Systematic Attrition

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Systematic Attrition Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  “Here is what I want you to do. You call this Ronald dude and have lunch with him at the nice little deli and the coffee shop where I found you in the first place. He will want to know what it is about and you tell him that you got a strange email and need to show it to him. If he wants you to wait for some reason, tell him that you must answer the e-mail by one pm or suffer the consequents. Tell him you are scared and that is the truth as your second born little boy named Eddie is hanging in the balance. You got it Mr. Lawyer?” Mike saw him nod yes and said, “You know we have been following you and your group for days now. You thought that cute little sweetheart room service girl so nice, but in fact she is an FBI and a cute little bug recorded your every word. Okay gets your ass out of the car and I’ll meet you at twelve sharp at the deli.” Squeak opened the door and walked towards a bus stop, but changed his mind and flagged down a taxi instead. Mike went into the Burger King for breakfast and to call Brad and give him his report with a page full of names that some he recognized and most he didn’t. After breakfast he went to his hotel for a well deserved nap.

  Agent Jones and Brad were sitting in the coffee shop at the same time Mike was interviewing Squeaky. Agent Jones had some startling news. Brad had a frown on his face when he heard Agent Jones tell him about two groups of PAE. One in New York they all knew about and one group in Washington DC. Agent Jones went on tell Brad that the one in New York was just a splinter group and the main power emanated from DC. According to rumors it reached to some of the highest levels of government; not so much of the current president’s cabinet, but in cloaked liberals posing as conservatives. “Brad, this scares the hell out of me. Maybe I’m wrong but this could be an attempt to destroy government as we know it.”

  “Damn good work, Agent Jones. I half expected it and now we have an inkling; we must close our shop doors and resort to secrecy. Mike sent Billy a list of names and we will begin by sorting through and finding out what is the sixty four dollar question. Meanwhile, keep your ears and eyes open and watch your back. I have a feeling things are going to heat up and none of us are safe anymore.” Both finished up breakfast and went their separate ways. Brad went to his room and called Steve for a meeting outside in a park near the Washington Monument for ten. While talking to Steve, Brad noticed a light snow beginning to fall swirling around his window like a glass ball kids shake at Christmas time. Such soft and innocent snowflakes he thought. Now his biggest challenge of his life was out there within eye sight that could and would affect not only the USA, but the world.

  Bigger than a Bread Box

  Chapter 9

  Brad and Rocky spotted Steve sitting hatless, hair slightly wet from the falling snow on a bench staring at the lovely view. It was way below freezing and the snow was but tiny flakes building up on his Burberry. From the monument a pristine scene flowed down across the land making a picture worthy of a card as Brad brushed off a place to sit. Steve without turning gave him a few sheets of newspaper from his early morning reading. Now both sat on the Washington Post doing a service publishers hadn’t intended it for. Steve turned and looked at his friend and said, “What glad tiding do you bring on a day like today my friend.”

  “I have good news and bad news. Which do you opt for?”

  “Neither one, I want to take a vacation to Florida and lie on the beach and watch all the cute butts going by that are just out of my reach.” This was as close to humor as Brad had ever heard him say.

  “Forget the good news as we get paid for finding out the bad news. Here,” handing him a list of names, “are the names of our enemies of state.” Brad waited while Steve read the list of names as tiny particles of snow landed on the note paper not melting it was so cold out. Rocky sat looking at the both of them with snow building on his black coat contrasting colors. Rocky was trained to look for danger and after looking at his master and Steve he would look around the area. Few people were out and only the diehards were taking in the tourist sight. While Steve was reading the list, Brad saw Rockies ears go up and stare in one direction. Brad felt something wrong and didn’t turn around but kept watching Rocky. Now Rocky rose and quickly looked at his master as Brad shoved Steve off the bench and rolled on the ground coming up in a shooting stance with gun in hand while Rocky was off like a shot after a man running like hell down the slight slope away from the monument. It only took a minute for Rocky to have his man on the ground while Brad ran down the hill gun in hand leaving Steve on the snow covered ground not moving.

  While running down the slope, Brad heard a voice in his head yell decoy and sliding to a stop turned back uphill towards the monument just as he saw a man raising a rifle and the point at Steve who was still on the ground, but slowly regaining his feet. Brad dropped to one knee and fired three times. The assassin dropped like a sack of potatoes dropping his unfired rife. Brad knew he was dead, so he turned and raced down the hill as Rocky stood over a lifeless body. Brad could tell by the spittle on his lips it was a cyanide pill. He dropped to one knee and searched the man’s pockets knowing he would find nothing on his person. At first glance he looked Arab, young with a scraggly black beard. Brad talked to Rocky and gave him a hug, then rose to take a look at the other man. By the time he arrived at the body Steve was searching through the man’s clothes for any sort of documents on his person. However, like his partner nothing on him could identify who or what he was. A small crowd was gathering as the snow continued to silently fall making a snowy grave for the two assassins.

  An hour later, the local police, after a good citizen called 911, along with Nancy and a team of FBI agents listened to Brad’s story. Nancy took the local police aside and within a few minutes they left with the coroner's office taking the bodies to the morgue. Nancy and Brad rode with Steve in his car to a restaurant where they could warm up and talk.

  At the restaurant the management didn’t like the idea of a snow covered dog in his place until Nancy flashed her FBI ID and Brad showed the guy Rockies' US Marshall ID. Then low and behold a change of attitude came over his Italian face. However, he placed them in what he thought the worst, but in reality the best table away from prying eyes and ears. They waited until after ordering before they delved into the list of names. Steve reached inside his Burberry and pulled out the list of names. Steve’s head bobbed up and down first looking at the list and then what looked like at Brad, but in fact looking at a spot on the wall above his head. Nancy was fidgeting, but noticed Brad sat quietly not moving nursing his glass of red wine. Nancy thought how he can sit there so calmly when just a couple hours ago he killed a man and saved Steve’s life. At last Steve broke the tension and silence saying, “Brad how many of these names do you recognize? Nancy,” as he passed the list to her, “the same question.”

  Brad had already memorized the list and said, “Most I know or know about, but some I don’t recognize at all.” Nancy shook her head up and down telling Steve the same thing.

  “Well for a refresh of your memories and enlightenment of the unknowns. I’ll say this until a further study into their backgrounds tells us more. In general and I mean generally speaking the men on this list are liberals from way back. Also, if memory serves strong church affiliations tie them together. Advocates of arms reduction and decrease military spending binds them like a rubber band. Most are outspoken critics of our current administration and are clamoring for with withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. However that is just an overview, I see underneath how something had them thinking about the possibilities of forming a different type of government. What I mean is after Bush Sr. walked away from the Gulf War leaving an unfinished job, most thought he should have gone on to Baghdad and wiped out the rest of Saddam regime. However, so far history has shown he made the right decision in not finding WMD. As far as concerns the citizens of Iraq, an almost generation of oppression has fueled the fires of power seekers wanting control of the oil with their own form of elected government, but as you know religious beliefs have spoiled any organized government. Ok, eno
ugh of that, what I’m saying after Regan came Bush Sr. and from both lots of government spending amassing a huge debt; then Clinton came along fixed the deficit, by taxing and although he embarrassed the office of the presidency, his humanitarian efforts are to be lauded. Then Samuel Bates comes along and cuts taxes for the rich and increases military spending sending the deficit through the roof. We have checks and balances, but we seem to have our balance of right and left to an extreme. In addition if a democrat had won the contested election, I don’t think a lot of difference would have occurred in the Middle East. Oil is just too important at this stage of development.”

  A big bowl of spaghetti was placed in the middle of the table and hot garlic bread. While each had their own thoughts while eating, Mike Henshaw at the deli in New York looked at his watch as twelve o’clock neared. No sign yet of Squeaky and his friend. Mike took his cell phone out and looked at it pretending if he was being observed by making a call. The same waitress with a mouth full of braces came by to ask him if he wanted more coffee. He gave her a smile and told her he would love one as it looked like we are in for another snow storm he told her. She flashed silver at him and went to get him a fresh cup of Joe. While he waited his two guys walked through the door with sour looks on their faces. Squeaky was small and thin and the other guy looked like he’d played linebacker for the New York Giants. Mike quickly thought that he hoped no trouble as he didn’t want to have to hurt this guy.

  The big guy whose name was John Prone mixed no words saying, “It appears you hold all the cards at the moment. However, you have no idea what you are up against and even tracing the gold shipments will not lead you to what you seek. We, the five of us here in New York are but the tip of the iceberg. My friend here has given you a list of names so he could save his family from your wrath, but as far as we can see, that will do you little good. This is bigger than the both of us and now what particular questions can I answer for you?”

  “What is the name at the top spot? Who calls the shots behind the group?”

  “We don’t know the answer to that question. We get orders by word of mouth from Washington.”

  Mike was starting to squirm and needed to reschedule this meeting after talking to Brad. Now he said, “For some reason I believe you and I will pull back my friends for the moment, but remember you are being followed every day every minute. As soon as possible when we have some evidence you will be arrested. Maybe it won’t stick, but it will sure as hell raise some questions from your bosses.” With that he left the check and walked out the door to catch a flight to Washington.

  After lunch Steve made a phone call to Mr. X briefly telling him of recent developments. He listened and closed up his cell. Brad had some tea and Steve and Nancy drank some Italian blend coffee while they waited for a call back. Steve’s cell vibrated and listen while his boss relayed instructions to come to the White House and they would meet in the situation room deep in the basement.

  On the way to the White House situation room, Steve told Nancy she was invited. Now as they stood waiting for instructions in the war room, one would have thought a real war was in the making. Not only were the cabinet members present, but a consignment of military brass were talking in a group. Brad noticed Mr. X was sitting at the side of the long conference table next to where the president would speak as the head. He guessed right that this was not to rub shoulders with the president, but a side door from where the president would come to be most likely where Mr. X came from. It was the closest chair from the door for the portly Mr. X.

  With a flourish the president walked in with his usual shadow following. The generals dispersed and lined up on one side of the table like a row of military cadets standing inspection. Across from the row of medals gleaming in the harsh light sat the cabinet members from high to low down from Mr. X. Brad, Steve and Nancy filled out the other end with Steve at the end facing the president. The president stood waiting for the group to settle down looking once again around the table taking stock of who he was addressing. Then he said, “From this point on we are on a war footing. From what I hear a revolution of sorts is threatening our present way of government. They are trying to do it without the military and maybe that is to our advantage. However, we must reveal the traitors so our citizens can be the judge of their crimes. Due process is what I’m advised and I concur. It’s more important than ever to bring these revolutionaries to justice. Evidence is what we need and what I said at the last meeting still goes. Brad and his team will be the front runners and the rest of you will follow. If you combine the FBI and all our other agencies together they would only trip over each other. Like Brad operates in a systematic way that produces results. Hard evidence is necessary and even though we will follow the laws of our country the best we can, well, now I want to listen to what you ladies and gentlemen have to offer about the list of names I was given a little while ago.”

  Brad sat back and listened while each cabinet member tried to outdo the other. The military sat stoically listening to politics that rarely concerned them beyond budget cuts. Nancy made notes much to Brad satisfaction.

  Finally Brad had had enough of this bickering and jaw jacking. He stood up and the president seemed like he was waiting for him to take charge of the meeting. A few seconds passed and most saw him waiting for the floor. Brad said, “Thank you. Now we must approach this methodically and with reason based upon fact not fiction or heresy. If we don’t we will never find any evidence of consorting to overthrow the government. This meeting is an informational presentation and that is all it is. I want secrecy and everyone to carrying on as usual and let us do our jobs. Our immediate concern is for our defense secretary and the date February 17. What little I can tell you is we have a small surprise for our intended assassin and hopefully it will bring him out in the open and end this string of killings soon. We also have some good leads and the CIA will try and follow a money trail; while the NSA will gather background Intel on our list of suspects. My team will continue with our work and if there aren’t any questions, I have nothing more to report at this time.” Brad sat down and waited for the president to signal the meeting was over. It was regular now to have a short meeting with the president afterwards so he waited for the high sign from Steve or Mr. X. The first to leave was the military followed by most of the others except the two secretary’s state and defense who sat there talking quietly. Brad was watching them intensely Nancy noticed. Is there something he suspects? Next thing she knew Steve stood up and nodded to Brad and telling Nancy they would meet her after a short meeting. Brad followed Steve and Mr. X. into an elevator taking them up to the Oval Office. Walking in Brad noticed the darkness making its presence known with light snow still falling swirling around the windows behind the president. Brad took his usual seat and waited for his cue. All knew the subject: gold. Brad was trying to find the right words when the president spoke saying, “Brad can we connect PAE and their leaders with a money trail for the evidence we need to arrest them?”

  “Mr. President, at this moment in time I can’t say yes or no. A couple of things have to fall in place before we will know. Also I can’t give you a time line either. I wish I could be more specific, but the Chinese and Asian world are vastly different as you know. So far we have made good acceptable progress and hope to continue with small steps at a time. We have to know the enemy is informed by now about us knowing who they are and ties to an assassin. Where once they may have escaped detection and prosecution now is a fight to the death you might say. The stakes are high and I believe some if not all are scrabbling for a cover up. I expect some to disappear to a country where extradition is not possible. I’m not sure it is legal, but can you freeze their bank accounts under a president’s directive?

  The president looked at his chief of staff who jumped up and ran from the room to call the attorney general. Meanwhile for the first time he heard Mr. X speak saying, “If there is a problem with the legal side, I will take care of it my own way.”

s voice reminded Brad of gravel sliding off a dump truck. Steve told him months later sitting at the Round House, Mr. X. had throat cancer and only spoke when necessary, but it was a ruse to gain the advantage in this kind of world we live in.

  The president stood up and thanked Brad and Rocky for saving a life today and told him luck in the future. Brad and the rest except Mr. X. left the room.

  Back at the hotel and in Brads room, Mike, Billy, Nancy and Agent Jones sat talking about gold and where, when and all the rest of the W words. Billy was on the hot seat. Brad saw his eyes and said to Billy, “What have you got to date my Marlboro man?”

  With the comforting words from the boss, he said with more confidence than he felt, “We are continuing to search for gold transfers, but as you know; once we find a clue it fades to nothing like a ghost. As to the list you gave me I’ve tracked their money with the usual results to dummy corporations, offshore banks, the usual stuff that takes time to sort through. Give me a couple days and we should have some good information for you.”

  “Mike what is our next move?”

  “I think we need to go home and regroup. I can’t see any need for us to stay here when we have what we need at the Round House. If I know you and I think I do, you are thinking about a trip to Asia and if so, we are closer to the west coast than here. Besides there are too many politicians here gumming the works. Let the FBI run surveillance and the rest of the agencies do some leg work.” Rocky gave his yes by letting out a small woof. Brad laughed and looked at Nancy. Nancy looked at him waiting for orders.

  Brad said, “Nancy can you run things from the Round House? I would like to see you there as we need to make a plan for the press conference coming next month.”


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