Gräser, Karl 91
Graubünden 54–5
Green, Julien 234
Green, Rev. Vivian 206–7
Greene, Graham 101, 144, 209, 254, 261–4, 266
Gross, Otto 102
Gstaad 123–5, 130, 133, 136–7, 267
Guggenheim, Peggy 173
Guinness, Patrick 26, 191
H., Dr. 198–201
Haller, Harry 2, 100–101
Hallgarten, Ricki 228
Hamilton, Guy 265
Hamlin, Dimitri 139
Hansberry, Lorraine 183
Harrison, George 99
Havel, Václav 201
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 27–8
Heaven Has No Favourites 258–9
Heilbut, Anthony 66
Hemingway, Ernest 4, 122, 125–8, 130–31, 134, 136, 148, 170, 249
Hemingway, Hadley 126
Hennings, Emmy 110
Henry, Frederic 126–8
Hermitage Hotel 124
Herzen, Alexander 110
Hesse, Hermann 1, 2, 5, 92, 99–102, 233, 259
Highsmith, Patricia 6, 8, 126, 172–88, 240, 259
Hill, Ellen 173–7, 178
Hiltpold, Rudolf 114
Hirschfeld, Magnus 161
History of a Six Weeks’ Tour 32
Hitchcock, Alfred 8, 182
Hobhouse, John 36, 48, 268, 271
Hoffmann, Ida 91, 103
Hogg, James 30
Holbein, Hans 9
Holmes, Richard 33, 34
Holmes, Sherlock 4, 60–62, 270
Hoover, J. Edgar 105
Hope, Edith 266–7
Hopper, Denis 182
Hospental 10, 98
Hotel Beau Rivage 71, 119
Hotel Belvedere 54, 57
Hotel Byron 40–41
Hotel d’Angleterre 33–4, 41
Hotel de Londres 44
Hotel des Trois Couronnes 164
Hotel des Trois Mondes 132
Hotel des Trois Rois 8, 174
Hotel du Lac 263, 266–7
Hotel du Lion d’Or 268–9
Hotel Gibbons 147
Hotel Kreuz 215
Hotel Metropole 127
Hotel Parc du Sauvage 60
Hotel Pension Delphin 120
Hotel Richemonde 255
Hotel Waldhaus 102
Hotel Zum Storchen 176
Howells, William Dean 159
Hugo, Victor 170
Humbert, Humbert 163, 164, 262
Hunkeler, Inspector Peter 153–4
‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’ 38, 48
Idiot, The 82
Ile de J.J. Rousseau 28, 84–5
Ile Saint-Pierre 27, 272
Imlay, Fanny 31
In Matto’s Realm 149–52
Inspector Barlach Mysteries, The 192
Interlaken 190
International Sanatorium Berghof (Hotel Schatzalp) 63–4, 67
International Workingmen’s Association 69
Isherwood, Christopher 227
Italian Byways 54–5
J’accuse – The Dark Side of Nice 261–2
Jackson, Michael 98, 119
Jaeggi, Danielle 66
James Joyce Foundation 116
James, Henry 28, 41, 133, 145, 170, 177, 266
Jeanmaire, General Jean-Louis 213–16
Jeanmaire, Marie-Louise 215
Jolas, Betsy 117
Jolas, Eugene 117
Jolas, Maria 117–18
Jones, Alfred 262–4
Jones, Quincy 167
Journal of Aran, A 237–8
Joyce, Giorgio 112
Joyce, James 5, 107–22, 132, 160, 192, 259–60, 266
Joyce, Lucia 112, 132
Joyce, Stanislaus 108
Joyce, Stephen 119, 120
Judge and His Hangman, The 193, 195
Judt, Tony 10
Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse 13–14, 21, 37–8
Jung, Carl 104, 110
Kaempffer, Dr Gertrude 113–14
Kafka, Franz 89
Kandinsky, Wassily 104, 110
Keel, Daniel 179, 188
Keller, Gottfried 251
Kips, Mr 264
Klee, Paul 104
Klingsort’s Last Summer 99
Klossowska, Baladine 255–6
Klossowski, Balthasar (Balthus) 255–7
Klosters 217
Kobak, Annette 79
Kodama, María 260
Kotek, Iosef 55–6
Krasnov, Dmitri ‘Dima’ Vladimirovich 221–3
Krishnamurti 88
Krokowski, Dr 67
Kronenhalle 120–21, 201, 204
Kropotkin, Piotr 110
Kubrick, Stanley 160–61, 164, 262
Kulm Hotel 177
Laban, Rudolf 95, 102
Lac Léman (see also Lake Geneva) 122, 144, 163, 239, 254
Laduner, Dr 150
Lady Chatterley’s Lover 200
Lago Maggiore 91, 94, 115, 126, 257–8
Lake Biel 190, 192, 194, 272
Lake Constance 152
Lake Geneva (see also Lac Léman) 30, 33–4, 37–9, 45, 69, 133, 190, 254–5, 268
Lake Lucerne 190
Lake Neuchâtel 190, 192
Lake Zürich 129, 226
Lal, Chandra 146–7
Lamarr, Heddy 258
Larbaud, Valery 234
‘Lass of Aughrim, The’ 118
Laténium Museum 192
Laughter in the Dark 163
Lausanne 41, 73, 128, 132–3, 135, 147, 163, 166, 270
Lawrence, D.H. 5, 52, 95–8, 102, 148–9, 264
Lawrence, Frieda von Richthofen 95, 102, 148–9
Lazzari, Giulia 147
le Carré, John (David Cornwell) 5, 60, 70, 143–4, 144, 148, 168, 195, 204, 205–23, 259, 270
Le Rosey 133, 254
Leadbeater, Charles Webster 88
League of Peace and Freedom 69
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 2, 104, 109–10, 111, 266
Lerch, Freddy 153
Lester, Sean 119
Librairie Jullien 259
Liszt, Franz 115
Little Swiss Sojourn, A 159
Lloyd Osbourne, Samuel 57–8
Locarno 69, 91, 112–13, 127, 178–9, 182, 254
Locher, Dr. 199
Lolita 160–61, 163, 164, 176, 262
‘Long Walk from Hell, A’ 178
Loren, Sophia 119
Lowell, Robert 235
Luceni, Luigi 72
Lucens 62
Lucerne 32–3, 93–4, 96
Lugano 69, 264–6
Lüscher, Jonas 203–4
Luxembourg, Maréchal de 24
Luxembourg, Rosa 110
Lyautey, Colonel Hubert 76–9, 82, 86
Lyon, Sue 161
Lyric Novella 227
MacDowell, Gerty 113–14
Macfarlane, Robert 43
Macintyre, Ben 208, 210
Maclean, Donald 210
Mademoiselle O 163
Magic Mountain, The 4, 50, 51, 62–7
Maillart, Ella 2, 86, 224–5, 227–32, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239–40
Maison Chapuis 35–6, 45
Maison du Prussien 190–91
Malayan Trilogy, The 264
Malle, Louis 161
Mandelson, Peter 221–2
Mann, Erika 226–7, 228
Mann, Golo 179
Mann, Katia 51, 62–3
Mann, Klaus 226, 228
Mann, Monika 62
Mann, Thomas 4, 5, 8, 50, 51, 62º7, 122, 128, 129, 160, 211, 220, 226, 259, 270
Markwalder, Rickie 186
Mars 203, 247–9
Marsack, Robin 232
Mason, James 164, 262
Matthäi, Inspector 198–200
Maugham, Somerset 5, 60, 119, 139, 143–9, 173, 208
McCullers, Carson 226
Meaker, Marijane 178, 180, 181, 182, 183
Jacques 262
Meditations of a Solitary Walker 27
Medwin, Thomas 45
Meiringen 60–61
Mercanton, Jacques 118
Mercury, Freddie 167, 254
Miauton, Cécile 163
Miller, Claude 182
Miller, Daisy 270
Milton, John 15–16
Mitsou 256
Modern Utopia, A 92–4
Mohan, Dylan 218
Monet, Claude 116
Mont Blanc 45
‘Mont Blanc’ 44, 48
Monte Verità 4–5, 91–2, 04–5, 99, 102–6, 115
Montgomery, Mrs 263
Montmorency 23
Montreux 127, 130, 157–71, 267–8
Montreux Palace Hotel 161–3, 164–6, 168–9
Moore, Roger 137
Moriarty 60–62
Môtiers 23–6
Mountains of the Mind 43
Moveable Feast, A 126
Mühsam, Eric 102
Murdoch, Rupert 222
Murray, John 35
Muschg, Adolf 248
Musil, Robert 233
Myrer, Schartle 180
Nabokov, Elena 161
Nabokov, His Life in Part 169
Nabokov, Kirill 161
Nabokov, Sergei 161
Nabokov, Véra Slonim 161, 164, 170
Nabokov, Vladimir 1, 90, 122, 124, 156, 157–71, 259, 261, 267
Nafzger, Constable 155
Nechayev, Sergey 71
Nestlé 263
Neuchâtel 25, 191–4
New Arabian Nights 58
Nicholson, Jack 198
Night Manager, The 216–18
Notes of an Eccentric 90
Novartis 218, 219, 220
Ó Cianáin, Tadhg 9–10
O’Neill, Hugh 9–10
Oblivion Seekers, The 80
Oedenkoven, Henry 91, 103
‘Of Time and the Country Life’ 185
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest 195
Orgetorix 7
Osborne, George 222
Other Love, The 259
Our Kind of Traitor 221–3
Our Life in the Swiss Highlands 55
Palace Hotel 125, 129–30, 136
Pale Fire 163
Palmy, Christian 54
Paper Museum 8–9
Parks, Tim 251
Pavlovich, Grand Duke Dmitri 64
Penn, Sean 198
Pension Daheim 113
Pension de la Fôret de Chamby 125
Pension Villa Rossa 113
Perfect Spy, A 207, 209
Person, Hugh 166–7
Petersburg 90
petite Russie 5, 69–71, 86
Pfauen Café 111
Pfeffermühle, Die 227
Pfeiffer, Pauline 130
Philby, Aileen 210
Philby, Kim 210, 212
Physicists, The 197, 200–201
Pine, Jonathan 216–18
Place du Bourg-Four 259–60
Plainpalais 44, 85
Platzspitz Park 186
Pledge, The 189, 197, 198–200, 201
Polanski, Roman 137, 267
Polidori, John 1, 34–5, 43, 46–7
‘Portrait d’Ouled Nail’/’Achoura’ 80
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A 109
Posthotel Rössli 125, 130, 136
Pound, Ezra 109, 112
Powers, Thomas 210
Price of Salt, The/Carol 173, 176
Prisoner of Chillon, The 41–2, 43, 127
Profit, Vera B. 198
Promenade des Bastions 83
Pym, Magnus 207, 209, 211–12
Pym, Rick 209
Quayle, Justin 218–20
Quayle, Tessa 218
Ramsay, Allan 25–6
Rasputin, Grigori 64
Razumov 28, 82–6
Real Life of Sebastian Knight, The 160, 170
Reflections in a Golden Eye 226
Reichenbach Falls 60–62, 270
Remarque, Erich Maria 254, 257–9
Richemonde Hotel 119
Riddle, Nelson 161
Rilke, Rainer Maria 115, 132, 254, 255–7
Rimbaud, Arthur 75
Ripley, Tom 173, 174, 177–8, 179, 181
Rives de Prangins, Les 132
Roche 218, 219, 220
Romanovsky-Ilyinsky, Prince 64
Roper, Richard Onslow 217
Rose, Mrs 200–201
Roth, Philip 209
Rothschild, Nathaniel 222
Rousseau, Isaac 14
Rousseau, Jean François 15
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 2, 6, 12–28, 44, 127, 194, 225, 269, 272
Rushton, Robert 36
Russell, John 254
Rutheven, Lord 47
Saint-Imier 69
Schneider, Hansjörge 152–4
Schrott, Frau 200
Schwarzenbach, Annemarie 2, 225–32, 233, 234, 236, 239–40
Schwarzenbach, Renée 226, 228
Schweizerhof Hotel 215
Scorpion Fish, The 238
Sea of Ice 44
Sebald, W.G. 247
Sechayev, Sergei 82
Sécheron 33–4
Senn, Fritz 116
Settembrini 64
Seven Years 249–50, 251
Shelley, Harriet 31–2, 48
Shelley, Ianthe 32
Shelley, Mary Godwin 1, 18, 21, 27, 30–36, 44–6, 48, 85, 197
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 1, 17–18, 21, 30–41, 43–5, 48, 170, 267
Shelley, William 1, 33, 37, 48
Sherborne 206, 222–3
Siddhartha 99
Simenon, Georges 140
Small g: A Summer Idyll 186–7
Smiley, George 206, 207–8, 212–13, 221
Smiley’s People 212–13
Snow, Jon 208
Social Contract, The 21–2, 84
Solf, Hanna 104
Solis Viaduct 63
Spark, Muriel 31, 125, 135
Speak, Memory 158, 162
Spengler, Dr 51
Spoke, The 152–3
Spring Awakening 118
Springer, Axel César 248
Spy among Friends, A 210
Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The 207, 212
Spy Who Loved Me, The 265
St Columbanus 9
St Gallen 9, 237–8
St Gingolph 38–9
St Leger, Baroness Antoinetta 115–16
St Leger, Richard-Fleming 115
St Moritz 177, 217, 270
Stamm, Peter 131, 241, 249–52, 271
Steiner, Rudolf 88–91
Steppenwolf 2, 99, 100
Stevenson, Fanny 57–9
Stevenson, Robert Louis 4, 51, 57–9, 234
Stoker, Bram 47
Strand, The 59–62
Strangers on a Train 8, 173, 176, 179, 186
Strong Opinions 163
Studer, Chief Inspector 149–53
Suspicion 193, 195–6
Suter, August 114–15
Swiss, the Gold and the Dead, The 208
‘Switzerland – A Prison’ 201
Symonds, Catherine North 53–4
Symonds, John Addington 4, 51–7
Tabaris 215
Talented Mr Ripley, The 176, 177–8, 186
Tappe, Horst 166
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste 269
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 55–7
Tchelishchev, Pavel 161
Tegna 180–82
Tell Me That You Love Me 258
Tell, William 2, 32, 155, 241, 244–6, 269–70
Tender Is the Night 125, 128–32, 264
Tène, La 190, 192
Thérèse 25–6
Ticino 92, 102, 105, 173, 178–82
Tietgens, Rolf 184
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 210
‘Toalith’ 79–80
Tramp Abroad, A 3
Transparent Things 166–7, 169, 170–71
avels with a Donkey in the Cevennes 58
Treasure Island 57
Trieste 108–9, 111, 112, 117, 177
Trois Couronnes 266
Trophimowsky, Alexander 70–72
Tsar Alexander II 69, 70, 72, 115
Tsar Nicholas II 110
Turing, Alan 206
Twain, Mark 3, 72, 170
Twilight 2
Twilight in Italy 5, 95–8
Tzara, Tristan 110
Ulysses 110, 113–14, 115, 116
‘Unbearable Peace, The’ 213–16
Under Western Eyes 5, 6, 28, 70, 71, 82–6, 143
Usage du monde, L’ (The Way of the World) 232–7
Ustinov, Peter 161
Valmont Clinic 132
Vampyre, The 1, 35, 46–7, 100
Vernet, Thierry 233–5
Vevey 20–21, 22, 69, 164, 253, 262–4, 266–7
Villa Diodati 29, 35–6, 42, 257
Villa La Grange 83
Villa Monte Tabor 258
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A 31
von der Haydt, Vera 104
Von der Heydt Museum 105–6
von der Heydt, Baron Eduard 104–6, 115
von Habsburg, Otto 244
‘Waking Early, Sunday Morning’ 235
Waldhaus 219
Waldsanatorium 50, 51
Walser, Robert 249, 251
Waste Land, The 133
Watson, Dr John H. 60–62
Way of the World, The 232–7
‘Web, The’ 261
Wedekind, Frank 110, 118
Wells, H.G. 5, 92–5, 106, 197
Wenders, Wim 182
‘Wilhelm Tell: A School Text’ 244
‘Wingstroke’ 162
Wollstonecraft, Mary 21, 31, 48
World Set Free 94
You’ve Had Your Time 266
Yourcenar, Marguerite 233
Yousafzai, Malala 236
Zazie dans le Métro 161
Zelle, Margaretha 147
Ziegler, Jean 208, 217
Zorn, Fritz (Federico Angst) 143, 152, 203, 243, 247–9, 250, 252
Zum Roten Kreuz 111
Zürich 2, 96, 102, 107–22, 149, 173–6, 177, 186–7, 208, 210, 248–9, 270
Zweig, Stefan 110
Many Swiss museums and their staff proved informative and useful in the writing of this book: the Dürrenmatt museum in Neuchâtel; the Hermann Hesse museums in Montagnola (Ticino) and Gaienhofen on Lake Constance; the James Joyce Foundation in Zürich; the Thomas Mann Archives in Zürich; the Rousseau museums in Geneva and Môtiers; the Absinthe House in Môtiers; the Museum of the Swiss Abroad in Pregny; the Sherlock Holmes museums in Meiringen and Lucens; the museum complex at Monte Verità (Ticino); the Éspace Ella Maillart in Chandolin (Valais); the Goetheanum at Dornach; Laténium outside Neuchâtel; and Schloss Habsburg in Aargau.
Stéphanie Cudré-Mauroux and her staff at the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern were particularly helpful with my research on Patricia Highsmith. The University Library in Basel and the library at International School Basel also gave me congenial surroundings in which to read. Librarians Susan Clarke and Robyn Stewart made suggestions and pointed me towards the stacks.
Thank you to Diogenes Verlag for permission to quote from the unpublished papers of Patricia Highsmith.
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