Systematic Attrition

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Fast Eddie

  Chapter 16

  Edward [Eddie] Blaze sat with Frank Spade Secretary of the Navy in a motel room outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Eddie on a first name basis with Frank as both were about the same age, middle fifties and had met many times at various functions said, “Frank why all the secrecy?”

  “Eddie we are being attacked from within our own military and we need your help to preserve our integrity and way of life.”

  “Are you serious? Of course you are. That was a dumb question. I’m all ears, said the general who had been stuck with one star since his foolish mistake being caught literally, with his pants down with his secretary. Unlike a former president who skated with the same kind of embarrassment he was transferred to a remote air base in Alaska for the last two years. Before that he was touted as a fast mover and charismatic leader who should have at least two stars on his collar. The military produces a shortage of good men like Eddie so he was transferred to a fighter air base in Georgia. Now his credibility back he continued by saying, “How can I help?”

  Frank looked at a fit man that was still very handsome with light gray eyes and a full head of gray streaked hair at full attention. Frank said, “Do you know Brad Pratt?”

  “I don’t know him personally, but of course I know his role in the security arena and with the latest assassination attempt three days ago, he sounds like a man who knows what he is doing and where he is going when it comes to an operation that requires special talent. I would like to meet him and that martial arts demonstration caught on film rocked the world. I understand his wife took out the assassin in a fight to the death. If I was the enemy and he was looking for me, I would be running like hell.”

  Frank said, “Sit back and let me tell you a story.” He told him about the two joint chiefs who were dirty saying one was Navy and the other Army. He also told him about the connection of the ex senator George Williams of Virginia who was the prime suspect behind the murders of the former speaker and undersecretary of state with a plan to kill off all the far right politicians and bring a coup to the White House with a New Leftist form of government. Frank left it there to let Eddie think about what he told him.

  A few minutes went by and Eddie asked, “What can I do to help stop this madman and as you are the boss, even though I’m Air Force, I will follow your orders to the letter.”

  “Thanks Eddie. I want you to meet Brad Pratt and he will tell you what he wants of you. Here is a cell phone that only a few people on earth have this coded phone that is virtually untraceable. All you have to do is punch in a letter and you are hooked up. When you turn it on a menu comes on and for example, B is Brad; F is Frank; P is Phillip and so on. Before I leave here is a list of names; commit to memory and then destroy. Phillip Pratt is Brad’s father of Naval Intelligence back ground who is retired, but still does some work for Brad’s team. He is on the job as we speak and DC will be rimmed with vessels and with your fighter group protecting the skies. I really doubt we will need all of this firepower, but safety is tantamount is this case. Other plans are in motion and knowing we can count on you and your boy’s are a safe feeling.”

  “That you can do Frank and as you know we are a small group of only eighteen on line fighters, but we are formidable”

  The two men talked about the upcoming events that might surface and then Frank took his leave. His next stop was South Carolina where a flattop was in port for taking on provisions for another cruise to the South Pacific.

  Back in Washington the day before the meeting between Frank and Eddie, Brad and the team sat deliberating the phone call that had come in from France. It had been decided that one of them would play the role of a contract killer using her name and method of payment all information traded for a cool half million into her bank account.

  Janet Cortez met Nancy in a restroom and told her that a meeting was upcoming in Virginia for tomorrow evening. Steve was with them and reported that the president wanted this mess cleaned up soon. The idea of a takeover was a threat and he needed it flushed down the toilet to quote the president. Steve then reported that a phone call was made by George Williams to Africa. A look of bewilderment crossed all of the team’s faces including Brad. Billy scrambled for his computer to look for a rogue hit man living in Africa. Silence and each team member looked anywhere except at each other. Steve saved the moment by saying, “The CIA has a name and location of a rogue hit man seldom used in recent years. He’s not reliable and what is known he is not quiet when he murders, but uses excessive means to have fun with.” Brad sat thinking and Wendy spoke up telling them about when she was profiling she ran across this guy a few years ago. “I recall he is half East European and South African. He lived at last report in South Africa. God knows where he is now.” Brad liked her recall and that gave them a head start on tracking this guy. Now if Janet comes through with some vital information about their future plan, and if a payment is sent to the bank where fingerprints can be obtained, well this is something we make happen and not rely on luck, he thought. He missed his wife already as she flew back home to the baby and a much needed rest. She suffered no injuries and felt great she told him.

  Without a lot to do waiting for Billy and as it was the dinner hour, they left for a Thai restaurant that Nancy liked. Her taste, Brad noticed was leaning more to Asian food than American.

  After dinner Brad called his father. Leaving out no details filling in his father on the results of the assassination attempt, Brad tried to swing the conversation around to the military side of the call, but his father like a pit bull kept the pressure on until he told him about the fight between Sujin and the assassin. His father was not happy and would have to tell his mother the story. His father almost asked why he would allow his wife to fight an assassin where her life was in danger, but he left the question hanging in the air. That conversation aside, he filled his son in on recent developments with Frank and his meeting with Edward Blaze. He told his son to expect a phone call on his special phone soon. Before they hung up Brad told him they were on the trail of another assassin and promised to keep him informed. Brad was relieved to hang up without more personal questions he couldn’t answer. His mother would wait patiently for him and then scold the devil out of him when she found out Sujin risked her life.

  They were still in the safe house and after a long run around the neighborhood Brad and team went to bed early. Sandy was with Brad and the house was quiet as he went out like a light from a very stressful day and the likelihood that demons would sneak in when he slept was all too real that night.

  Brad and Sujin were walking hand in hand through a fruit orchard where ripe apples were ready to eat with a warm fall breeze blowing the tall grass. Brian was now three and it was a lazy afternoon when the family sat down under an apple tree to munch on an apple. The only sounds around were a buzz from grasshoppers and robins in the trees filling their bellies for the coming winter. Sujin lay down with Brian snuggled next to her. Soon they were asleep as Brad too dozed off. Later he woke with a start as the sky had darkened and a thunderstorm was upon them. A heavy rain began to fall and he shook his wife to wake up so they could run to the safety of their car. She wouldn’t wake up as the rain poured down. He picked up a sleeping Brian and continued to try and wake her. Even under the tree the ground was soaking up the much needed rain water for the roots to take life up to the giant tree. Brad tried to protect his son from the rain while he desperately tried to wake his wife up. Rain now was running down his face and making his eyes blurred as he noticed the trees roots starting to come up out of the ground twisting and turning like hungry snakes rising to a predator. The roots were beginning to twist around his legs and had almost made a full wrap on his wife’s body. She finally woke up but it was too late, the roots had her in a vise grip and Brad couldn’t move his legs. The water from the low lying field of trees began to make small lakes around the area. A roaring sound with flashes of lightning and the ear crushing sounds of thunder filled the air. No
w the roots had wrapped around him and little Brian securing them to the trunk of the tree as the water rose from the river spilling its banks from the heavy rain. He struggled to raise his wife’s head above the water as it lapped at his feet. Brad knew it was all over as there was nothing he could do to but watch as the high water drowned his wife and he and his son were next. He heard laughing above him and in the high branches of the apple tree a pajama clad Ninja looked down with fangs hanging out of his mouth laughing. Brad gave it one last struggle against the roots and that was when his eyes flew open with Billy and Sandy both trying to wake him up. Billy was trying to hold him down and Sandy was licking his face when he realized once again the demons attacked him. He told Billy he was fine now as he wiped the sweat off his face and rubbed Sandy's head. Without a word Billy left for a cigarette as his hands were shaking with fear for his friend and boss.

  As usual when he had a nightmare he put on his running gear and he and Sandy left for a long run. Running he thought, how do I shake myself from these horrible dreams as he pushed himself relentlessly around the streets of suburban DC. One day I might not wake up and then it is all over. I must see a shrink I guess, as he slowed down and cooled off after a brisk five mile run.

  After a long not shower and two cups of green tea, he felt better as he waited for Wendy, Agent Jones and Billy, who had a quick two hour nap, to join him for breakfast. Brad was hungry from the run and the nightmare had drained him of energy. While he waited his special phone rang and it was Eddie Blaze. The formalities out of the way, Eddie told him if he could meet him at Andrews Air Base about noon he would take him for a jet ride in one of his new F-17 trainers, two seat fighter jets. Brad smiled and said he would be there with bells on. Brad was checked out on helicopters and the old F-16 jet, but not the new one.

  All of the team was ready to go as they loaded into the van and went out for breakfast. Wendy and agent Jones in the front and Brad and Billy with Sandy in the back on another clear day in late February as they found a restaurant similar to a Denny’s; never again would they eat at a Denny’s after their last case with the serial killer John brought back bad memories. They all remember the clever disguise he used and was brazen enough in Denny’s to actually talk to Brad and Nancy while they had breakfast in Anacortes, Washington the morning before he killed an old man, but left his son alive drugged laying next to his dead father.

  Sitting down at a large round table with Sandy underneath Brad told them about Eddie Blaze and his role in the military front line if some kind of rebellion was started with the rogue generals from the Joints. Billy filled the team in on his working with the CIA and the contract killer from South Africa. The search produced a phone number for a contact person, but there was no answer. Brad told them to stay on it and keep trying. Agent Jones spoke up and said, he would go undercover in Harlem and see what he could find out. Brad warmed to that idea and said to make it so. Wendy added she would go to the FBI office today and work with Nancy on the same thing as Billy was doing.

  Conversation over they dug in for they were all starving including Billy who wolfed down his pancakes and bacon, gulped his milk and dashed for the outside reaching in his pocket for his beloved Marlboros. Sandy went with him as Brad gave her the go ahead.

  Brad was at the base early waiting for Eddie to arrive. He bumped into an old friend who had been the pilot who flew him and two other Seal members out of harm's way some years ago. The pilot congratulated him on his newborn and for the next half hour shot the breeze while waiting for Eddie to arrive. This guy was and is a good one Brad thought, he doesn’t ask questions knowing full well I can’t answer due to their sensitivity. “Here is your man now,” his friend said to him. Brad turned and was introduced to Eddie by his friend who then told them he had things to do and left the two together knowing they had more than a flight around the Northeast in mind.

  After Brad had dawned a flight suit and left Sandy with a flight instructor he also knew, off they went for a test run and a talk aboard a two seat jet fighter. They flew to Pope Air Force base in North Carolina where they sat in the base cafeteria talking. Eddie told Brad that he was from Robin Air Force Base in Georgia and commanded a group of eighteen stealth fighters with pilots that would follow him to hell and back. “I was told by Frank you are the man next to the president and to follow your orders. Well, I’m here to tell you I’m but a phone call away. Anyone who thinks they can plan a coup and take over our government is plain crazy. I will put my pilots on alert and they can rotate days off, but I will cause no undue concern with the new training program I just made up, if you get my drift.”

  Brad got the drift all right and thanked him for the support and said, “Eddie if the shit hits the fan, how could we best protect the White House and supporting areas?”

  “Well at this moment I’m not sure, but give me a few days to make a plan and I will call you on our phones.”

  “Eddie, one thing that bothers me is the Army Joint Chief. We need someone on the inside funneling information to us. Have you or do you know anyone who might fit the bill?”

  Eddie sat thinking while Brad drank the awful tea and salad from the cafeteria. Not a sole recognized him or Eddie either for that matter. Mostly airmen were in the cafeteria and it was long past lunch time. Eddie said, “Let me work on that and I’ll get back to you. Now it is time for us to go if you don’t have anything else we need to talk about.”

  “No not at this time Eddie and once again thanks. I’ll catch a flight up to Washington so you don’t have to run me up and then back to Georgia. I have a friend I need to see here in Raleigh.”

  “You will look kind of funny going about the city in your flight suit,” as he laughed and stood up. “You best let me run you home and then do what you need to do afterwards.” Brad agreed and an hour later he and Sandy were driving back to the safe house where Steve was waiting for him with some news about Janet and what took place in Virginia.

  Billy was the only one home outside of Steve. They were sitting in the living room chatting when Brad came in. Billy took the opportunity to have a few cigarettes as he made a cup of herbal tea and coffee for Steve. Brad sat opposite Steve on a sofa that was anything but comfortable. Over the years too many butts and coffee stains made you want to throw it out the door, but instead he relaxed and gave his report of the meeting with Eddie. After that Steve took over and said, “Janet met with Nancy late this afternoon, just as you were landing at Andrews. Seems like things are in turmoil with the contract assassin failing to take out our secretary of defense; now he is in a panic to get the European contract person here right away to take out his next target which is by the way is Foreign Affairs advisor Clifford Grimes. He’s a long time Republican going back to the Regan days. He has the reputation of a bully and most of our allies tolerate him, but detest is a better word. Lately he really pissed off the German Chancellor when he said we would shut down some more military bases in light of Russian cozying up to our current administration. Anyway, a date hasn’t been set, because payment hasn’t been made yet. Janet said she was scheduled for Switzerland at the end of the month so she supposes that is when she would take payment to Europe.”

  Brad thought this was good news and it gave hope they could tie George Williams to murder. However one problem he saw was if a date wasn’t set when would he notify the French lady? “I think, he said, “I’d best send Mike back to France and make sure it all comes out right.” Mike was due back from snooping around naval bases and listening for scuttle butt about anything out of the ordinary going around.

  Steve told him the latest at the White House as the president made good on his promise to make some heads roll when the assassin made his way into the building unseen. The head of the secret service and the commander of the Marine guard were let go. In addition, he made it clear that anyone not doing their jobs would find them in the street selling newspapers. The media was having a field day in the White House being invaded by an Asian Ninja man. Steve with a se
rious face and voice said, “Brad, we can’t let anyone take out any more of our government servants no matter if they are on the Right or Left. Do you have a plan or idea about the military side of our problem?”

  Brad realized he was being put on the spot and saw no way out at this time. It was clear to him pressure was being applied and Steve reluctantly was passing it on. Brad gave a big sigh and said, “To tell you the truth, I don’t have much of a plan, but after the meeting with Eddie some things in my head are taking shape, but nothing at this time I can tell you that is formulated. I’m going home for a couple days and will stop off in Palm Springs and talk to father.” Steve accepted his report for the moment and agreed a couple days would do him good as he thought that is where he comes up with plans running on the beach and being with family. Steve stood up and said goodbye and left fairly satisfied that his man would save the day as usual. His last thoughts when he started his car was God help us if he doesn’t come up with a plan.

  March Winds of Fate

  Chapter 17

  Mike Henshaw went to France and Brad, Billy and Sandy flew home. Wendy and agent Jones stayed in DC alone in the safe house. When Brad told Sujin that the former FBI agents were alone in the safe house, his wife just smiled and gave him a big hug. Brad felt more than ever his love for his family. For the next day or two other than a run on the beach he spent most of his time with little Brian and his wife. March was just around the corner and the onshore wind was stiff and a bit chilly. The little guy was three months old now and with mom and dad he went for a walk on the beach. Sujin carried him Korean style with a wrap around garment made especially for carrying babies on their backs leaving the hands free.

  Walking down the beach holding hands Brad told her of his latest nightmare. Sujin’s face turned concerned and said, “My husband, after this case we will go to China where the Master and his methods of healing both mind and body are far beyond mine to help you rid the bad balance of your gi.”


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