Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1

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Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1 Page 11

by Brian Davis

  “Yes. I have two. Their father was murdered. That’s why I swore an oath that I will not allow a stranger to plant his seed in me… but I have broken that oath tonight. You felt so good to me and…” She turned and faced him. “You are pleasing to my eyes. My heart has melted in your presence the very first sight of you.”

  “Those are kind words.”

  “Where are you from?” She asked.

  “I’m an outlander… I explore many lands.” He lied.

  “Are you searching for loot?”


  “Hopefully the loot that you search for is next to you.”

  Sir Vladimir sat up and faced her.

  “Aye it is but however…”


  “There is something else that I search for.”

  “And that be?”

  “The wealth from the king.”


  “Relax… if I am to pay you for your service, I would like to reward you more.”

  “But you have paid me.”

  “Aye, but I would like to give you more.”

  “What is it that you ask of me?”

  “The layout of the king’s castle.”

  “It’s heavily guarded.”

  “I am aware… however, a castle always have its weakness.”

  “The right keep… next to the outer walls… it’s not heavily guarded.”

  “Then that’s where I will go.”

  The nightly breeze started to shift into a cool stiff breeze. Sir Alexander laid on his fur quilt with a fur blank covering him. The candle was lit, and the flame flickered. He opened his eyes and saw Fay lying on her quilt in front corner of the tent. Her body was shivering from the night breeze that sweep inside the tent. Sir Alexander stood, only wearing a white braies. He grabbed the fur blanket and approached Fay who laid on her side with her back turn towards him. She only had a thin sheet that covered her body. He gently covered her body with the fur blanket and walked over to his quilt and laid on his side. His jaws clenched as he felt the cool breeze from the night air sweeping inside the tent.

  Fay turned and faced him, watching his body tense from the cold. She stood wearing a long thin cloth that exposed her legs. She placed the fur blanket on him and walked back to her quilt. Sir Alexander turned and sat up, facing her.

  “You do not like the fur blanket?”

  “The blanket is fine… however; I will not be warm if you sacrifice your warmness to warm me. I would rather stay cold if you have to freeze.”

  Sir Alexander lowered his head for a moment, debating. He looked up at her.

  “Come.” He said. “We will both keep ourselves warm tonight… it is the least I could do.”

  Fay slowly blinked for a second and then, she stood and approached. She gently lied down on his quilt with her back facing him. He cuddled against her with his arm around her waist. The fur blanket was around them. He now felt her fingers on the back of his hand.

  “Forgive me.” He mumbled. “If you feel me aroused… I cannot contain myself because of your scent that is sweet as honey… your flesh as soft and smooth as silk… you are warm like a fur blanket.”

  Her eyes were opened, but she remained silent, blinking slowly. And then, her eyes closed and her lips slowly stretched into a smile. She quickly turned and faced him… forehead resting against his… nose inches away from his, as she slid her arm underneath his…

  “Do not apologize… if I didn’t feel you aroused, than I would think you are a strange one. I will keep you warm… I will aide you… and protect you.” She slowly blinked while closing her eyes to rest in his arms.

  King Francis’ castle was guarded by his guards. Most of them stood out in the outer courts. Sir Vladimir approached the right side of the castle without being spotted by the guard in the watchtower. Sir Vladimir twirled a rope with a scaling hook attached to the end. He slung the rope up in the air where the iron hook attached itself to the ledge of the outer wall. With black leather gloves on, he pulled himself up while placing his feet on the brick wall of the castle. He continued while snarling… lips drew back while every vein in his forearms and biceps exposed while tensing. His feet quickly scaled up the wall and finally, grabbed the edge of the outer wall. Sir Vladimir lifted himself up and over the edge.

  Hear race, as he looked around and noticed any guards patrolling around. He remembered the prostitute’s instructions… the right keep is the main keep where the king sleeps. He turned and faced the tower of the keep. He now raced across the outer wall and paused. His eyes widen when he saw two guards standing at the entrance door of the right tower keep. Sir Vladimir quickly looked around before the guards turned around and spot him. Only seconds to spare as both guards had their backs turned towards him.

  The guards now turned around and looked down across the outer wall. Everything seemed clear. The guards slowly walked side by side on the outer wall. Sir Vladimir hung from the ledge of the outer wall, as his hands gripped the edge. He waited as he heard the conversations of the two guards walking past him. He now lifted himself up, and scaled over the edge of the outer wall. He turned as the guards continued with their backs turned, to walk across the outer wall, away from the right keep. Sir Vladimir stood and hurried to the entrance door of the keep. He approached and pushed the wooden door opened. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

  Sir Vladimir walked up the long spiraled staircase of the keep. The torches that were connected to the circled walls were lit to give light inside the tower. He continued to advance up the stairs and paused when he reached the wooden door. Sir Vladimir slowly pulled his arming sword out from its sheath. He pressed his back against the wall next to the door while pressing his cheek to the wall, trying to listen to any sounds from behind the wall.

  He slowly pushed the door open slightly, as he peeped through the crack of the door. He noticed three guards standing on the top tier. His jaws clenched. The tree of the guards had their backs turned towards the door, lost in their own conversations. The area was lit with candles and a large chandelier that hung from the high ceiling in the center of the main ward. Sir Vladimir gently bit down on his bottom lip, contemplating…

  He slowly pushed the door further more to open it. He paused and noticed the guards didn’t turn around. He continued to push the door more and slowly slid his body out from behind the door. He noticed another hall to his right. He ducked and quickly raced to the hall to a door. He approached and slowly opened the door. He stepped inside and closed the door shut behind him. He turned around where he noticed he was inside a room. The room was lit with candles.

  A cross from him, was a large bed with drapes that hung down from the around the bed. His eyes narrowed when he saw a chubby man resting on his knees and hands naked, with his ass exposed in the air. And he noticed slender man with broad shoulders standing naked behind the chubby man. He watched him slid his erect dick inside the man’s anal. King Francis grabbed the merchant’s wide ass with his hands and slowly begun to move his hips forward, sliding his dick forward and back inside the man’s ass. The merchant gave a soft rasp moan, as King Francis continued to jerk his hips faster, making the man’s ass cheeks jiggle and clap.

  Sir Vladimir’s eyes danced around the king’s room in search for the king’s loot. King Francis continued to thrust his hips faster and hard as the merchant buried his face into the soft cotton bed to muffle his moans. He fingers clenched the sheets as King Francis continued. Sir Vladimir slowly approached them from behind. He lifted his right hand up and swung the ridge of his right hand down behind on King Francis’ neck, chopping the side of his neck. King Francis instantly dropped unconscious to the floor. The merchant instantly stood and turned around. His eyes widen in shock as Sir Vladimir lifted the tip of his blade up to the merchant’s throat.

  “One word from your mouth and your lover will awake to find your throat slit.” Sir Vladimir mumbled. “Now… the loot… where does the king keeps his loot?”r />
  “I-I know not… I only come here for…”

  Suddenly, Sir Vladimir instantly kicked the merchant between his legs. The merchant gasped while grabbing his dick. Sir Vladimir swung the butt of his sword downward in an angle on the side of the merchant’s neck, and the merchant fell on the floor unconscious next to the king.

  “Don’t worry,” Sir Vladimir mumbled, “I’ll find it myself, while you two love birds sleep peacefully.”

  He stepped over the chubby nude body of the merchant, and looked around. The loot must be around somewhere, Sir Vladimir knew. He saw a small hidden door to the front side of the bed. He approached and opened the door. His eyes widen when he saw a chest inside the hidden room. He approached the chest and lifted the lid up, and his eyes gleamed in greed when he saw gold coins and a crown filled to the top of the chest, along with crystals and diamonds.

  He now pulled out a black bag made out of cloth that he carried, and quickly stuffed the gold coins, crystals and diamonds inside the bag. He picked up the crown and stared at it. If it’s gold, it belong to me; he cynically thought while stuffing the crown inside the bag. He filled the bag halfway and tied the bag with a rope. He lifted the bag that seemly to be heavy across his shoulder. He approached the edge of the keep where he looked out from it. Too far up, he knew. He turned and scanned the area. He must find a rope or something to lower the loot down from the keep, knew, but what; he wondered?

  His eyes were now affixed to the long drapes. His lips drew upward into a smile as an idea appeared in his mind. Time was an essence, he knew as he approached the side of the bed and swung his sword, slicing the drape. He now tied the end of the drape to the loot and gently lowered the loot with the guidance of the drape down the keep. He released the drape where the loot fell to the ground.

  Sir Vladimir cut two drapes and tied them together. He approached the ledge of the keep and tied it around the brick ledge. He encased his sword inside his sheath and slowly climbed down the long drape that dangled from the keep.

  Chapter 13

  Fay continued to lay motionless with Sir Alexander. Their eyes were closed… lips slightly apart… Nose inches away from touching… Never before has she ever desired in cuddling in sleep with a human… nor has he ever dreamed of sleeping next to an elf. All was strange to them. The guiltiness filled his heart like water filling the lungs… drowning him with shame as the only image he thought of was Lady Jetta. He dreamed about her… her image was clear to his thoughts. Her long wavy red-colored hair blew in the wind. Her face smooth as ivory and her eyes blue as the sea, as she slowly blinks them while gazing at him from a short distance.

  Suddenly, Fay’s nose twitched. A strange scent triggered her to open her sleepy eyes. She frowned while sitting up, and the sound from what her ears alerted her, something was approaching the campsite. She stood and slid on her hose and tunic. She approached the front end of the tent and paused, while sniffing in the air. Her heart race. The scent was stronger. Something of the wild was approaching. She hurried to Sir Alexander and nudged his shoulder, shaking him.

  “Alexander… Alexander…” She called out to. “Alexander… you must awake up!”

  She watched him slowly opened his eyes as he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “Has the sun risen already?” He asked.

  “No. Something is approaching… you must act quickly!”


  “Quickly arm yourself. It’s approaching!”

  “What’s approaching?” He quickly stood without hesitation.

  He quickly put on his trousers and tunic. He grabbed is arming sword and rushed out of his tent with Fay. The knights that stood around in watch; noticed his bizarre actions… his stance was in an alert posture with his sword drawn in his hand. Two of the knights approached.

  “My lord… what is it? What’s frightened you?”

  Fay looked around as her eyes were drawn to the dark forest. Bow in hand… arrow positioned on the bow. Her teeth clenched from the cold that bit her flesh.

  “It’s out there.” She mumbled.

  “What’s out there? I don’t see anything?” One of the knights said.

  “Alert the rest of the knights!” She quickly said.

  “Have you gone mad elf?” The knight challenged.

  “Do it now before it’s too late!”

  The knight looked over at Sir Alexander.

  “Alert the rest of the knights from their sleep.” Sir Alexander ordered.

  “My lord?”

  “Do it now!”

  “It’s too late, it’s here!” Fay alerted.

  “What’s here?” The knight asked.

  “There!” She quickly aimed her bow and fired it in the direction where she caught the scent of the wild.

  Suddenly, a large oversize bear lunged out from the dark forest, charging in rage.

  “My God! Sound the horn!” Sir Alexander shouted.

  One of the knights blew the horn, awaking the rest of the knights from their tents.

  The knights that stood on guard watch; charged the bear with their spears. They thrust their spears at the bear. The bear stood on its hind legs, now towering eight-feet in height. The bear swung its mighty paws, slapping the spears out from the knights’ hands. The bear swung its paws from side to side, swapping the knights in the air. The knight’s body flung into the air as he screamed and his body crashed into a tent.

  Sir Godfrey and rest of the knights scattered out from the tents. Their eyes widen in horror, as the knights approached the large bear with their swords, spears, and axes attacking the bear. Fay aimed her arrows at the bear and continuously releasing the bowstring, firing a rain of arrows at the bear. The bear leaned forward on its four legs and charged angrily forward at Fay. It growled, ramming the knights up in the air. Fay quickly dove to the left side of the bear and performed a front roll to her feet. She squatted on her knee and aimed her bow, firing arrows at it. The arrows stuck into the bear’s back and upper front torso.

  The bear continued in rage as it swung its powerful claws down, racking the flesh off from a knight’s face to the bone. The bear charged and crawled on another knight, digging its fangs into the knight’s neck and face. Sir Alexander in panic looked around. An idea crossed his mind quickly when he saw the smothered campfire. He quickly relit the fire and stuck the tip of his sword into the fire. Fay quickly raced to him as the bear’s back was turned towards her. The bear turned around and swung its powerful claws at her. Fay quickly ducked and performed a front roll, away from the bear.

  She rolled to her feet and raced to Sir Alexander. The knights continued to scream and cry out in fear and confusion. She dipped the tip of her arrows into the flames. She aimed the flaming arrows at the bear and fired them. The flaming arrows stuck into the bear’s furry flesh, as Sir Alexander swung his arming sword at the bear, cutting its back. Within seconds, the flames crawled up on the fur of the bear.

  The bear roared in pain as the knights continued with their swords, cutting its flesh and penetrating the torso with their spears. The flames continued to grow from the wild frizzy movements of the bear, covering the bear’s body. The bear stumbled forward in a ball of flames, as the knights quickly scattered away from its path. Finally, the bear collapsed in the center of the campsite, and it laid motionless as the fire covered its body…

  “Is it dead?” Sir Godfrey asked as he slowly approached it.

  “Aye… I think it’s dead!” Sir Alexander answered.

  “Where did it come from?”

  “From the forest!” Fay answered.

  The knights turned towards the direction where the bear emerged out from.

  “It may be more out there! Perhaps its mate! Patrol the area!” Sir Alexander ordered. “Fifty meters outward!”

  The knights scattered out from the campsite. Sir Godfrey approached Sir Alexander who stood behind the campfire in shock. His eyes slowly danced around the bloodied bodies of the fallen knights.

sp; “My lord… how did you know this large beast of a bear was approaching? Did you hear it?”

  “Nay. It was Fay who woke me from my sleep. Somehow she heard coming from the bushes.”

  “Are there more?” He directed his question to her.

  “I… I know not.”

  “How did you know it was here?”

  “From its scent… and I heard it moving in bushes.”

  The knights returned.

  “Sire, we’ve searched the area… there’s no signs of more of these things out here!”

  Sir Alexander sighed as Fay and Sir Godfrey looked at him, waiting for his orders.

  “Gather the bodies. Toss them to the side. When we set to march out from here, we burn the bodies.” He turned and slowly walked back inside his tent.

  Sir Vladimir approached the hut where he rented the room. The prostitute waited for his return as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her eyes stretched when she saw him entered the room.

  “You’ve returned?” She was shocked.

  “You had your doubts. Now as promised.” He reached into the bag and gave her a handful of coins. Her mouth dropped in shock.

  “You…” She replied breathless.

  “Indeed. Ah,” he paused and pulled out the golden crown. He placed the crown on top of her head. “This belongs to a true queen.”

  Her mouth was opened. She was speechless.

  “There’s no need for you to sell your body any longer. With those coins and crown on your head, you should be able to support your children and yourself for a long time.”

  “And you…? Where must you go?”

  “I have to return to the ship of where I sailed on.”

  “Take us with you.” She quickly begged.

  “Nay. I cannot. My debt has been paid. You cannot travel with me. Be on your journey… away from this place. Take yourself and your children faraway… for the king’s guards will search through the city for me. If they find you with coins and the crown, you will surely be put to death. It would be a shame to have such beauty beheaded from a gifted body like yours.”


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