The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1)

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The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1) Page 9

by Nikki Landis

  That’s when I saw it. The other werewolf was getting up. He quietly jumped up in a crouching position, preparing to fight again.

  “Kellen!” I screamed. “The other werewolf!”

  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion at that instant. It was so clear. I felt like I was watching a movie where each frame had been slowed down to the point of exaggeration. Each movement was precise. I could see every muscle moving as my protector made a dive in my direction. He reached me only moments before the werewolf. He turned his back on the enormous creature to stand in front of me again.

  I didn’t have time to think anything except that he was going to get hurt. Just as the wolf was landing, Kellen swung his sword behind him catching the huge monster in the center of its chest. The sound of the sword going through the creature made my stomach turn. It screamed and writhed in agony on the ground. He thrust the sword down again with one swift movement ending the creature’s life. If life it contained at all, because an ugly black oozed from the body onto the ground, then disappeared into shadow.

  “Stupid fire witch and werewolves.” He muttered under his breath. “Dumb demons.”

  He jumped up suddenly and looked around. Circling the field, he held the sword in front of him. I could only guess that he was wondering about the other werewolf. Had it really gone? It didn’t seem smart to come back here to me. Of course, I knew nothing about the intelligence or stupidity of werewolves…or demons. As I stood there contemplating that I realized that I must be ready to lose my mind. Who cared anyway?

  I was trying to remember suddenly how to breathe. I could feel the shock, the emotional drain of the last few minutes building up inside of me. Stiffly, I stood there staring straight ahead. I felt all of the blood drain out of my face. I knew I must be as white as a ghost. I had one fleeting thought, are they real too? I wanted to laugh. Then I knew, I had lost it for sure.

  I could feel Kellen’s eyes on me. He bent and cleaned the sword in the grass and then replaced it in the sheath at his side. He walked over to me, staring into my eyes. “Rhiannon, are you ok?”

  I couldn’t answer. I might be in shock, I thought frantically.

  “Rhiannon?” He asked me again.

  Kellen was watching me anxiously. I don’t know how I looked to him. I’m sure my expression didn’t help. My whole body was frozen, a statue. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even blink my eyes. I just stared. My mind was numb. I couldn’t process what had just happened. I realized suddenly that I definitely was in shock.

  My heart was racing. I was vaguely aware that I was still breathing. My body was still stiff. I felt so pumped with adrenaline I was sure I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week. As ironic as that was, I still couldn’t move. Kellen was looking at me. He grabbed me gently by the shoulders and I looked up at him slowly.

  “Rhiannon, are you ok?” He asked me again, anxiously.

  I thawed just a tiny bit. I nodded my head. It felt disconnected from my body. I was feeling slightly unbalanced. Everything around me started spinning. There was a ringing in my ears, getting progressively louder. A flash of heat shot through me and I broke out in a sweat. I started to see spots and flashes of light in front of my eyes.

  At that moment I was glad his hands were on me. I knew I was going to faint. That was my last thought. I looked into his face and closed my eyes.

  Everything went black…

  Chapter Eight

  I could hear someone calling my name. It sounded muffled and far away. I tried to concentrate. The voice sounded upset. I wanted to answer but there was blackness all around me. I didn’t know how to get out. Far off in the distance I saw a light. I wanted to move my feet and walk toward the light but I couldn’t. Something was holding me here.

  I heard the voice again. It was a man’s voice. Deep and masculine but not my grandfather. It had the same sense of urgency and concern as before. This time it was louder. I wanted to answer but I wasn’t sure how. The light came closer and I could feel the warmth reaching toward me. I started to feel frustrated. Why couldn’t I move?

  I concentrated harder. I could hear the sounds of the forest around me. Was I in the glade? I felt strong, rough hands on my face and at my wrists. Someone was stroking my cheek. The touch was soft and gentle, like a caress. I heard a sigh. The voice spoke again.

  “Rhiannon, darling, can you hear me?”

  I struggled against the darkness and pushed myself toward the light. My eyes fluttered open as realization dawned on me. I knew exactly where I was and who I was with. And what had just happened.

  “I’m ok,” I said weakly.

  He sighed with relief. “You scared me. You’ve been out several minutes.”

  I was looking right into Kellen’s eyes. The depth of emotion there took me by surprise. I blinked a couple of times. My whole body felt a little weak. I felt cold and clammy too. My body was still stiff, making it difficult as I tried to sit up.

  “Hold on a minute. I think you better take it easy,” Kellen warned me.

  I nodded and relaxed back against the grass. My head was on something soft. A jacket maybe?

  “You look a little pale. How are you feeling?”

  “A little weak,” I confessed.

  He nodded. “You should rest for a minute.”

  I tried to relax. I took several deep breaths, but all of the images in my head came crashing back to me and I started trembling slightly. Kellen had saved me. He saved my life. He had come out of nowhere. How? I needed to know what happened.

  “How…Where did you come from? How did you know?” I asked anxiously. I was confused. My thoughts were all jumbled together. It was all starting to blur in my head. My mind was fuzzy like I had awakened suddenly from a deep sleep. I tried to focus.

  “Are you sure you want to talk about this right now? We can discuss it later when you feel better…” He hesitated.

  I knew better. He was stalling. I wanted to know now. Staring into his eyes with his face just inches from mine was fogging up my brain even more. It wasn’t shock this time. His eyes were so deep that I got lost when I looked in them for long.

  “Kellen, I want to talk about it now. Tell me please,” I begged. I sat up slowly and wrapped my arms around my knees. He moved slightly to give me room but stayed right next to me. A shiver ran down my spine. It wasn’t from the weather. His nearness evoked feelings in me that were new and unnerving.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” he responded. His expression was innocent. I wasn’t fooled. I wanted the truth.

  “The truth, please. Don’t you think we should be honest with each other?” I asked.

  He looked right into my eyes. I looked back, determined not to get distracted. We sat there for a minute completely silent. He looked like he was struggling. I smiled in encouragement. His expression changed when he saw that. It became more serious, more resolved.

  “I followed you,” he admitted.

  He followed me. Why? “Why?” I asked, voicing my curiosity aloud.

  He sighed. “I needed to make sure that you were safe,” he told me.

  “Safe from what?” I asked.

  His eyes narrowed. “Just safe in general,” he replied. His jaw tightened and his eyes became hard. I had never seen him look that way before. He seemed angry. Who was this man that just saved my life? No longer did he resemble my high school crush. There was something decidedly mature and otherworldly about him.

  “Who are you?” I asked, completely bewildered. Kellen was not as he seemed.

  He remained quiet. “I…”

  What did he have to be angry about that would concern my safety? The thought made me stiffen. My stomach twisted into a knot and my eyes widened. I must in danger. This wasn’t the fun thrill seeking kind. This had to be bad. Very bad. My earlier suspicions were confirmed. Something evil and sinister hunted me. Death was chasing me after all.

  He watched the flicker of emotions across my face and noticed when the realization d
awned on me. I stared at him in horror. He glanced away quickly, taking a deep breath. His expression was carefully blank when he looked back at me.

  “I was sent here Rhiannon. I have a specific duty to perform.”

  I was confused. He was sent here? What did he mean by that?

  “Rhia, we have to go. It’s not safe. I’ll explain later.”

  I noticed for the first time that the sun was setting. It would be dark soon. Gran would worry if she didn’t hear from me by dinner time. I nodded.

  We started walking on the trail that led back to the entrance of the forest. Lost in thought, we were both silent. I guess he was just as preoccupied with his thoughts as I was with mine. I noticed his eyes looking around constantly. He glanced at me every now and then but said nothing. His awareness put me on edge. Could we be attacked again at any moment?

  I tried not to worry. I couldn’t help the frantic path my thoughts were taking. If I was in danger then my family was in danger too. What about Gran and Gramps? Were my friends in danger? Did that mean that Gran knew what the danger was?

  I had way too many questions in my head and no answers to give them. I was suddenly very frightened. The demon had been sent. I was sure of it. The werewolves had to be sent by someone, someone who wanted to infiltrate my mind, someone who wanted to cause me harm. What if that someone or something was trying to kill me and my family? I had finally put two and two together with horrifying clarity.

  The thought set my whole body to trembling. I stopped walking mid stride and almost fell over. I balanced myself and managed to look at Kellen. He was at my side in an instant. Worry creased his forehead and his eyebrows lowered with concern. My fear was evident.

  Tears sprang to my eyes. “I’m scared,” I told him, my voice quivering slightly.

  I was dangerously close to losing it. After the events of the last week, my mind was becoming fatigued. I was emotionally drained and it was getting worse by the moment. Suddenly I felt very tired.

  Kellen put his arm around my shoulders and turned me so that I was facing him. “I’m here,” he assured me, “you’re not alone. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know. But what about later? Tomorrow? Next week? Am I safe then?” I asked. I could hear the desperation in my voice.

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then very gently he took my face into his hands and looked deep into my eyes, urgent but reassuring. My heart beat picked up in response. “I’m here for you Rhiannon. I was sent for you, to protect you,” he confessed, “don’t worry. You are not alone. Not ever.”

  I contemplated his words. “You saved my life. Thank you,” I whispered to him.

  His eyes became softer. He brushed his fingertips along my cheek, an action he was repeating more and more. One thumb slid lower and rested on my lower lip. He pulled slightly as I parted my lips, anticipating his kiss. A flash of something fierce and heated entered his gaze. His eyes lowered to my mouth briefly. I wanted to feel that kiss. Needed that kiss.

  My breathing accelerated as I took a shallow breath and his head lowered an inch toward mine. Then another. Each second that passed I swear I could hear each and every single beat of my heart. Thudding. Racing. Pulsing.

  Slowly, he raised his eyes and time seemed to stand still as I gazed into them. Green orbs of liquid flame reached into my soul. I forgot all about being tired. Other sensations were stirring themselves, I could feel my knees weaken and my palms start to sweat. Was this love?

  Something scurried in the trees next to us. The sudden movement and noise startled both of us back to reality. He immediately dropped his arms and stepped back.

  “So, does that mean you’re my bodyguard now?” I asked lightly.

  “Yes, hence the name,” he said, smiling.

  “The name?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Yes,” he explained, “my name, Kellen, it means warrior.”

  “Warrior, really?”

  That definitely made sense. The guy was handy to have around. No wonder he was such an Adonis. I remembered when I had compared him before to a Greek god. The comparison wasn’t far off. He was handsome, strong, intelligent, and he could handle a sword. Was this guy for real?

  “Yes, warrior, protector, bodyguard. Call me whatever you want. I am your Guardian. I am here to watch over you. So, stop worrying,” he ordered.

  “I’ll try,” I promised. I didn’t sound convincing.

  He smiled. “Good, now let’s get you home.”

  I followed him closely the entire way, probably too close but he didn’t say a word. We were walking on my street before I realized something.

  “So, Kellen. How did you know where I was?” I asked him pointedly.

  He smiled. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you for a long while now.”

  I stopped. What did he mean? Was he the reason why I always felt like I was being watched? The reason I felt compelled to always look over my shoulder?

  “Um, what do you mean exactly?” Just how much was he around?

  “Rhiannon, I told you that I was sent to protect you. That is a fulltime job. I watch out for your safety twenty four hours a day.”

  How in the world could he do that? “Don’t you need to sleep?” I asked.

  He was watching my expression. “I don’t require as much as you. I can function on much less rest.”

  “How much less is that?” I wanted to know. Seriously.

  “I only need a few hours a day. It depends on how busy I am.”

  “How busy? Oh,” I said in understanding, “I get it. Depends on how much fighting you have to do.”

  He laughed. “That’s one way of looking at it.”

  We continued in silence as we approached the house. Gran was waiting for me on the front porch when we walked up. She was swinging in her favorite spot. She called it her thoughtful spot. The front porch swing was oak, painted white and chipping on the edges, and hung by long chains from the roof. It creaked slightly when you moved back and forth, as Gran was doing now.

  She was cooling herself off with an old withered fan. It had ladies and flowers painted on it, as if from an older time, like the nineteen thirties. Gran bought it at an antique store and loved it. She looked up at us and smiled as we approached.

  I have to hand it to Gran. If she was surprised that I was not alone, she hid it well. I knew she must be burning with curiosity. This was the second day in a row he was here. She said nothing. She just looked at me with her lazy smile. I noticed wryly that the corner of her lips twitched slightly. She would have questions for me later when we were alone. Gran was all about privacy. She was so good to me and would never consider saying something that would embarrass me.

  I watched her flick a fly away with the fan and continue to rock as we walked up the steps.

  “Hi Gran.” I smiled at her.

  “Hello again Kellen, welcome back to our home,” she said in her soft voice.

  “Hello, Ma-am,” he answered, “nice to see you again.” He sounded a little nervous.

  I looked at him curiously but he was looking at Gran.

  “Won’t you stay for dinner, Kellen? We have plenty and my pot roast is somewhat of a specialty around here. We would love to have you join us.” She invited.

  “Thank you very much. I think I will stay,” he accepted, clearing his throat.

  They smiled at each other. Wow, this was going well. Gran was big on manners. She was brought up that way and it was the same way she had always taught me. I knew that was why she was inviting Kellen to dinner. I could also tell that she liked him. Kellen was very polite.

  Gran excused herself to finish dinner so I sat down on the swing and patted the seat next to me. Kellen sat down close beside me, his usual grin upon his lips. We started to rock gently watching the setting sunlight as it left streaks of violet, pink, blue, and red across the sky. The colors seemed to bounce off everything, bathing the porch in a rainbow of light. It really was a beautiful night.

  I tried not to t
hink of all that had happened today. I just wanted to concentrate on the moment while he was with me. I could always freak out about it later when I was alone. I knew it would catch up with me eventually. I was entirely too analytical to let it go. Tonight, when I was alone in my room, the terror was sure to return. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and brought my attention back to the present.

  Kellen was leaning back in the swing, his arms behind his head. He started humming quietly and then laughed out loud. He turned toward me with an amused expression on his face. He had his mouth open, ready to speak, when he suddenly closed it and stared at me. I looked at him curiously and then glanced down at myself. What was it? Did I have something on me? He cleared his throat, twice. When he spoke, it was low and husky.

  “Rhiannon, you look really beautiful in the light right now.”

  I stared at him in shock. He thought I was beautiful? I composed myself. “Thank you,” I said. What in the world was I supposed to say?

  “You’re welcome,” he replied. He sounded amused.

  There was a teasing glint in his eye and something else. I couldn’t tell what it was. He continued to look at me, a small smile on his lips. I shifted uneasily in my seat.

  “So, do I get to know the joke?” I asked.

  He looked confused. I decided to help him out.

  “You laughed a moment ago. Was it a joke?”

  “Ah,” he said, “I was just thinking about that day in biology when you almost got sick. You don’t have a very strong stomach, do you?”

  I made a face at him. “It was the chemicals.”

  “Sure it was,” he said. He was grinning like a jack-o-lantern.

  I changed the subject. I wanted to know more about the attack earlier.

  “Are we going to talk about what happened?” I asked.

  He knew what I meant. When I looked back at him he was frowning. “I don’t think now is the best time. Your Gran will have dinner ready any minute.”


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