Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1

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Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1 Page 2

by Brian Davis

  “There’s a cave up ahead!” Sir Vladimir pointed. “Our advantages are in that cave!”

  “We don’t know what’s in that cave, Sir Vladimir!” One of the knights spoke out.

  “We have no time for debate! We are better off facing whatever dangers are inside the cave then out here! Out here we will surely be hunt down and slaughtered like a pack of hogs! We march forward!”

  The knights continued down the narrowed trail that led to a large cave. Sir Vladimir paused, forcing the rest of the knights to pause when they reached the entrance of the cave. Sir Vladimir blinked, as he tried to rip through the darkness of the cave with his eyes. He failed. He pulled his sword out from its sheath, and the knights mimicked his actions by drawing out their swords from its sheath.

  “My brethren… we know not what lurks inside this cave… our chances of survival is higher than out here.” Sir Vladimir suggested. “But be wary of danger inside… and may the saints guide us through the deps of darkness in this cave.”

  “Hold!” Sir Braden said.

  He ripped the cloth from underneath his armor and grabbed a branch. He wrapped the cloth around the tip of the branch. He took his iron dagger and scrapped it against some flint, creating a spark that set the cloth in flames. Two knights mimicked Sir Braden to make torches.

  “Now we will be able to see.”

  “But if the Paladins arrive and enter inside, they too will see the reflection of light from our torches!” One of the knights warned.

  “We have no choice! Let’s proceed forward!” Sir Vladimir commanded.

  The knights slowly entered inside the cave. There was a cold draft inside the cave. On the ground was rocks and dirt. Sir Braden with two of the knights held their torches forward, advancing deeper. The stench of dust and mold lingered in the air that was now thin. Up ahead were small puddles of muddy water. They continued and Sir Vladimir paused, forcing the others to stop. Up ahead were three tunnels… one to the right… one in the middle… the other to the left.

  “Which one?” Sir Braden mumbled.

  Sir Vladimir remained silent while cutting his eyes to his right where Sir Braden stood next to him. A decision needed to be made. Sir Vladimir proceeded to the left tunnel. The knights followed him. The tunnel seemed narrowed as it seemed to spiral forward like an endless maze. Suddenly, Sir Vladimir hastily stopped, forcing the rest to pause.

  “There…” Sir Vladimir pointed his sword forward to the right.

  Sir Braden raised the torch in the direction where Sir Vladimir aimed the tip of his blade. The knights frowned… a body… a skeleton corpse sat propped on the dirt wall of the cave. The jaws were opened as if the life was sucked out from it. Up ahead where more skeleton corpses lying scattered on the ground. These were once living people, Sir Vladimir knew, but what did they encounter that led them to this fate? Their flesh gone… rotten away… how long have their bodies been down here? Who could have done this to them, or even worse… what?

  “There,” Sir Braden pointed, “those remains… the small skeletal corpse… this had to be child…”

  “There are more over here!” A knight spoke out.

  Sir Vladimir approached and stood over the small remains of a skeletal corpse.

  “They were children… along with adults…” Sir Vladimir mumbled. “Who were these people? Why were they inside this cave…? Why were they slaughtered…? How were they slaughtered…?”

  “Were they running from something or someone like we are?” Sir Braden asked.

  “We move forward.” Sir Vladimir advised. “They cannot tell us what happened to them… they can only tell us from their remains that something had done this to them… something that’s perhaps inside this cave. Stay alert… if you don’t want to have the same fate as them.”

  The knights continued to advance.

  “Stay close!” Sir Vladimir warned. “Don’t separate yourselves.”

  The tunnel seemed alive; Sir Braden thought… playing tricks to the eyes that it seemed to expand further away when they advanced forward. The air was damped and cold, numbing their flesh through their armor. As they continued forward, one of the knights frowned.

  “Did you hear that?” He asked.

  “Hear what?”

  “That sound… something is crawling… crawling near us… following us…”

  “Nothing is following us… it’s only your mind playing tricks to your ears!” Another knight said.

  “I think those skeleton corpse has spooked you.” Another knight suggested.

  “Nay! I have fought countless of battles and spilled blood on the grassy battle fields! A bunch of brittle skeleton corpses doesn’t spook me!”

  “Hold!” Sir Vladimir paused.

  “What is it? What is it Sir Vladimir?” Sir Braden asked.

  “That sound… I too heard it. Something is crawling… following us…”

  “Crawling…? On the ground…?” Sir Braden asked.

  He lowered his torch, searching the ground.

  “I see nothing on the ground… nor on the walls or even above us!” He added while waving the torch up in the air. “It’s just our minds playing tricks to our ears.”

  “Hmm…” Sir Vladimir nodded. “We move forward! I’m sure we will reach the end of this tunnel!”

  The knights turned with Sir Vladimir and advanced forward. Suddenly and without warning, a fifty-foot black widow spider grabbed the last of the seven knights from behind. The knight screamed, forcing everyone to turn around in shock. They watch in horror as the huge black widow’s powerful jaws crushed down on the knight’s head.

  “Valkera!” One of the knights called out to the knight that’s being attacked by the widow. The knight charged forward with his blade raised high, preparing to strike. The widow lifted its head and a green mist of strong liquid squirted out from the widow’s mouth. The liquid splashed on the knight’s face. The knight screamed in tremendous pain, as the acid melted his face, like a marshmallow in the flames. Blood rained down his face along with his flesh that now exposed the bone.

  “Get back! Circle around!” Sir Braden demanded.

  The knights swung their blades at the widow’s legs. The widow stood on its rear legs, and the front legs swung forward, striking their swords. Sir Vladimir lunged forward with his broadsword raised above his head. He swung the sword sideways, slicing one of the widow’s rear legs off. The widow stumbled to the left side, squealing. The knights swung their torches while the others swung their blades at the large spider.

  Sir Vladimir continued in rage to chop down on the back of the spider. Pus flew up in the air, each strike from his blade that penetrated the spider’s body. The spider now fell on its belly as more of his legs were chopped off from the knights’ blades.

  “Kill it! Send it to hell!” Sir Braden shouted.

  The widow’s twitched its front leg, striking Sir Vladimir backwards to the ground. Sir Vladimir broadsword fell from his hand. He stood, and realized that the ceiling from the cave was collapsing.

  “Flee! Flee! The cave is collapsing!” The knights cried out.

  Sir Vladimir staggered to his feet and ran through the dark cave. In front of him was nothing but enshrouding darkness. He gritted his teeth, hoping that he doesn’t run into a wall. The ceiling of the cave continued to fall, and Sir Vladimir leaped forward as the ceiling caved in. Sir Vladimir landed on his face. He slowly stood to his knees… face buried in mud and dirt. He noticed a dim light shining in the area where he sat. The rays from the sun, he noticed.

  “Sir Braden! Sir Braden!” He called out.

  At that moment, he heard a loud sound that struck the ground. Sir Vladimir blinked to gain his focus. His vision was clear. Ahead, a large figure that stood upright like a man stepped out from a dark tunnel that was connected to the cave. The figure stood sixteen-feet. Arms covered in brown fur… legs covered the same way. Lips… snarled upward… showing teeth that resembled those of a man… Eyes were bloodshot that locked on Sir
Vladimir. Sir Vladimir’s mouth dropped. He fell onto his back as he tried to crawl away. The large beast-like man lunged forward with its hands out and fingers spread outward, preparing to grab. Sir Vladimir screamed and everything around him suddenly went blank…

  Chapter 3

  Imperium Castle…

  Lady Christiana stood and leaned over the keep. She was naked with her first cousin, Keffer; who stood naked behind her. He inserted his erect dick inside her, as he grabbed hold of her hips, giving quick thrust with his hips, making her pale ass cheeks clap. Lady Christiana moaned as the harsh thrust from Keffer made her pale breasts jiggle. The sweat was paste across his forehead as his stomach tensed along with his chiseled chest. His grasp tightened around her hips and his lips drew back into a snarl while his teeth clenched.

  Lady Christiana’s lips poked with her eyes closed. Her fingers clenched the brick edge of the keep. The sunrays played on her face as she opened her mouth with her eyes still closed and a smile formed.

  “Yes! Oh yes you feel so good!” She wailed. “Ooo… you’re like a raging bull charging and thrusting yourself in me! Plant your seed now! Plant your seed.”

  Keffer’s body tensed. He opened his mouth and a loud explosive moan lured out, as he finally reached a powerful climax inside her wet and warm pussy. He breathed heavy as he slowly stepped back. She stood and turned while leaning her ass against the edge of the keep. Her blond hair was pulled up into a bun with her straight bangs hanging down her jawlines. She now licked her upper teeth with her tongue.

  “Cousin… your seed is seeping out of me.”

  “Yes.” He exhaled. “I couldn’t control myself.”

  “Hmm… I need to check on my bother.”

  “It’s been three days, and he’s still hasn’t awaken.”

  He watched her put on her gown.

  “I suggest you get dress my love.” She approached while tracing his lower chin with her index finger.

  “As you command.” He smiled while kissing her soft lips gently…

  Sir Vladimir laid on his back. He felt a soft hand caressing across his forehead. His eyes were closed when he felt the warmth of a touch. His eyebrows puckered into a frown and his voice slightly moaned from his closed lips. Suddenly, his eyes slowly opened that gained a clear vision that he was no longer inside a cave. He blinked… contemplating within himself as he now sat up and realized that his armor was off. He was in bed with his shirt off and a heavy-set maid with black hair pulled up into a bun sat next to him. Her teeth were gapped and crooked.

  Sir Vladimir dropped his eyes down to the bed where his lower body was covered in a sheet.

  “Where am I?” He asked.

  “My lord… you are in your room… in your father’s castle.”

  “How… how did I get here? I… I was in a cave… Was I dreaming?” He looked at her with concern in his eyes.

  “No my lord. It was no dream.” She said while gently wiping his forehead with a wet cloth.

  “So it wasn’t a dream. How did I manage to get here?”

  “You were brought here. Your body was bruised.”

  Sir Vladimir climbed out of bed, standing naked. He walked to his chest.

  “How long have I been here?” He asked with his back facing the maid.

  “You’ve been in bed for three days.”

  He quickly turned and faced her.

  “Three days?” He was shocked.

  “Yes my lord. Three days in bed… you were asleep. Your body was wounded with cuts and bruises, but you healed well.”

  “All I remember… was fighting on Vanderguard… we fleeing from the Paladins… fleeing into the forest where we discovered a cave. We fought the hidden wonders inside that cave bravely… and I remember… the cave collapsing… I fled blindly into another tunnel and I saw something hideous… a large beast that was man-like… approaching with its talons reaching out to me… and… that’s all I can remember.”

  “Don’t try to strain yourself in remembering the horrors you’ve encountered dear brother.” Lady Christiana said while standing at the doorway of Sir Vladimir’s room. She cut her eyes over at the maid.

  “You may leave us.”

  The maid lowered her head and silently walked out of the room. Lady Christiana slowly stepped forward towards Sir Vladimir.

  “Are you hurt?” She asked.

  “Only my pride.”

  “Your pride can always be redeemed. I worried about you dear brother. Father wants to pass the throne to you. The throne would be no good to you if you are mortally wounded. It would do no good for I as to be your queen if you are mortally wounded.”

  “Don’t worry… I have survived countless of battles with both of my brothers. One is with the Paladins and the other…”

  “The other is with the Castilians.” She quickly interrupted. They are a thorn to both our sides. Get dress… father is waiting for you.”

  King Edward paced around the first level floor of the castle. He stood behind his wooden long table with a map of lands. He quickly slammed the bottom of his fist down on the table in anger and frustration.

  “For forty years we have done battle with the Paladins and the Castilians! The battle of Vanderguard is lost! How? I sought out the best stagiest! The plan was in formation! Aren’t my knights are capable of handling the Paladins?”

  “We were, Sire. The plan was in effect.” Sir Braden spoke out.

  “Then why have you failed?”

  “Because of a dreaded beast father!” Vladimir said as he slowly stepped down the last step of the stairs.

  Everyone turned their attention to him as he now approached, wearing a long sleeve shirt with brown laces dangling down from the collar. He wore a long black vest that hung down over the front of his knees with black trousers.

  “A beast?” King Edward frowned.

  “Yes father… The stagiest plans were perfect. The Paladins were preparing to retreat. And then, all of a sudden a dragon appeared, hovering over us.”

  “You expect me to believe such ravish tales?”

  “It is true father! A dragon interfered on the battle grounds. It attacked the Oracles Knights… burning them like the depths of hell. We had no other choice but to flee. We came close into defeating the Paladins until that cursed beast of spawn in hell appeared and set the men on flames.”

  “It is true, Sire.” Sir Braden added.

  King Edward gave out a long sigh. He lowered his head with his knuckles on each hand that were clenched into a fist rested on the table.

  “Merlin… cursed his soul to the blackest pits of hell! That dragon had to come from him.”

  “But Merlin is an ally with the Castilians! Why would he get involved and help the Paladins? The Castilians are at war with the Paladins too, as well as with us!” Sir Braden said.

  “Then who could spawn a dragon out of air? Who could control such a beast? I wouldn’t doubt the Castilians had join forces with the Paladins to suppress us!” King Edward snarled. “Now we truly at lost! Only if we could find Excalibur! That beast could be easily struck down and slain!”

  “Excalibur is in the lake of Avalon. King Arthur tossed the sword to the Lady of the Lake.” One of the stagiest said. “Only she trusts King Arthur and King Arthur only…”

  “Curses!” King Edward withdrew his attention away from everyone.

  “Your Highness, if I may intrigue you? There is a way to win this war and to unite the lands that are separated.” The priest claimed.

  “How? I’ve done all I can!”

  “All yes, but not everything. There is something more powerful than Excalibur… more mystic. It is an ambulant.”

  “Ravish!” King Edward quickly turned and faced the priest. “There’s no ambulant that is more powerful than the mystic sword Excalibur! If you weren’t a priest, I’ll have you beheaded for such egregious tales your tongue spittle!”

  “I do not tell egregious tales your Highness. My notion about this ambulant is true.”

  “True?” King Edward giggled. “And where can I lay my hands on such an ambulant that is more powerful than Excalibur? Where did this ambulant came from?”

  “It came from the heavens.”

  Everyone turned their focus on the priest.

  “It’s long before us… It was with one of the Watchers whom were thrown out from the heavens. The ambulant that the Watcher had…” The priest approached the table and unfolded an old paper of a drawing of the ambulant with the word אֲבַדּוֹן underneath the drawling.

  “What… what is this language?” King Edward frowned.

  “It is ancient Hebrew your Highness. It is called, Abaddon… which means Destroyer.”

  King Edward and the knights looked at the drawling of the ambulant. A face that was flat with its eyes closed… hair resembled the clouds.

  “This ambulant holds many secrets to the heavens. It is a key to the gates of the heavens that sits upon us! Its mystic powers are unknown but deadly… With this in your hands, all lands can be united in your name.”

  “Where can this ambulant be found?”

  “It is hidden from man… but can be reached inside a mountain of fire.”

  “A mountain of fire?” Vladimir frowned.

  “Yes. But be warned Sir Vladimir… through your travels will be great challenges of obstacles! It will not be easy.”

  “With this in my hand… all lands will be united under my name… under my control!” King Edward slightly gave a nod.

  Black Castle…

  Inside a dungeon that seemed to be red with brimstone, Sir Franklin stood behind the anvil shirtless, exposing his bare chest that was slightly covered with hair. His long dark straight hair was slicked back with his six o’clock shadow that stretched across his face. His body was drenched in sweat. King Wallace entered the dungeon and walked down the black steps that were made out of brick. He reached the last step and approached Sir Franklin.

  “I am disappointed in you Sir Franklin… that cursed Vladimir has fled from your sights! He will regroup and try another strategy to take the lands that belong to me!”


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