Dinosaur Love (Story Collection #1)

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Dinosaur Love (Story Collection #1) Page 6

by Black, Natalie

  “What are you doing in there?” he asked incredulously, screwing up his face.

  “I’m just testing something,” Lucie replied, “go home and sleep Mark, you’ll feel better tomorrow.”

  “No. No I won’t. You always tell me to go so this time I’m staying. I love you Lucie. You may not believe me but I do, with all my heart and soul. I will never leave you.”

  “In that case I’ll have to leave you,” she muttered, pressing the buttons to activate the time machine. It started to whirr and violently sparked into life, shuddering and shaking as the machinery powered up. Lucie held on tightly, almost tossed from her stool as the machine jerked, when a pale blue haze emanated from the roof and enveloped her. Mark watched on with wide eyes, barely believing what he was seeing, but in a few seconds of either courage or foolishness he flung himself forward and was caught in the temporal wave.

  The blue sphere surrounded the both of them and it throbbed and thrummed, so much so that Lucie was afraid the whole thing was going to tear itself apart. Then, suddenly the air around them swirled and the lab disappeared, replaced by a blue spiral that changed formation and color; it became purple and black and grey and white and red and pink and Lucie became disoriented and dizzy and lightheaded and it seemed to last forever until finally the vibrations ceased and the sphere around them dissipated.

  Lucie remained on the stool for a few moments, afraid to let go. Her knuckles were white and her mouth was dry, but eventually she worked up the courage to exit the time machine. What she saw took her breath away. The sun was low in the sky, and it burnt a deep orange. Thick forests of trees looked like black silhouettes against the horizon, but the whole vista was a picturesque sight that had no blots of civilization. There were no malls or skyscrapers around her, there was just the untamed world, and she knew she belonged there. But her personal paradise was ruined as Mark coughed and spluttered.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she said, her mood instantly darkening, having not noticed him jump into the time stream at the last moment. He began to respond but it was curtailed by his realization of where –and when- they had arrived. Even through his drunken haze he could make sense of it all, and his mouth dropped agape at what he was seeing and feeling. The air was thick and humid, and it was alive with smells that almost overwhelmed their senses and cleared Mark’s head instantly. Even though the sun was setting, this world seemed brighter and more vibrant than their old one.

  “This is, oh my God…you did it! This is amazing Lucie, you actually did it!”

  Even though she was annoyed at his presence she couldn’t help but admit to herself that she was glad she had someone there to witness her feat.

  “But where are we?” he asked. Lucie scanned the horizon and then pointed over to her left, where the trees cleared. Small blots appeared; a massive crowd that was racing along the ground. It was soon apparent that they were a herd of dinosaurs marauding through the land.

  The thunderous roar of their stampede traveled to Mark and Lucie’s ears and they could barely believe what they were witnessing. They watched on, transfixed as the galloping Ankylosaurs raced in front of them. Lucie shouted; it was only then that she remembered she had brought a camera. She quickly fetched it from the time machine and began snapping photos. However, she forgot that the flash was on so bright lights sparked in the dusky twilight, but she carried on taking photos.

  After a little while though, Mark moved toward her and in a low voice he said, “Lucie? I think you may want to stop that.”

  “Why? I need to get as many photos as possible, who knows how common this is.”

  “I understand that, but it seems as though they have changed direction and they’re coming straight for us!”

  Lucie lowered the camera and saw that he was right. They both screamed and tried to get out of the way of the onrushing dinosaurs, huddling in the fetal position as the mighty creatures stormed through the field, their heavy tails swinging low against the ground. Lucie shut her eyes and just hoped that she would survive, but amidst the chaos she heard the twisting of metal and the crunch of something being crumpled effortlessly. She dared not move though, so she remained there for what seemed like an eternity until finally the sound of the march faded and everything was quiet.

  Raising her head, she was greeted by the sight she was dreading; the time machine had been buffeted back and forth and was completely destroyed. Evidently the Anklyosaurs had cared not for the time and effort that had gone into constructing that unique piece of machinery.

  Despondently, Mark walked up to the remnants of the machine and fell to his knees.

  “There’s no way back is there,” he said, it was more of a statement than a question, and Lucie didn’t feel a need to answer it.

  “Come on, let’s go and find some shelter,” she said.

  Lucie walked off and Mark eventually followed. It was a strange feeling that came over her, one more of relief than despair. She knew rationally she should have been crazy with sorrow at being stranded from her own time and place, but for the first time she felt free of the pressures of society, and she knew that she could finally be herself, although there was still Mark…

  For hours they walked until they finally found a suitable place, a copse where the trees curved overhead and only let soft shafts of moonlight through their branches. The ground was soft and Lucie was glad of the chance to rest. She pulled off her coat and her slick skin instantly responded to being exposed to the cool night air. Mark stood behind her and she could feel his lusting eyes on her. His footsteps were soft against the grass, but she could still hear him approach, and then his hand was on her shoulder.

  “Mark-” she began, but he interrupted her.

  “You know this is going to happen. We only have each other, it’s time to let go,” he urged, his grip tightening. She wasn’t ready to let go though and she pulled away, which only served to infuriate him.

  “Don’t do this to me now,” he warned.

  But as he motioned to grab her again they heard a rustling nearby, and then out of some bushes a bony snout appeared, followed by three large, sharp horns and then the pale green sturdy body of a Triceratops. Lucie stifled a gasp, and Mark looked afraid, stepping back. The Triceratops barely noticed them as he chewed on some leaves, but he turned as Lucie approached. She reached out a hand and brushed his skin, it was warm and comforting, and she felt something stirring in her that she had never felt before. But Mark didn’t take her rejection lightly. He marched up to her again and pulled her around. She slapped him away but it didn’t deter him. Instead, he grabbed her ponytail and dragged her away from the dinosaur, pinning her against a rock. She screamed and writhed and fought to get free but he held her wrists tightly and smothered her with kisses.

  The word ‘help’ shot forth from her lips but there was no-one to hear her pleas, until the Triceratops cried out and stormed towards them. It only happened in an instant, but it was enough time for Mark to turn around and meet his doom. He relinquished his grip on Lucie and she fell to the floor, rolling away as the Triceratops ran forward and pierced Mark’s soft flesh. He yelped, and then was silent as he slumped against the rock, all life gone from his eyes.

  The Triceratops backed away, pulling out his horn and Mark’s body fell to the floor, leaving a smeared stain against the rock. Lucie watched on horrified, but she dreaded to think what would have happened had the Triceratops not been there. She gathered up her lab coat and walked up to her savior, cleaning the blood stains off of his horn. He leaned his head into her, nestling under her bosom and she found it strangely comfortable as he growled with delight.

  Soon enough she found her hands running from his horns up his ridge, it was bony and hard but it felt good to grip under her fingers. Then they went behind the defensive shield and it was obviously a sensitive spot since the Triceratops jerked wildly, so Lucie made sure she was gentle. She then ran her hands all over his body, and her skin began to tingle at the sensation of his scal
y hide. In a moment of spontaneity she leaped up and straddled the dinosaur, wrapping her legs firmly around his stocky body.

  She held his ridge as he slowly walked forward, then he stopped and bent his head forward as if telling her to get off. She followed his command and slid to the ground. As she did so she noticed how aroused he was, and all of a sudden she felt a burning in her loins and she knew that she wanted him.

  Slinking over the ground, she lay before him and slowly stripped off her clothes. She pulled her top over her head, revealing her stiff nipples. She almost laughed at herself, she never imagined that she would be doing anything so wild and carefree, but all the years of pent-up frustration and feelings of alienation were surging through her, and although she took her top off slowly she tore off her trousers, unable to wait any longer to feel the cool air on her naked skin.

  Her hands wandered all over her body and she felt her own juices as she watched the Triceratops come forward. It was scary at first to allow herself to be so vulnerable with such a terrifying creature, but somehow she knew that he wouldn’t hurt her. He had already defended her, after all.

  Lucie spread her legs and allowed him to come forward, his thick, strong legs made the ground shudder around her, which only served to heighten her anticipation. Her hands were laid flat on the grass as the dinosaur bowed its head and its warm tongue began pleasuring her. His coarse, tense muscle covered her entire area and sent unknown sensations sparking through her body. As the dinosaur continued she gripped the grass, writhing and moaning as his tongue explored her and got further in, causing her eyes to shoot open and her whole body to shake. His head bowed further forward and his horns began to carve up the grass either side of her as he grew more and more excited. She let go of the grass and with her hands she gripped the smaller horn that stood in the middle of its head, guiding his movements to the sweet spot that flooded her body with waves of orgasmic pleasure.

  After she was satisfied she brought her hands back and put one on each horn, gently pulling the Triceratops forward so that he was over her. His warm skin brushed hers and sent electric tingles over the surface of her body, and then his hard cock dragged against the ground until it met her willing wet lips and it slid between them for a second, which made her jerk the horns and sent the Triceratops rearing. Somehow he sensed that it pleased her, so he stepped backward and maneuvered himself so that he could enter her. She bit her lip as he slid inside her, his long thick cock touched places she never knew she had. Her hips moved with the powerful rhythm of his body and she felt his tongue lick her breasts and neck. She tossed her head back and released all of her inhibitions.

  The Triceratops withdrew himself and stepped forward, slapping himself against her soft and supple flesh. It only took a few moments before all of his lust came gushing out and covered her in a hot sticky stream. It shot out of him and covered her chest, the hot drops like little balls of fire attacking her skin. She ran her hands over her body and tasted the sweet creamy liquid that covered her, rolling over to wipe it on the grass. The moon was high in the sky now and shone down upon her, and she glistened and shone like an angel.

  She danced around the Triceratops and hugged him, kissing his scaly hide before she mounted him. The Triceratops slowly ambled through the forest. Lucie gripped him tightly with her thighs, holding onto the ridge like she had done before, although now her hands were stroking him continuously, she couldn’t wait to see where he was taking her.

  A wide smile came across her face when they came to an opening and she saw a herd of Triceratops, they all turned and looked as she entered, and she smiled greedily at them. Her old life was a world away, and she couldn’t care less. It was apparent in that moment why she felt she had never belonged back in her own time. This was where she belonged. This was home.

  The End

  ~ Dinosaur Delight ~

  Beki raced through the underbrush at a breakneck speed. Branches and leaves whipped her skin but she ignored the stinging impact and carried on. Her long brown hair whirled around her head, hampering her vision but still she did not stop. The air was balmy and her clothes clung to her skin, the sweat made everything sticky and she couldn’t think of a time when she had been more uncomfortable, yet still she continued forth in pursuit of her prey. The terrain was a mass of green vines and plants, in her right hand she gripped a spear tightly, in her left she held a dagger, which she used to slash at any obstacles. Her heart was pumping furiously and her breaths were so heavy that she was grunting, although a lot of it was due to nerves as well as physical exertion.

  It was her 19th name day and she was performing the rite of the first hunt. As the Chief’s daughter it was her honor (although she thought of many other words that provided a more apt description) to go on a solitary hunt to prove to the tribe that she would be a worthy leader one day. Her father, Suton, had groomed her for this day by taking her with him on many such quests. The two of them had a strong bond as her mother had died when she was very young, and Suton had never re-married or bore any more children. He poured all his love onto Beki and imparted all his wisdom so that she would be ready when the day came for her to take over the leadership of the tribe. However, so far she was proving a disappointment.

  She had been tracking a Microceratops for miles. First she had seen it eating a plant; she had hidden herself from its sight and stayed downwind so it couldn’t track her scent. At the vital moment she remembered the mantra her father had drilled into her from a young age, ‘breathe deeply, calm yourself, become one with the spear and envisage the fatal strike as it leaves your arm.’ In practice it had not gone so simply. At the moment when she was supposed to strike she planted her foot firmly forward so she could gather plenty of momentum, but her step snapped a twig. Instantly she knew she had failed, and the Microceratops was racing away.

  Cursing herself, she followed, and she had been following for what seemed like an eternity. At certain points she thought she had an opening to throw her spear, but just as quickly the dinosaur had changed trajectory and she had to adjust herself again, or there was another obstacle blocking her view. It was all she could do to keep up with the reptile, but she was determined not to go back empty-handed. She badly wanted to do her father proud. He often boasted of her prowess, although she wasn’t sure she deserved it. Still, it was important for her to know that he wouldn’t be disappointed in her. She had never really known her mother, there was a vague memory of a warm, comforting presence, but she wasn’t sure whether that was a real memory or just her soul imagining what it must have been like to have been held by her. Suton was the one constant in her life, and she wanted to repay him for all the love he had showered upon her.

  The dinosaur carried on with its blistering pace; even though it was small it still had a tough hide that could withstand the barrage of sharp foliage much better than Beki’s skin could. She winced as she passed some particularly brutal plants that tore her skin, and she glanced down to see scarlet blood seeping out of the wound, but she didn’t have time to tend to it. The pursuit continued until she collapsed, when suddenly the dinosaur came to a rock formation and hopped over some of the rocks, using them as steps so he was now towering above her. She slowed her pace, trying to catch her breath, still wary of the dinosaur, wondering if he had some devious trick up his sleeve. She quickly glanced around and strained her eyes, trying to discover whether any of his herd was coming to his aid, but she could hear nothing. It simply stood there, watching her.

  Her whole body was throbbing with agony and she was boiling over with frustration. This hunt should have been over long ago, so she vowed to herself that this time she wouldn’t let this beast get away.

  ‘Breathe deeply, calm yourself, become one with the spear and envisage the fatal strike as it leaves your arm.’

  Beki took a few deep breaths as the sunlight shone down on both hunter and victim. She steadied herself, and then readied the spear. Yet when she looked at her target she was filled with compassion. The Micr
oceratops looked at her with a curious stare, and suddenly her heart was filled with regret and doubt. She didn’t want to disappoint her father, but it felt wrong to kill something in this circumstance, this wasn’t so much of a hunt as it was target practice. Her grip on the spear slackened, but then she remembered her father and how he had glowed with pride when he sent her off earlier that morning.

  ‘Today you take the first steps toward your destiny,’ he had told her. She gulped down her fears and thought, ‘I’m sorry,’ as she grasped the spear, threw her arm back and then stepped forward and…lost her footing. The ground seemed to disappear under her feet, and her leg was swallowed by a swamp. Her momentum took her forward, crashing down into the mushy pit. The dirty, murky ground splattered over her entire body and even reached deep into her mouth and nostrils. She tried to move but it was harder than she thought, and when she did move it felt like the whole swap around her shifted.

  Delicately, she maneuvered herself so that she could use the spear as a pivot to steady herself and raise herself up. Her first attempt did not succeed, and she fell face-first into the muck again. She raised her head and blinked away the dirt so she could see clearly. She was greeted by the sight of the dinosaur crowing over her, and then it hopped along the rocks again and ran away.


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