My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey into Love Everlasting tds-3

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My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey into Love Everlasting tds-3 Page 37

by Sharon Lathan

  Darcy grasped one large foot, smiling as he murmured, “No wonder I could almost grip your feet, my darling.” He kissed the sole, nibbling briefly on the tiny toes, Alexander flinching and attempting to withdraw. “Ah, ticklish, are we?”

  Alexander's answer to that inquiry was to release a forceful stream of urine, Darcy jerking backward and narrowly avoiding a blast to the face.

  “What the…?” The women laughed loudly, Lizzy asking what was happening. “Our son tried to urinate on me! Well, at least we know that organ functions correctly.” The room erupted in laughter.

  “He is clean now, Mr. Darcy. We need to dress him, protecting his nether regions before more accidents occur. I am sure his mother wants to see him soon.” Darcy's grin was nearly swallowing his face, turning to peer at his resplendent wife now in a clean gown and propped on fresh pillows while Jane brushed and replaited her hair. Their eyes held, volumes of unspoken emotion and sentiment passing between. In a few minutes the baby was diapered and wrapped loosely in a warm blanket sewn by Lizzy. Darcy carried him to Elizabeth, her arms extended in anticipation. Slowly the occupants filed from the chamber, Jane kissing her sister one last time on the temple and glancing shyly to Darcy.

  “Congratulations, William,” she whispered.

  Darcy beamed. “Thank you, Jane.”

  Last was George. The proud great-uncle taking a moment to inspect the sleeping bundle of joy embraced against his weary mother's breast with jubilant and rather smug father encircling them both.

  “Well done, you two, well done. He is lovely. Perfectly delivered, if I say so myself! William, ensure your wife rests. No staring at the baby all night in lieu of sleep. I will check on you later, dear. Notify me immediately if you feel strange in any way. Remember what we spoke of previously,” he said, directing the last comment to Darcy, who nodded.

  “William, once you are alone, assist Elizabeth in placing Alexander on her chest. Keeping him naked against her bare flesh is the best place for him to be. He will stay warm and be very calm. Enjoy this time while he is awake.”

  “When should I feed him, Uncle?” Elizabeth asked, not removing her adoring gaze from the rapt fascination with the baby's alert eyes.

  “Just hold him for now, my dear. Let instinct rule. He will make his intentions known.” The doctor chuckled, bending to brush the infant's cheek with a fingertip. He placed a tender kiss to Lizzy's brow. “Congratulations, niece. You were amazing. You too, William,” and with a clap to his nephew's shoulder he departed, leaving the Darcys finally alone with their child.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Silence fell. The crackling of the fire, ticking of the longcase clock, muffled murmurs of voices from without mingling with the familiar creaks from within the mansion's walls, faint whispers of a November wind beyond the curtained windows, and the harmonious heartbeats and contented respirations of the three Darcys the only noises.

  Lizzy's gown was opened, Alexander nestled with his belly and chest pressed flat along her torso, his head pillowed upon one soft breast.

  He was wide awake and for a very long time Darcy and Lizzy stared, plainly stared, at the beautiful face of their newborn son as he stared back. He moved occasionally, emitting soft mews, pursing full pink lips, delicate eyelids fluttering, miniature fingers grasping and releasing a parent's finger. His mouth would open, apparently seeking as his surprisingly strong neck turned a wobbly head toward her breast. But then he would pause, quieting as he resumed his inquisitive inspection of his parents.

  Lizzy sniffled, wiping at a falling tear and sighing deeply. “Are you in pain, dearest?” Darcy asked, reaching to stroke her chin as she shook her head.

  “No. Well, yes, a bit achy and very tired, but the tears are of joy. Look at him, William! Is he not the most beautiful baby you have ever seen?”

  Darcy chuckled, chest vibrating. “As you know I have limited exposure, this is an unfair question. Nonetheless, I cannot fathom any other being handsomer. He has your hair, Elizabeth, and your eyes.”

  “His eyes are blue.”

  “Yes, but shaped like yours. And he inherited your nose, thankfully.”

  “It does not look like my nose, and besides, I adore your nose!” She turned her head for a peck to said proboscis positioned by her cheek. “It is easy to find for kisses in the dark.”

  “Indeed, it is. He is beginning to seek more diligently. Perhaps hunger is winning over the need for sedate cuddling.” Darcy ran a fingertip over the tiny lips, Alexander instantly opening wide and searching.

  “If he inherited his father's appetite, then this is likely true. Perhaps I should nurse him.”

  “It appears he has decided the same. Look how he squirms to reach your nipple, just as Uncle said he would. Marvelous nature!” Darcy declared in awe, both parents watching in amazement as with minimal aid from them, Alexander wiggled and bobbed his way toward his mother's bared breast. They laughed as they fumbled to help him, but it was not overly necessary. The newborn fortunately knew precisely what to do, only requiring the nipple to come within proximity of his gaping mouth.

  Lizzy gasped and jerked at the strong suck, fresh tears springing to her eyes as emotions consumed her.

  “Are you well, Elizabeth? Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head vigorously, relaxing further into his warm body. “No, no. It is… blissful! I just… love him so much! And you… William, I am so deliriously happy!” He held her firmly, rocking gently as she cried, Alexander oblivious to it all as he nursed and held tightly to his mother's finger.

  Gradually she quieted, lifting her eyes to meet Darcy's adoring gaze. He bent, kissing her lightly. “I love you forever, Elizabeth.”

  “And I you, Fitzwilliam. By the way, I know it yet a couple hours early but… Happy anniversary my darling. Do you like your gift?”

  “I daresay I love both the gift and the packaging it came in. Happy anniversary, Mrs. Darcy.”

  Many hours later, well after midnight and nearing the dawn of November 28, 1817, another date of import, Lizzy woke. The unfamiliar room was dim, Lizzy momentarily befuddled by the strange and empty bed as well as the cramping leg muscles, burning arms, and throbbing bottom. The happenings of the twenty-seventh rushed through her consciousness, Lizzy smiling brightly at the surge of exultation, and then suddenly panicking as the vacancy in her arms stabbed her heart.

  Her eyes flew open and she painfully attempted to rise, halting and relaxing with a gratified sigh at the vision greeting her.

  Darcy lay asleep on the narrow, short sofa before the smoldering fire. His vest had been discarded and the linen shirt loose and gaping open over his bare chest with a blanket haphazardly covering his lower body. His feet were also bare and one long leg had fallen off the sofa onto the floor while the other was draped over the arm and dangling from the knee on. His beautiful face was turned toward the bed, lips parted, and he breathed in a deep rhythm. Lying on his ample chest was Alexander. The baby was swaddled and dressed, one arm free and hanging over his father's side. His tiny pink face was visible, full lips parted just like his father's. Darcy held his son securely, even in sleep, one large hand resting on the infant's rear and the other hand wholly encompassing the curly brown-haired head.

  Lizzy lay awake for a long while watching father and son in peaceful slumber. It was a picture more moving than anything created by the greatest artist. The new mother studied the scene in the finest detail, reverently hanging it in her mind's gallery to be remembered for all of her life.

  Alexander William George Bennet Darcy, Heir to Pemberley, Master Alex as he would be commonly known to the staff as he grew, was hungry and it was quite feasible that the entire household knew it! The future Master of Pemberley's character was yet unknown, his personality to undergo years of molding and development, but one trait that was instantly recognizable was his demanding persistence.

  “Merciful heavens, my sweet, you ate barely two hours ago! I apologize most profoundly f
or being a bit fumbling at the procedure and for yet providing little in the way of actual milk. Bear with me.”

  “I cannot fathom where he comes by such a temper. Astounding, actually.”

  “Most humorous, Mr. Darcy. Make yourself useful and prop that pillow under my elbow. Your son is heavy on my tired arms. There you are, darling, that's my bright boy. Ouch! Goodness, I certainly know where he gets that talent from!”

  “Be thankful as the ability to suck well induces the milk to produce rapidly, or at least that is what the book states.”

  It was mid-morning following his birth, the young master just over twelve hours of age. Despite Lizzy's playful teasing he actually had slept for nearly five hours nestled snuggly belly to chest with head tucked under his immeasurably proud father's chin and warm hand, lulled by the strong beat of a blissful heart beneath his ear. Darcy had awoken first, cramped and with no sensation to his left limb from the knee down, and a spreading wet warmth over his abdomen.

  Both Darcy men had changed their clothing; elder Darcy with relief and baby Darcy with extreme indignation. Only the loving presence of his mother, and most especially her breast, had calmed him. He had eaten well, promptly falling asleep in Lizzy's arms, and woken two hours later apparently famished. In the meantime Darcy had called for coffee and tea, George had peeked in to assure all was well with the new mother, and the lovers had lost themselves in gazing at their son's face.

  They were still lost. Darcy reclined with his wife on the bed, fingertips gently brushing over the wisps of brown curls while the infant nursed. Lizzy wore a smile unique to all mothers everywhere since time began, dreamily memorizing each twitch and curve, while allowing the sensations to course through her blood. Some were mildly unpleasant, such as the cramps elicited by his sucking, but most were joyous, such as the wash of intense love and happiness.

  She rested her head onto Darcy's inner shoulder, sighing contentedly but wearily. “I think I could sleep for a week. After I eat the entire kitchen, that is.”

  Darcy kissed her brow, hugging close as fingers played through her hair while yet caressing the baby's fine locks. “As soon as Alexander is satisfied I will call for another tray and help you to freshen up. Marguerite is drawing a bath.”

  Marguerite assisted a stiff and hobbling Lizzy into her bathing room while Darcy stayed with the baby. He lay with him on the bed while Lizzy bathed, Alexander enjoying a brief span of contented wakefulness after filling his stomach. Father and son studied each other, Darcy again examining each feature and marveling at how tender yet sturdy the helpless infant was. He recalled a vague memory of his mother telling him not to fear holding Georgiana as, “She will not break, Fitzwilliam. Babies are tougher than most give them credit.”

  He could better perceive this in Alexander than he could as a young boy with Georgie. His legs kicked forcefully against Darcy's palms, the very bones firm inside robust muscles. He gripped Darcy's fingers or hair when it came within reach with tight fists that actually caused pain. His movements were random and uncontrolled, but strong, even lifting his head for short spells and arching his spine to the point of nearly flipping over! Of course, his stamina was transient, the hours-old infant sleeping more than anything. However, that was a delight as well. Darcy's tender crooning, arising from some internally paternal instinct he did not know he possessed, pacified Alexander, eyes drooping and limbs relaxing as his father whispered nonsense and devotion in a melodic voice.

  Mrs. Hanford assumed her attendance over the sleeping infant while Darcy retreated for a thorough cleansing and a shave. He returned to discover his wife walking about the room, gently bouncing a soundly sleeping Alexander in her arms. Darcy scowled and grasped her elbows as if she were an invalid, ordering her back to bed.

  Lizzy laughed, tiptoeing to kiss the creases between his brows. “If I lie in that bed a moment more, I shall scream. Sore muscles need to be exercised, as you well know.” She rubbed the slowly fading wrinkles with a happy grin, Darcy gradually matching her expression, as she continued musingly, “Alexander has your eyebrows, nearly your whole face in point of fact. Shall be an advantage for me now that I finally know how to read the moods and thoughts so dramatically detailed in your eyes and perfect brow.” She encircled his neck with one smarting arm, intent on indulging in a time of pleasurable kisses. Darcy blissfully submitted, hands flattening on her back as he tentatively pulled her close to his body, thrilling at the ability to do so. The soft bundle between their chests that was their swaddled son did not inhibit drawing her tighter than he had been able to do for the past several months.

  Of course, nothing further could be accomplished so soon after giving birth even if Alexander had not decided to interrupt for another feeding. George visited several times throughout the day, but did not examine Lizzy. Rather he asked a number of pointed questions that caused her to absurdly flush considering the events of yesterday, to his great amusement. Since nothing appeared to be remiss, Lizzy actually feeling quite well aside from being extremely tired and sore, he left it at softly spoken reminders of what to watch for. And a new, foul-tasting tea concoction to ease the pain and augment her recovery.

  Mrs. Hanford was stationed in the adjoining nursery. She was beckoned upon occasion, offering light assistance and words of advice, but mostly left the trio alone. The various family members paid short visits throughout the day, but they kept it brief as well. Partly this was due to the understanding that this time was special and should be spent alone. However, it was also because everyone knew that November twenty-eighth was not just the day after Alexander's birth, but it was also the Darcys' first wedding anniversary.

  The Darcys' one-year anniversary was spent focusing on their baby rather than wholly on each other as they had tentatively planned, but neither minded in the least. Darcy had not arranged any wild celebration, knowing that Lizzy's condition, assuming she was still pregnant, would preclude anything extreme. Instead he had ordered the staff to prepare a lavish dinner setting in the conservatory. That was now out of the question. Even if Lizzy had felt physically capable of dressing and walking the long distance to the orangery, the thought of leaving Alexander or taking him on any excursions abroad was inconceivable. So, with a rapid shift in thinking, vases of flowers were displayed about their temporary bedchamber and a table was set for dining. Instead it was the Bingleys, also celebrating one year of wedded bliss, who would benefit from Darcy's devising!

  The Darcys' commemoration of a joyous year's end was a quiet affair, the perfect cap to a busy day. Lizzy napped intermittently between nursing a demanding infant with a healthy appetite and visits with the family, but was still fatigued from her ordeal. They ate heartily of the stupendous cuisine created by Mrs. Langton for the anniversary, exchanged gifts that would be treasured, and blissfully returned to the comfort of the bed for cuddling and further staring at Alexander. Many anniversaries would be celebrated down the long years graced to them by the Almighty, some quite extraordinary for various reasons, but how could any trip to a foreign land or massive gala transcend the joy of their firstborn?

  “My life has altered so dramatically this past year,” Darcy mused. “It is fantastic and I could almost be convinced I am dreaming it all if not for the tangible touch of you and our perfect son.” He leaned to bestow a kiss to Alexander's chubby fist tightly clenched around his index finger. The baby lay asleep on the bed between his mother and father, their bodies nestled as close as possible without smothering the contented infant. Lizzy's nose brushed the fine tresses as she inhaled his innocent fragrance and planted an endless amount of soft kisses. Darcy played with her lengthy hair spilling over the pillows, knuckles frequently caressing over her face.

  Lizzy smiled through her weariness. Her body ached in unmentionable places and she was utterly exhausted; nevertheless, her happiness rushed through every fiber of her spirit as a surging wave. She spoke in a bare whisper, voice hoarse from the strain of birth and fatigue, “I do know what you mean. If anyone h
ad told me fourteen months ago that I would be joyously married to the most amazing man in the world and with a child at my breast… well, I am certain I would have laughed! Now look at us, William. Together a year and blessed with a priceless gift. What was it you said once? 'A part of you and me, created by God through our union.'” She shook her head, “I still cannot believe you are mine, and now we have a baby! It is fantastic.”

  Alexander released a soft drowsy sigh, arching his head toward Darcy with petite lips sucking on an imaginary nipple. Thick lashes lay on rosy silky cheeks, his skin fair as was both his parents. The contrast of milky skin and chestnut hair was striking and so beautiful. Naturally his parents thought him lovely beyond any child alive, but the truth is Alexander was adorable. It was indisputable that he favored his father, but there was much of his mother about his features: the curly hair, diminutive nose, rounder eyes, and bent pinkie toes. His feet overall were long and broad like his father's, but the toe was a Bennet trait. Darcy was thrilled about the little digit, already delighting in ticklish nibbles; Lizzy was less than enthused, having always been embarrassed by what she considered a flaw, but her husband adored her feet—as well as everything else.

  Darcy smiled at the joy elicited by the mere presence of their infant, leaned to kiss his forehead and inhaling deeply of his clean scent. “I smell the soap, but there is something indefinable about him. It is his very skin, his essence. He is so unbelievably sweet! I never imagined it possible to love someone so newly acquainted and largely unknown to this degree. He is a miracle, Elizabeth, and I cannot thank you enough.” He met her glittering eyes, leaning to now kiss her equally as tender. “I love you, my wife, beyond measure.”

  “And I you, beloved. My heart is filled to overflowing. My soul is dancing a lively jig even if my body is too weary to respond!”


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