Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

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Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were) Page 11

by Flynn, Donna

  Gregory looked to Cade, who shrugged. “I don’t know how they found out, just that they did.”

  “How did you find out?” Mercy asked innocently. “Why wouldn’t they come here and tell Lucan, he is my legal guardian.”

  “Does it matter? Either way they would have come for you and we need to be prepared,” Alec said, earning a look of thanks from her brother who was startled by her question. He knew they went to her real father because pack laws were very different from human ones. Lucan could have all the paperwork in the world claiming her as his own, but blood was what mattered when you were a werewolf.

  “I tried to reach out few of the other Elders, but they keep putting me off so I don’t see too much hope there,” Gregory said as they walked into the kitchen and took seats at the table while Lucan began to prepare dinner.

  Mercy knew by her brother’s slow movement he was thinking about what would happen when she appeared in front of the Elders. “I’ll be back,” she said dropping a kiss on Alec’s lips before moving to her brother’s side and taking the fresh salad greens from him. “Let me help,” she offered, earning a wan smile.

  They worked for a few minutes before he stopped cutting carrots and turned to watch her rip the lettuce and place it in the bowl. She felt his gaze upon her and turned to face him trying to smile even though she wanted nothing more than to cry. “Everything is going to be alright, Luc.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said turning back to the carrots.

  “If we can’t convince the Elders to forget about this law, Alec will fight for me.” He looked at her sadly and she placed her hand on his arm. “I believe in him, you should too.” He nodded and looked back down at the massive quantity of carrots he had chopped with dismay. “Don’t worry I will cook them with some brown sugar and butter,” she said with a smile.

  “Thanks,” he said pulling her into his arms and hugging her tight. “No matter what, we love you and we will figure this all out.”

  Mercy wiped a tear from her cheek and hugged him back. “I never doubted it,” she murmured.

  Alec looked to where Mercy stood with her brother, her eyes filled with tears, and felt his heart breaking for her. As upset as they all were, for her this would be incredibly life-changing if he failed. Her easy acceptance of the Elders’ impending visit had been a shock to him and a sign that she had indeed matured throughout the last year. She had taken the news gracefully, and faced the challenge straight on, instead of drowning in her own misery and hiding away from the world as she might have done in the past. If he had ever doubted her strength and determination the last few weeks proved she had what it took to be the mate he needed by his side.

  “Alec,” Gregory said, noting that his son was not paying attention.

  “Sorry,” he said, turning back to face Cade and his father. “What were you saying?”

  “Cade was thinking a few of us should go to some of the packs that are on the fence and try and persuade them that the law is wrong and should be changed,” Gregory explained.

  Alec nodded. “It sounds good, but it would have to be just the four of us. I don’t trust anyone else with this, it is too important.”

  “I agree,” his father said. “I will go west since I am not needed here. Cade can take the areas in the central states, and between you and Lucan you can cover the packs here in the east.”

  Alec looked to Mercy, knowing she would be unhappy that he would be gone so much. It was a sacrifice, though, that he had to make so they could have a future together.

  “At least with the Elders, guard here we don’t have to worry about Mercy’s safety,” Cade told him.

  “Yeah,” he said looking to where she stood at the counter putting the finishing touch on the salad as she laughed with her brother. She was so beautiful, her long Titian hair tied back with a ribbon, dressed in jeans that showed off every curve of her body and a tank top that showed off her figure perfectly.

  “Son, this is going to work out,” Gregory said next to him. “One way or another, Mercy will be your mate.”

  It felt good to have his father’s faith in him confirmed. He didn’t doubt his ability to fight for his mate, but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Mercy had never seen a fight between two male Weres, and he didn’t want her to witness such violence for the first time being done to win her. As if she knew he was thinking about her, she turned his way and smiled, blowing him a kiss, which in turn made him smile. She was everything to him and he would gladly fight anyone who wanted to take her from him to prove that.

  “Steaks are done,” Lucan said walking to the table with two large platters of meat, setting them on the table.

  Mercy laid out the rest of the food then sat by Alec’s side, taking his hand under the table and mouthing I love you before she began to graze on her salad, as the rest of them devoured the meat portion of the meal. She finished long before they did and sat silently watching them all exchange stories and joke with one another. It reminded her of all the times in the past when she had enjoyed such evenings and she couldn’t help wondering if she would ever again feel such joy, such a sense of peacefulness.

  “I love you,” Alec said pulling her close enough so she could lay her head on his shoulder.

  “I know and I love you too,” she told him as he took her hand in his own, lacing their fingers together.

  Alec lifted her chin and looked deeply into her eyes. “Forever,” he said huskily. “You and me, together, forever, right?”

  “Alright, you two take it outside while we clean up,” Lucan said good-naturedly.

  He didn’t have to tell them twice. Before Mercy could move, Alec had her in his arms walking through the backdoor. Once on the porch he carried her to the swing and sat with her across his lap, kissing her as he had been longing to do all evening long. “You seem oddly calm,” he said as they settled back into the swing.

  “There is nothing I can do to change this, and hysterics certainly won’t help, so I decided to just wait and see what happens,” she told him. “Besides I know that if it comes down to it, you will move heaven and earth to be with me.”

  “I would,” Alec, acknowledged nuzzling her neck playfully. “For you I would do anything.”

  “I know,” Mercy said, looking saddened at the thought.

  Alec felt her apprehension and tilted her face so her gaze met his. “You have nothing to worry about, Angel. If it comes down to it I will fight every male, in every pack across the United States for you.” He kissed her gently and held her close. “You are my mate and no one, not even the Elders are going to take you away from me,” he vowed, his heart pounding in his chest at the idea of anyone trying to separate them.

  “Forever,” she murmured, clasping his hand over her heart trying to contain the tears that welled in her eyes as she met his gaze. The love he felt for her was clearly reflected in his chocolate-brown gaze and she felt like the luckiest werewolf in the world to have him for a mate.

  Chapter Nine

  No one knew who was coming or when they would appear and everyone waited on pins and needles to see which of the Elders it would be. To Mercy, it didn’t matter. She intended to charm whoever came and hopefully sway them into her corner. Her entire goal was to make sure Alec never had to fight for her. She didn’t doubt his ability to win, but she didn’t want him to get hurt in the process, so she was going to do everything she could to prevent that from happening.

  Alec had been spending all his free time on the phone and traveling, trying to convince other pack Alpha’s that the law the Elders might try to enforce was cruel and antiquated. Although most of them agreed, very few offered to stand up before the Elders and go against their decision if that time came. He wouldn’t admit it, but she could see he was growing more frustrated with everyday that passed and she worried that he might snap given the wrong circumstance.

  “Is Alec inside?” Mason asked as he walked towards the porch, his lean muscular body encased in jeans, his chest bare, and his long
silky black hair flowing freely behind him.

  Like most of the male Weres she knew, he was completely comfortable with his body and offered a slow grin at her assessing gaze, as he came closer. She smiled back and shook her head at his cockiness. If she had not found her mate, he might have tempted her, but as it was she was totally and completely in love with Alec and no man, no matter how hot he was, could change that. “He’s in Lucan’s office making calls. Do you need something?”

  “I was checking in to see if he needed anything. I know he has been really busy lately.”

  “Oh, go ahead in, he’s probably almost done.” Mercy looked off to the wood line where Jaden stood, her eyes transfixed on Mason as he spoke with her. The representative of the Elders was biting her bottom lip as she looked him over from top to bottom, clearly enthralled by the specimen of manhood before her, and Mercy had to stop herself from chuckling. Mason had that effect on all females, but thankfully, it didn’t seem to make him cocky like it would most males.

  Mason followed Mercy’s gaze, his eyes coming to rest on the dark-haired beauty the Elders had sent. He had been following since her arrival and was completely baffled why all of the large males she had brought with her seemed to follow her every command without any argument. In fact, the giant that was by her side most often seemed to do whatever she wanted whenever she turned her anger upon him. Suddenly her eyes shifted upward. She met his gaze with her startling ice-blue eyes and he found himself unable to look away. His head began to hum and he felt a pressure build there as she continued to hold him captive in her gaze and when he thought he could take no more she smiled softly and released her hold over him.

  “She’s very pretty,” Mercy said.

  “Many of nature’s creatures are beautiful, but they are also deadly,” he said frowning as Jaden turned away and walked back into the forest.

  “Do you think that she is not what she seems?”

  “I try not to think much about her at all,” he said. In actuality, he wasn’t sure what to make of the dark-haired vixen, but he did know she was working for the enemy and that was enough to breed distrust. “Will you tell Alec I was here? He knows how to find me if he needs to.”

  Mercy nodded and he jumped of the porch, walking away with much more haste than he had approached with and she knew he was going to follow Jaden. Mason had turned out to be one of her fiercest protectors and if he found and evidence that Jaden meant her harm then she felt sorry for the she-wolf. She stood at the rail of the porch watching as he disappeared into the greenery of the forest and sighed.

  “Everything alright?” Alec asked, sliding his arms around her waist from behind, nuzzling her neck tenderly. He had been so busy lately that time to just be alone with her and hold her in his arms was rare.

  “Fine,” she said turning in his arms, feathering his neck with kisses of her own. “Mason was here, he wanted to know if you needed help with anything.”

  Alec smiled and brushed her lips with his own. “The only thing I need is you, my love,” he vowed pulling her close, laying siege to her sweet soft lips, as he had so badly wanted to do all day long.

  Mercy moaned, pressing herself as close as possible to him. She had missed the time alone they used to share, but with the forest overrun with the contingent of Weres the Elders had sent there was no solitude to be found there and with her brothers always skulking around the house, they didn’t have a minute alone. Of course, Cade had left just that morning for a trip to meet some of the Alpha’s from the central part of the country, and Lucan was currently at Nina’s house meeting with her father. It presented a rare opportunity, one that she wanted to use to her advantage. “Let’s go inside,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Mercy,” Alec growled knowing what it was she wanted.

  Mercy smiled and took a step back, reaching for his hand, pulling him along behind her into the house, stopping at the bottom of the stairs and looking up towards her room.

  “No,” he said firmly.

  She sighed. “If there is even a small chance we might never be together I at least want this,” she pleaded. “I know you made that stupid promise, but things change. Everything has become unclear and I don’t want to live my life never knowing what it was that is between us.”

  Alec brushed his hand across her cheek and pulled her into his arms. “I swear, I will not let you go, no matter what I have to do to keep you.”

  Mercy looked up, her green eyes meeting his, tears welling in them. “I want you, Alec. I don’t want to wait another second minute or hour to be with you.” She swiped with frustration at a tear that rolled down her cheek. “This is all so stupid. Everyone knows we are meant to be together, so what are we waiting for?”

  Alec’s jaw clenched. He didn’t want to break his promise to her brothers, but part of him wanted to mark her so that all the others males vying for her would know she had been with him. Know he had been the first man to know her in every way a man could know a woman. It couldn’t be helped: it was instinctual and part of being a male werewolf.

  “Please,” Mercy murmured against his lips, her arms encircling his neck.

  Alec groaned and lifted her in his arms, moving swiftly up the stairs to her room. Once there, he placed her on her feet. She tore his T-shirt in two and tossed it on the floor behind him and he chuckled. “Slow down,” he murmured, his own hands falling to the hem of her shirt lifting it over her head and staring down on her satin-covered breasts with shaky, uneven breaths. He had anticipated this moment for so long, wanted her more than anything he had ever wanted in his life and now that it was upon him, he was nervous and afraid to hurt her.

  “Alec,” she whispered uncertainly.

  Alec moaned and swept her off her feet lying on her bed, careful not to place his full weight upon her. “I want this to be perfect, Angel, there is no rush,” he told her his hands moving over her stomach, stopping at the front clasp of her bra. Mercy trembled beneath him and he met her gaze. “Are you alright?” She nodded placed her fingers over his whether to stop him or urge him on he wasn’t sure, but he pulled his hand away lowering his head instead, brushing his lips along the edge of her bra line. She arched towards him, her hands running down his back as he savored the softness of her satiny skin and when he his fingers finally came back to the clasp she moaned deeply and no move to stop him. He leaned down and took her mouth in a fiery kiss that left her breathless as he worked the clasp between his fingers. He had just got it unsnapped when the door to her room flew open, banging against the wall and startling them both.

  A large man with a white beard and weathered face took in the scene before him and moved swiftly to the bed, lifting Alec off of Mercy and tossing him against to the floor. Mercy screamed, clutching her bra around her, and Alec roared, flying at the intruder with murder in his eyes.

  “Enough!” the man commanded, raising his hand, forcing Alec to stop dead in his tracks. He bent to pick up Mercy’s shirt and tossed it to her. “Get dressed and meet us down stairs,” he ordered walking to the door, waiting for Alec to follow him before closing it behind them.

  Mercy rushed to pull herself together and raced out of the door and down the stairs to the kitchen where Alec sat across the table glaring at the older male, who waited patiently for her arrival.

  “Ah, Mercy, come and take a seat.” He pointed to a chair and waited for her to sit before going on. “This is certainly not the way I wanted to meet you, but be that as it may, here we are.”

  “Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?” Mercy asked insolently.

  The man smiled, his white beard rippling as he let out a chuckle. “You are a fiery one, aren’t you.”

  “This is Alaric,” Alec said taking her hand in his. “He is one of the Elders.”

  Mercy lifted her eyebrow and looked to the man, feeling the power that radiated from him, suitably intimidated. “So you’re here,” she said rubbing her fingers over Alec’s, feeling his body trembling with rage.

nbsp; “Apparently just in time,” he said, looking between them with censure.

  “What happens between my mate and myself is none of your business,” Alec growled slamming his fist on the table and rising from the chair. Alaric turned to face him, his ice-blue eyes meeting his and Alec fell back into his seat clutching his chest, letting out a strangled cry.

  “Stop,” Mercy screamed, placing her hand over his chest slowing down his heartbeat and bringing it back under control before looking to Alaric who watched her curiously. “Leave him alone!” she demanded.

  “I will, when he stops acting like a jealous fool,” he said laying his hand upon the table with a growl.

  Alec took a deep breath as Mercy hugged him close, burying her head against this chest. “I’m alright, Angel,” he said, running his fingers through her tangled curls. “What do you want?” he asked Alaric angrily.

  “I came to see if my grandson had any common sense, but I can see that he, like his father, seems to have misplaced it,” Alaric said angrily.

  Alec immediately fired back at him in outrage. “I don’t have a grandfather, so what the hell are you playing at?”

  Mercy stared at Alaric seeing clearly the family resemblance. He turned to her, his ice- blue eyes meeting hers and she gasped, placing her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. Alec was immediately at her side placing his arm around her shoulders, but before she could tell him anything, Gregory burst through the door and came to their side, staring upon Alaric with outrage.

  “Son,” Alaric said rising to his feet.

  “You lost the right to call me that when I asked for your help and you did nothing,” Gregory told him sharply.

  “I did everything I could for you back then, but the Elders as a whole made the final decision,” he answered, his eyes filled with pain.

  Gregory’s body trembled and his eyes morphed from blue to amber. “My mate died because of you, so don’t come here and pretend that you care about your family now.” He turned and looked at Alec and Mercy. “Are you both alright?”


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