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Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1

Page 10

by Brian Davis

  “Mad dogs!” He shouted. They are coming!”

  She turned and saw a pack of wild black dogs charging towards them. She quickly placed her arrows on the bow and fired the arrows one by one at them. The arrows struck two dogs in the center of their foreheads. The dogs yelp and dropped motionlessly to the ground. She placed another arrow on her bow and fired the arrow at another dog, striking the dog in the side of its belly. The dog tumbled to the ground where it laid until it died.

  Sir Alexander swung his sword from right to left, cutting the dogs in midair as they leaped forward at him. The dogs’ bodies laid motionless on the ground with blood pouring out from them. He turned and saw a crazed villager approaching with a hayfork. He thrust the hayfork at Sir Alexander. Sir Alexander quickly stepped to the outside of the hayfork while twisting his sword over the body of the hayfork, parrying the hayfork to the right side. Sir Alexander swung the arming sword downward in an angle, slicing the villager upper torso.

  More villagers charged forward with their farm weapons in hand. Sir Alexander swung his sword around, slicing the villagers who approached him. He twirled his sword around in a circled motion while advancing forward from side to side slicing and cutting downward on the villagers. He blocked their farm weapons’ blades and parried them away from his body while slicing their bodies. Blood was spilled on the ground as arms were cut off from the lifeless bodies on the ground.

  Sir Alexander turned and met a crazed villager charging with a spike in his hand. He thrust the pike at Sir Alexander in a stabbing motion. Sir Alexander quickly swung his arming sword downward in a half-circled motion, parrying the pike away from him. He turned his body around while the crazed man continued forward in a stabbing motion. Sir Alexander swung his sword downward when he positioned himself behind the crazed attacker, slicing him downward across his back. Fay quickly aimed her bow and arrow at him and fired an arrow, striking the crazed attacker in the throat with an arrow before his body fell face-first to the ground.

  Sir Alexander pointed his sword up the brick staircase that led to the mechanism that controlled the drawbridge.

  “Fay, up there the drawbridge can be lowered!”

  “I’m right behind you!” She announced while racing behind him. She hopped up in the air while firing her arrows, shooting more crazed villagers in their throats and chest areas.

  Sir Alexander approached the staircase. He raced up the brick stairs where another crazed villager stood at the stairs with his weapon in his hand. He thrust an overhead spear at him. Sir Alexander quickly swung his sword upward in a half-circled motion, parrying the spear to his left side. He quickly thrust the tip of his sword forward, stabbing the attacker in his midsection. The crazed man fell down the long staircase.

  Sir Alexander raced up the staircase. He saw the chains that were connected to the drawbridge. He approached the lever and turned the wheel. The drawbridge was now lowered.

  Sir Godfrey stood on the hill, waiting with the rest of the knights. He pointed his sword towards the drawbridge that was lowered to the ground.

  “The drawbridge has lowered! Knights, forward!”

  The knights charged along with Sir Godfrey as they stormed inside the village. The villagers instantly retreated in fear as they saw the knights roaming the village. Sir Godfrey looked around, viewing the bloody carnage that was scattered on the ground. He looked up and saw Sir Alexander and Fay slowly walking down the staircase.

  “My lord, are you harmed?” Sir Godfrey asked in concern.

  “Nay. However; you are correct about these crazed mad animals! They attacked for no reason!”

  “As I stated before… their minds are mad.”

  “These people need help!”

  “There’s no helping the crazed. Perhaps with the power of this ambulant that we seek, it may provide us the answer on how to help these poor devils.

  Chapter 12

  The day has surrendered to the night, as the skies slowly start to fade into darkness. Sheena’s ship continued to sail across the ocean. One of the sailors stepped down to the lower deck where Sheena and Sir Vladimir were with some of the sailors.

  “Your Highness, the sailors up at the upper deck have spotted land up ahead!”

  Sheena blinked as she stood from the table along with Sir Vladimir. She raced up the stairs to the upper deck where she approached the front base of her ship. Calvin stood at the ledge. Up ahead, a trace of land with lights sparkling from the castle and large buildings that sat on the land.

  “I know this land.” Calvin said. “We are now approach the city of Bork. There is a wealthy merchant along with a king inside that castle. It is told that the merchant is his lover.”

  “Interesting tale.” Sheena mumbled as the wind cut through them, blowing her long waving and curly black hair back that fitted underneath her scarf she wore around her head. “We can raid this area and set sail again.”

  “Aye. I’ll inform the rest of the crew. I’ll gather six of them, and scout through the town.”

  “Have Vladimir go along with you.”

  “Your Highness? I do not need him to come along with us.”

  “Make it known that you do not make the decisions on this ship. Do I make myself understood, or do you need a lesson from the tip of my blade?”

  “No your Highness, my apologies.”

  “Good. Prepare the men… we are approaching the city of Bork.”

  She turned and walked away back inside the lower deck. Sir Vladimir remained at the table as he stood. She slowly walked down the stairs while her eyes never left his. Something was on her mind, he knew by her gaze… something devious. He noticed the rest of the sailors following her down the stairs. The men stood around, waiting for her to speak.

  “There is land up ahead and soon we will be arriving on the shorelines of Bork.”

  “Bork?” Sir Vladimir asked.

  “The city of Bork.” She answered.


  “I have a pledge that I’ve made to myself and to everyone on this ship. We raid the king of his wealth. You… Vladimir… you are now a part of our brotherhood. Would you help us in raiding the king’s wealth?”

  “Who is this king?”

  “King Francis... King of Bork. It is said that he has a lover…”

  “Mostly all kings have lovers… which are called women of servants.”

  “Nah… it is a merchant… a wealthy merchant… a man.” Calvin the Terrible spoke out.

  “A man?”

  “Yes.” Sheena said. “We are going to split up in groups. I have informed Calvin the Terrible of this plan. He will use six sailors in finding this merchant... sneak inside the castle and into King Francis’ Great Chambers… find out where his keep is… search inside and take whatever gold you find. Bring the loot aboard the ship, and we will safely set sail.”

  “That’s the plan?”



  “If you should be caught by the king’s guards, you will be on your own.” She looked around at the men. “We will not try to save you; it would expose the rest of us. Everyman is for himself until he aboard this ship. We will only wait for seven hours… after that if any of the crew is not aboard this ship, he will be left behind. We will be setting ashore soon.”

  The men nodded and walked up the stairs to the upper deck. Sir Vladimir’s jaws clenched as he lowered his eyes down at the wooden table. She noticed his gaze.

  “Does something trouble you?”

  “If we raid this king… we will be labeled as criminals, and scout will be searching for us.”

  “Let them. I assure you that once we set sail, the king will not know who stole his wealth. I know you have your differences with Calvin the Terrible, but rest assure he can be trusted.”

  “So you say.”

  “I now have trust in you. Should you not have trust in me?”

  “Robbing a king is a serious crime… if caught; you are surly to be put to death.”

  “Then I trust that you will not be taken prisoner.”

  “Like I was on your ship?”

  “Precise.” Her lips cut into a smile.

  The ship now approached the shoreline of Bork. Sir Vladimir, along with the sailors and Sheena stepped off from the ship while some of the sailors waited aboard the ship. From a distance, the sound of music from the flutes and violins danced in the air. Voices of laughter were carried in the air. They walked on the brick roads that entered the city of Bork. There were homes and shops on each side of the roads.

  “There is a tavern up ahead.” Sheena mumbled. “We split up. Calvin, you are in command.”

  “Aye. I’ll take six of the crew… including you, outlander.” He snarled.

  “Vladimir.” Sir Vladimir addressed.

  “You’ll be known as outlander to me! I will call you whatever I see fit! I am in command of this mission.”

  “Aye-aye, captain.” Sir Vladimir replied in a sarcastic tone.

  “It will be wise for you to better your tongue, outlander. The six of you; follow me.”

  The sailors, including Sir Vladimir followed Calvin inside the tavern. There were men and women inside; some were dancing while others sat around drinking ale. Calvin and the sailors sat down at the large square table where an innkeeper approached. Sir Vladimir stood alone while leaning his right shoulder on a pole. He folded his arms across his chest while eyeing everyone inside. He noticed a dancer that was a prostitute dancing in a rhythm of a snake. Her body twirled as if it was a snake slithering on the land. She turned and her eyes locked onto his. She gave a smile while Sir Vladimir gave a wink of an eye. She continued to dance. Her hair was long, black and straight that was braided into a French ponytail that draped over her right shoulder and breast.

  She wore a yellow sleeveless tunic that revealed her smooth stomach and bellybutton. Her harem pants were red. She continued with her slightly tan flesh glazed in her own heat of sweat that her body produced. The crowd cheered as Sheena looked on while sitting at the table with some of her sailors. Her eyes were only a job for the spectator as she watched in silence. The dancer moved forward towards Sir Vladimir. He remained motionless with his arms still folded across his chest. She approached as the music from the flutes and violins ended. The crowd applauded as more dancers entered the tavern.

  “You are a strange one, outlander… you are not drinking?” She asked.

  “You’re movements quenched my thirst.”

  “Would you like for me to dance for you?”

  “Somewhere privately?” Sir Vladimir asked.

  “Where do you prefer?”

  “Any place except here.” He smiled.

  She regarded him with a gaze of her eyes that were half-closed as if she was giving a yawn. She tilted her head to the left of her where the exit of the doors was positioned. Her lips… full and red stretched upward into a smile while walking away towards the exit of the doors. Sir Vladimir gave a short smile and trailed her.

  Calvin the Terrible blinked in anger.

  “What is this mad fool doing? He’s going to blow the mission.”

  “He is his own man.” One of the sailors that sat with him at the table advised. “Leave him be. When the time is right for us to leave, if he’s not aboard the ship, he will be left behind.”

  “But he is Sheena’s prisoner. We can’t just leave him behind!”

  “She gave him amnesty, remember? And the way he wields that sword of his, I dare not challenge him.”

  The Castilians Knights rested inside a large forest miles away from the Bozhevil’ni Village. They stood around at a campsite. Some sat in their tents while others stood around a campfire. Sir Alexander sat at a campfire with Fay who sat next to him. He held a dead rabbit that was skinned and impelled with a dagger over the fire.

  “You’ve done splendidly-well at the Bozhevil’ni Village. You’ve held your own. I’m blessed to have you at my side.”

  He watched her smile softly.

  “You don’t smile much, do you?” He asked.

  “I smile when I must.”

  “Are you ever happy?”

  “At times I am.”

  “I see. How long have you been in battle with the trolls?”

  “Hundreds of years. The same as you have been in battle with each other… humans been at war with each other since the creation of man.”

  “I see you’ve learned our history.”

  “Your history is the same as ours. We share the land together. We just isolate ourselves from the humans. This Lady Jetta that you’ve spoke highly of… who is she to you?” Fay asked.

  Her question caused him to pause. He blinked while continuing to roast the rabbit over the flame.

  “She is a knight. Very exceptional in the skills of archery, however; from what I’ve witness today, her skills are unmatched to yours.”

  “Does she have your heart?”

  “Yes… yes she does.”

  “Why isn’t she here with you?”

  She heard him gave a soft sigh before he answered.

  “If my question is too difficult for you to answer, than you do not have to give an answer.” She advised.

  “No. I’ll answer it… it’s the least I can do… it was the king’s decision that she be left to guard the castle or lands that the king owns. She waits for my return.”

  “I see.”

  “And what of you…? Do you have one that has captured your heart?” He asked.

  “Once.” She admitted.

  “And now?”

  “It has passed. I no longer desire for one to capture my heart. Our battle with the trolls prevents that. We love each other and so… to celebrate life before we fight… we embrace each other.”

  “With the trolls?”

  “No. Never. With our own kind.”

  “I see.” He blinked as his eyes never left hers.

  “Your rabbit is going to be overcooked.”

  “Ah.” He quickly moved the rabbit from the flames. “My apologies… I drifted off somehow.”

  “I see. The air is changing. It is getting cool by the night.”

  “Yes. That’s because we are close to the Alps. Soon, we will arrive there.”

  “Is that’s were your destiny lies.”

  “It is the journey to my destiny.”

  “Your enemies… who are they?” She asked while he handed her a piece of the cooked rabbit.

  “The Order of the Paladins Knights. They are knights in suited armor that is black and red. My brother is amongst them. My brother, Sir Franklin… he is the eldest. My second brother is with the Oracles Knights. Their armor is silver and white. His name is Sir Vladimir… my sister is amongst the Oracles Knights. Her name is Lady Christiana.”

  “She is a knight?”

  “Aye… rightfully so. We are at battle with each other. My other brother… Sir Fredrick… I was told he died a long time ago.”

  “Was he amongst the other knights?”

  “Nay. He was a Templar. I was sent by the king and with the guidance of Merlin to find the Abaddon ambulant so that the lands will be united under one king. We live in a dark age. This chaos will end once the Abaddon is in our grasp. Also on our travels, we need to find Excalibur.”

  “The legendary sword…”

  “You know of it?”

  “There was a knight that once wielded it.”

  “King Arthur. He gave the sword back to the Lady of the Lake. We must find that sword if we are going to conquer the other knights.”

  “But once who’ve found Excalibur, why proceed in search of the Abaddon?”

  “None can match the Abaddon’s powers. From the tales that spittle from Merlin’s tongue, this ambulant is unmatched. It comes from the stars.” He looked up and stared at the sparkling stars.

  In the corner of a room that Sir Vladimir rented, he stood naked, wrestling with the naked prostitute in his arms. He pinned her back against the wall… her legs wrapped around his wa
ist like vines on the bark… Her arms propped over his shoulders. Nipples pressed against his. Her head titled back with her eyes closed and her mouth opened, enjoying the pleasure of his performance. His dick slid back and forward against her pussy-walls, like the bow against the strings of a violin, and the notes of music were the natural moans from both mouths that were opened in glee.

  The force from his thrust bounced her soft ass cheeks against the corner of the wall. Seven candles were lit inside the room. She now looked down into his face. Forehead paste in sweat…. She breathed heavy while burying her lips on his… He stumbled backwards from her will, and he tumbled on his back onto the bed. He now crawled in the middle while she followed him and rode him like an untamed horse. She arched her back… exposing her breasts in the air. Her hands slid down and rested on his chest. She looked down at him again, and leaned forward, resting her forehead on his.

  “You feel so good.” The warmth of her breath danced on his lips.

  “I’m about to erupt…” He warned breathlessly.

  She ignored his warnings and continued to rock her hips faster and faster. His body tensed along with hers. And soon, Sir Vladimir opened his mouth with a long rasped moan that lured out from his lungs. She grabbed his face with the palms of her hands and instantly covered his mouth with hers. Her tongue danced the same as her body-slithering like a snake. Now, their bodies gave-in to a relax state… hearts racing, as they could feel each other’s heart rhythm… their stomach moving each time they exhaled and inhaled. She felt his hands on her soft ass cheeks and finally, she shifted her legs down as his dick that was now limped, slipped out.

  “You’re oozing out of me.” She mentioned breathlessly while lying on her back.

  “Forgive me. For I have warned you but I… I couldn’t control myself.” He stated.

  “I never let a stranger plant his seed in me…”

  “You said you have children when we both arrived here.”


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