The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 21

by LJ Andrews

  "Wow, I thought I was the best shooter. You've humbled me, Your Majesty." Blake almost drooled.

  "It helps when you've been alive for nearly seven hundred years, darling," she said teasing him and patting his cheek. A low chuckle passed through the group.

  "Killian, are you ever going to throw your spear?" Maurelle asked after each person had taken a turn shooting or throwing their weapons.

  "Uh...well I'm not very good to be honest, Your Highness."

  Maurelle sauntered over to him and put her hands over his, clasping his steel spear with him. His stomach jolted at her touch. Her hands were soft and silky, but firm under her grip.

  "You don't have to be skilled with Infinium," Maurelle whispered. "You can control elements, see what may come, surely you can will your spear to hit a target." She winked at him and stepped out of the way.

  "What is she talking about?" Dax whispered to Sophia, who shrugged.

  Killian took a deep breath and held his spear tight in his hands. He wasn't sure how to control this power when it was dormant, but if Maurelle thought there was some way it was possible he would try. Gripping the cool metal he reeled his arm behind his head, and thrust the spear into the air as hard as he could, all the while urging the deadly point to land where he desired. Almost as if controlled by a magnetic force, for the first time since his arrival at the Praetorium Killian saw his weapon pierce the cloth target, right alongside Maurelle's arrow.

  There was a shroud of silence encompassing the group until Sophia shrieked in excitement.

  "Wow, are just full of surprises lately," Blake said. Killian beamed and glanced back at Sophia and Dax. Dax was reluctantly handing Sophia a large red crystal—they called it an Igcuso. Killian frowned. Dax was a relentless bettor during training, often waging against certain recruits, and Killian had quickly learned that single crystal was the equivalent of fifty dollars.

  "You bet against me, Dax? Come on, was I that bad?" Dax's flamed eyes spurred to life and gave off a subtle steam as he flushed with embarrassment.

  "Well, do you want me to make you feel better, or would you rather I be honest?" He smiled sheepishly. Killian rolled his eyes, feeling his own cheeks get hot.

  "Well, no matter what you were before, I have a feeling you will no longer lack skill with your spear." Maurelle beamed at Killian.

  “How did that happen? I’ve never been able to throw like that.”

  Maurelle put her pale hand on his arm. “Infinium is powerful Killian. You have the ability to control and manipulate objects around you, the spear responded.”

  “Wait what is this Infinium thing you keep talking about?” Dax asked, frustration coming out in his tone. Sophia shoved Dax as he spoke so informal to Maurelle.

  “Show some respect Dax,” she snarled.

  Maurelle smiled. “Please, it’s refreshing to have people speak to me less formally. I…suppose it allows me to just be normal for a while. So please, all of you, at least for the time being, I would appreciate it if we could all just speak to each other like—”

  “Friends?” Blake chimed in. Maurelle nodded excitedly. “We’d be happy to have you train with us, Your Highness.”

  “And to answer your question, I will let Killian tell you what Infinium is when he’s ready.” Maurelle smiled at Dax. “It looks like I will have to excuse myself from your training, the athletic director appears to need all of you.”

  They turned and looked as Aidan was storming toward them; his tan skin was red and flushed.

  “Recruits I need you over at the pools now.” He turned his attention to Maurelle. “Majesty.” He nodded his head, showing as much respect as he was able. Maurelle just laughed.

  “Perhaps I will join you later,” she said walking toward Nathaniel, who was still on the platform

  “Recruits, you three are some of my top competitors,” Aidan said, a hint of anxiety behind his voice. He moved in closer so no one else could hear. “You are not to let me down against Luther and Cora, understand?” Killian still had difficulty reading Aidan, he wasn’t sure if he should salute him, or say nothing. Dax stood at attention and Blake slapped Aidan on his steaming shoulders.

  “Of course bud. We won’t let you down…look who you’re talking to. Just up the wager, I know you have going on with the other departments, and give us a cut.” He signaled to all three of them. Aidan pursed his lips but didn’t continue his rant. He gave the three of them a curt nod and walked toward the pools.

  Blake was chuckling and shaking his head. “That guy, he’s going to totally lose his cool someday.”

  The pools were steaming as the freezing temperatures meshed with the warmer air when they stepped inside the glass walled room. Ice floated on top, more than Killian had ever seen before. Ivy and Aidan ran around handing each recruit a light belt they were to tie around their waist. The mood was light and full of excitement as recruits prepared for the drills. Killian glanced up and met the eyes of Lucan. He glared fiercely back at Killian. Last time they’d been near one another was when Killian had beaten him on the rock walls. Instead of cowering away from Lucan’s gaze, Killian smirked and gave him a wink which caused daggers to shoot from Lucan’s eyes.

  “If the pools are selected for the Peridus, they will set up as a relay. You have two partners that are responsible for finding a token in the pool," Aidan began. "Each partner must start at a different end of the pool and the second cannot begin their turn until the first has found their token and tagged them. You can see the pools are not meant to be comfortable. I warn you, many of you, even Glaciens may not be able to bear the temperatures during the real competition.” Everyone stared at Aidan with wide eyes, the excitement had dulled and some recruits subconsciously backed away from the pool. “Now, everyone find a practice partner, pick your team color, and we will begin.”

  Dax decided to pair up with Sophia, they both wore red banners for their team color. Blake had immediately tagged Killian and they wrapped gold cloth around their arms for their team. Both Sophia and Dax pouted before teaming with each other since Maurelle had hinted something was different about Killian and both wanted to be on his team.

  Killian was selected as first partner. Lining up along the edge of the frosty pool he had a wave of frozen air hit him and suck his breath out of his lungs while his stomach churned like a rogue wave. Lucan had ended up next to him and never took his gaze from the water. Killian’s anger boiled standing next to him. Lucan had, for no reason, tried to destroy his reputation.

  “Recruits!” Aidan yelled, “find your token and tag your partner before you must exit the pool for hypothermia. We have internal body sensors marked on you so you cannot go further than safety permits…don’t even try it. Now, take your positions. Ready, set, GO!” Killian took a deep breath and dove into the freezing water. He felt instant pain as the water encased him like hundreds of knives. He gulped water and lost his breath. Opening his eyes, around him he saw Lucan’s dark hair diving lower and lower. With new resolve, Killian focused and began searching for the token he needed before he could tag Blake.

  The water was crushing as he dove deeper. The pools were abnormally deep. His skin was numb and the stabbing feeling was lightening. Inside the pools, there were trenches and caves replicating the deep water of the Glacien sea where the blue pebbles were harvested. Killian’s chest was burning, so he surfaced and took a deep breath. He was surrounded by many other recruits filling their lungs. He didn't see Lucan but knew he would stop at nothing to win this competition so he was sure to surface as little as he could. Killian gulped a large breath of air before diving back toward the caves. He figured if they were going to hide a token the caves would be the spot to do it.

  He pushed himself further, his chest burned again, longing for oxygen and his head pounded against the pressure. Killian focused on his task, and soon the burning eased slightly. A glimmer caught his eye; tucked deep in one of the crevices he saw a gold blinking light. Smiling inwardly, he tucked his arms tig
ht to his sides and quickly darted through the water so he could surface and tag Blake. The token released easily, all it was, was a simple blinking flashlight connected to a silver chain. Killian strung the light around his neck and made his way toward the surface.

  A bright blue light flashed out of the corner of his eye as well as a swift blinking yellow. Looking down he saw Lucan’s form floating near one of the rocks. The sensors on his belt were blinking the yellow and his blue token’s chain was caught on the stone. The yellow meant his body temperature was dropping too quickly.

  Immediately Killian swam back toward Lucan, who was weakly struggling against the tether. Killian put his hand on Lucan’s shoulder and grasped the chain around his neck. He began seeing spots as his lungs bulged and pulsed searching for air. He noted his belt began blinking yellow as well. Far up on the surface he could see white suits lining the edges, obviously the medics preparing for a rescue. Killian’s heart pounded as Lucan’s body went limp next to him and eerily bobbed around.

  Killian tugged on the chain around Lucan’s neck and snapped the metal quickly. He wasn’t going to make it, his lungs were drowning, and his vision was fading. He needed to get up to the surface and felt burning through his body with every heartbeat urging the water around him to assist him. From behind Killian felt a push, urging them to the surface. He held tight to Lucan’s arm and glanced as a wave of frothing water burst through the pool like a geyser. Within seconds, both Killian and Lucan broke the surface.

  Killian gulped for air and choked up water at the same time. The sides of the pool were full of energy as medics dove in after the two men. A burly Glacien grabbed Killian by his collar and quickly pulled him to the side and out of the pool.

  A young woman with long auburn hair brought a soft towel and wrapped it around his shoulders. Next to him, he finally heard Lucan sputtering and coughing up water. Killian looked over at him with relief. Lucan met his eyes and Killian was overwhelmed with a sense of confusion and remorse.

  “Kill! Kill, what happened?” Blake shouted kneeling down next to him.

  “I saw Lucan down there…he was stuck.” His voice was hoarse and choppy. Slowly he handed Blake the blinking, gold token and pushed his shoulder. “Tag.” His eyes were bright, but his countenance was dark as the intensity of the exercise overwhelmed him. Blake laughed and patted his back.

  “Eh, I think the contest is over at the pools. One little emergency on the first round and Aidan falls into a fit.” Blake’s eyes were smiling as he pointed to a pacing Aidan, who repeatedly grabbed his head in frustration. Killian laughed and turned to Lucan.

  “Hey, are you doing okay?” He didn’t like Lucan; he was angry at him. But he was still genuinely concerned about him. They were both recruits, both Custodis, and he hoped at some point they could work together to find the relics and stop the Trinity.

  Lucan didn’t say anything. He just nodded and looked at the ground. Taking that as the best answer Lucan would ever give him, Killian stood hugging his towel close to him and followed Blake toward the door.

  “Thanks…Thomas,” Lucan’s quiet voice said behind him. Killian turned around and looked at him. He still was glaring, and Killian still had no idea why Lucan hated him so much, but he would take what he could get.

  “Sure thing, I know you would do the same for me.” He smirked and walked away.

  "Well, that was an interesting start to the first day," Blake said as they entered the climbing walls.

  "Yeah, you can say that." Killian leaned against one of the walls breathing deep as he caught his breath. "Does everyone have to participate in the Peridus?"

  Blake looked at him incredulously. "Come on Kill, they won't let anyone die." Blake leaned in closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. "We're going to be up against a lot more than Peridus games when we are all facing the Trinity, better get used to it."

  "There you guys are," Sophia shouted, interrupting their discussion. She trotted over to them with Dax close behind her. "Killian, how are you? That was really brave what you did for Lucan, but you didn't have to go back, the dive medics were ready to go get him."

  Killian shrugged. “I didn't know that. All I saw was Lucan passing out; I couldn't just leave him there,” he answered exasperated.

  “We have a free hour to work on whatever we want. Feel up for a climb?” Dax's eyes brightened as he grasped a jagged ruby rock on one wall.

  "Mind if I join?" Mercedes called out as she crossed the field toward the walls. She looked water-logged Killian up and down curiously. "Have fun in the pools?"

  He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Don't ask. Let's just climb."

  Though premonitions didn't come, Killian was still impressed with his climbing skills. The rocks frequently shifted to different terrains, but he rarely slipped. Dax had set a personal goal to beat Killian, but for the fourth time Killian pounced onto the soft, pliable mat beneath the rocks seconds before a steaming Dax dropped.

  "Killian, you are quite impressive on the rock walls." Maurelle stood behind them, along with Gwyniera, who stood aloof with her nose in the air. Instantly Sophia fell to her knee again, with Blake as well. Dax bowed his head like Killian and Mercedes.

  "Your Majesty, Empress. It's good to see you both. How are you enjoying observing the training?" He saw Mercedes shift nervously next to him. He was reminded of the empress’s outburst the night before. She seemed more calm next to Mercedes, but never met her eye.

  "I find it fascinating. I haven't been to a Peridus tournament for centuries. The Ponderi has certainly accelerated in their training techniques." Maurelle explained. "Gwyniera has found the Beastians quite interesting. The Empress was enraptured at their knowledge of creatures."

  "Oh," Mercedes said turning toward the Empress. "I'm a Beastie, I would love to show you around if you'd like, Your Majesty."

  The Empress puffed up her chest and looked Mercedes up and down. Her eyes were tormented with rage, misery, and confusion. "I'd rather not," She said quietly. The Empress quickly turned on her heel and walked away from the group.

  "Why does she hate me? Or is she like that to everyone?" Mercedes asked to no one in particular, but her voice quivered, threatening to give way to her emotions. Killian hugged her shoulders against him, hoping to help her feel better.

  "I wouldn't worry about it, my dear." Maurelle patted her shoulder. "Gwyniera is a complicated ruler. She is just and fair, but I've never met a woman with more icy layers."

  "It's hard to believe such a hard woman rules over such a peaceful land," Dax said loudly.

  Maurelle nodded. "Yes, it is. Well, I must be going now, I just wanted to say hello before I left for the evening. Nathaniel wishes to meet with us several times through the rest of the day until Miller and Dalia return. Hopefully, I will see you all tomorrow."

  The excitement of the games had distracted him from Dalia’s conversation and the dangers of the power inside him. Infinium was a part of him. Someday it might activate and he would have more power than he could imagine, power the Trinity wanted. He had a choice to use Infinium to find the relics, or ignore his potential and risk the Trinity finding them first.

  The relics and Infinium had given Killian an ultimatum: Fight, and possibly live, or die along with everyone he loved.

  Chapter 14

  The Warning

  The rest of the training days flew by. Killian spent most of his time practicing fighting with his spear as well as finding time to work with the Beasties and engineers. He had never been to the middle floor where the engineers worked on gadgets and projects. Connor came in often since he was a Bio engineer and helped Killian understand better how to think of ways to use his environment to help him out of an emergency.

  “Are you happy you joined?” Blake asked him during an outdoor training on a large rope platform.

  “If you would've asked me the first day, I would've said no,” he answered. “But I have to admit it is fascinating learning about all the different departments.”

/>   Analysts tracked any strange realm activity by using crystal satellite stones developed by Glaciens that pulse images across the track systems. They also had to understand every cultural difference, every language dialect and every tradition in each realm. Engineers had been the ones who spent countless years developing a jumping portal for Custodis to cross through. Even the chefs were specially trained to understand the differences in the realm food and are not promoted to the dietary staff until they master each delicacy from each unique realm.

  The wonderful part about the Ponderi is everyone was celebrated for their strengths. Some engineers or beasties could have been Custodis, but found their strengths in other departments.

  Killian wasn’t sure if he was in the right department, but if he was honest with himself, he wasn’t confident in his abilities in any of the different areas in the Praetorium. Although he wasn’t drawn to the creatures and didn’t find it that intriguing, he often filled his hours with the Beastians, shadowing Mercedes as she excitedly told him every little detail about many of the creatures of the realms. They practiced defense together on shaped targets and bonded with the Ponderi creatures in the stables and fenced areas behind the Praetorium.

  On the final training day Blake, Dax, and Sophia had agreed to train with the Beastians with him, deciding they didn’t know what kind of creatures the Peridus would bring so any skill would be beneficial.

  "Recruits, please stand by your Beastian companion. The Peridus begins tomorrow and this will be your last opportunity to train with the holographs in a controlled environment," soft-spoken Cora directed. Her white hair was long and braided around her head creating a headband from her own hair. Though she never appeared anxious, Mercedes had told Killian the Peridus games were making her edgy. Cora wasn't worried about the actual recruits, she was more concerned for the real creatures they would face during the competition.


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