The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 16

by LJ Andrews

  "Enjoying yourself?" Another voice filled the entryway. Killian rolled his eyes.

  "You should have been a Ponderi spy Connor." Connor smiled and stepped out of the shadows.

  "Maybe I am." Connor did a ridiculous ninja move that knocked his glasses off his nose. Killian couldn't help but laugh. "I haven't checked in for a few days, but I wanted to make sure I spoke to you before your jump."

  "In case I die?" Killian teased.

  "No, smart alec. I feel like I may be close to figuring out what is going on with you. I've been researching a lot, so much in fact Shannon is going to hate you if she finds out my research is for you. She says I'm being neglectful," he said with sarcasm. "Anyway, there are a few characteristics that could seal the deal for me."

  "Do you want to tell me anymore details about what you think it is?"

  "Well, if I'm's something big. I don't think I should even hint to the idea until I'm one hundred percent. But it's old, and very powerful Killian, so have you had any other odd things happen recently?"

  "Well," Killian hesitated. If it was as big as Connor was thinking, he wasn't sure he wanted to know. But he did trust Connor, he knew he would do everything he could to help him. "My emotions still are getting more intense. I really think I'm feeling what other people feel."

  Connor nodded and scrunched his face. "Perception? Maybe a strong ability to sense other's mannerisms?"

  Killian shook his head. "No, it's more than that. I can feel anger, I can feel pain...even if I'm not angry or in pain. But on the other hand, I can feel joy so intense it makes my head spin."

  Connor just nodded. “Anything else?” His eyes bore into Killian almost as if he knew there was more.

  “Yes, but…Connor how big is this thing you’re researching? I admit it’s kind of freaking me out.”

  “Killian, I told you I don’t want to say anything more than I have to in case I’m wrong, now what else has happened?”

  “Fine,” Killian huffed. “Today when I was training with Lucan…I…I saw things happen before they actually happened. I knew what moves Lucan was going to make…that’s how I beat him in training today.” Killian hung his head. He didn’t know why he felt guilty about these visions, but everyone was so impressed with him. It was unfortunate they were impressed with a phony. He wasn’t skilled, he just knew what to do beforehand.

  Connor stared at the wall for several moments, every so often pushing his glasses back to the bridge of his nose.

  “Has it happened more than once?” he finally asked.

  “Yes,” Killian answered sheepishly. “I won the rock climb because of it. It’s not because I’ve improved, I just knew exactly where to place my feet.” Killian stood up and leaned against the enormous glass window. “Connor, what am I going to do? Nathaniel is sending me to Ignisia tomorrow because he thinks I’m a talented recruit. I didn’t do anything…I just…cheated. I’m probably going to die tomorrow.” Killian gulped at the enormity of his words.

  He heard Connor stand behind him. “You’re not going to die. You have more skill than you know. If I’m right Killian, you will have the ability to get home safely tomorrow. I might need to take a blood sample when you return if that’s alright.”

  Killian nodded, still feeling depressed. “Sure. Aidan already took some to prove I was a Custodis.” He didn’t feel up to admitting Aidan saw something strange in the sample.

  “Perfect. I’ll take that specimen and study the particulates. I’ll get started right away and I should have an answer by the time you return.” Connor grabbed Killian’s shoulders like a big brother would do and looked him in the eyes. “Killian, don’t worry. You will make it back tomorrow. I want you to focus on being calm and trusting your instincts. Ignisia is a rough place, but I know you have talent and are strong. You will make it back, alright?” Killian smirked. As much as he hated to admit it, Connor had made him feel better.

  “Good,” Connor slapped him on the shoulder. “Now go and get some rest. I’ll meet up with you when you get back. Good luck, Kill.” Connor silently disappeared back to the shadowed hallway. Killian smiled, Blake was the only one who called him Kill, but he admitted he didn’t mind Connor using the nickname, it was almost like another good friend.


  Morning came quickly. Once he'd dressed and made his way to the wall to summon the elevator, his stomach began twisting and churning in knots. Within moments, the elevator doors opened to the front entry way. Nathaniel stood in a fitted navy suit, his dark hair combed back, much neater than the frazzled look he had yesterday.

  “Ah, Killian," he said turning around when the elevator dinged, "very prompt, thank you.” Nathaniel held Killian’s spear rod in his hands and a brown knapsack that he assumed held the pebbles. Next to him was the same, tall young man that had delivered Mercedes after the imp attack. His snow-white hair was pulled low, in a short ponytail and his wind burned cheeks flushed. Killian glanced over his chiseled, blemish free features and felt a pang of disappointment thinking Mercedes' savior was a beastie too. He walked over to them. Nathaniel handed over the weapon and sack. “You remember Speron, right? He will take a few moments to explain some of the Ignisian creatures to look out for.”

  “Hello Killian,” Speron whispered, as he bent low at his waist in a typical Glacien greeting. Rising, he pulled out a holographic bulb. Speron pressed the small black button at the end of the bulb bursting a hideous image into the space above them. The creature was a terrifying black fanged frog-like creature. “First, be aware of the átorhach that hide under small rocks and dark caves. Their skin is poisonous and will cause seizures, but their fangs will kill you in minutes.” Speron pressed the small button again, changing the hologram image. Floating flaming balls bobbed across the room; they reminded Killian of flames on a thin candle, but without a wick. “These are fire wisps. They seem harmless, but do not follow them. The wisps can cause even the most skilled outdoorsman to find themselves lost in the most unforgiving Ignisian desert. They are hypnotizing and reach into your mind, hoping to lead you to your death. In the deep deserts, you can expect to die from the elements within two days.”

  “Is that all?” Killian asked nervously.

  “One more, but I seriously doubt you will ever see this, it’s just regulation to mention it. The Draykan,” Speron pushed the button again and a frightening creature flashed into the air. It had a black, curved beak and a red feathered head matching an eagle, but a scaled body with enormous clawed wings like a mythical dragon. “Ignisia only has one Draykan to our knowledge, and they use it typically against invasions from enemies. This is why I say you won’t ever encounter it. It is relentless against its prey. Its jaws can crush a large man in an instant. Recruit Thomas, please take care with the creatures of Ignisia. Most are friendly desert creatures, but these that I’ve explained to you will kill you.” Speron bowed his head slightly as he packed up his holograph strip and packed it into a cloth case. “Good luck recruit,” he said as he walked away.

  “Don’t worry too much my boy. Even on Terrene you have ferocious creatures that you never see. The odds of running into these deadly creatures are slim, but we need our recruits to be prepared.” Nathaniel pulled out a small device from his pocket and typed on the buttons for a moment. “I just need to find the jump site,” he said frustrated as he tapped the screen. “Forgive me I always forget the location, I have to refer to the guide from time to time. Ah, it is right out here. Follow me, please.” Killian and Nathaniel went through the front doors, into the crisp morning.

  “Now my boy, simply stand over there on the stone circle, yes just to the left of me.” Killian saw a small stone circle overgrown with plants and grass. “Now, put on this wrist band.” Nathaniel handed him a gray wrist band that had three symbols encircling the band. The top was shaped like a messy "Y", the second a straight, vertical line, and the third and upside down "U" with horizontal line through the center. “The top symbol is Glaciem, the middle for Ignisia, an
d the bottom for Cimmerian. You need to really focus and be clear in your thinking if you want a smooth jump. Crossing the barriers is an unusual feeling and you need to keep in mind it's unclear where you will land once you arrive. The engineers have tried meticulously to arrange the jump track as close to the main cities in realms as possible, but it isn’t always perfect. Are you ready?"

  "I... I think so," Killian answered adjusting the spear on his back that Nathaniel had given him. He had attached the sack of pebbles to his belt and it swung surprisingly light at his side.

  "You'll do fine, Egan is expecting you. Good luck my boy.”

  Killian walked onto the stone circle, he was nervous but tried to relax his body. As his mind went blank and his muscles relaxed he felt the stone beneath him heat up, the warmth rushing up his legs and making its way to his head. He peeked at the stone, it was radiating with white light. His whole body was warm and relaxed when he felt his body being pulled, but it was as if he was stuck on the ground resisting the force. He knew it was time. Opening his eyes, he looked directly at Nathaniel, who stood in front of him shielding his eyes from the bright stone. Firmly he firmly pressed against the middle symbol. The band mimicked the heat from the stone and instantly the pulling sensation ripped him away from the Praetorium.

  Killian was twisted and turned in all directions. He was swirling through a fast tunnel that made him feel he was in the center of a tornado. He could hardly breathe as he shot forward into oblivion with no end. He had no control over his limbs as his hand twisted and slammed into his eye. His heart pounded as he gulped in small breaths of air against the incredible speed he was traveling at. How was he supposed to land going this fast? He knew he would be crushed against the ground annihilating every bone in his body. Down the swirling vortex a hot wind hit his face; the wind was mixed with sand that whipped against his skin like needles. An unseen rope tugged against his feet, slowing him down. He burst through a thick gel-like barrier and splashed into a warm, shallow pool.

  He surfaced sputtering and coughing the swallows of water he had inhaled upon impact. He squinted against the brightness and was overwhelmed by the warm air and the aromatic smells of desert flowers. The pool he had landed in was surrounded by majestic, crimson rocks, some like sandstone, others translucent ruby-like stones. Clear, bright, turquoise water rippled at his feet filled with small red fish continually mistaking his boots for food. Adobe style buildings cast a desert skyline in the distance along a red hillside; that was where he needed to go—the large, wild fire blazing above the town gave away the realm's city center. He smiled, thrilled with the experience of traveling through the endless tunnel and through the barrier. He had successfully jumped. He had arrived in Ignisia.

  Chapter 10


  Killian stepped out of the warm pool and climbed up one of the ruby rocks. The rock flowed with a warmth that traveled through his palm and up his arm. He stayed low on the vibrant stone, defensively checking his surroundings in case threats were nearby. A vast, open desert lined the path that would lead him to the city. Meager cover and protection surrounded causing beads of sweat to drip into his eyes. Lacking shelter was both good and bad; fewer places for him to seek cover, but also fewer places for unwanted creatures or Deshuits to hide. Behind his head, he heard a soft whisper in an incoherent language. Turning he saw a small, floating flame. He was instantly intrigued and wanted to touch it. As he reached out for the bobbing flame, it grew brighter and more hypnotic.

  Something in the back of his mind warned him to leave the sweet flame alone, but why? It was harmless and fascinating. The flame moved away from the warm pond and continued whispering to him, urging him to follow. Killian’s heart beat against his chest, he shouldn’t follow this fire. Suddenly he remembered a name, a warning about something...a fire wisp. Killian backed away slowly and with effort. An energy from the strange wisp pulled him forward toward the empty desert, but inside he felt something stronger fight back.

  “Leave me alone!” he shouted at the small floating flame. Instantly the wisp burst into a firework of sparks and disappeared.

  He pulled the spear from his strap and held it tight in his hand, after meeting the wisp so soon after jumping, he wanted to be ready for anything. Before jumping off the rock, he relaxed his body just as Connor had instructed. Now was the time to be focused more than ever – his life just might depend on it. Killian scanned the surrounding boulders. Behind the stones was a small colony of tiny, double-headed, blue and white lizards. Speron had never mentioned lizards so he believed the creatures were not a threat. Killian slid from the large ruby stone and began his trek across the desert.

  The sand was silky in texture but hot. Killian could feel the heat through his thin boots so he had to move quickly to avoid the discomfort of burning feet. He retained a mental image of the small, inviting Oasis he'd landed in while continuing to move forward. The wind blew the red sand around him as he pulled the hood on the back of his shirt over his head to protect his skin against the pin-pricks of whipping sand.

  Up ahead, he could see several red stones jutting up through the sand that leaned against one another, forming a small cave. He felt uneasy about stopping at such a shielded area where danger could be hiding, but the small grains of sand were relentless against his raw skin. Jogging toward the cave he tried his best to peer into the black abyss. However the dim cave hid everything from his vision.

  Upon arriving at the heated stones, the wind was blowing so vigorously that Killian gratefully threw himself into the unknown cavern. He leaned against the wall and brushed off the layer of sand plastered to his skin. After he had composed himself, he pulled out a small glow stick made of glass and the rod from his back. Pushing a small button the stick glowed a peaceful white light and he took in his surroundings. The white light lit the small shelter, casting eerie shadows on the bumpy stones. With the new light that had entered the cave, Killian strained his eyes attempting to make sure the cave was clear of a threat. A short way down the cavity, he could see an opening. The rocks had formed a tunnel and opened out the other side, close to the desert city. Gripping his spear tight in his palm, he quickly paced himself into a jog through the cave.

  Killian kept his eyes focused ahead of him while trying to sense danger all around him. The white light glimmered against the sporadic translucent ruby stones, uncovering much of the hidden crevices in the rocky tunnel. Killian skidded to a stop at a hidden trench that spanned across the desert floor. He cursed under his breath, realizing the crack was too wide to jump over. Frustrated at the stall in his journey, he sheathed the spear in his leather strap. He tied the light stick onto a small leather string hanging from his shoulder so the light would continue to shine and quickly tested all the climbing training he'd done over the last few weeks.

  The climb was relatively easy; he only slipped once, but quickly caught himself. Crouching low, and holding tightly onto the crag in the rock, he knew the ruby, sandstone would not hold his weight for long; the fine grains were slipping and sliding underneath him. Before he lost his grip on the rock, Killian grappled for his spear. In haste, he stabbed the soft red, rock before pressing the button launching the lower half of the spear against the stone. The force propelled him off the unreliable stone and safely on the other side of the deep cut in the cave. He took a deep breath and calmed himself enough to bring his thoughts into focus as the adrenaline seeped out of his body.

  The uneventful tunnel would soon be behind him. Closing the spear back to the compact rod, he sheathed it again safe on his back and jogged the soft sand path toward the opening. As the sunlight caressed his face, Killian was struck with a shooting pain spanning his entire head. Vertigo overwhelmed him as his legs gave out, tumbling him to the sand.

  Warm blood flowed into his eyes. Killian tried standing but fell back to the ground. He grappled for his spear knowing he was under attack by an unseen opponent. When his hand grasped the end of his spear trying to pull it off his strap, the
side of his face seared in pain from a booted kick. He floated back and forth from consciousness to nothing. Killian rolled away, his eyes full of his own blood from the blow on his head.

  He heard a malicious laugh fill the tunnel. Finally, pulling through the hot pain in his skull, he wiped the blood from his eyes and stood waiting for the attacker to come again. In an instant, he held the rod of his spear in his hand, his fingers wavering over the button ready to release the sharp points. Nothingness surrounded him; his light stick revealed nothing ahead or behind him. Taking the pause in attack to focus and prepare, Killian frantically searched for the culprit. Laughing filled the tunnel again, he saw a swift, dark movement fill his peripheral vision, but he was too slow to react before he felt a rod slam between his shoulder blades.

  He fell to the ground, twisting onto his back, trying to see who was behind the attacks. Nothing. The attacker had once again fallen back into their perfect hiding spot in the shadows.

  "You coward! You can't face me! You attack me from behind then run away!" Killian shouted, his annoyance and frustration overpowering him. Scrambling to his feet, he ran toward the opening. Lunging for the bright, open sphere to escape the dark tunnel, two cloaked figures stepped from the shadows and blocked his way. Giving one quick glance over his shoulder he could see a small swarm of black, cloaked people coming into view behind him, trapping him inside the tunnel. Freedom would come only by overpowering the two figures in front. Putting his head down, he sprinted forward with all he had. The two in front unmasked gleaming, gold blades that looked like long shards of glass from beneath their cloaks. They defensively held the weapons prepared to fatally pierce Killian before they allowed him to leave the tunnel.


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