The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1)

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The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1) Page 7

by Nikki Landis

  I breathed a sigh of relief. It didn’t get me. I had escaped the clutches of death. I must still be alive. But…how? What was happening?

  Then I heard a strange sound. It sounded like a very low humming or buzzing. It was close to me. An electric current, made of golden light, surrounding my body. It glowed, covering my skin. I almost shimmered. Hovering all around me, it guided my body, obeyed its commands, and led me wherever I wanted to go. I felt the nudge, the whisper in my mind, the need to hear my desires and thoughts.

  I had surely lost my mind. I suddenly wanted to be home, really bad. I needed my Gran. I made it back to the cliff edge and onto solid ground again. Without even seeming to think about it, I went faster and through the forest until I came close to the path and the sidewalk. I remembered my backpack and scooped it up on the way.

  People might see me. I didn’t know how the glow happened or what caused it but I needed it to disappear. As soon as I thought it, it was gone. A slight hum of vibration and then nothing. A return to normalcy.

  I took off and started running home for home. I didn’t know if that evil being was still out there or not. I was terrified the whole way home. I burst through my front door and slammed it shut behind me. I turned all of the locks and then ran to the back door and did the same.

  Gran watched me with one eyebrow raised and a curious expression on her face. I leaned against the front door, breathing heavily. When I could talk, I looked at her.

  “Gran, I…something really weird just happened,” I said, my voice shaky.

  She looked at me calmly. “Go ahead, dear.”

  “Um, Gran, this is going to sound totally insane.”

  She just nodded her head at me and smiled. I took a deep breath. “A really scary monster -- a demonic creature like a Minotaur, can you believe it? -- just attacked me in the forest –and it came from an evil black shadow.” I shook my head. “I ran away from it and fell off a cliff just as it was trying to capture me. I was falling and then suddenly I was hovering above the ground and I was glowing…” I couldn’t say anymore because the sheer improbability and ludicrousness of the situation made me feel like an idiot.

  “I believe you Rhiannon,” Gran said quietly.

  I looked at her sharply. “You do?”

  “Yes, Honey.”

  “Why Gran?” I was confused. I sounded delusional even to myself.

  “Because it is the truth. And because I…had a similar experience…with death.”

  Gran stood up from the couch and took a deep breath. She smiled at me softly and then she suddenly began to glow, bright, a beautiful golden halo that surrounded her. Like an angel.

  My eyes opened wide and my jaw dropped. All I could do is stare, and stare some more. I recovered after a few minutes and closed my mouth. In awe, I slumped to the ground and sat. I had no words.

  “I felt the same way when I was your age and it happened to me. It’s a lot to internalize,” she told me quietly, “but you should know. You are special my Rhiannon, so very special.”

  I was finally able to think clearly. “Um, Gran, am I as pretty as you?”

  She looked over at me and smiled wide, opening her arms. I jumped up and ran to her quickly hugging her and leaning back to watch her. She was so beautiful. I wondered if I could make my skin glow like that again. I thought about it for a second and concentrated. The glow returned easily.

  “Oh, Rhiannon, you are much more beautiful. You have a shimmering gold and translucent violet that I don’t. Come look in the mirror,” she told me, pulling my hand.

  I hesitantly looked in the mirror. What I saw surprised me, tremendously. I did shimmer in waves of gold and violet in the light. A beautiful sparkle, like an angel’s golden halo, seemed to dance all around me. Gold dust fell in light shimmering waves, disappearing into the air. I was completely in awe, again.

  “Wow,” I whispered, “that’s me.”

  Gran laughed lightly. “Yes, it is very surreal, isn’t it?”

  I nodded at her. We walked back into the living room and both of us sent the glow away. It was sort of peculiar to think about it, like putting away your shoes or something. The very idea was so ridiculous that I thought perhaps I was dreaming the entirety of the day. Or I had hit my head. Hard. That must be it.

  “Um, Gran, who knows about this?” I asked her.

  “Only us and Gramps. It is a very great secret. No one else must know about it, all right?” She patted my arm with a reassuring smile. “I know I don’t need to go in to details about that with you. You understand the danger after today. You have always been very trustworthy. Just be on your guard. We do not live in the world you think we do.”

  “Gran, I won’t tell anyone and I’ll be careful. I have to admit I kind of feel a little freaky right now. This is so bizarre. It’s like a really weird dream,” I told her truthfully.

  Any minute I will wake up. Any time now…

  “I know dear. I felt that way too at first. Now, tell me about the demon.”

  I cringed with the memory. I was so afraid it could know where we lived and it would seek me out again. What if it showed up in my room? Was that the same entity that banged on my balcony doors the other day? Man, I was in some serious deep stuff right now.

  “It came out of nowhere Gran. I was in my reading spot daydreaming and I noticed everything get really quiet and still. I got up to leave and heard noises. The shadow chased me through the forest to the cliff edge and the ground slipped out from under me. Gran, I’ve never been so scared in my whole life.”

  She hugged me close. “I know Honey. I’m scared for you too. Why would you be attacked today? I can’t even think about what could have happened,” she replied, shuddering.

  “I could have died. I felt it. I felt the evil in my head and all around me. It wanted me Gran.” I trembled with fear. How would I escape if it came for me again?

  “You felt it? Then you are one step ahead my dear.”

  “Gran, what is going on? You have to tell me what you know,” I begged. I sounded almost desperate. Panic filled my voice.

  “Rhiannon, you come from a long line of very special women. We have angel blood in us.”

  “Angels? Like in church?” I asked, slightly confused.

  “Um, no Hun, a bit different than that. It’s similar enough though, as far as a comparison,” she countered.

  “I’m confused. Don’t angels help people and shine bright with wings? What about flying?” I wondered.

  “Well…it’s always important to be a good person and help people Rhia. In fact, for many generations our family has been known for our kindness, compassion, and assisting others in need. As for the wings… they are not passed on genetically.” At my nod she continued. “Instead we gain the ability to manipulate gravity and the force of the world around us. I’m pretty sure you get the gift after you have gone through puberty. I was eighteen like you when it happened for me.”

  “What about my mother?” I asked her softly.

  Gran’s eyes filled with tears and she quickly blinked them away. “She was special too. I wish she was here to help you through this right now.”

  “Gran, I have you. I’ll be all right. Be patient with me. I might freak a little,” I told her jokingly.

  She smiled at me and squeezed my arm. “We live in a world that constantly battles good and evil. You felt that evil today. You have the ability to sense it. And you can also block it, although that takes practice.” Gran took a deep breath. “I need to tell you a couple of things. First, since we are…special, I guess that’s the right word, we have special feelings…intuitions. We know things before they occur. Dreams for instance. Do you ever have dreams before things happen?”

  “Those nightmares I have been having were about today, Gran. I just didn’t know.”

  She patted my arm reassuringly. “Well, that’s part of our gifts. Premonitions. Also, the vial you got for your birthday is special. It has something in it.”

  “What?” I as
ked, thoroughly intrigued.

  “Dust, magical dust. I guess that is the closest thing I can call it. It is very, very special and rare. Did you notice the gold dust fall to the ground around you? That’s what is in the vial I gave you on your birthday. Just add to it when you are low. You have to keep it safe and hidden, ok?”

  Wow, I thought. That is so cool. She had to tell me more. “Gran, that is so awesome. You have to tell me what it does.”

  She laughed, patting my hair. “It can do lots of things, like shield you or protect you. Let’s just say it is special for now, all right?”

  I pouted, sticking my lower lip out. Then I looked at her with my eyes wide and blinking. “Please, Gran,” I pleaded.

  Gran really laughed now. “Rhia that stopped working when you were five years old. But you are right, you do need to know more.”

  She patted the couch and I sat down next to her. “There are some things you need to understand. Things that are complicated and there is much you do not know or understand. Secrecy was necessary for many reasons. You need to know this world is not the only one that exists.”

  I stared at her. “Really?”

  She smiled. “There is another world, full of creatures, of light and dark, that you have never heard or seen. Very few people get a chance to experience both of these worlds. Very few people even know about them at all. Most people consider the truth to be stories, mythology, legend and fantasy. It’s the idea behind children’s fairytale storybooks and the Greek myths. It even influenced the great Grimm stories and Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.”

  I nodded, deep in thought. It did make sense. I was still left with more questions than answers. “Gran, what about us? How are we connected to this other world? Why is that demon or whatever it is in our world? I don’t understand,” I told her in frustration.

  “Well, we are really from that other world Rhiannon. It’s known as the Monterro Valley. We were never supposed to live here indefinitely. Your father was born there and he met your mother in our world. I was born and grew up there and so was your Gramps. We had to come to this world because of a great war long ago.” Her eyes became glassy with the memory. “We had to keep your mother hidden from a dangerous enemy that would have killed her and us. Coming here to avoid the monsters that live the one you saw today, was the only choice we had. There is a gateway that exists, a bridge that connects the two worlds, allowing others to cross. As for the monsters, they aren’t supposed to be in this world. It doesn’t make sense. And I am very concerned.” Her voice was tight with emotion.

  “But why was the creature here and why did it come after me today?”

  “I only have guesses. I cannot say for certain. Promise me that you will be careful. I fear that you are in great danger. You need to be aware of your surroundings from now on. If anything happens again, you must let me and Gramps know right away.”

  “Yes Gran, I will,” I promised, “I can only hope it was some kind of fluke.”

  “Remember the dust and your ability Rhiannon. They can protect you against danger. Keep the vial with you, wear it always. And please remember to watch your surroundings.”

  “Yes, I will Gran. Thank you for telling me. I am still confused but I’m trying to understand it all. I may have more questions for you later,” I told her, smiling to reassure her. I had never seen my Gran so afraid.

  “Yes dear, come talk to me whenever you need to. I am always here.”

  I gave her a big hug, squeezing her tight.

  “Why don’t we get some dinner now? Gramps will be home soon.”

  “Ok, Gran. By the way, I love you,” I squeezed again, hugging her small frame.

  “Ditto. I love you too, Honey, very much. How about chicken tonight?”

  I helped Gran make dinner while bombarding her with more questions. She patiently answered the best she could. Neither of us had a clue about the demon’s appearance though and that scared me. I had no idea if, or when, I would see it again.

  As the next week went by I started to wonder, did I imagine the whole thing? Everything around me was normal but it didn’t feel the same, like a subtle shift had taken place and stolen my sense of equilibrium. I found myself getting a little depressed. I didn’t want to be different. Most of my life I had struggled with fitting in and being accepted by my peers. Now it felt like just one more thing to keep me from belonging.

  I just wanted to be normal. Life was hard enough without adding extra burdens. I found myself quiet and introspective. At school, my friends noticed. They got a little worried about me. Mariah made extra jokes and Emily texted me constantly. I put on a brave face, but I kept worrying about that thing coming back and maybe hurting Gran or Gramps.

  What evil lurked in the corners? What foul demon hungered for my flesh? Something hid in the darkness. Something watched. And it was staying close.

  This line of thinking wasn’t helping me any. I noticed Kellen looking at me more often than usual. He seemed concerned. We were becoming good friends, close even, and we talked daily. He texted me often. His presence was soothing, like a balm to my soul.

  I really liked his outgoing personality. Honestly, it didn’t hurt that he was so good looking either. He was always with me at school now and even carried my books for me a lot of the time. He was very sweet and provided the only distraction that tore me away from my gloomy thoughts.

  But in the back of my mind, a constant worrying linger hovered on the edges, bordering on the hysterical, and left me bewildered. Were my days numbered? Was death inevitably coming for me? How much time did I have left?

  Chapter Six

  In English we had a huge oral and written project coming up and Mrs. Yoder asked us to work in pairs. Kellen had looked at me with his big grin and asked me to be his partner. Like I would refuse. I had agreed easily with a smile. Any chance at spending extra time with him I jumped at. We were going to work on it over the weekend at my house.

  I woke up early on Saturday, not my usual style as Gran knew, and showered. I spent forever finding something to wear. I finally ended up in a short jean skirt and a deep red silky top that floated around my body. Knee length brown leather boots and a charm bracelet completed the look. I curled my hair and added some mascara and lip gloss. If I was going to study, I might as well look good.

  Gran raised her eyebrows at me when I came downstairs. It was eight in the morning on a Saturday and I was fully alert and dressed. I smiled a huge grin at her and sat at the table, humming and pouring some juice.

  “Gran, Kellen and I are studying today. We have a project for English class.”

  She nodded and looked me over but didn’t say anything. I wiggled my eyebrows up and down and she giggled. My Gran rolled her eyes at me. Seriously? It made me laugh out loud. Sometimes she was so much younger than her age. I loved it.

  Kellen said he was coming over at nine. I got a little restless waiting for the time. It seemed to be taking forever. Gran watched me pace with interest, smiling. She set to work in the kitchen baking some cookies and bread. She was going to make my favorite, a homemade lemon poppy seed.

  When the doorbell rang, I calmly walked over to it and answered it after he had pushed it twice. Gran had watched me wait for the second ring at the door. I didn’t want to seem too eager. I opened it slowly. When I saw him, I nearly fell over he looked so good. Amazing. Like human candy.

  He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. The way that shirt showed off his tan skin and muscles made my head spin. It molded to his body, like a second skin.

  “Hi Kellen.” I told him a bit unsteadily.

  His grin was huge. “Hi Rhiannon, ready to study?”

  I nodded and let him in the door. He followed me into the kitchen.

  “Hello Kellen,” Gran greeted him.

  “Hello ma-am,” he said politely.

  “Did you have breakfast already Kellen? I have plenty of muffins left over.” Gran would feed the whole world if she could. She was such a good ca

  “No, I kind of skipped breakfast,” he admitted.

  Gran clucked her tongue. “You can’t study on an empty stomach. Sit down,” she ordered.

  She set about making him bacon and eggs and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He ate everything she put in front of him including four muffins and a banana. Just like at school, I couldn’t believe he could eat so much. I raised an eyebrow at him when he finished, not sure whether he was actually done or not. He grinned and thanked Gran.

  “Are you finished now? I think we might have food left somewhere,” I told him sarcastically.

  “Yes, I think so. Do you have anything left?” He didn’t mind the teasing.

  “I’m making cookies and bread Kellen, you can have some later,” Gran informed him smiling.

  We pulled out our books and set to work on our project, laying it out on the dining room table. It was about the renaissance. We were going to cover daily living during the time period. I pulled out a huge piece of white poster board and we folded it into thirds for our presentation. Mrs. Yoder didn’t like us to use PowerPoint for our presentations. She believed we needed to be creative and get up in front of the class the old fashioned way. Yay us.

  Kellen was writing down information on note cards for us. I took a sheet of stencils and started on the title. I wanted it to be big and pretty across the front. I was concentrating on the second word when I felt him looking at me.

  I turned toward him, glancing up, and noticed he was right there. I guess he had moved his chair closer without my realizing it. His face was only a few inches from mine. I was looking right into his big green eyes. His dimple showed on his left cheek.

  “Rhiannon, why don’t we take a break? We’ve been at this for a while.”

  I thought it was interesting that he thought it was awhile. It was only about thirty minutes. “Ok, sure,” I said gladly.

  As we stood up, Kellen took my hand and led me toward the front door. “Would you like to go for a walk? It’s a nice morning.” He told me cheerfully.

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond and pulled me out of the front door, walking down the sidewalk, and still holding my hand. I looked at him curiously. What was he up to? I had the distinct feeling he was up to something. Paying attention to that intuition Gran had told me about, I watched him curiously. He must have noticed my perusal.


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