Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4)

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Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4) Page 5

by Sarah Bailey

  I cupped her soft little arse, pressing her closer to me as our lips melded with each other. I loved having her close like this with my hands full of her sexy curves. When we parted, she lay her head on my chest again, her fingers brushing over my chest.

  “I don’t want you to be scared,” I whispered, not wanting to let go of what she’d said earlier. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You sure?”

  I found her hand and entwined our fingers together.

  “I’m sure I’m not letting you go.”

  “Why? And don’t tell me it’s because you like me. I got that part.”

  I could tell her how long I’d wanted her, but nerves got to me. Even knowing she’d felt the same way the whole time. So I settled for something simpler. Something I hoped would put her mind at ease.

  “Every time I look at you, I’m struck by just how beautiful you are. When you talk, I want to hang onto every word. When I’m with you, the world fades away to just us.”

  Her hand tightened in mine.

  “Adrian,” she whispered, her voice shaking on the word. “I’m pretty sure you know I’ve liked you my whole life. I keep asking myself why now? We run into each other and then we’re here… together… like that isn’t crazy. I don’t understand what changed.”

  Everything changed. Everything is fucking different.

  “You’re not sixteen anymore.”

  She looked up at me, eyes wide.


  “I said, you’re not sixteen anymore. This didn’t happen for me overnight, Tilly. I knew very well you liked me when we were younger, but you have no idea how much I liked you.”

  Chapter Seven


  I almost jumped out of his bed. Not because I was alarmed by what he’d said, just shocked. So shocked I hadn’t said a word in at least five minutes. To his credit, he’d let me stare at him, waiting for me to react. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. He never acted as though he was remotely interested in me the entire time we’d known each other. I thought he was nice to me because I was Annie’s friend, but now I was looking at things through completely different lenses and all I had was questions only he could answer.

  “How long?”

  His expression grew pained, but he didn’t look away from me.

  “I’ve always liked you, but I know that’s not what you’re asking me.”

  No, I was asking him how long he’d wanted me in a manner that wasn’t quite acceptable for a man his age to want a younger girl. I was pretty damn sure he’d been a man when he had those types of feelings towards me.

  “You’d just turned sixteen the first time I realised I couldn’t look at you like you were a little girl any longer. And trust me when I say I wish I’d never looked at you like that when you were that young. The year before my parents moved away was so fucking hard. Every time I came home, you were there and I wanted you more than I’d ever wanted anyone in my life. You’d spent so long looking up at me like you adored me, I knew if I did anything, you’d be receptive to it, but I couldn’t. I was seven years older than you and you were Annie’s best friend. It wasn’t right. I couldn’t justify it no matter how much I wanted you to be mine.”

  I swallowed. Things started to click into place for me. The way he’d avoid looking at me when he was visiting his parents and Annie. How he stopped talking to me and left me thinking I’d done something to annoy him. The thing is, I didn’t give a shit if he looked at me that way when I was sixteen and he’d been twenty-three. He’d never done anything to me. He’d kept his distance. So to me, it didn’t matter at all, but I could see it did to him. The guilt in his eyes tore at me.

  “You should know I’ve always been yours.”

  He frowned.


  “No, I’m being serious. Do you think I care how old I was? Let me assure you, I don’t. This changes absolutely nothing. I’m more shocked by you liking me than anything else. I always thought you saw me as your little sister’s annoying friend.”

  “I’ve never thought you were annoying. You were always so sweet, smart and funny. Annie, on the other hand, was a pain in the arse.”

  I had to smile at that. Annie was always driving him absolutely crazy and roping me into helping her play tricks on him.

  He still looked as though all the guilt was eating him up inside. I wanted to soothe him. Let him know it was okay and he had nothing to be ashamed of. I crawled over him, straddling his hips and leant down, placing both my hands on his face. God, he was so beautiful. As if he’d been etched in frigging marble. I’d always thought that about him. He was way too attractive for the likes of me. Except he looked at me now as if I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.

  “You told me earlier we should enjoy the here and now. The seven years between us doesn’t matter anymore. No one can say a word about it. No one will know how you and I felt back then. Nothing happened so I don’t want you to feel guilty for it. What matters the most is we found each other again.”

  I kissed him before he could respond. His hands curled around my thighs. His touch scorched my skin, making me very aware of his cock pressed up against my pussy. His very hard cock with its metal accompaniments. Admittedly, I’d been seriously intimidated by it when I’d first laid eyes on it but having had him inside me and knowing how good it felt. Well, let’s just say I was very much on board with his piercings.

  So whilst we were supposed to be having a serious conversation, I couldn’t help rubbing against it. He groaned in my mouth and his hands tightened. Knowing I affected him in this way made me feel sexy. Even after all this time, he wanted me.

  “Tilly… fuck.”

  Our kiss intensified. His hand ran up my front and he cupped my breast, thumb running over the nipple. I ground harder, almost desperate to feel him inside me all over again.

  “We should talk about this,” he murmured against my mouth.

  “I don’t want to talk.”

  No, I wanted to fuck and make up for lost time. Make up for all the years we could and should’ve been together.

  As if he sensed I needed him, he reached between us and held his cock.

  “Slowly,” he whispered as I raised my hips and pressed against him.

  I put a hand on his shoulder and looked between us, watching as I impaled myself on his length inch by inch. I took a breath each time one of his piercings slid home. The stretch was intense. The sensation of them rubbing against me was heaven and hell at the same time. The pleasure and the pain was something I didn’t imagine I’d be into, but fuck, Adrian’s dick felt so good. In this position, it seemed so much bigger than it had done when we’d fucked with him on top.

  “Jesus fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned.

  I looked at him then, how his brown eyes had darkened and filled with pleasure. There wasn’t a man on earth who could live up to Adrian in my eyes. Not in the bedroom and not outside of it.

  He searched my face for a long moment as if sensing my hesitation to take the last piercing inside me in this position. Then he cupped my cheek and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  I shook my head.

  “You have the most stunning green eyes. I could fucking drown in them. Hell, I’m drowning in you already.”

  My heart tightened almost painfully. His expression was so sincere. How could I be anything but in love with this man? Except telling him that… well, I wasn’t quite there yet. We needed time to make sure this was really what we wanted. We needed to get to know one another properly because there was every chance fantasy didn’t live up to reality. There was far more here than just sex and the need to be as close as possible.

  His hand dropped from my face and ran down my body, making me shiver.

  “All your curves and edges… they’re so fucking sexy to me.”

  His fingers dropped down and stroked across
my clit, making me moan.

  “And your pussy… fuck, tastes so damn sweet and feels like heaven.”

  His compliments made me feel so good. Not many of my boyfriends had been so enthusiastic in their admiration, but when Adrian looked at me, I felt beautiful and sexy. So I planted both my hands on his chest and allowed myself to take the last couple of inches of his cock, groaning at the stretch of the last piercing slipping inside me.

  Adrian kept one of his hands between my legs whilst the other gripped my hip. His fingers on my clit had any lingering pain turn to pleasure as I rose and fell on his cock. I kept my eyes on his. That’s when I felt the connection between us. The passion and desire. The rawness of both of our emotions.

  “Adrian,” I whispered on a shaky breath.

  “I’ve got you, Tilly,” he whispered back. “I’ve got you.”

  He lifted his hand from my hip, gripping one of mine and steadied me as I rode him. The intensity of this moment made my heart hammer in my chest and my nerves tingle with the anticipation of finding bliss with this man. The one I’d wanted for as long as I could remember. He and I felt perfect. We felt right. I couldn’t believe after all these years and all this time, Adrian Sanders and I had found our way to each other.

  I leant back a little, adjusting the angle and making his cock hit the right spots. My vision blurred around the edges as a wave of pleasure surged up my spine.

  “I could watch you like this all day.”

  My eyes fell on Adrian’s face, taking in the way his eyes were almost black, the pleasure and lust radiating off them making my stomach flip.

  “What? Riding you?”

  “Mmm, so sexy.”

  He made me feel so good about myself. Especially knowing he’d liked me for so long. I let myself drift away, lost in the two of us so I could forget about the rest of the world. We moved together, driving each other higher until we reached that pinnacle.


  My whole body shook with the force of my climax. One he’d brought on with his fingers and the exquisite pleasure and pain his piercings brought on. I collapsed against his chest when the shaking stopped, panting as he stroked a hand down my back.

  Adrian kissed the top of my head and we lay there in complete silence for several minutes.

  “You’ve cared for me more in the past two days than I’ve ever been cared for by anyone in my life,” I whispered.

  “I want to make you happy… so you’ll stay.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Being here with you is like all my wildest fantasies come true.”

  He chuckled.

  “Is that so?”

  “Um, yeah. Have you seen you?”

  I ran my fingers along his chest next to my face. I could see now it was another much larger wolf spread across his ribcage. My fingers danced across it, revelling in the feel of his skin on mine.

  “I’m no model.”

  I snorted.

  “Taniqua thinks you’re dreamy. She said judges shouldn’t be as hot as you.”

  Adrian’s chest shook with his amusement. I lifted my head to watch the mirth in his eyes.

  “Should we all be old and greying or something?”

  “No way. I, for one, appreciate all of this.” I waved a hand over him. “I’m sure all the ladies and maybe some of the men find it very distracting having you on the bench.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind next time I’m in court. Maybe I’ll catch one of the defendants making eyes at me.”

  “Just no making eyes back.”

  His eyes softened. My heart thumped at the sight of it.

  “The only woman on my mind is you, Tilly… always.”

  I ran my fingers along his chin.

  “Hmm… even when you thought you’d never see me again?”

  He smiled.

  “Even then. Trust me, you’re a very hard woman to forget and I tried. Fuck knows I tried.”

  I raised an eyebrow.


  He looked away, his expression growing grim.

  “I was married.”

  It’s not as if I thought Adrian hadn’t had a life before this, after all, it had been twelve years, but it didn’t stop my stomach sinking.


  “Lynn and I have been divorced for seven years. I don’t know what she’s doing now, only that I should’ve never married her. We weren’t good for each other.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Adrian had been so honest and open about everything with me this evening. I couldn’t ask for more. And yet… I felt somehow like we’d moved at top speed. It scared me. All of it did.

  So instead of responding, I pulled off him and started to walk away to the bathroom.


  “I just want to clean up.”

  I didn’t look back to check his expression. When I reached the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it. Not wanting to freak out, I went about cleaning myself up and then I sat on the lip of the bath, staring down at myself. Reality started to creep in around the edges. Adrian and I had known each other for so long and yet what did we really know about each other? I wasn’t a sixteen-year-old girl any longer. We’d both grown up and had separate lives. Could we really come together and work now after all these years had passed?

  Why was I freaking out over learning he had an ex-wife?

  What is wrong with you?

  We were only at the beginning of this new relationship between us. I had to get a grip. There were lots of things I’d learn about Adrian in time. I should be happy he was being honest with me. Happy he didn’t want to keep secrets.

  Taking a deep breath, I stood up and walked out back into the bedroom. He was sat up against the headboard with the covers draped over his waist. His eyes tracked me as I moved closer.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, crawling back into the bed with him, allowing myself to be wrapped up in his arms. Adrian kissed the top of my head and stroked his fingers down my arm.

  “Are you sure? You don’t seem okay.”

  “I am.”


  I sighed, knowing keeping my feelings to myself would be futile.

  “I guess hearing you have an ex-wife came as a shock… but it doesn’t mean I’m freaked out over it or anything. It’s just this is new. I’m scared of what the future holds for us.”

  His arm around me tightened. Adrian laid his cheek on the top of my head.

  “It’s okay to be scared. We have each other now so we’ll work it out together, okay? I’m not going anywhere. I know what I want and that’s you.”

  “I want you too.”

  On some level, Adrian’s words reassured me. It didn’t stop me worrying if we’d work out. It’d been two days.

  Who knew if we’d last?

  I guess only time would tell.

  Chapter Eight


  I stood in the courtroom, my hands resting on the podium in front of me as I stared up at the bench. It’d been a long time since I’d been on this side. My clients had flocked to me as I rarely lost cases, but I’d become so jaded after dealing with too many criminals. Handing down the sentences suited me better. Made me feel as though I was making a real difference. That’s why I’d gone into the legal profession in the first place.

  “Adrian?” came a soft feminine voice from behind me.

  It was after hours. I’d texted Tilly to let her know where I was as we were supposed to be going home together. The past three weeks had been blissful between us. Whilst I knew she was still scared, I’d been determined to prove to her we could work. That we were meant to be.

  I felt her next to me before she put a hand on my arm.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “Reminiscing,” I shrugged, tapping my fingers on the podium.

  “From your days as a barrister?”

/>   She looked up at the bench and then back at me.

  “It must be strange.”

  I looked over at her, noting she had her hair up today and was wearing a particularly tight skirt. It highlighted all her beautiful curves. It struck me again just how gorgeous this creature sent from fucking heaven was. And Tilly was all mine.

  She hadn’t been in to see me today as I’d been in court all day on a complex civil case involving fraud. I’d missed her. And I was in no doubt she’d missed me.

  “Just a little.”

  Taking her hand, I drew her towards the bench, skirting around it until we stood where I usually sat, staring out at the courtroom from the other direction. This is how I liked it. Being the one in charge of proceedings. Handing down the rulings. Seeing justice served.

  “Can I sit in your seat?” she asked with a glint in her eye.

  I put my hands on the back of the chair and turned it to her. She sat down, grinning as she did it. Tilly sat up a little straighter and folded her hands on the desk, looking every bit like the court official she was trying to portray. It made me smile.

  I’d imagined pushing her over the bench and fucking her without mercy many times. A fantasy I couldn’t wait to enact.

  Time to play, Tilly.

  “So, Judge, what’s the verdict?” I asked.

  “I find the defendant guilty.”

  I smiled, stroking my hand across her shoulder.

  “Has he been a bad man?”

  She looked up at me, her eyes darkening with a sly smile appearing on her lips.


  “Perhaps you should impose a harsh sentence.”

  She watched me drop to my knees and crawl under the desk before I forced her legs open.

  “I think you need to punish the defendant personally, Judge.”

  I pushed her skirt up her legs, exposing her pussy to me. Tilly let out a little gasp when my fingers ran up her inner thighs before I peeled her lacy knickers down her legs and stuck them in my pocket. She didn’t like me stealing them all the time. Only last week she told me I had to return some. I’d told her I would just buy her more.


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