Advertiser, 286, 367, 552

  New York Courier and Express, 94

  New York Daily News, 64, 626, 671, 698, 827

  New York Evening Express, 391

  New York Evening Post, 264, 266, 325, 412, 665, 824

  on AL, 379, 553, 600, 649

  on AL’s annual congressional messages, 232, 441

  on AL’s reelection, 644, 689

  on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 6

  on Baltimore detour, 143

  on war, 423

  New York Examiner, 311

  New York Express, 21, 415–16

  New York Herald, 62, 184, 221, 282–83, 349, 602, 627, 663, 673–74, 744, 771, 776

  on AL’s administration, 103, 204, 246, 314

  on AL’s annual congressional messages, 273, 596

  on AL’s congressional messages, 234–35

  on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 339, 442

  on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 6

  on AL’s war orders, 304

  correspondents, 26

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 415, 477

  on Gettysburg Address, 573

  on McClellan, 305

  on patronage, 92

  on prospective cabinet members, 54, 58

  in 1864 election, 673–74

  New York Independent, 288, 552, 614

  New York Old Guard, 563

  New York Round Table, 644

  New York Spirit of the Times, 282, 614–15

  New York Standard & Statesman, 705

  New York Times, 178–79, 391, 412, 436, 486, 520, 552, 599–600, 664–65, 740, 825

  on AL, 563, 615–16, 771

  on AL’s annual congressional messages, 234, 235, 440

  on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 340

  on AL’s first inauguration, 63

  on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 6, 15, 22

  on AL’s trip to Washington, D.C., 38

  on AL’s work habits, 72

  on Baltimore detour, 143, 144

  on cabinet shake-up, 241

  criticisms of AL, 288
  editors of, 69

  on emancipation, 402

  on patronage, 76, 94

  on Trent affair, 222

  “Wanted—A Policy,” 119

  New York Tribune, 179, 185, 246, 294, 350, 359, 404, 482, 516, 521–22, 556, 633, 670, 677

  on AL’s annual congressional messages, 171, 234, 235, 440

  on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 338, 342

  on AL’s first inauguration, 63

  on AL’s reelection, 683

  articles, 392–95, 459

  on Baltimore detour, 143

  building, 527

  criticisms of AL, 288–89

  editorials, 123

  on elections, 419–20, 558

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 471

  on McClellan, 305

  support of, 614

  on war, 649

  New York World, 172, 184, 268, 285, 352, 509–10, 522, 626, 645, 663–64, 696, 699–700, 749, 766, 771, 828

  on AL’s emancipation plan, 339, 442

  on AL’s inaugural trip, 7, 38–39

  on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 15, 21

  on bogus proclamation, 650–51

  on Gettysburg Address, 573, 577

  Newcomb, Charles King, 575

  Newton, Isaac, 279, 702, 713

  Newton, John, 139, 485–86

  Niagara Manifesto, 669–74, 676, 679, 681, 689, 745, 754

  Nicholson, A.O.P., 136

  Nicolay, John G., 296, 329, 453, 482, 487, 490, 498, 526, 556, 630, 642–43, 697, 706, 708, 719, 736

  on AL’s annual congressional message, 166

  during AL’s inaugural trip to Washington, D.C., 3, 7, 16–17, 19

  AL’s militia proclamation and, 134, 142

  on AL’s papers, 510

  on AL’s reading habits, 287, 289

  as AL’s secretary, 1–2, 73, 75, 85, 193, 209, 316, 358

  bedroom/office of, 250

  on Buell, 432

  on Bull Run, 182

  editorials by, 366, 439

  on elections, 420

  on emancipation, 678–79

  on Frémont, 209, 210

  on Gettysburg Address, 569–70

  on grand offensive, 650

  honesty of, 478

  on Lincoln, W., 298

  on McClellan, 429, 430

  observations of, 428

  on patronage, 70

  on White House, 251, 254, 258, 282

  Noell, John W., 343, 443

  Norfolk, Virginia, AL helps Union forces capture, 311–13

  North American Review, 563

  North Carolina, 66, 67, 472, 805

  blockade of, 150

  elections in, 133

  military governor for, 582–85

  militia proclamation and, 136

  New Bern, 297, 444, 583

  Outer Banks of, 212

  peace movement in, 594

  Roanoke Island, 290

  Wilmington, 313–14, 752, 806

  “Northwest Confederacy” project, 559

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 176, 215, 232, 339, 345, 364, 704

  on AL, 563, 596, 616–17, 833

  on emancipation, 411, 678, 680

  opinions of, 449

  Nunes, Joseph A., 82

  Odell, Moses, 749

  Oglesby, Richard J., 784, 809, 826–27

  Ohio, 2, 126, 168, 712

  on AL’s administration, 216

  AL’s speech in Columbus, 10–12

  Army of, 555

  Democratic Central Committee, 627

  1853 elections in, 419, 422

  McClellan in charge of Department of, 156–57

  race-baiting in, 420

  success at fall elections including, 558–66

  U.S. Department of, 218

  Valley, 295

  Ohio State Journal (Columbus), 22, 172

  Oklahoma. See Indian Territory

  Old Capitol Prison, 273, 556

  O’Leary, Cornelius, 764

  Oliphant, Ethelbert P., 83

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 184, 257, 275, 366–67

  Opdyke, George, 213, 265, 458, 667–68

  Ord, E.O.C., 780, 781–82

  Mrs., 781–82

  Order of the American Knights, 703

  Order number 11, 540, 541

  Orme, William W., 85, 419, 464, 479

  Orr, Jehu A., 742

  O’Sullivan, John L., 125

  Otto, William T., 795

  Our American Cousin, 806, 810

  Owen, Robert Dale, 405

  Palmer, Albert N., 622

  Palmer, John M., 43

  Palmerston, Lord, 160, 223, 227, 417

  Panama: African Americans’ emigration plan to, 383

  Chiriqui scheme and, 387–94

  Paris (France) La Patrie, 65

  Parker, Joel, 152

  Parker, John F., 807

  Parker, Theodore, 471

  “Sermon on the Dangers which Threaten the Rights of Man in America,” 570

  “The Effect of Slavery on the American People,” 570

  Parks, Samuel C., 83

  Parsons, Theophilus, 473

  patronage, AL and, 69–97

  Patterson, Robert, 178, 187, 189, 192

  Pawnee, 115

  Peace Conference (Washington, D.C.), 5, 40

  adjournment of, 43

  AL’s reception for members of, 41–44

  commissioners, 43–44

  Guthrie’s plan during, 42, 44, 56

  plans, 42

  Pearce, James A., 59, 281

  Peck, Ebenezer, 721

  as AL’s friend, 7, 87, 240

  on MTL, 270

  Pendel, Thomas F., 817

  Pendleton, George, 681–83

  Peninsula Campaign, 308–25, 333, 374

  Pennington, J.W.C., 643

  Pennsylvania, 2, 339–40, 511–12, 565, 720–23

  AL’s speech in Pittsburgh, 12–15

  Altoona Conference in, 413–14

  appeals for troops, 133, 382

  cabinet members from, 52–53

  on elections, 422

  militia proclamation and, 133

  militiamen from, 140–41

  State Legislature, 32

  Whiskey Rebellion, 4

  Penrose, Charles B., 779, 788–90

  Pensacola. See Fort Pickens

  People’s Party, 229, 231

  Perryville, Kentucky, battle of, 432

  Petersburg, Virginia, AL tours, 787–88, 796

  MTL tours, 796

  Petersen, William, 817–18

  Pettigru, James L., 105

  Phelps, John S., 67, 586, 591

  Phelps, John W., 211–12

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Argus, 20–21

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Bulletin, 671

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Evening Bulletin, 575

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Inquirer, 239

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) North American, 116

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Pennsylvanian, 9

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Press, 224–25, 286, 575

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Public Ledger, 20, 401

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 822

  AL speaks at, 34–35

  Navy Yard, 35

  Philbrick, Charles H., 715 “Phillipi races,” 178

  Phillips, David L., 516

  Phillips, George W., 80

  Phillips, Wendell, 239–40, 283, 325, 498–99, 560, 600, 635, 774

  AL and, 337, 367, 397, 477, 635–38, 640–41, 691, 728, 760–61

  allegations by, 552

  on AL’s reelection, 666, 667, 685–88

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 422, 471

  Piatt, Donn, 567, 661

  Pickens, Francis, 105–6, 111, 113, 120, 123

  Pickering, William, 84

  Pickett, George, 322, 511

  Pierce, Edward Lillie, 350

  Pierce, Franklin, 70, 640

  Pierpont, Francis H., 122, 1
59, 413–14, 794, 805

  on AL’s reelection, 668

  as governor, 460, 462, 800, 803

  Pierrepont, Edwards, 246, 286, 311, 333, 334

  Pike, Frederick, 356, 397–98, 419, 474

  Peninsula Campaign, 308–25, 333, 371

  Pillsbury, Parker, 101, 211, 345–46, 633, 833

  on AL’s reelection, 685, 687–88

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 410

  Pine Street Presbyterian Church, 536

  Pinkerton, Allan, 148

  information supplied by, 199

  regarding assassination plots against AL, 32, 33–34, 36–39

  Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Gazette, 412

  Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Post, 15

  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, AL speaks at, 12–15

  Pittsburg Landing, 517

  Pleasanton, Alfred, 511

  Plumly, B. Rush, 663

  Pocahantas, 115

  Polk, Leonidas, 157

  Polk, Trusten, 171

  Pomeroy, Samuel C., 383, 392–94, 452, 454, 465, 552, 632

  circular by, 614–15, 618, 620

  support of, 613

  Pomroy, Rebecca, 299

  Poore, Benjamin Perley, 286, 474, 570, 573

  Pope, Alexander, 219

  Pope, John, 41, 245, 247–48, 370, 404

  advice of, 368

  AL and, 371, 378–79, 433–34

  with AL during inaugural trip, 2, 41

  blunders by, 372

  as commander of combined forces, 320–21

  as division commander, 201, 368, 371, 480–82

  on elections, 419

  Lee, R.E., and, 372

  McClellan and, 371–74, 375, 378

  Stanton, E.M., and, 372

  victories of, 314, 368

  Port Hudson, Louisiana, campaign, 519–20

  Porter, David Dixon, 291, 433–34

  on AL, 258–59

  campaigns of, 435, 517

  on Fort Pickens, 113–17, 125

  recollections of, 196–97

  Porter, Fitz John, 315, 371, 417

  AL and, 374–75, 378

  corps of, 381

  Porter, Horace, 653–54, 780, 785–89, 796

  Portland Oregonian, 83

  Potter, John F., 174–75, 277, 337

  Potter, Martin D., 572

  Potter, William James, 831

  Powell, Lazarus, 67, 172, 704, 775

  Powell, Lewis, 811

  Powhatan, 111–17, 129

  Preetorius, Emil, 545

  Preston, William B., 508

  Price, Sterling, 158–59, 203, 210

  Prize cases, 153, 596

  Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 591, 593, 594–608, 804–5

  Progressive Friends, 398–99

  Providence (Rhode Island) Journal, 286, 332

  on AL’s annual congressional messages, 171, 440

  on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 339

  on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 22

  Pryor, Roger A., 45, 127, 761

  Pugh, J.L., 127

  Pugh, Sarah, 687

  Purviance, Samuel A., 52

  Purvis, Robert, 390

  Quakers, 398–99

  Quantrill, William Clarke, 540, 546

  Quincy, Edmund, 65


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