Burning Hearts: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

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Burning Hearts: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance Page 62

by Vivien Vale

  He smiles. "Well, I had to deal with a hopeless situation involving one very famous call girl and I was on the phone with lawyers all day. Sound fun to you?"

  We both laugh, in spite of the situation.

  Leo calls over the bartender and has him make us a drink. Two Smoky Martinis arrive and we toast to being reunited and then I settle in for a very liquid dinner.

  I feel like getting tipsy tonight. It's been a long day but somehow being reconciled with Leo makes me feel happy again and at ease, even if it’s all just for show.

  "You think everyone can see us? Do I look like a girlfriend and not a prostitute?" I say it as a joke, but he takes my comment very seriously.

  "Never say that again. You’re nothing like a prostitute. Hell, you’re the classiest girl I know. Always have been."

  His statement makes me feel warm inside.

  But at the same time, it flies in the face of everything he said to me the last two days. He acted like he wanted to make me feel cheap, like nothing more than a whore.

  Yet now he’s saying the complete opposite. I can’t keep up.

  "I'm serious," he says when I don’t respond. "When I would come home with your brother and see you, well, you were all I could think about. You're stunning, Sienna. To this day, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen."

  I blush.

  He's being kind, very much like the old Leo I knew. A sweet Leo. He used to have a very caring soul and right now it's shining through.

  Unless this is just all part of the act, the show we’re putting on for the public.

  Maybe he just knows what to say to get me to give him his desired response.

  The thought makes me uncomfortable, and I quickly finish my cocktail and order another.

  "You'd better have a bite to eat if you're going to be drinking like that.”

  He orders me a steak when the server comes by again.

  We dine, and it's actually really fun to catch up with him and to relax in his presence. He's a very funny, charming guy when he's not being domineering and bossy.

  We finish dinner but Leo doesn't seem satisfied that enough eyes have seen us together.

  "How about hitting the casino?"

  "Why not?"

  He takes my hand and leads me into the main casino lounge this time. Not the Inner Sanctum. We stop at the craps tables.

  A waitress comes and serves us a steady supply of cocktails, bringing new ones before we even need to ask. It's anything for the boss.

  "Hey, you better not have this rigged to win."

  He puts his hands up. "I promise I don't. I couldn't if I tried."

  "Should we play up the girlfriend element?"

  I hang on his arm as he throws the dice over and over again. We win some, we lose some, but ultimately we just have a good time.

  Soon word gets out that Leo Asher is in the casino. He's famous for being a billionaire casino mogul and for being a playboy, so it doesn’t take long for a crowd to start forming around us.

  For whatever reason, Leo decides then it's time to leave. He flashes his million-dollar smile to the onlookers and we walk by, his arm firmly around my waist.

  "You must be satisfied now that we've been seen," I say, disappointed that the night’s coming to an end. I had much more fun than I anticipated.

  "Indeed,” he says brusquely. “I think some people might have even taken some pictures."

  We walk across the marble floors and enter the mall that's connected to the casino. Most of the high-end boutiques are closed now and we're mostly alone, even in the depths of Sin City.

  He stops by a fountain and pulls me towards him, holding me in his strong arms. It feels so good and it feels so safe. I’m confused because we’re supposed to be putting on a show, yet there’s almost no one around to see us.

  Why is he holding me close and staring at me like that, his eyes searing into me like he’s trying to see straight into my soul?

  My heart’s pounding and all I can think of is how much I want him but also how much I don't want to be hurt again. I have to keep things surface level with Leo. He broke my heart once before and I will never let happen to me again.

  I need to protect myself.

  For the moment, though, it feels good to be with him. I allow myself to sink into his masculine embrace, and it dissolves all pain and fear. I feel like I’m home.

  "You okay?" he whispers into my hair.

  "Yeah, I had a great time. I'm just tired."

  "Okay, we can go." He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, the leads me back the way we came.

  But as we go, an onlooker approaches. It's some drunk guy and a couple of his friends. He looks like a frat boy who’s extremely cocky yet with not much to brag about.

  "Oh look, it's the billionaire and his whore." The guy laughs to his friends like he thinks he's just said the funniest thing ever.

  Before anyone sees it coming, Leo tackles him to the ground. I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth.

  Leo chokes the guy and says, "Apologize to Sienna. Right fucking now."

  He bears down on the skinny guy, and I know his weight must be crushing him.

  The twenty-something asshole spits out, "I'm sorry."

  “Say it like you mean it,” he growls.

  “I’m sorry, lady. Really,” he chokes out.

  Leo slams his head back into the floor and then releases him.

  "Remember that, kid."

  We walk away and Leo takes my hand again, saying, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean for that to happen. Don't listen to him or anybody else."

  I have to admit my heart is heavy that the consensus around the city is that I'm some kind of whore.

  As much as we've tried to mask it, people will think what they want, especially about rich, hot men whose names are splashed all over the internet.

  Leo has a reputation to maintain, and I'm actually quite honored that he would risk that to help me and to help my brother.

  The night was going so perfectly, but now I'm just depressed and tired, and I let Leo lead me to a different elevator that only he has access to.

  Once the doors close, he’s all over me, gripping my breasts and kissing my neck.

  I’m taken aback for a moment.

  For a while there, I was thinking it could be like old times. I thought Leo was the same caring guy I once knew. But now that the show’s over, he’s right back to the same man I know he’s become.

  I know that he's changed. He's back to domination mode. But what’s most confusing is that I can't say I'm entirely disappointed. Anticipation for Leo comes in two dancing flavors that don’t always conflict.


  I'm glad to get Sienna away from that fucking prick. I saw the way her face darkened, her eyes shadowing over with thoughts of what people think of her. Of how her fall from grace and current status makes people demean her.

  The nerve of that kid to make this goddess feel bad about herself. This is what happens, though, when you work as an escort.

  Maybe Sienna will see now that this is the wrong path for her—unless, of course, I'm the one buying.

  Those guys ruined what was shaping up to be an amazing evening. One of the best I’ve had in a long time, if I’m being honest. We had a perfect dinner, and it was the first time I've been with her where things felt normal and natural.

  Almost like old times. Almost.

  This new erotic dynamic between us has definitely changed things.

  I can tell she's starting to relax around me, even in the face of my dominance. Our connection from the past gives context to what’s happening.

  She knows me, better than most people, but she also knows that I've changed.

  I’m not the hopeful kid she used to know, full of optimistic ambition. I’m rough around the edges now. Harder. Darker. I’m not sure she thinks that's a good thing, but part of me really fucking wants her to.

  Despite the fun evening with her, I’m fucking pissed now.
r />   So I take it out on her with a punishing kiss.

  I can't get those idiots out of my mind. I should've pounded my fists into that guy's skull. He deserved it. It makes me angry because I’m on edge about what Sienna will endure if she remains an escort.

  There's enough gossip already. I shudder to think of how she’ll cope with the constant insults and negativity that will come her way if she chooses this life forever. I can only protect her so much, a fact that doesn’t cease to piss me the fuck off.

  At last, we arrive at the penthouse. We haven’t spoken the entire way up. She’s just let me ravish her. I break away as the elevator doors slide open. I storm inside and she follows.

  "Leo, say something. Are you okay? Forget those guys. I'm over it and you should be too." She grabs my arm to try to make me look at her.

  I whirl around and stare into her beautiful eyes. Does she means it or is she saying these things to appease my anger?

  "How can you be over it? Didn't you hear what they said?" My voice is tense with barely suppressed rage.

  "Of course, but I don't care. They don't know me, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Sure, it kind of frustrated me, but that's it. I'm ready to move on and enjoy the rest of this night."

  Her words anger me. "Well, you should be upset because as long as you keep insisting on being an escort, shit like that is going to happen. Don't you see that it's dangerous?"

  Her eyes flare, then narrow as she puts her hands on her hips. Feisty Sienna has come out to play. And it fucking turns me on.

  "Not this again.” She waves her hand in the air for emphasis.

  “Leo, I don't understand you. Why have you taken such an interest in my life suddenly? Why do you care if I’m an escort or not? It's not like you have any vested interest in me. I'm just another woman you can throw away at the end of all this."

  Is that really what she thinks?

  My plan was to keep my distance, compartmentalize the shit storm Sienna dredges up inside me, but the more I'm around her, the harder it is to stick to the fucking plan.

  I can't get her off my mind for a single fucking second, but it’s not like I can let her know that.

  So I say nothing. I’m not one to hold my tongue, but I will when it suits a purpose. People will keep talking when you give them silence, and I want to see what she fills it with.

  "You know, I don't get you," she says again. "Why are you even putting on this charade for the world? What do you care if I’m labeled a whore? You obviously think that's what I am, so why bother keeping everyone else from thinking it?"

  I glare at her. She can't mean it. She really thinks I'd stoop so low as to brand her that way?

  "I'm doing it for Jax." The lie flows easily out of my mouth.

  She pauses, studying me as if she’s trying to figure me out.

  "Okay, Leo, then why did you hire me for thirty days, huh? Was that for Jax, too? I mean, you did that before the threat was a factor. You must have a reason. What is it?"

  "It's nothing, okay?" I toss back, infuriated now.

  Then realizing how defensive that sounds, I add, "there's no reason."

  She stands on one side of the gigantic kitchen island while I’m on the other.

  It feels like we’re worlds apart.

  This should make me happy, right? I need the distance. I fucking need to put some space between us so I can think rationally again.

  But all I want to do is go to her and make her smile, wipe this confusion and what I think looks like hurt from her face.

  "Come on, Leo, just tell me,” she presses. “Why is this such a big deal?”

  I avoid eye contact and try to shut this whole thing down. It’s a really fucking big deal, but I can’t go there with her. But she's like a damn dog with a bone. She won't let up.

  "Tell me,” she demands. “I have a right to know why you hired me as your personal escort for thirty days."

  "Jesus Christ, Sienna.” I just snap, completely lose my cool, throwing my arms out wide. "I did it because I can't fucking stand the idea of you being with someone else."

  The words hang heavy in the air between us. I know instantly it was a mistake. I shouldn't have said it.


  I need to get away. Out of her presence where all my common sense flies right out the goddamn window.

  I turn and leave her standing speechless at the island while I go to the balcony and breathe in the fresh air. The familiar city lights do nothing to calm down my spinning head.

  What the fuck have I done? I can't go there with her. But now it might be too late.

  She follows me outside after a minute. Of course she does.

  I want to avoid her gaze at all costs. She takes my hand and pulls me inside without saying a word. Still trying to pull back from the shit I just unleashed, I go to the bar and open a bottle of wine.

  Sienna sits on one of the stools and watches me.

  "You know,” she says softly. “I don't know why you care. It's been ten years since things transpired between us. I’m a grown woman now. Do you really think I haven't been with anyone else?"

  I finally look at her, and her intense scrutiny has me speaking without out thinking again. "Of course I know that, Sienna. I just haven’t had to see it. Seeing you with someone else drives me fucking crazy."

  I immediately wish I could take the words back.

  What the fuck is wrong with me tonight? Spending this time together, pretending we’re dating, must have knocked a screw loose.

  Her shocked expression tells me everything I need to know. The truth is on the table now. She can either take it or leave it.

  She opens her mouth, no doubt to confront me about what I mean, but then my phone buzzes. I'm so fucking grateful for the interruption.

  "What?" I snap, grabbing a wine glass and pouring up the expensive vintage.

  "It's Jax, man. Listen, I heard that you've been out with my sister, pictures are already on the gossip sites, and I want it to stop right the fuck now."

  Yeah, wine isn’t going to cut it. I pass the glass to Sienna and reach for the scotch. I set the phone down and put it on speaker so she can hear exactly what I've been up against. Maybe she needs to know what really went down ten years ago.

  "You son-of-a-bitch," he continues to incriminate himself. "Stay the fuck away from my sister or you’ll have it coming."

  Now she’s shocked by her brother's attitude. Just like I suspected, but having it confirmed changes things. She has no idea what he's like. What he did.

  "Listen, Jax. Fucking relax, dude," I say. "It's all for show. I'm trying to keep you and your sister out of the media. You know this. You wanted this."

  Sienna looks confused, as she should be. I’m pretty damn confused myself at this point. Is it for show or is there something real between us? Am I caught up in the game I’m playing, or have I gone too far and risked more than I intended?

  "You better be telling the fucking truth, Leo. That better be all there is because if I find out that you’ve been fucking her, all hell will break loose. You hear me?"

  "Loud and clear." I hang up the phone and slam it down on the bar.

  Sienna comes around the bar to stand in front of me and attempts to pull more truth out of me.

  "What the hell was that all about? Why is my brother threatening you like that?"

  "It's just who he is, Sienna." My tone makes it clear it’s no longer on the table for discussion.

  "Well, at least tell me what you meant. It drives you crazy to see me with other men? What the hell, Leo?" She gives me an incredulous look.

  Fuck. She has me backed into a corner.

  Of course it drives me crazy to see that. She's the first girl I ever loved, and I've loved her every day since, no matter how much I try to deny it. I don't know how we got here.

  A part of me wants to run and separate myself from her before things get any more complicated. And another part just needs to have her. I crave her hot body, her kind soul, her
brilliant mind, everything.

  There isn’t a single thing about her that doesn’t make me want to claim her as my own.

  I'm tempted to stop all this talking and strip her down right here next to the bar so that I can make her understand how real this is. But I can’t. I won’t.

  I turn away from her, but she gets up and comes toward me. She traces her fingers over my abs. They tighten as I suck in a breath at her touch.

  "You’re saying you've been thinking about me all these years?"

  I say nothing. She'll not pull another ounce of truth out of me tonight. I just look at her.

  Then she shocks the hell out of me by gripping my face gently between her palms as she stands on her tip-toes to plant the most tender of kisses on me.

  My cock hardens even more—because who the fuck am I kidding?

  I’ve been hard for her pretty much all night. Right now, I'm ready to rise to her challenge. Ready to fuck away all these thoughts and feelings that I don’t want to face.

  Yes, I fucking want her.

  But she will always have to pay with her submission. That's just how it is with me. I kiss her back, hard, rough, almost cruelly, all this turmoil and aggression coming out as I pull her to me. Tonight, I want to forget about everything except how good this feels. The night is only just beginning.

  And tonight, she’s mine.


  I surrender to Leo in confused disorientation. I’m still reeling from him saying it kills him to see me with another man.

  How could that be possible?

  What he did to me in the past jaded me, changed me.

  I never thought the new Leo Asher had one ounce of an actual soul. He’s just a gorgeous, wealthy man with little else on his mind other than sex and power.

  He's the biggest playboy in town, yet he just admitted I have the potential to drive him wild with jealousy. I don’t even know what to think anymore.

  I can’t let myself get too caught up in what that might imply, though. I trusted Leo once before and I got burned. Badly.

  I'm not going down that road again.


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