Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1) Page 14

by Maren Lee

  Lane smiled, “I came to have a drink and let loose. Not to document the caveman-like behavior of the men at this party.”

  “Does that clear things up, Justin?” Chloe as smugly.

  “Fine. But one rude, or negative fucking comment related to Avery, or any other member of our department and you are out on your ass.”

  “No work drama, I promise. I’m here to visit with my new friend, Chloe.”

  The way she said friend just pissed him off even more.

  “Fine by me. But Chloe, you get to introduce your guest to the guys.” Justin took off toward the kitchen. He needed another beer.


  Lane followed right behind Chloe into the living room where the women were sitting. Chloe could tell Lane was on edge after Justin freaked out, so she wanted to help ease her into the social gathering. Chloe purposefully did not bring her around the men just yet and they couldn’t quite see her from where they were standing.

  "Ladies, this is my friend, Lane Bennett. Lane, I’d like you to meet Caia, Graciella, Shaydee, and my cousin, Sierra."

  Lane was clearly nervous, so as soon as she was done shaking hands, Chloe insisted they all take a shot of Patron to loosen up.

  The liquor flowing seemed to help lighten the mood. Sierra asked Chloe and Lane to go out back with her while she had a smoke. The only problem was they had to pass by the table of rowdy men before they could get to the back porch. Well, I guess it’s now or never!

  Justin clearly hadn't announced Lane’s presence to everyone at the table. Chloe couldn’t decide if that would have been better or not. When they walked through the kitchen, everything screeched to a grinding halt. Every one of the guys’ eyes bugged out of their head. Except for Justin’s. He leaned back in his chair and smirked with an “I told you so” expression on his smug fuckin’ face.

  Brenden was the first to break the silence and say hello to Lane. The rest followed suit, like the gentlemen Chloe assumed they were. Well, everyone except for Jake, that is. He looked as though he was about to explode. Sierra took a quick detour to kiss on Brenden and everyone exchanged pleasantries like nothing was out of the ordinary.

  Jake lost it, "Dammit all to hell! What the…? What the fuck is going on? Are you guys just fucking with me?"

  Justin grabbed Jake by the shoulder, "Calm it down." Brenden shot Jake a look of disapproval.

  Sierra looked around, completely confused by the situation, "What's the problem?" She asked.

  Jake shouted, "Oh, I'll tell you the fucking problem!" as he looked over at Lane.

  Lane looked him dead in the eyes, "Please, enlighten us all."

  Before he could speak Chloe interrupted them. "This is not happening. I don't give a shit what your work disputes are! No one here is on the clock. Jake. Lane. This is neither the time nor the place for this tiff that I do not understand."

  They both looked at each other then back to Chloe, and shouted "Fine!" in unison. Like children.

  Sierra started laughing, "Lane, you’re gonna have to enlighten me on that situation outside." She pointed to the door, directing both girls to follow her outside for some fresh air and conversation.


  Jake had managed to avoid Lane for the next several hours. He could hear her voice in the other room, which just made him overindulge on the Jameson. God something about that woman made him fucking crazy. He had to get out of here, but he drank too much, so it was either time to sober up, crash out on Justin’s futon, or walk home. He was leaning toward walking home, so he headed to the bathroom.

  As Jake was reaching for the handle, the door swung open and he met Lane face to face. She was a sight to behold with her perfect porcelain skin, curvy waist, bright red hair and piercing green eyes. Her lips were so flush. He wondered what they would feel like pressed to his mouth. If only he didn’t despise her. But damn if he didn’t want to hate-fuck the shit out of her.

  Jake snapped, "Always in the way, aren't you Laney?"

  She glared at him, "Don't you dare call me Laney, you fucking prick. You don't know a damn thing about me, so step the fuck off."

  "Such sass from such a pretty mouth. You know, you never gave me the chance to get to know you. You just shut me down at the first opportunity."

  "Well, you haven't quite given me a good reason to rethink my first impression of you since then have you? Always spouting off some bull shit to me, showing me no respect. I've dealt with my fair share of genuine assholes and frankly, I don't have the energy to deal with another."

  Emboldened by too much alcohol, Jake felt challenged and walked closer to her, tilting his head and and putting his mouth close to her ear, "Laney, there ain't nothing about me that isn't genuine.”

  Her body trembled as he spoke quietly in her ear. “Get off me, Jake,” she whispered. "You're drunk."

  “I've had a few drinks, but I know what I'm doing. You were too quick to pass me off as some asshole pretty boy. You shot me down before even giving me a chance."

  "You never gave me a reason to give you a chance." Lane shot back.

  "Laney, I promise if you felt my hands all over your body you wouldn't be able to resist me. I know how to love on a woman like you. You like it to start soft, caressing, kissing, teasing..." Lane let out a gasp, closed her eyes and her head fell forward onto his chest. "You'd want it to move faster, the kissing deeper, the contact intensifying. You'd like to finish it hard, rubbing your clit while I spank your ass and fuck you from behind." Yeah, Jake could picture all of this happening. Soon. Maybe even in this bathroom. Right now. Shit. Maybe he was drunk. He was ready to get down and dirty.

  Lane picked her head up off his chest and looked into his eyes. That was all he needed. Jake kicked the door to the bathroom shut and then suddenly they were a breath apart. She met him halfway when they both moved in for the contact they wanted, needed. He let his mouth consume hers, tongues breaching one another's mouths, tangling, soft nibbles and sucking on one another. The kiss was intense. Hands began to roam. He grabbed her waist as she ran her hands up his chest and he pulled her closer. Everything felt right in that moment. And then Lane broke the kiss, breathing heavily.

  She looked at him with hooded eyes that were clouded with desire. Within 3.6 seconds, though, that desire turned to regret, "What the fuck are we doing??!” Lane exclaimed.

  “Giving in to this tension that has been building for months, Laney. Don’t tell me you haven’t felt it,” Jake looked at her hopefully.

  “Jake, I...I can't. I've heard all about you. Your past. How you’ve slept with pretty much every woman in this town. Your preference for multiple partners. I’m a professional woman in a small town. I can’t be connected to you. I need respect to do what I do.”

  Jake lost control. “You can’t be connected to me?! You need respect for your job?! I'm sorry, but I’m risking my reputation too, Laney,” he purposefully stressed her nickname. “No one in my line of work should be fucking a slimebag defense attorney.”

  “Well let me make it easy for you, then! You’re not going to be fucking a slimebag defense attorney. Or at least not this one!" She slammed open the bathroom door and stormed out. After a few steps, she whirled back around. "And for the record, I’m not a slimebag. I am good at my job and a good person!” She pointed back and forth between herself and Jake. “This won’t happen. Ever. And don’t call me Laney, you prick!" She whipped back around and headed for the front of the house.

  Jake had never been so mad, and honestly, though no one would ever know this, his feelings were a little hurt. What the hell was her issue? He knew that she wanted it too, but couldn’t believe she blamed it on unsubstantiated rumors. Had he ever been in a threesome? Sure, once or twice. Was that enough to give him a reputation of having a “preference for multiple partners”? He felt his anger creeping up further. Fucking Laney Bennett. She made him so mad. If he was going to be accused of having multiple partners he may as well be true to the reputation. He needed to fuck his frustration out. />
  Jake clenched his fist and shouted, "Fuck!" as he punched a hole in the bathroom door. Oh shit. Justin and Brenden came running around the corner, "Is everything al... Dammit Jake! What the fuck?"

  Justin was looking right at the huge hole in the door. Quick, think fast. "Sorry man, there was a huge spider."

  "Jesus. What the fuck is it with people lying about giant spiders in my house?” Justin recalled Chloe’s play to get him to bring her coffee this morning. She thought she was so clever. He totally let her get away with that one. “Dude, your spider killing technique just cost a new bathroom door. You and your credit card are making a trip to Home Depot with me this weekend."

  Jake rolled his eyes and muttered, "Whatever. Worth every penny."

  Chapter 11

  Lane took off out the front door without saying goodbye to anyone. Chloe saw her rush by, a flash of red hair, and then heard the door slam.

  What the hell is that all about? Chloe followed after her, "Lane! Wait up!" She didn't slow down her pace at all.

  "I'm sorry Chloe, but I've gotta go, I forgot to…” Fuck! No pets! “...shut off the oven!”

  "Bullshit!" shouted Chloe. "Five seconds after you ran out of the house Jake punched a hole in the door. What gives? Was Jake rude to you? I’ll kill him."

  Lane stopped running and paced slowly down the sidewalk.

  "He wasn't rude to me, he was the exact opposite.."

  "So you took off because he was nice to you?" Chloe was baffled.

  "Yeah, he was nice to me. Too nice. Well, that is, until I was pretty rude to him and then he was rude right back. Look, Chloe. I don’t know what you know about Jake, but he has a reputation around town. I’m sure as hell not going to be a pawn in his games."

  "What do you mean games? He’s just a typical single man whore who sleeps around. News flash: they’re all like that, Lane."

  "Chloe, I wish that was the rumor. Word around town is he likes to be with multiple women at a time. And apparently he doesn't mind if another man is present either."

  Holy fucking shit. Chloe felt her pussy short circuit. Totally her fantasy. Why did Lane have a problem with this? Quick, don’t let her realize you’re totally down with this!

  "Well, I'm sorry he upset you, Lane.” Chloe swallowed visibly. “Are you going to be okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I can’t have him damage my reputation. People may hate me for defending criminals, but I am a professional woman and need to keep my social life on the D-L. I just can’t fall victim to his pelvic sorcery." She laughed.

  "Now that is some cheesy shit, Lane. But I totally understand.” No, I don’t. Nope. You are fucking crazy to walk away from this. “So, it’s never happening with him?”


  “Okay, I won’t push. Let’s chat later this weekend?"

  "Sounds good."

  Chloe could hear Justin calling for her from the porch. "Drive safe!" she shouted at Lane as she took off running back to the house, "I'm coming!"

  When she got to the porch, Justin looked irritated, "Where did you go?"

  "I was just walking Lane to her car."

  "Okay. Well come in and fill one of the empty seats at the table, Wesson and Smitty took off."

  Chloe smirked. "Don't be surprised when I take all your money."

  "We'll see about that." Justin smacked her on the ass and pulled her backside in close to him, he leaned down and kissed her neck, "You smell delicious baby. Can’t wait to taste all of you later."

  Now was a good time to slip in part of her fantasy, "I can't wait either handsome. Mmmm. Just imagine if there were two of you. My body would be on sensory overload."

  "Would you like that?" he asked.

  Suddenly she was nervous. "I, I don't know, I've never tried it, but I think I would enjoy it. Who wouldn't want two of you? It’s kind of my ultimate fantasy." Smooth Chloe, don't let him know you’re thinking about Jake's sexy ass.

  "Careful what you wish for, little lady."

  "A girl can dream can't she?"

  Justin brought her in for a possessive kiss. "Let's go." They headed back inside together and walked to the table.


  An hour later and the only players left in the game, in fact, the only people left in the house, were Jake, Chloe, and Justin. Brenden and Sierra left ten minutes earlier. The sexual tension in the room was heavy. Jake was on one tonight. Chloe was getting a kick out of him, and Justin honestly couldn't blame her. Jake was a little rough around the edges, but he really was a great guy. He was the only person in the department that Justin felt he could trust with anything -- personal, professional, it didn't matter.

  Jake was laying it on thick with Chloe. His flirting and fuck me eyes were in full effect. Justin wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He knew Jake wasn't trying to steal Chloe from him, but he definitely wanted something. On the one hand, Justin felt super possessive of Chloe. On the other hand, he wanted to prove to himself that this was casual and he didn’t care if Jake had his sights set on his woman. Justin needed to find out what was going on with him.

  "Chloe, would you mind grabbing a couple more beers out of the fridge in the mud room?"

  "Sure, babe."

  Chloe looked at Justin and bit her lip before walking out of the room. He could see the want in her eyes. Despite the fact that he felt caveman possessive of her, he wanted to give her everything she asked for. She was in need of a little extra something tonight, he thought. Who was he to keep her from her fantasy? He'd prefer to be a part of it rather than let some random douchebag give it to her. Plus, he needed to put things back in perspective. This was a temporary situation. This was not permanent. Yeah, keep talking yourself out of long-term, Buddy. You’re totally gone for this girl.

  "Jake, what's up with you? I know Chloe is a fine-ass woman, but you’re usually not actively trying to steal my girl. You’re up to something looking at her like that. Spill it."

  Jake laughed, "Is it that obvious?"

  "Yeah. It is. You aren't good at hiding shit, bro. At least not with me."

  "I was just thinking about that favor you owe me."

  Fuck. He knew it. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He should have never had Jake pinch hit for him. "What were you thinking?"

  "Well, is it fact you and Chloe aren’t officially together?"

  "Yes. That is a fact. This is a temporary, casual arrangement. Officially.” Unfortunately. Where is this shit coming from?

  "Strip poker, then? I’d love to see your vixen strip."

  Justin swallowed down his possessiveness. "I’m cool with that.” That wasn’t nearly what Justin had been expecting. Why not just take it a little bit -- okay, a lot -- further? “But I have a bit of a proposition for you, Jake."


  "She's hinted about a threesome. I know you’ve dabbled in it. I’ve been there before. Far be it from me to keep an experience like that away from her. You up for it?"

  "Always up for fun with a beautiful woman. Stipulations?"

  Yes, about a million! "No, just throw the game, okay? Let her win."

  Jake looked at him quizzically. Justin could tell that Jake didn't quite believe him.

  Chloe came back in holding three beers. His woman could hang. Not your woman. Not your woman.

  "Chlo', you up for higher stakes?"

  "Sure. What were you thinking?"


  She looked surprised at the suggestion, but her eyes quickly turned a deeper shade of blue. Yeah, she was into it.

  "Uh, sure. Winner gets?"



  "On their knees."

  Chloe rubbed her thighs together. A sure sign of her arousal.

  Chloe smiled, biting her lower lip, "Ante up, gentlemen."

  Chloe shrugged off her blue blouse, leaving a small black camisole, her royal blue bra peeking out, and her round, luscious tits playing peekaboo beneath.

  "You heard the woman!" Jake
shouted. Justin laughed. This was going to be a quick game.


  Chloe couldn't believe her luck. She’d won almost every hand. The guys were down to their boxer briefs and she still had her cami, bra, and panties. She was not minding the view at all. She'd seen all of Justin before, and she loved Justin's body. But Jake. Whoa. Jake was Superman. She could see every little striation in his muscles. He had abs on top of abs. His body was a work of art.

  Jake won the next hand, forcing Justin ditched his drawers. There he was. Out there for all eyes to see. Chloe licked her lips. Damn that man was fine. The thought of getting oral from Justin again made her pussy ache. What was going to happen if Jake won? She knew Justin wasn't giving him head, so she assumed the task was all hers? Hell yes. Please and thank you. Jake dealt the next hand. Chloe had pocket aces. Then came the flop. Oooh, make that trip aces, bitches.


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