Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2 Page 3

by Jenny Foshia

  “Not in the way that you are thinking, Ryan.”

  “Oh, I think it is exactly in the way that I am thinking. I also think it may be more than I know and you are too stubborn to admit it. But be forewarned, I am a patient man and I will get what I want. Do you know what I want, Dani?”

  “I couldn’t possibly imagine the kinds of things that do through your mind.”

  “I want you against a wall, on the floor, on the counter, in the shower, on top of me, underneath of me and between Adrian and myself. I want to make you scream my name in the most amazing orgasms you have ever had in your life. I want to be one of the only two men who will ever make you cum again, Dani. I want to be a star in all of your nighttime dreams and daytime fantasies and I want to be one of the guys that makes your dreams and fantasies a reality.” He paused as he took in the site before him. Dani had her eyes closed and was trying to steady her breathing but the pulse at the base of her neck gave her away, as did the smell of her arousal as it lingered in the air. “I know you want those things too, Dani. I can feel that you want those things; I can smell your need for them. Why do you fight it?”

  She looked at him, the desire evident in her eyes and her flushed face. She took a deep breath before answering him. “I fight it because you guys want more than I can give right now. I am not ready for all of this,” she waved her arm around as she gestured toward Max, Cole and Brielle. “I am not at the point in my life where I want to make the commitment that you two would ask of me, and don’t deny that you would. I am fully aware of my sister’s visions for the three of us but I just cannot make that a reality yet.”

  “Dani, I can wait for the rest of eternity if it means that would will eventually be mine,” He glanced around her toward Adrian before correcting himself, “ours. It will happen, but if you are not ready yet then so be it but just know that we will not back down in our pursuit. We are going to pull out all the stops to make you see that making that commitment to us will hinder what you are working for in your life. We want to help you make all of your dreams come true, we just want to be a part of you and be there for you each and every day for the rest of your life.”

  Adrian was looking at them by this point and joined in the conversation. “Dani, you will always be you. Nothing will ever change about that. Ryan and I just want to make you happy because by making you happy we will find our happiness as well because ever since the day we laid eyes on you our happiness has been dependent on you. You are a beautiful, intelligent and hardworking woman and we would never begrudge you that. In fact, we admire you even more for those qualities as well as many more that we know you possess. All we are asking is for you to give us a chance to get to know you more. I can personally promise that it will be a pleasurable time as we all get to know one another even better than we know each other now.” Adrian finished with a wink, making Ryan chuckle and drawing gorgeous smile from Dani’s luscious lips. God! What he imagined doing to those lips, or rather, what he imagined she could use those lips for.

  He imagined her kissing him, deeply and passionately. He imagined her making her way down his body to his throbbing dick. He pictured her licking the tip, swirling her tongue around it as she tasted his pre-cum before wrapping her full, wet lips around it and taking it deep into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. He was a large man so he knew she would probably gag a bit as she took him in again and again, adding her fist to the job. He would pump his member into her moist mouth as she looked up at him with those beautiful, large, green eyes. With her looking at him, and seeing his dick fucking in and out of her mouth, it would cause his balls to tighten up in readiness for the cum. She would tighten her lips around him and bring him in deep as she waited for his seed to shoot down her throat. Dani would suck every drop from him, swallowing it in large gulps before pulling away and licking her lips clean of his juices. He would pull her up and wrap his arms around her and kiss her senseless.

  He was brought out of his fantasy when he heard Max calling his name.

  “Where did you go, Ryan?” Max asked as everyone around the table stared at him.

  “I don’t think it would be appropriate dinner conversation if I shared what was just on my mind.” Ryan answered as he took a quick peep at Dani, whose face turned an attractive shade of pink.

  Brielle looked at Adrian, Dani and then him. “Oh, I have a very good idea of that, or should I say whom, you were talking about.”

  “Brielle, please do not share what you may have seen.” He pleaded. The last thing he wanted, or needed, to do was scare his woman away before she was even truly his.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t dare tell everyone what you like to do with mouths. But I am almost certain that those of us sitting at the table right now already know, or at least have an idea.” She winked at him before taking a bite of her food.

  “So, Brielle, how have you been feeling?” Dani asked, changing the subject. Nice play sweetheart. He thought to himself. He had a feeling she knew what he was thinking.

  “I have been feeling great lately. It was rough the first few months but as time went on it got easier. Now I am at a place in the pregnancy where I can actually enjoy being pregnant. I can tell you a couple of things though. I am constantly hungry and tire quickly.” She replied, rubbing her belly. Ryan fought a twinge of jealousy as he watched Cole and Max look adoringly at Brielle before they, too, touched her stomach. Lucky bastards. He wasn’t jealous of their happiness, just jealous of the fact that they found it so quickly and he was still waiting on his stubborn princess to open herself up.

  He leaned forward as he asked “So, I don’t mean to bring up bad memories, but have you guys had any trouble with those assholes from our rival pack?” He knew it was a touchy subject but he wanted to know if there was a reason to be on alert.

  “Not that we can say for sure, at least nothing that can be directly linked to them, but we have heard of recent animal attacks in the surrounding areas. The most recent occurrence was just last week.” Max replied. Ryan could tell that he wasn’t happy with having to answer with news that the pack was obviously still lurking around.

  “Any clue as to where they are hiding? I mean, after you saved Brielle I haven’t seen them around that place so I know they have relocated. I just hope it isn’t anywhere near here.”

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but would you gentlemen mind if I took Brielle upstairs for some girl talk and rest?” Dani asked as she pushed her chair back and stood up.

  “We don’t mind at all, sweetheart. You definitely need to re-energize.” He couldn’t help but to take a jibe at her. She took it in stride so well.

  “Oh, I will. I am sure I can think of a couple of things I can do to help relieve some of my built up tension.” She quipped before turning and addressing Brielle. “Are you ready, Brielle?”

  Brielle looked from Brielle to Ryan before answering. “I am ready. Let’s go. I have so much I need to talk to you about.” Brielle leaned over and kissed Max and then Cole. All four of them watched the women walk out of the dining room before their conversation picked up again.

  Chapter 9: Adrian

  “Ok guys, now that the women are out of the room, out with it! What has been going on that you haven’t told us about yet?” Adrian asked as he relaxed back in his chair.

  Max and Cole gave one another a skeptical look before Max answered him. “Well, we have been finding a lot of slaughtered animals around the property. They have been strangled and gutted. We have made sure that everyone has kept the findings from Brielle. We don’t want to cause her any undue stress when she is so close to delivering. I called Jax and Wes and asked them to send some men to look into it. They will be arriving with them tomorrow.”

  “Good, when everyone gets here we can plan outings that put a few of us out there in shifts. We can tell the women we are hiking or target practicing, etc. That should keep them from becoming suspicious.” Ryan replied. Before Adrian could add anything they heard a blood-curdling scream come from u

  Adrian was out of his seat in seconds, sending his chair flying against the wall. The four men rushed up the stairs to see Brielle leaning over Dani who was passed out on the floor.

  Adrian and Ryan flew to where Dani was lying on the floor. Adrian lifted her into his arms and headed for her room. Max and Cole assisted Brielle from the floor and they all followed him to her room.

  Adrian laid her down and sat beside her, Ryan sat on her other side. Brielle went to her bathroom for a cold, wet wash cloth and when she made it back to the room Adrian asked her what happened. He was worried, she looked so pale and her breathing was shallow.

  “I-I don’t know.” Brielle sobbed. “One minute we were fine, walking and laughing. The next minute she just slumped to the floor.” Brielle turned her face into Max’s chest and he offered her comfort as she cried. Adrian felt bad she had to witness that happening to Dani. Brielle has already been through enough for two lifetimes, she didn’t need any more shocks, especially now. “Dammit!” he exclaimed. “What the hell happened? What would make Dani pass out like that? She seemed completely fine at dinner.” He looked to Ryan, who was a nurse, to see if he possibly knew what could have caused it.

  Ryan leaned over and listened to her breathing, he check her pulse and looked at her eyes. The last thing he did was smell her breath. “Shit! She was poisoned!” Ryan yelled.

  “What the hell! How, and when, could she have been poisoned? She was fine when she got here, wasn’t she?” Adrian asked, angrily, as he looked at everyone in the room.

  “Yes, she was. She just seemed a little off when I was talking to her though. Almost as if she was drunk. When we left the room she started walking a little weird, like she was buzzed, but she never mentioned not feeling well. But no one was around that could do that.” Brielle quietly answered.

  “There are some poisons, plants and vegetables that could cause some of those symptoms. If it is one of those kinds then they will not necessarily be deadly but they will keep her asleep for a while.” Ryan told them all.

  “Well, what do we do now? If she can be poisoned here then none of us are protected.” Adrian told them. He looked down at Dani as he rubbed circles on her hand. He was doing that more for himself than for a comfort for her. As long as he was able to maintain contact with her then he knew she was ok. Those fuckers could do anything they wanted to him, or any of the men, but they needed to learn that they could not mess with the women. The women were off limits, damn them! He was just thankful that Dani would eventually be ok, but he still didn’t like that they did this to her, or that they were able to do this to her right under their noses. How could they have done it?

  “Wait, Ryan. You said that there were plants and vegetables that could cause this. So, is it possible that her dinner salad contained those? None of us paid the least bit of attention to our food as we ate. What if the catering company was somehow paid to put those in her food?” Adrian asked.

  “That is possible. Damn! That would mean that someone we know is in on this.” Ryan turned to Cole and Max before asking “Who knows you guys were having food catered this week?

  “Well, aside from those of us here right now, Jax and Wes.” Max said. “Brielle, sweetheart, did you tell anyone else?” He asked her as he kissed her head. She looked up at him, adoringly, and shook her head no.

  Adrian felt a twinge of jealousy at the love being shared between them even though he was deliriously happy for his close friends. He hoped one day soon that he, Ryan and Dani would be sharing that same bond. “So,” he started and then cleared his throat. “We have a mole among our friends. Who do you think could be in on this?”

  “I don’t like this one bit! I do not want to think that someone we grew up with, someone we are close enough to be brothers with, would be in on the torture that has been going on. I am not sure which one of them it could be, but by God, I am going to find out and kill the mother fucker for what they put Brielle through and what they are trying to do to Dani.” Cole ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Ok, let us make a decision now. I put forth that we not tell them anything about what has happened to Dani. Let us keep this information about what has happened today between the six of us. We can take shifts with her tonight and hopefully she will be awake some time tomorrow, preferably before anyone else arrives. If we prevent them from finding out what has occurred then it may make them upset enough to try something else. And under no circumstances are we to leave one of the women alone. Brielle, you need to make sure you and Dani are always with someone. I do not believe they would be brave enough to try anything if they feel they would be caught too easily.”

  Brielle nodded her head. “I think that is a good idea. I am glad that I thought enough ahead to put you and Ryan next to her room. You guys both have access to her room through those doors. We can keep them open at night so you guys can give her the privacy I know she will demand, but still be able to be alerted should anything occur at night.”

  “That was very smart thinking sweetheart.” Max stated as he pulled her in close and put a gentle kiss on her temple.

  “Ok, Adrian, why don’t you take the first shift tonight. I will come to relieve you in six hours or so and then Brielle can relieve me six hours after that if Dani is not awake. I am going to call Dr. Michaels and ask if there is anything more we should do besides keeping her comfortable and hydrated. Max, Cole, you two can greet guests as they arrive tomorrow. No one will think anything if we make them believe that Dani is relaxing with Brielle, since we all know that Brielle should be taking it easy anyway and that Dani’s obviously been over working herself lately.” Cole doled out commands and everyone readied themselves for bed.

  Adrian couldn’t help but admire Dani’s beauty. Even in sleep she was beautiful enough to take his breath away. She looked so peaceful as she laid there. Her skin was pale, almost translucent. He smoothed his hand up and down her arm. He didn’t know why but he felt that the contact he was making with her may help her recover more quickly. He felt closer to her, as if she were part of him. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead and smoothed a strand of her auburn hair away from her face. She may be a strong woman but she looked so gentle and fragile lying here in the bed. Maybe it was because he knew she may be suffering with the poison running through her system. He stood up and walked to her bags, which were sitting on the floor, and searched for a nightgown or some type of pajamas. He found a silk negligee and decided she would be more comfortable in that than in the dress she was wearing. He carefully lifted her head and unclipped her hair before sliding her dress up and over her head. He tossed the dress on the floor and inhaled a sharp breath. She was wearing nothing underneath! Did she have anything on under her dress at dinner? He perused her body, taking in her delicate toes at the ends of petite feet. She had slender ankles and shapely legs, not too small and not too large; just perfect. Her hips were curvy and led to a tiny waste that he could wrap both hands around and have his fingers touch on both sides. Her chest contained perfectly rounded, pert breasts that looked as though they would fill his hands just right. She had a delicate neck that held a beautiful face. She was a goddess! And she would soon be his; well, his and Ryan’s.

  He stopped himself before he caused damage to his dick, which was so engorged it felt as though it would explode. He deftly dressed her in her negligee and laid her back against the pillows again before pulling the blanket up to cover her. When he was finished making her, for all appearances sake, comfortable, he settled himself in the recliner near the bed and watched her sleep.

  Chapter 10: Dani (Early the next morning)

  Dani tried to wake up but was finding it difficult to open her eyes for some reason. It felt as though someone taped them shut on her. Her stomach was cramping so badly on her that she felt as though she was going to throw up any minute. Her arms and legs were heaving and her head was pounding to the beat of her heart. She knew something had to be off because she definitely didn’t drink
enough last night to cause this amount of damage. What in the hell was wrong with her? She could hear voices in the room. Her mother was there for sure, along with Brielle and maybe Ryan and Adrian? She was so confused and it was hard to concentrate on any one voice. She relaxed her mind and listened carefully, making out some of the conversation.

  “Mom, it was so terrible!” She could hear Brielle crying. “She was fine at dinner. She and I decided to leave the guys to their discussions and she and I were going to head to my parlor to have some girl talk. When we reached the bottom of the stairs she started complaining of lightheadedness and then she started walking like she was a little drunk. By the time we were half way down the hallway she collapsed. I didn’t know what to do, I just screamed.”

  “She will be fine sweetheart. Dani is a strong girl just like you. The poison hit her hard because her body is so exhausted from all of her work lately. Give her a little more time and she will be back to normal.” Her mom was speaking quietly, obviously trying to calm Brielle down.

  “Since we have figured out it was poison, and Ryan was able to get the name of the plant that was used after describing symptoms to Dr. Michaels, and Brielle told us last night that she only informed a small amount of people of her plans to cater this week, we have all come to the conclusion that whoever did this is someone we are all close to. It pisses me off to know that someone we trusted is capable of doing things like this. I just wonder what would make them do these things. What is their motive?” That was definitely Adrian talking. Even though she was having difficulties concentrating she could tell it was him. His voice sent vibrations coursing through her body, it was sensual and firm. He spoke with a sense of confidence that added to his attractiveness. But putting all that aside, what in the hell were they talking about? Poison? Her? There was no way she had been poisoned, was there? How could that have happened? And who would have done it and why? There were so many questions.


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