All In: Paying His Way (Gambling With Love)

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All In: Paying His Way (Gambling With Love) Page 8

by Lane Hart

  “Yes?” I finally ask when she doesn’t say anything else. Her cheeks are blood red, and I realize that she’s embarrassed that my face is between her legs. “Relax and let me taste you.”

  “It’s just…are you sure? I mean, no one’s ever…” she trails off and glances away.

  “You mean, no one’s ever licked your pussy before?” I ask in astonishment, and she shakes her head. Then I remember how young she is, barely nineteen, ten years younger than me. Boys are so fucking selfish. Without responding with words, I dip my tongue into her wet heat and start lapping at her flesh.

  “Oh, God!” she screams so loud she’ll probably wake the baby. But I’m not about to stop. I flick my tongue over her clit, and she shrieks again when her hips go wild. I barely ease two fingers inside her pussy when her body starts convulsing with her first oral orgasm. Hell yes. I don’t remove my mouth, content to keep teasing her, prolonging her pleasure, until her body shudders again and again.

  “Jordan! God, Jordan! That’s…oh!” My cock goes to full mast and even drips with excitement when she comes again. I sit back on my knees and frantically undo my jeans to shove them and my boxers off and out of the way. Fuck, I need to be inside her. It’s been so damn long that I’ve been thinking about this…


  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.


  Camden continues to sound the hunger alarm, and I ask myself how long it could possibly take to come inside her dripping wet pussy. Five minutes? He can wait that long, right?”

  “Whah! Whah! Whahhhhh!”

  His screams say otherwise.

  “Sorry,” Maggie apologizes, sounding out of breath when she sits up in bed naked. “I’ll be right back.” My agonizing groan of loss is nowhere near as loud as Camden’s complaint. Once Maggie slips on my t-shirt, she leaves the room; and I flop down on the mattress where she just was, completely naked and coming on my face seconds ago.

  The wailing soon dies down, and I picture Maggie’s tit in the little guy’s mouth. Since my erection hasn’t ebbed in the slightest, I wrap my fist around my cock and give it a few lazy strokes, thinking about the feel of Maggie’s breasts and the flavor of her sweet pussy that I can still taste. Usually it takes around thirty minutes for her to feed him. Can I last that long if I keep pumping the well? Probably not. I reluctantly remove my hand and put both of them behind my head.

  I haven’t talked to Josh since the day we got into a fight, and can’t say I care to see his face or hear his voice. That’s fucked up I know, since he’s my brother, but he’s a dickhead. My parents would’ve lost their minds if they knew we weren’t getting along. Of course we beat the shit out of each other when we were kids, because that’s what kids do, but it was over stupid shit, like him breaking my Transformer, and we would quickly get over it. This though? I have no idea how to move past this unless he decides to apologize for being an asshole to me and to Maggie. No telling how much shit he’s said to her over the years. And Jason…I don’t know what’s gonna happen once he gets home in a few years. Will Maggie and I still be together? If so, will Jason be pissed? Do I care? No, not really. I just want Maggie and Camden to be taken care of, and I want them to be here with me. End of story. If Josh and Jason don’t like it, they can go fuck themselves.

  “I’m so sorry,” Maggie says when she steps back into the room. “Have you changed your mind?” Her eyes roam over my naked body, and I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t changed hers.

  “Hell no,” I tell her. “Get naked and get back in bed.”

  With a smile, she lifts my shirt she’s wearing up and off, before climbing on the mattress next to me without a shred of clothing on. She seems a little nervous now, after our delay. Or I thought she did, until her lips seals right around my cock. I practically choke on the amount of air I swallow with a gasp. And the instant my cock goes in her mouth, my erection springs right back to life.

  “Mmm, Maggie,” I grumble in encouragement. She doesn’t need it. Her mouth quickly gets busy, sucking me so good that her head only bobs a few times before I’m ready to explode. Her free hand cups my balls to play with them, and I feel like a teenage boy. The woman knows her way around a man’s cock like you wouldn’t believe. It’s blowing my mind, and my dick, from the speed at which she rocks my world. There’s not even time for me to consider pulling her head away to save up this hard-on to fuck her with. No, I’m cursing and groaning from the best blowjob ever as the warm jets of my release shoot down her throat. She takes it all too. And when the last twitch of pleasure leaves my body, I’m filled with something else. Something not fun or happy. It’s the words of my dumbass brother screaming in my head.

  “Jason and the entire football team used to swear she gave amazing head…Did she tell you about the time she fucked me?”

  I don’t like the idea of Maggie with my youngest brother, and I sure as fuck don’t want to think about her with a hoard of men and my other brother.

  Those thoughts distract me so much that even as Maggie kisses her way up my stomach and chest, straddling me with her wonderful curves, I can’t get my cock up again. It doesn’t normally take me this long to get ready for round two, and I really want a round two, but those stupid fucking notions won’t stop banging around in my skull.

  “Thank you,” Maggie says softly when she kisses my neck and pulls my head out of my ass. “For earlier. That was incredible.”

  Wrapping my arms around her back, I hold her to me and kiss her cheek. “Thank you, sweetheart.” Tipping her face to mine, I kiss her to apologize for letting my head ruin things. To show her my appreciation for the amazing blow job. To let her know I care about her more than for just a few orgasms. And just when my little buddy decides to join the party again, she pulls back, tells me goodnight, and rolls over so that we’re spooning.

  Knowing it’s literally a dick move, I press my hard cock against her ass to let her know I’m willing and able to make love to her like we planned. But it’s too late. Her body goes limp, and the soft sounds of her deep breaths tell me she’s fast asleep. There’s always tomorrow, and the next day.

  Chapter Thirteen


  "Yo, Jordy!"

  My eyes fly open. Glancing around my dark bedroom, the red numbers on the alarm clock say it's after midnight. I must have been dreaming because there's no way…

  "Jordy? You awake? What the fuck’s going on?"

  Maggie jerks awake in front of me at the same time I realize I'm definitely not dreaming because Camden's cries fill the air after the stupid fucker came into my house, yelling, in the middle of the night. Why the hell did I give all of my brothers a key? I’m seriously regretting that decision.

  I jump up and grab some boxers, putting them on before shutting the bedroom door and meeting the youngest and dumbest brother I have in the living room. Jason's head is now shaved military tight, and he looks bigger, broader, and meaner in the darkness.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask at the same time my bedroom door opens again and Maggie steps out in my t-shirt and pajama bottoms. I had hoped she would stay in there, but, of course, she's going to check on Camden, to try and get him back to sleep. Or let him meet his daddy.

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me!” Jason exclaims, throwing up his arms. “Why is she here? Josh told me you were fucking her, but I didn't believe it. I thought you had higher standards." Maggie flinches at his tone and his harsh words, but she doesn't say anything to him when she walks past him to Camden's room. He glares at her until she’s out of sight.

  "Don't you think you should be a little nicer to the mother of your child?" I ask. "Are you gonna even ask to see him?"

  Jason laughs. He fucking laughs when I ask him if he wants to see his own son. "I didn't think you were so goddamn gullible, Jordy. You’ve always thought you were the smartest, right?"

  "You're an asshole."

  "Oh. My. God," he says slowly to the ceiling before taking a
deep breath. "Look, Jordan, she's lying! There's no way that's my kid. No. Way. I swear on Mom and Dad's graves, okay?"

  "You've got some balls, I'll give you that," I say to him, crossing my arms over my chest so I don’t reach over and punch him in his face, especially after that comment about our parents’ graves.

  "You don't believe me. You believe her, but not me, your own brother?" he asks.

  "Now that you're here, why don't you take a paternity test, and then we'll all know the truth," I suggest.

  "Fuck yes! Let's go. That’s why I’m here. Are they open right now? ‘Cause I'm ready to get this shit over with," he says in a rush. I wasn't expecting him to be so quick to want a DNA test.

  "So you'll take one? Tomorrow?" I ask.

  "Hell yes," he says. "Because I am one hundred and ten percent certain that's not my fucking kid."

  "We'll see."

  "Yeah, we will,” he says, squaring his shoulders. “I haven't fucked that bitch since last May. She's lying, unless she was pregnant for eleven months instead of nine."

  "Get the fuck out," I tell him through clenched teeth.

  "I can't wait to make a fool out of you and her both. Let me know when and where tomorrow, and I'll be there," he says before he walks out the door and slams it shut.

  The blood in my veins is still boiling, my adrenaline still pumping in anger. Trying to take a few calming breaths, I go look for Maggie since she usually feeds Camden in the living room. When I walk into the dimly lit spare bedroom, I find her sitting on the edge of the bed, feeding the baby while she swipes at the tears running down both sides of her cheeks.

  “Maggie,” I say in apology before I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her. She sobs onto my chest while Camden eats, completely oblivious to the clusterfuck going on around us. Once he falls asleep, she pulls away from me and lays him back in his travel crib and then I follow her back to my bedroom. We meet in the middle of the bed where she buries her face against me again and continues to cry.

  “Hey, don’t let him get to you,” I tell her softly. “We’ll go get a paternity test tomorrow, and this will all be over soon.”

  “It was…the Fourth of July,” she says between sobs. “At his house. We were all drunk.”

  I remember Jason and Josh’s party at the new townhouse apartment they had just moved into together. They’ve always been close, living together for years, both wild, party animals. I even vaguely remember seeing Maggie there that day. Everyone started drinking when they turned on the grill around lunchtime, and by the time the city’s fireworks went off, visible from the backyard that bordered the city park, most of his guests were way more than two sheets to the wind. I was sober enough to drive home, but several people ended up crashing there all night.

  “Didn’t the cops get called for loud music?” I ask her. She nods against my chest.

  “Yeah. I went and laid down in his room after the fireworks. He came in and we…well, yeah. When someone yelled that the cops were there, he jumped up and left. The next time he came back, he told me to get out of his bed.”

  “He’s an asshole,” I tell her after doing the quick math. Nine months, not eleven. He’s such an idiot that he probably doesn’t know when Camden was born, or that he’s a month old. We’ll get it all figured out tomorrow, though.



  I wake up alone in Jordan’s bed. Feeling around, his side of the bed is cold, like he’s been gone for a while. The clock says it’s eight, so that means he’s already at work by now. Most of the time I’m up feeding Camden before his alarm goes off at six-thirty, and I cook him breakfast before he leaves. Guess Camden and I both slept right on through today after last night’s drama.

  Just before I roll out of bed, the details from the night before all come flooding back. The intimacy with Jordan. The confrontation with Jason. I can’t believe he just showed up like that. He was so cruel and unlike the boy I fell in love with back in high school.

  After a quick shower, I check my phone and see a message from Jordan.

  “Paternity test at noon today?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I immediately reply, and then remember I don’t have a car. Those assholes stole it too.

  “I’ll pick you up at eleven forty-five,” is Jordan’s response, since he, of course, knows I need a ride. I had to drop him off at work and borrow his car the day I had a doctor’s appointment.

  I text him back a thank you, glad that he’ll be there with me and Camden. I know there’s nothing to it physically, just a quick cheek swab, but emotionally it’s stressful. Jason will be there, and I’m sure he’ll be running his mouth. I may have loved him at one time, but after last night, there’s only resolve left. He’s Camden’s father, so I’ll just have to learn to deal with him and at least be cordial. The problem is, I’m pretty sure Jason will never show me the same respect.

  I also feel bad for dragging Jordan in the middle of all this. I’m responsible for causing problems with not just one of his brothers, but two. Josh has never liked me and has called me a slut ever since the one-night stand we had about two years ago. Without warning, the humiliating details of that night come pouring back, ones I’ve tried hard to forget.

  “Hey, Maggie the Magnificent,” Josh says to me when I walk into the Homecoming dance alone. “Thirsty?” he asks, offering me a glass of punch that I accept and instantly down, hoping someone spiked it with alcohol. Jason dumped me, again, a week before we were supposed to come here together. I thought about staying home, but I needed to know if he would bring someone else and, if so, who.

  “What’s with the nickname?” I ask with a fake smile plastered on my face after I hand Josh back the empty cup. My eyes start roaming around the decorated gym, looking for the boy who took my heart and enjoys seeing just how many various ways he can crush it.

  “Oh, you haven’t heard?” Josh asks with a smirk. “Ben Wright bestowed the name Maggie the Magnificent upon you when he said you gave him the ‘best head he’s ever had’ after last week’s home game.”

  My face lights on fire at the reminder of the night after Jason said he was tired of being tied down to just me. I lied and told him that was fine, that I wanted to date other guys anyway. So, the next night I got drunk at the football game, took some X and ended up with Ben, the team’s star quarterback in the stadium bleachers. Not that I remember what we did, only that I remember waking up there the next morning. My goal had been to make Jason jealous, and so I wanted him to find out I had been with his teammate. I didn’t know that Ben was running his mouth to everyone about us hooking up.

  “So it is true!” Josh exclaims. “Little Maggie, looking so quiet and innocent, loves to suck cock.”

  “What do you want Josh? Why are you even here? Aren’t you a little old for a high school party?”

  “Well, Jason wanted me to double date with him and Heather, but her snobby ass friend, Jessica, refuses to put out.”

  Knowing Jason’s here with that slut Heather, who’s supposed to be my friend, I search for him even harder, finally spotting the two of them in the middle of the dance floor. It feels like a weight is dropped on my chest. I can’t breathe it’s so painful seeing him all over her. Why do I let him keep doing this to me?

  “Aw, you poor thing. Want me to kiss it and make it better?” Josh asks when he takes a step closer to me so we’re only inches apart. “That dress is sexy as fuck, by the way.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter automatically at the compliment.

  Unexpectedly, Josh reaches up and runs his finger down the center of my chest, following the opening of my black halter top dress and making me gasp.

  “I bet I could bend you over and fuck you so good you would forget all about him,” he leans forward and whispers next to my ear. The smell of alcohol is strong on his breath, and the only reason I have even a sliver of interest in him is because he looks so much like Jason, same height and build. They even have the same haircut and dark, coffee color eyes, but
Jason’s eyes are a little more golden and hypnotic, that is, when he isn’t being an asshole. Actually, if I closed my eyes I could probably imagine that Josh is his brother.

  When Jason’s eyes land on mine from across the room where he’s dry humping my once friend, his eyes narrow, and I do something stupid. Idiotic. But I blame him for making me stoop to his level when I grab Josh’s neck and pull his lips down to mine. He jumps right in too, kissing me back hard, slipping his tongue into my mouth and backing me up to the nearest wall where his body plasters and grinds against the front of mine.

  The next thing I know, I’m outside in the cool September night, face down on the passenger seat of Josh’s truck. I thought he was unlocking the door for me to climb inside, but instead he pushed my head down on the seat and, standing in the open door, started raising my floor length dress until it’s around my hips. Just as quickly, he yanks my thong down my legs and penetrates me roughly with his fingers.

  “Oh fuck, yeah. You’re on birth control, right?” he asks, running his lips over the shell of my ear as he presses down on the center of my back and keeps fucking me with his fingers. I barely give a nod before I hear the sound of his zipper going down. The first tear overflows and slips down my cheek when I feel his hard cock seeking my entrance.

  “Ah!” I cry out, my fingernails digging into the leather passenger seat when he slams into me so hard it hurts.

  “Fuck, Maggie. Fuck, that’s good,” Josh says from behind me as he continues pounding his cock into me so hard I feel the truck shaking. I was wrong. He’s nothing like Jason, even without being able to see him. Jason and I might go at it like wild animals, but he always makes sure I’m good and ready, and he would ask to make sure he wasn’t being too rough with me.

  Just when I think the brutal pounding will never end, Josh’s fingers dig into my hips even harder, and he shoves deep one last time, groaning when his cock jerks, filling me with his release.

  “Mmm, mmm, mm,” Josh says when he pulls out and slaps my ass cheek. “Thanks for the fuck. See, I told Jason you were a little slut, and to prove it to him, we even had a bet going. A hundred bucks on whether or not I could fuck you tonight. Hold on, let me get a picture as proof.”


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