Texas Wildcat

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Texas Wildcat Page 14

by Lindsay McKenna

  She shrugged. “I mean at the blowout. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Yeah, the blowout went smooth. Real smooth.”

  Kelly tilted her head, laughing. “And things will go smoothly from here on out.”

  Sam slowly rose to get a second cup of coffee. “Lady luck’s on our side, men.”


  Kelly stood at the end of the dock with a pair of binoculars raised to her eyes. Because of the dangers involved, Coots didn’t want her on the barge assembly. They had spent all morning on the dock lining a fifty-gallon drum with shock-absorbent material and asbestos. Then they placed the dynamite inside and sealed it securely. Afterward, the drum had been wrapped in more asbestos and then a foillike material to reflect the extreme heat of the flames. If the dynamite inside the drum got too hot, it would explode before they were able to use the crane hook to position it properly. And if that happened, the men who were perched on that platform crane could be killed outright or severely injured by the untimely blast.

  The hot sun bore down on her and the humidity was high. The coveralls clung to her damp skin. Lowering the binoculars, Kelly walked back toward the camp. She didn’t need to invite another case of heat exhaustion and end up in the hospital again. It looked as though the men had almost completed the positioning of the crane hook.

  Kelly looked longingly at the small cove a quarter of a mile from the dock. Luckily, there was no oil spill from the damaged platform and the water was clear and inviting. It was a lot better than the desert, Kelly thought. Making up her mind, she walked quickly back to the camp.

  After changing into a pale lime-colored bathing suit, Kelly wasted little time grabbing a towel she had unpacked from her suitcase and walking down to the secluded cove. In the distance, only the orange and yellow flame broke the beauty of the horizon. All around her birds in brilliant colors sang melodically. The verdant green of the jungle trees added to the loveliness of the setting.

  After making sure the sandy shelf of the cove did not suddenly drop off into deep water, Kelly sank into the welcoming depths. The water slid over her, warm, salty and refreshing. Her hair became a darkened mass, flowing like a copper sheet across her shoulders as she swam. Kelly lost track of time, immersed in the soothing water that shielded her from the overpowering tropical heat.

  She had rolled onto her back, simply floating with her eyes closed. The lapping of water on the shore was suddenly punctuated by a splashing noise. Concerned, Kelly opened her eyes and rolled onto her stomach. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Sam swimming toward her.

  He moved cleanly through the water, the muscles of his arms and shoulders glistening. Her lips parted in unconscious reaction as he neared and she swam forward to meet him. He drew her daringly against him, pressing his mouth to her lips.

  She tasted salt in his kiss as she responded to his invitation. The lapping of the water, the sliding friction of their bodies against one another increased her pleasure. Hungrily, she returned the ardor of his lips, eager to take advantage of this stolen, unexpected moment.

  Sam broke away, his blue eyes disturbingly dark with desire. He smoothed the hair from her cheek.

  “You look like a beautiful mermaid,” he said huskily.

  Kelly smiled. “Thank you. You look kind of delicious yourself,” she replied, running her fingers down his shoulders and across the powerful breadth of his chest.

  “Watch it,” he growled, gripping her by the waist. “That could be dangerous….”

  Her lilting laughter heightened the swirling tension between them as they treaded water. “I’m used to living with danger, Sam Tyler,” she challenged.



  He grinned, curving his arm around her waist and then swimming toward shore. “Okay, let’s live dangerously, then,” he said.

  She gave him a startled look. “But…what about the others?”

  “I thought you said you liked to live dangerously.”

  They touched the bottom of the cove and Kelly steadied herself against Sam as they waded out of the water. Her hair hung in burnished sheets, framing her face; her green eyes were brilliant with happiness. “I do…but I like to take some precautions.”

  Sam laughed heartily, scooping her up into his arms and carrying her to the sandy beach. A blanket had already been spread beneath the shade provided by the trees, and he gently deposited her upon it. A mischievous smile lingered on his strong, sensual mouth as he rested above her, preventing her escape.

  “Now the lady has reservations. Really, I thought you were fearless,” he taunted.

  Kelly’s caution gave way to his teasing good humor. He looked incredibly virile. In the dappled sunlight his hair lay plastered and gleaming against his skull. The dark mat of hair on his chest was beginning to curl. “When I have to be,” she laughed, running her fingertips lightly across his chest.

  Sam’s eyes grew dark as he studied her. Water dripped off his square jaw. “Now you have to be,” he growled in warning.

  “I’ve never backed down from anything yet,” she whispered, slipping her arm around his neck and drawing him down upon her.

  Sam gently caressed her lips, tasting them, outlining them, coaxing her to react to his provocation. She moaned, pressing her body against the hard length of his, deepening the exploratory kiss. He slid the straps of her bathing suit off her shoulders, slowly pulling it downward to free her beautifully rounded breasts. He deepened the kiss, caressing her, taunting the nipples into yearning hardness. A moan escaped from her and he felt her breathing change, becoming shallower with need.

  “My redhaired witch,” he growled softly against lips that were glistening petals of pale pink. Her eyes were an emerald green flecked with the gold of desire. Tendrils of copper-colored hair curled around her face. He watched as each touch of his hand drove her closer and closer to the edge of sheer ecstasy. Her lashes swept downward against her cheeks as he caressed the length of her body. This time, there would be no hurry, no need to rush. Now they could savor one another fully.

  He eased the suit off her and marveled at the supple beauty of her body. Her skin was ivory and velvet, tightening wherever he slid his callused fingers. Leaning down, Sam captured a nipple, pulled on it gently, and heard her moan with pleasure. Urgently, she pressed her body against him, demanding more of him. All of him. Shedding his bathing trunks, Sam lay back down, and pulled her on top of him. Her dark red hair tumbled across her shoulders. He nuzzled her slender neck, placing a series of kisses across her collarbone until he reached her taut breast.

  Her fingernails dug convulsively into his shoulders. A small cry of pleasure erupted from her throat as he gently guided her upon him. She froze for a moment, ecstasy written on her features, her body taut. He groaned, feeling the warmth of her love, barely able to control himself as he allowed her those precious moments to adjust to him. Her lashes lifted and her green eyes burned with the fierce gold of unrestrained passion as she met his gaze. He reached up, bringing her face down so he could kiss her lips. “Love me,” he whispered against her lips. “And let me love you….” She barely nodded, before finding his mouth once more and pressing her body down against him.

  Sam groaned, clutching her slim hips, moving in rhythm to needs that had been restrained too long. She was an incredible creature, moving with effortless grace. Moments fled into an eternity of heightening pleasure. He felt her tense and saw the beauty of ecstasy crossing her mobile features. A cry of pleasure echoed from her throat and he held her tightly to him, reveling with her in the joy of the release. Moments later, he joined her celebration of love. She fell against him and lay there breathing hard, exhausted.

  The warm wind lightly rippled the surface of the water in the cove. Kelly barely roused herself, content to hear the steady beat of Sam’s heart against her ear. Her hair was nearly dry now as she raised her head, resting her chin on his chest. Drowsy blue eyes met hers.

  “I love you, Sam Tyler,” she mur
mured huskily, reaching out and tracing his brow.

  He gave her a gentle pat on the rear with his left hand. “It’s mutual, believe me.” He closed his eyes. “Has anybody ever told you that you’re one hell of a woman?” His words sent a quiver of joy through her.

  “Just you. But then, that’s all that counts, isn’t it?”

  Sam opened one eye. God, she looked like a dream come to life. The sun had changed position, its light cascading through the leaves to strike her hair with fiery golden highlights. He placed both hands on her shoulders, then ran them down the length of her back until they came to rest on her hips. “I’ve missed you, honey.”

  Tears sprang unexpectedly to her eyes as she heard the loneliness in his tone. She rested on his chest, watching the water lap, lap, lap at the edge of the cove. “It’s been terrible without you, Sam,” she admitted, a quaver in her voice.

  He frowned when he saw the path of tears down her cheeks. Carefully brushing her face dry, he asked, “How terrible?”

  Kelly groaned, avoiding his eyes. “Forget it,” she said, “I don’t want to talk about it now.”

  “No you don’t,” he admonished her. “You’re upset about something. What is it?”

  She shrugged. “We’ve just made the most beautiful love I’ve ever experienced and you want to talk!”

  Sam grinned good-naturedly, running his fingers through her silken hair. “When I hear that kind of catch in your voice, yes, I do. Now, let’s hear it.”

  Kelly remonstrated with herself for allowing company problems to crop up between them. And yet, Sam was being patient with her. Todd had not been like that at all. How many times had she wanted to discuss her deepest fears or personal feelings after lovemaking? She gazed up into Sam’s face, realizing that he wasn’t like Todd in any respect. “You really don’t mind?”

  “If I did, I’d tell you so.” He got up and retrieved their bathing suits. “Let’s get these on before the guys come down here for their evening bath,” he suggested. “Then we can talk.”

  Her suit was almost dry and Kelly slipped it back on, returning to his arms afterward. She rested her head on his shoulder, content as never before. Sam placed a kiss on her hair.

  “Okay, what’s been happening since I left Houston?” he asked.

  Her green eyes darkened and she grimaced. “When I got to the office, Sam, I found out more about our pipe problems.”

  “Such as?”

  “The formula given to R and B Steel had not been followed.”

  Sam nuzzled her hair. “Your father’s formula, right?”

  “Yes.” She felt new anger stirring in her, chasing away the euphoric feeling she had experienced moments ago. “Jake hired a detective in Pittsburgh to find out why the pipe was failing. Apparently, someone bribed the metallurgist over at R and B.”

  Sam rubbed his jaw. “Who?”

  “He refused to tell us, but I have my suspicions,” she ground out.

  “Gage Wallace,” Sam stated with certainty.

  She nodded. “I can’t prove it. Not yet. But Wallace is supposed to be in Houston on Friday. I told him I wanted to see him.”

  Sam disengaged his arm from around her shoulders and sat opposite her on the blanket. His brows were drawn down, eyes narrowed with thought. “If he did do it, he’d never admit it, honey.”

  She flashed him an angry glance. “Maybe…maybe not. I don’t know. All I do know is that I’ll handle that confrontation at the time. I want to see where he’s coming from. Maybe I can manuever him into admitting it. I don’t know.”

  Sam picked up her hand. “And if you can?”

  “I’ve already started working with our attorneys to take the case to R and B Steel to have them pay damages. But if I can get Wallace to make an admission, I’ll slap him with a lawsuit that will ruin him once and for all.”

  He nodded. “That means you’ll have to leave tomorrow, then.”

  Kelly agreed, morose. “I know. But it was worth the quick trip down here. I just couldn’t stand it any longer, Sam. I had to see you.” She gave an embarrassed shrug. “I never thought I’d say that to another man again.”

  Sam whispered her name, pulling her back into his arms, loving her fiery spirit, her courage and her honesty. “You’re off on your charger to tilt at another windmill,” he teased gently, kissing her cheek.

  Kelly wrapped her arms around his naked waist, content just to spend this quiet time with him. “I’m doing it for my father, Sam,” she said softly. “Dad never cheated anyone in his whole life. He had a wonderful reputation in the oil and gas industry until Wallace got into the act.” She closed her eyes, a sudden wave of sadness passing through her. “I feel like a vengeful angel right now,” she admitted. “I want to get Wallace. I want to hurt him like he hurt my father.”

  Sam embraced her for a long, long time. He simply rocked her, aware of her anguish. Nothing could take that away. Only an attempt to rectify the situation could help. Finally, he released her, pulling her upward and into his arms as he stood. Placing a feathery kiss on her lips, he whispered, “Just remember, I love you, Kelly Blanchard. And I love your courage in the face of adversity.” His eyes narrowed upon her upturned features. “I just wish I could be there for that confrontation.”

  She shook her head. “It’s just as well you aren’t, Sam. You two get along like two dogs in a fight,” she said ruefully, a glimmer of a smile in her eyes.

  * * *

  The sun was barely edging the horizon the next morning when the barge carrying the drum of explosives chugged away from the dock. Kelly stood, her lips still tingling from the kiss Sam had given her before boarding the barge. Cupping her hands to her eyes, she watched them make headway toward the burning oil platform in the distance. Just as Sam had promised, the wind had remained slight, so they wouldn’t have to change the positions of the water monitors or barges.

  Her heart rose in her throat as she watched them near the mangled platform. She had barely slept last night, wanting to be in Sam’s arms and not on the cot by herself. Finally, she had found a man whom she could respect and lean on. And just as important, a man who could lean on her in times of need. A wry smile crossed her mouth. And hadn’t she sworn she would never marry again? Sam was different. He was more sensitive than any man she had ever met. She wondered how Todd would react to her trying to trap Gage Wallace. Disgust tinged her jade green eyes. Todd would have said it was beyond the scope of a woman to play rough in the world of business and survive.

  Taking a deep breath, she picked up the binoculars. Kelly spotted four men in white coveralls climbing a ladder up to the deck of the blackened platform. All the debris had been cleared away with cranes and hooks. The only thing that remained on the scorched deck was a huge candle-shaped flame roaring three hundred and fifty feet skyward. Several galvanized shields were standing near the base of the flame, protecting the men of Boots and Coots as they worked with swift precision. The heavy water spray from the monitors blotted out the details of what they were doing and Kelly felt a twinge of momentary terror. What if they couldn’t maneuver that drum into the flame in time? It would explode, destroying the hook and crane assembly as well as anything else in the vicinity.

  Be careful, she told Sam silently. She recalled his fiery touch, his mouth upon her lips and the wild abandon that he aroused in her when they made love. She would never tire of his touch…of his love. She lowered the glasses, realizing it would take another hour before they would be ready to hoist the drum containing the explosives. Walking back to the end of the dock, she sat on the sandy beach. Worry kept nagging at her as she watched the blowout roaring in the distance. Her life had been like that flame since her divorce—out of control, without constructive purpose. And just now, her life was gaining meaning again. Compressing her lips, Kelly tried to stop worrying about Sam’s safety. Would she always feel like this when he had to go out on a job? Or would she eventually get used to it?

  Not likely, she decided. Every blowout was dif
ficult; sometimes untried, innovative techniques had to be used to cap and extinguish the blaze. But Sam loved this life as much as she loved running a corporation. There was challenge in it for both of them in different ways. And unlike Todd, Sam would give her a free hand in running her company the way she saw fit. Kelly loved him fiercely. He would be there if she needed him, her team partner. And she would be there for him.

  “Hurry,” she whispered, getting back to her feet. “Hurry up and kill that flame.”

  She didn’t have long to wait. The crew clambered back to the crane on the edge of the rigging platform after loading the drum on the hook assembly. From the safety of the barge, the crane operator, Colly, began to lift the drum containing the explosive. They only had two to three minutes to place the drum at the base of the flame before it would ignite in the intense temperatures of the surrounding fire. Every water monitor was fixed on the platform, spraying thousands of gallons of sea water upon the flame.

  Kelly didn’t know what to expect when the drum exploded. Colly expertly placed it into the flame. Seconds later she saw huge balls of fire shooting skyward. The thundering explosion seemed to tear the world apart. Unprepared, she pressed her hands against her ears, wincing as the sound boomed on like someone pounding kettledrums next to her. She flinched, closing her eyes reflexively. When she opened them, she saw that the flame was out! The monitors continued to pour sea water onto the platform, and steam rose in huge, billowing clouds from the area surrounding the blowout. Clasping her hands to her heart, she realized that the flame would remain extinguished. Sam was safe! And soon, he would be home!

  * * *

  Gage entered Kelly Blanchard’s office with a suave smile on his mouth. He was impeccably dressed in a three-piece suit which subtly reminded everyone of his financial success. He saw her standing with her back to the window, her fiery red hair arranged in a Gibson girl. He raised an eyebrow. He liked the hairdo on Kelly. The tendrils softened her features, giving her a decidedly vulnerable look. The apricot-colored dress brought out the pink in her cheeks and the emerald color of her eyes.


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