Peyton's Path: Fighting Fate Book 2

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Peyton's Path: Fighting Fate Book 2 Page 9

by SM Olivier

  Leave it up to Paxton to locate physical proof. Thank you, social media and cell phones. I guess it wasn’t always bad.

  Officer Pope took the phone and watched the footage before he turned the phone to the three women hovering behind him. “There is no Bree in this video, but Claire, Leah, and Kayley were present. I can’t arrest Jason Smith if there’s no proof that he was even with Bree. He’s already at the station of his own volition, but I can’t hold him based on this evidence alone,” Officer Pope said with finality.

  “Kayley,” Diane hissed at her daughter.

  “We were at the party,” Kayley replied, sobbing. “Peyton told us we should go home. Bree disappeared with a guy from another school to hook up with him. She told us to leave her. They looked like they were having fun. Claire lied to a college boy and tried to hook up with him. We got caught, and Zach kicked us out. Leah and Bailey wouldn’t take us home, so Peyton, Zane, Crew, Paxton, and Golden dropped us off.”

  She paused to wipe her nose, then continued. “We were getting ready for bed, and Claire was still pissed at Peyton. She said if Peyton would have minded her own business we could have been partying with everyone else. Claire told me she was going to come over here and make Peyton pay. She knew the house was getting renovated, so she planned to vandalize it. I told her I wasn’t going to help. I fell asleep before she got back. I’m so sorry I lied. I don’t know where Claire is. I didn’t want to get in trouble.”

  I heard Kyler mutter a curse before he ran inside. I went to follow, but Zane put a staying-hand on my arm and shook his head. I sighed. It was probably best if I didn’t see the results of her vindictive payback.

  Diane, Mrs. Goward, and Catherine looked more indignant than upset. They knew with Kayley’s statement, and now a video, that their daughters were now caught in their deceptions. An awkward silence hung in the air as we all stood waiting.

  Kyler returned, looking relieved. “Nothing was touched. Nothing was destroyed.”

  “Do you mind if I go take a look, Mr. Delaney?” Officer Pope asked him.

  “It’s Peyton’s house,” Grandpa said with a shrug.

  I heard a gasp from Catherine.

  Whoops, guess she didn’t know that. Not that it was any of her business.

  “Go ahead,” I said quietly as I nodded.

  “Thanks.” Officer Pope gave me a grateful smile.

  “I’ll go with you,” Kyler stated decisively.

  “You gave Peyton the house? What else did you give her?” Catherine scowled at Grandpa the moment Officer Pope entered the house.

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your concern,” Grandpa said haughtily. “If I were you, I would be more concerned that your children lied to you and what you’re going to do about it. That is if you planned to do anything about it at all. I already warned Leah if she continues misbehaving, there would be consequences on my end. I won’t reward bad behavior any longer. I’m taking away her black card, and her trust fund will need to be earned back.”

  Catherine gasped, and I could see that she was struggling with refraining from saying anything else that may compromise her family’s position.

  “What has Peyton done to earn the house?” Mrs. Goward sniffed. “From my understanding, she’s no innocent angel herself. What was she doing at that party last night?”

  I gaped at her. I didn’t know this woman from Adam—or should I say, Eve. I had no clue who she was, and now she was siding with the same women that were just throwing her daughter under the bus?

  Grandpa snorted. “I really don’t have to explain myself to you or my actions, Linda, but we were well aware of her whereabouts. Peyton will legally be an adult soon enough. Peyton didn’t try to hide it from us. She was with other responsible people. She’s an honor roll student. She dances and cheers and still manages to be top ten in her class. No one pushes her to do the things she should do. She’s responsible enough to recognize what she wants and goes after it. She obviously saw the need to protect her sister last night, despite the fact that they haven’t been very welcoming. She showed more common sense last night than most people her age. Can you say the same for your girls? It’s time you faced the facts, though.”

  I wished I could kiss Grandpa right now.

  He continued. “An innocent young man could be having his whole life ruined over a lie.” Linda Goward opened her mouth, but Grandpa held up a hand, effectively shutting her down. “I’m not trying to say Bree lied about an assault. However, I would wonder why she lied, to begin with. Maybe she realized she was caught and lied to save herself.”

  Never had a family member stuck up for me as often as he had been doing lately. I wasn’t even aware of the fact that he knew what my grades were. In the beginning, I thought our relationship was formed out of guilt, but now I knew he loved me. He was taking an interest in my life. It was a foreign feeling.

  Officer Pope and Kyler came back out and shook hands before Officer Pope descended the stairs. “Thank you, Peyton.” He nodded to me before he headed to his squad car.

  “Now what?” Mrs. Goward demanded.

  “Now we talk to Bree and find out what really happened last night,” Officer Pope said, barely containing his sigh. “I don’t know where Claire is, but I now have a video and several eyewitnesses stating that Jason Smith did not assault Bree last night.”

  We watched as everyone went back to their vehicles.

  “Coffee, anyone?” Golden chirped from behind us, holding up two trays of the steaming brew.

  “Yes, please,” I muttered.

  There was never a dull moment around here, that was for sure.


  I hadn’t been in my house for nearly two weeks now. Kyler had made fantastic progress on it. The new master bedroom, walk-in closet, and the master bath had been framed up and enclosed, as well as the new living room. The kitchen and dining room were now combined, creating a new living area.

  He had replaced my back door with French doors that opened out, so it didn’t interfere with my new door leading up to the bedroom I wanted to continue using. There were a lot more changes done to the house that I really adored.

  My eight-hundred square-foot, two bedroom/two bathroom cottage was transforming into over two-thousand square-feet that created a three bedroom/three bathroom house. From Grandpa’s reaction, Kyler had also exceeded his expectations.

  “I’m hoping we’ll have all the drywall hung and the walls painted by the end of next week so we can lay the floors,” Kyler explained to us as he led us around the house. “The tile guy is coming back Monday and will complete all the tile in the bathrooms and kitchen.”

  “How long until it’s complete?” Grandpa asked as he opened up the closet in the small hallway leading to the new addition.

  I peered in and assumed this was where the washer and dryer would be going now. It was a much better location then the kitchen, where it once resided.

  “I’m hoping three more weeks, tops.” Kyler looked over at me. “If you’re going shopping for furniture, I suggest you do that soon. Some pieces take longer to get delivered.”

  “Nonsense,” Grandpa stated as we wandered into the new living room. “We’ll hire a designer. They can come in and decide on all the décor.”

  “Grandpa,” I gently cajoled. “I really don’t want to hire anyone else. I’m perfectly capable of picking out furniture.”

  Grandpa stopped and looked at me. He must have seen how I wasn’t going to budge because he finally sighed. “I don’t want you looking at the price tags. I want all the rooms furnished, even if you don’t plan on using them. If I hire someone, then I know everything will be furnished.” He gave me a smile.

  “I’ll go with her,” Golden volunteered once more. “I promise I won’t look at the price tags.”

  I shot him a mock glare. “Okay, deal,” I grumbled.

  “Let’s get to work,” Kyler stated, clapping his hands enthusiastically. And just like that, we all set out to our designated areas

  I turned and walked back out into the dining room, through the kitchen, and up the stairs to my loft bedroom. I felt Kyler’s hand on my lower back as I climbed the stairs and couldn’t help but shiver when his large hand found its way onto my bare skin.

  Being brothers, Kyler and Crew resembled each other a lot. They both had sharp, rugged features and were just as broad as they were tall. Kyler preferred to keep his light brown hair shorn short, and instead of dark, stormy gray, his eyes were a light silver. He also had a scar that ran along his cheekbone to the corner of his eye. A quarter inch to the right and it could have cost him that eye. He still hadn’t told me how he got it, but I imagined it had a fascinating story to it.

  Instead of detracting from his attractiveness, though, it only gave his face character. It gave him an air of danger despite his ready smiles and optimism.

  Both brothers had their demons, but Kyler seemed to cope with his differently. During the day he was charismatic, outgoing, driven, and dedicated. In the darkest of nights, I knew Kyler's demons liked to play. I began to suspect that he had PTSD. What man wouldn’t after fighting on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan? The few times I had shared his bed—platonically, unfortunately—he had jolted up with a cry, waking me up, his eyes panicked, his body sweating and shaking. I learned to wait until he realized where he was before curling myself against him again.

  During those times, he would occasionally cradle his head against my stomach, and I would rub my fingernails along his scalp until he went back to sleep. We never spoke about the episodes. In the bright light of day, we pretended they never happened, and for now, I let him keep his secrets.

  “I missed you this week,” he grumbled in my ear.

  When I went to turn and look at him, he kept his hands firmly on my waist. I knew his lighthearted words probably didn’t reflect his expression.

  “I missed you too,” I murmured in return.

  Kyler put a lot of hours into working on my house, and recently I had found out he had purchased a foreclosed home to flip. His construction company was just getting off the ground, and even though Grandpa was paying him a lot for this project, he knew the winter months tended to slow down for the average home improvements. He bought and flipped houses on the side, so his small crew of men didn’t get laid off in the slim months.

  He was always busy, as was I. I had only seen him once this week. I knew he preferred our arrangement for now because he wanted the benefits of a girlfriend without the usual expectations. A typical girlfriend would be upset with not seeing him all week, but although I missed him, I knew he had goals. He wanted to make his business successful, and he wanted to provide the life for himself and Crew that his parents never gave them, what with their mother running out on them, and their drugs and gun-running father. Their childhood environment had been beyond dysfunctional.

  Ironically, my mother was mixed up with one of their father’s runners now. I didn’t know why she seemed to attract all the losers, nor why she was drawn to them.

  “Wanna spend the night with me tonight?” he inquired as we reached the top step.

  I nodded without hesitation. Kyler and I made out. A lot. Before him, I would say I was a decent kisser, but through his tutelage, I would say I was a great kisser now. He was over four years older than me and surprisingly patient, because kissing was all we did.

  “Only if we go to breakfast at the Isaacs’ tomorrow morning?” I countered. If grandpa was coming by, it was easier to have it at the Isaacs house.

  “Will you make me biscuits and gravy?” he shot back.

  “If you take me shopping for the ingredients.”

  He smiled. He almost looked boyish when he did. “Don’t twist my arm,” he teased.

  “Are we done flirting?” Mr. Isaacs asked dryly as he walked over to the gallons of paint.

  “Well, my friend,” Kyler said smugly. “If you would just grow a pair, maybe you could join in the fun instead of sulking.”

  They had been best friends for a long time but couldn’t be more different. Mr. Isaacs was cautious and analytical where Kyler was a risk taker and a bit… untamed.

  I wanted nothing more than to act on my attraction to Mr. Isaacs, but we couldn’t. Not yet. We all knew it was a dangerous game to play. Even though I would be eighteen soon, he was still an authority figure at school. Legally, we wouldn’t be harming anyone, but professionally, it could cost Mr. Isaacs his whole career. It wasn’t worth it. I wouldn’t even dream of him making that sacrifice.

  Instead of Mr. Isaacs deigning to answer Kyler, he just raised a brow. I bit my lip. It really wasn’t fair that I couldn’t show him affection when I wanted to. Mr. Isaacs had to watch as I was affectionate with everyone but him.

  I looked for a distraction, any distraction. I looked around my new room and paused in wonder. My bedroom took up nearly the whole top floor of the original house. It also had its own bathroom. It had been hideous when I moved in. Now it was hard to believe that it was the same room a few short weeks later.

  I gasped as I noticed for the first time that my old escape route to the roof was completely transformed. The old window that once stuck horribly was replaced by French doors. The old roof over the porch was now a balcony.

  “When did this happen? How did I not notice it when we pulled up?” I asked in amazement as I threw open the doors.

  I stepped out onto the space and smiled wide. Not only was it a balcony, but a pergola had been erected above half of it. The possibilities for this outdoor area were endless.

  “Why do you think we came through the front door?” Kyler smirked. “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I love it!” I nearly squealed.

  “Tell us what you're imagining?” Mr. Isaacs smiled warmly as he leaned against the door jamb.

  “It was your idea?” I smiled knowingly at him. He shrugged mysteriously, giving me my answer. I turned back around, still smiling. He knew how much I loved spending my quiet moments outside before we started our days. The back porch used to be a gathering place for Mr. Jenkins and Paxton but recently, Mr. Isaacs and I began to join them before our days started.

  “I think I want those string lights with those large globes strung up here, maybe get a dinette set,” I said pointing to the pergola. “Maybe some seating, like an outdoor couch over there.” I gestured towards the far corner. “With one of those gas fire pits in the middle of it.”

  “You know you have all those woods back there,” Kyler teased. “We can make you a real fire pit.”

  “Yeah.” I shrugged with an impish grin as I turned from them. “I can, but that’s so far from the bedroom. I wouldn’t want to have sex under the stars by the bonfire and walk back through the yard and then back through the house naked. This location is more ideal for what I have planned.”

  I thought I heard a muffled moan and a surprised inhale but didn’t turn to see the effects I may have had on them. I smiled to myself. I really could be wicked at times.




  I was surprised when Crew elected to go back over to the Isaacs’ home after our long day at the cottage. I assumed, since he crashed a lot at the Isaacs’ when I was there, he was giving me some much needed time with Kyler. Kyler seemed to appreciate his thoughtfulness, and honestly, I did, too.

  “What do you feel like for dinner?” Kyler asked as he took off his shirt and threw it in the hamper near his California king bed. “I’ll go order it while you take a shower.”

  For two men, Kyler and Crew were good housekeepers. They kept their brand new home straightened up. They weren’t the typical bachelors with clothes, take-out containers, and dishes strewn about. Sure, there was an occasional glass or dish left around, and shoes weren’t put on the shelves properly, but they kept it clean. I believed it was because they took pride in their home. It was theirs. It reminded them how far they had come.

  Kyler had once pointed out where they had lived as children. Do
wn the street from their property was a trailer. It had shattered windows, one part of the roof had caved in, and a screen door falling off the hinges. Several sheds around the trailer were in the same derelict condition. The yard was overgrown, and several broken-down vehicles, lawn mowers, and other odd paraphernalia were scattered around the trailer as well.

  Their father had been disowned by his father a long time ago, but the Fairchild boys still had a relationship with their grandfather. He tried to provide for his grandsons, but it was hard when they had a criminal as a father.

  Three years ago, their Grandfather had passed, and the boys were left with thirty acres each. Then two years later, the guys designed and built their first home on Kyler's portion of land.

  “Hmm.” I pretended I was deep in thought, but in truth, I was thoroughly distracted by his bare chest.

  He didn’t spend much time in the gym anymore, so his muscles weren’t defined like a bodybuilder. His muscles, abs, and sinewy arms were achieved through lifting, moving, and working the old-fashioned way. In his line of work, he wasn’t content with just pushing paperwork. He worked just as hard, if not harder than his men.

  “Thai, Indian, Shwarmas?” I suggested as I slowly began to remove my shirt as well.

  He turned around to enter the bathroom, turning on the shower. The whole expanse of his back was covered in a silhouette of a man in uniform, helmet, and battle rattle, kneeling at a cross with an M-4 or M-16 by his bended knee. It was a remarkable piece of artwork.

  I learned long ago that I was drawn to tattoos, piercings, and motorcycles. What started as an act of rebellion to break the stereotype of a ballerina, turned into a real obsession. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mind blank canvases on men, and they didn’t need to have piercings or drive motorcycles, but for me, personally? I liked them.

  He paused and turned around, seemingly startled to see I was topless as well. He cleared his throat; his eyes hungrily skimming my small breasts, tiny waist, narrow hips, and long, toned legs. He licked his bottom lip.

  “Did you want to share the shower?” he asked with a small smirk and a raised brow.


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