The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 72

by LJ Andrews

  Killian opened the glass door and stepped into the garden. He looked to Terrene and thought of how his life had changed from his years growing up with no knowledge of other realms. Even though he knew the reason for the numerous colors and stars, the sky was a beautiful sight, and for a moment all was peaceful.

  But when the doors behind him burst open, his heart pounded and Killian knew it was time. Turning around, he saw groups of Ponderi and Deshuits rushing toward the open front gate, but he couldn’t tell who they were running at.

  Killian caught Aidan’s arm as he rushed by. “What’s happening? Where are they going?”

  Aidan shouted back, “Terrene. It’s havoc; the Trinity has released creatures and soldiers on the people.” Aidan grabbed his swords and followed the huge stampede of Ponderi fighters. Killian released both ends of his spear and saw Mercedes running with a group of Beastians. Large winged lions, enormous white, saber-toothed bears, and herds of geyser elves ran with the beasties.

  Killian turned and caught up with her. She looked at him with a fierce determination, but he saw the fear in her eyes. He vowed he would not lose her today.

  As soon as they ran through the large steel gate, the fissures and openings to the realms seemed so incredibly close. As he ran closer to the blue haze surrounding Terrene the land changed and he was now darting down a large sidewalk with overturned cars on either side of him. The transition had happened so quickly, it was if the street was connected to the Praetorium. Ahead of him enormous buildings were in the distance, and the air was humid, causing sweat to drip from his head almost instantly. He saw the ocean in the distance, and palm trees dotting the cracked sidewalks and broken windows in the shops along the way.

  One window had a painted bright yellow sun and three letters: M.I.A. The rest of the window was broken out.

  “Miami,” he said under his breath. The crossing had placed them right in Florida, as if the boundaries knew where the fighting was happening. The beautiful city was dusty and full of debris. It was getting decimated.

  People were screaming and in chaos as black cloaked figures fell on them with strange weapons. He watched as Lydie howled and leapt on to the back of a cloaked soldier, stabbing his chest with a single arrow before launching off him and rushing after another one. She was terrifying and he quickly reminded himself not to cross her ever again.

  Out of the corner of his eye, a tan woman dressed in swimwear screamed as she crouched over a small boy, protecting him from the bloody paw of a hideous Malumian wolf. Killian gripped his spear and let it fly, driving the point directly into the scabbed, unprotected head of the deadly animal. The creature howled in pain and thrashed its yellow, mucous-coated fangs, until it flopped on its side, dead. He ripped the spear from the wolf and met the eyes of the terrified woman.

  “Run—go hide somewhere. Now!” he shouted.

  The woman scrambled to get the young child in her arms through her sobs and ran into the nearest building.

  Killian saw blasts of blue and white mist shoot everywhere as Cimmerians from both sides used their magic against one another. Sometimes, when a poorly aimed blast would hit a building, shards of stone and rock would blast into the street, slamming into unsuspecting people. Cars tumbled and glass broke as the Cimmerians used their magic. Terrenians screamed and covered their heads when the silver-eyed people approached, but the Cimmerians didn’t seem as concerned with Terrene as they were with fighting each other.

  His neck prickled with heat as the strong warning of incoming danger filled his chest.

  Turn around, the voice in his head commanded. He spun on his heel and had just enough time to raise his spear to block the large blade that chopped down at him. An enormous Ignisian dressed in Trinity robes grunted and spat at him.

  “You killed my wolf.” He sliced his sword again as Killian backed away. “You’re all going to die, Ponderi scum!”

  Killian pushed back and sliced his spear toward the man’s midsection. He caught the side of the man’s rib and he shrieked in fury. It only seemed to anger the Trinity soldier more and he pulled out a hidden dagger stowed in his robes. With both hands wielding deadly weapons, Killian was losing energy quickly. The soldier pinned him on the hot sidewalk. The tingle was itching along the red scars on his neck, but not quickly enough.

  The man sneered wickedly and placed his dagger hard against Killian’s neck, drawing blood. The man’s eyes went white and distant and his mouth filled with blood. Killian saw a jagged knife rip out from the side of the soldier’s neck and the burly man fell off him, landing with a hard thud.

  “We can’t lose you this early in the game.” Looking up, Killian met the blue eyes of another recruit.

  “Sam,” he said, recognizing the recruit he’d once climbed rock walls with in training. “Thanks—you know how to come at the right time.”

  “Come on. There’s more fun to be had.” Sam smiled and ran ahead, throwing another, longer knife into the back of a particularly vicious Cimmerian Trinity member.

  Killian moved toward a group of teenagers running for their lives down the street away from dark fanged shadow imps. The imps laughed and shouted after them, throwing jagged rocks. One imp caught a skinny boy by the leg and began gnawing on his shin bone as he screamed. Killian jumped in front of the boy and began swinging his spear like a golf club, trying to distract the sadistic imps. They were relentless and kept coming after the downed boy. Even with help from a Deshuit, the Shadow Imps moved in on their prey, laughing and shrieking with pleasure as they tried to get a bite.

  Tiny little squeaks grew louder behind him and the Shadow Imps hissed. Killian watched as a slew of Geyser Elves joined in the battle against the Imps and began blowing the boiling hot water from their small mouths. The Imps barred their razor sharp teeth and cried in pain as the elves blew more water and bit the Imps with their own needle-like fangs. The elves distracted the Imps long enough for Killian to help the frightened boy off the ground and he quickly ran away after his friends, limping slightly where the Imp had taken his bite.

  A terrifying shriek filled the skies and his blood chilled. Looking up, he saw the enormous scaled bird he feared flying above them. The Draykan released another shrill shriek and it began to dive on the innocent Terrenians running chaotically in the street. The creature opened its enormous black beak and large scaled talons, ready to snatch up his prey. Killian focused on the terrifying dragon bird and released a powerful pulse of protection.

  The Draykan screeched and snapped back up away from the street, but soon circled around ready to try again. Holding up his palms, Killian urged the shield forward again. He clenched his teeth as the power sucked his energy, but he held on until the Draykan cried out in frustration once again. Over and over, he deflected the Draykan, hoping to allow people time to find shelter.

  Killian fell to his knees, gasping for breath. His heart sunk when the fearsome creature’s cry rattled the windows. With all he had inside, he tried to produce another shield of power, but he felt the weak heat flow through his veins. He was losing the energy Infinium needed to use. In the distance, the skies rumbled. Suddenly, Terrenians crouching behind corners or beneath sidewalk benches clapped and cheered in relief.

  Two gray jets blasted across the sky toward the fearsome Draykan in perfect sync.

  “What are those?” a tall Cimmerian Deshuit asked as she watched the F thirty fives speed toward them.

  “Terrenian military,” Killian answered as the weight of dread increased in his stomach.

  “They won’t be able to stop that thing.” She said the words he already knew.

  The two fighter jets aligned themselves with the dragon-bird, just as the gruesome creature caught them in his sight.

  The Draykan released an angry cry and flapped its enormous wings until it faced the two jets head on. Killian grimaced anticipating what would happen just as the Draykan opened its bone-crushing beak and sprayed the oncoming fighters with a river of red-hot fire. The jets were lost i
nstantly; only two black puffs were left in the sky. The cheering stopped and the excitement again returned to fear and screams as Terrenians sought cover from the satisfied Draykan.

  The Draykan was closing in on the groups of people fighting or fleeing in the streets. Its cries of fury shook Killian’s entire body. He looked up and nearly shouted in elation. The Draykan was surrounded by the glittering flock of Phoenixes. Hawklen stood in the middle of the road whistling or clicking commands to his birds. A Phoenix dove toward the Draykan and released a shrill cry. Killian covered his ears and watched until he saw the Draykan shake its head and cry in pain.

  The Draykan released a large stream of fire toward the Phoenixes, but the birds absorbed the flames and it seemed to strengthen them. Finally, one of the larger birds burst into beautiful silver, gold, and yellow flames and locked its large talons into the Draykan’s back. It was soon joined by the rest of the flaming Phoenixes until the Draykan’s scaly feathers burst into white hot fire and with one powerful blast the skies were silent of the Draykan’s cries.

  He saw a group of Beasties cheering and Hawklen whistled for the birds to fly back toward the fissure leading to the Praetorium. Mercedes came into Killian’s sight and was holding tight to the coat of one of the strange white bears, surrounded by numerous Trinity soldiers. Running toward her, he watched as she leapt into action. Rolling over the back of the bear, she threw her two daggers, killing two guards. She released a strange call, much like Hawklen had done, and the bear sliced its enormous paws and threw two more of the Trinity soldiers across the street, their bodies slamming against a stucco wall with a sick crunch.

  She retrieved her daggers from the dead soldiers and blocked an attack from a sword from the final soldier. The bear turned and attacked a pack of Malumian wolves, snarling and growling as he sent the wolves flying in all directions.

  Mercedes lost one of her blades, but held the fight well with just one dagger. A glint of sunlight caught Killian’s eye and it seemed as if his throat clenched shut. Cloaked soldiers lined the rooftops of the buildings, all holding silver bows with arrows pointed at the people below. In unison, they released their arrows. Screams scarred his mind as people around him fell to the asphalt. The archers loaded again quickly; now they had caught the attention of the people below and Ponderi fighters set out after them, but Killian knew they wouldn’t reach them in time before another onslaught of arrows pummeled the streets.

  Time slowed down as he scanned the street. He seemed to be able to see in every direction as the strange sensation filled his entire body. He saw his friends battling people of greater skill with such fervor it made the strange sensation heightened. He saw Mercedes losing her footing against the relentless soldier. The electrifying feeling grew more.

  Killian placed a hand on his chest to ease the strong discomfort. Then he lifted his head, smiling. He knew what to do. The surety of his ability had triggered and he knew how to stop this.

  “About time,” he snarled at Infinium. His muscles tensed with power as if Infinium was responding.

  Quickly, Killian threw his arms out from his chest and a stream of electric white light burst out of his body. The blast sounded like a furious storm as it covered the chaotic street. The white power dissolved every archer’s weapon on the rooftops and every Trinity sword and dagger. Malumians scattered the street, dead, as well as a troop of shadow imps, all lifeless and unmoving.

  An eerie silence filled the street as the stunned Trinity members looked at their hands that were now weaponless. Killian had felt such power, such strength, but it was as if no one else had even seen the power surge from his chest.

  He laughed out loud, though. It had done even more than he’d anticipated. All around him, Deshuits and Ponderi recruits pointed their weapons at the unarmed Trinity, who all lowered to their knees.

  Before they could begin to celebrate, a dark cloud shrouded the sky, but didn’t seem to be from this atmosphere. Killian looked back at the crack leading back home; it was dark and shadowed. He knew the Praetorium needed them.

  “You will leave this realm alone!” He shouted fiercely at the street. He turned and tapped a Cimmerian recruit on the shoulder. “Is it possible to use summoning magic in the opposite way? Can you summon the Trinity soldiers to the prison at the Praetorium?”

  The recruit smirked and nodded. “We have free reign to use our magic; we are ready to do just about anything.”

  He shouted the command to his fellow Cimmerians and all at once, the street filled with a beautiful bluish glow. Within seconds, the captured Trinity soldiers were gone, with only the destruction left in their wake. The streets began to rumble and in the distance, Killian saw large green trucks moving in on Miami. The military was coming. The people would hopefully be taken care of until they could come back to help.

  “We need to get back to the Praetorium, now!” he shouted at the Deshuits and Ponderi. “Everyone take cover. If you see anything strange, just hide. Don’t try to fight it,” he said, changing his attention to the Terrenians.

  The frightened Terrenians watched him with terrified expressions and made no indication of understanding. He knew they didn’t have time to make sure they were all safely hidden, but they would have to rely on the confused police and Terrenian soldiers for now. The electrifying feeling surged through him again, urging him back to the Praetorium.

  Deshuits and recruits had already started running back toward the crack and before he knew it, his feet hit the squishy grass and he was running through the front gate of the abstract, blocky building.

  Chapter 21

  The Ruby and the Scroll

  The sky exploded in red, green, purple, and blue. Every rainbow petal of the spiky flowers throughout the garden blew furiously in the powerful force blasting from every realm. At the front of the building, a long line of darkly dressed Ponderi and Deshuits stood holding steel weapons. He saw his parents, taut-jawed and standing close to one another, both holding bows and swords. Rhetta was wrapped in a black top, but had a purple belt around her waist. She had a sly smile on her face as she held a small cross bow with one hand, and a curious black bag was tethered to her belt.

  Killian looked at Miller, who stood stalwart in the center of the line. His thick mustache was gone, and his face looked ten years younger. His gray eyes narrowed ahead of him. His dark form-fitting suit was clad with numerous weapons, but the long silver sword in his hand was impressive and unlike anything Killian had seen. He saw the large almond-shaped lily seed around his neck. Killian rubbed the gold coin instinctively, ready to use its power.

  The group returning from Terrene joined the ranks defending the Praetorium. Killian stopped short of the gate. Mercedes stopped several paces behind him, twirling her daggers. Egan joined her and placed one of his large hands on her shoulders.

  Ahead of them, the sky seemed alive with colorful snakes as the different atmospheres joined together. A blast of orange painted the sky and soon the grounds were full of Ignisians. Their numbers were incredible, spanning the entire length of the lawn. Men and women with various, eccentric hairstyles and colors stood in leather warrior dress. Each person had multiple leather straps with every manner of weapon. Ignisians were master warriors and they would be the fiercest fighters. The front line came close to where Killian stood.

  Ada and Blaise were leading the swarm of Ignisians. She smiled at Killian and he saw a flash of excitement in her flaming eyes as the thrill of the fight overwhelmed her. Fia was close behind with three straps of weapon over her chest. She said nothing, but glared ahead of them. Her fierce determination to fight pulsed through Killian’s emotions; Fia had transformed into the warrior she’d always strived to be.

  “Killian, Mercedes,” Dax called out. He looked different. His skin had deepened in color since being back in his realm. His hair was now a brilliant blue with red and orange tips. He was bare-chested like his father next to him, and his skin was covered in a new tattoo in the shape of large fiery wings with sil
ver tips. “Ready for this?” he said, pointing off in the distance.

  Killian nodded and gripped his spear again. Dax turned his attention to a woman approaching. Her silver eyes were misty. Killian recognized her; it was Sasha, Sophia’s mother.

  Dax gulped as if he knew who she was too.

  “Dax,” Sasha began clutching a small cross bow. “Sophia had told me about your relationship. It wasn’t secret to everyone.” Dax hung his head and swallowed hard trying to keep his emotions in check. “I want you to use this today. It’s Sophia’s bow. Fight for her Dax, and win.” Sasha’s voice quivered as she held out the bow.

  Slowly, Dax took the weapon, ignoring the steaming tear that fell onto his cheek. He rubbed his thumb over the sleek metal and clenched his jaw. “She didn’t deserve what happened, Killian.”

  Killian nodded. “She didn’t, Dax, and we’re going to make it right today.”

  A chilling wind blew as an explosion of blue and gold blasted across the sky. A sea of white and gold warriors lined the field, contrasted next to the Ignisians. Gwyniera rode in front of them on an enormous white stallion. Her lines of generals were behind her on similar creatures. She wore a silver breastplate and had a long blade against her hip.

  Frosty creatures had followed the Glacien people and filled in gaps between races−white bears, enormous eagles, horses, and small creatures much like a fox, but with incredibly long claws that pawed at the earth anxiously.

  Gwyniera rode next to Mercedes and smiled down at her from atop her horse. They didn’t say anything, but seemed to strengthen one another. He noticed around her neck was the green pearl, the Glacien relic. Inwardly, he prayed the power of the relics and Infinium would be enough to defend against the curse.

  Ahead of the growing crowd, darkness was billowing in the distance, and Killian felt something powerful coming. He knew it was about to happen. He rubbed the rod of his spear anxiously, scanning the fractured barriers for the Cimmerian people. Only those who were Deshuits and Ponderi seemed to be on the lawn preparing to fight.


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