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The Love of Vincenzo: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)

Page 8

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  Giuliana and I had to seize every possible chance we happened to be alone, if only for a moment. Otherwise never would we have been able to exchange so much as a genuine word with one another. However, we were careful not to ever risk showing any signs of physical affection, which was really beginning to wear on me!

  “Giuliana, the next time Aislinn plans to go out for the day, simply feign illness, and then perhaps she will elect to go without you.”

  “I do not know, Vincenzo,” she countered with uncertainty. “I do not like to lie.”

  “I know, Giuliana, you are so decent. But how else are we ever to be alone?” I probed. “Do you not yearn to make love with me, as I do you?”

  She gave me an admonishing look. “Vincenzo, you know I do, God, how I do!” After considering it for a long minute, finally she yielded. “Alright, I will, for you.”

  “For us!” I remarked joyously.

  Oh, how I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her!


  At last we shall have the opportunity to be alone! Oh the things I shall do to her once I have her alone in my arms!

  Chapter Ten

  It would figure, that just then, suddenly Aislinn would decide to take a respite from going out, claiming she just did not feel like it. More than a week had passed and nothing! Then, just when I thought I could stand it no longer, at long last, the day came!

  Aislinn had announced that she wanted to go to the city with Giuliana.

  “I just do not know if I should lie to her like that, Vincenzo,” Giuliana began when I carefully reminded her of our plan. “Aislinn is more than my Mistress, she is a friend to me, as well. I care for her.”

  I could not figure out what she saw in her, how she could have devoted herself to someone— something— like her. However, had it not been for that— for Aislinn—never would Giuliana have ended up here, where at least I had the opportunity to be close to her. Nevertheless, the thought of her with that creature turned my stomach. I wanted her all to myself, and I determined right then that I would have that someday. Somehow…

  Frowning at her, I took her in my arms. “But you also care for me, do you not?”

  Naturally, she nodded her head, all the while trying not to smile.

  “Well then, do it for me— for us,” I persuaded her, my tone smooth. “Do you know how long I have waited to have you once again?” I reminded her, my tone low, provocative.

  A nearly demure half smile touched her lips. “Yes, Vincenzo,” Giuliana breathed out, the thought of it clearly stirring her.

  “Well, then you should understand why I can simply wait no longer.”

  I smiled in satisfaction as she turned and walked towards the stairs. My eyes could not help but be mesmerized by the soft curve of her body as I watched her ascend. Appealing to my primal instincts the way she did, I had to stop myself from suddenly grunting like an animal.

  My, but this woman is scrumptious! And she belongs to me!

  Nearly an hour passed and Giuliana never did return, leaving me to wonder what was taking her so long, praying our plan had not been compromised. Growing impatient, I was about to ascend the stairs myself to see what was going on, when I crossed paths with Aislinn about to go down.

  “Oh, Buon giorno, Vincenzo,” it greeted me. Though I cared not to engage in discourse with her, I politely nodded at her in acknowledgement.

  Of course, as was typical, she went on attempting to engage me in chit chat, nevertheless. I had to be careful not to sigh out loud.

  “It seems Giuliana is not feeling her best today, so I suppose I shall be going out on me own today. Will you check on her, be sure to see to her needs while I am away?”

  Oh, you can be sure I will see to her needs!

  Being sure to only let half the smile break through, I responded. “Of course, it would be my pleasure.”

  Do not laugh, Vincenzo, do not laugh!

  Smiling at me a bit oddly, she said, “Thank you, Vincenzo, you are a true dear!”

  “Please take as long as you need, and enjoy yourself,” I encouraged her. “Be assured, Giuliana is in good hands.”

  “Well, ciao!” She smiled and picked up her parasol, finally turning to go.

  “Ciao, Aislinn!” I called after her, elation filling me.

  The door closing behind her, my eyes instantly shifted to the upstairs balcony. My heart leapt, as did my groin. My heart set to racing, propelling me forwards. Still, I could not be up there fast enough.

  Turning the lever upon her chamber door, I pushed it open.

  There she was, my long time love, waiting for me in her bed. An enticing look within her eyes, an inviting smile playing upon her mouth, Giuliana sat up. The blanket fell slightly from her, but enough to reveal her bare shoulder.

  A tremble washed through my body as from well preserved memory my mind filled in the rest.

  Hastily pushing the door to a close behind me, I rushed to her, taking her in my arms.

  “Oh Giuliana!” I murmured.


  As we embraced, the bedcovers fell the rest of the way, revealing to me her gorgeous breasts.

  It was so trying to have to restrain the animal in me, the male who had not had a single female in years, to just want to take her all at once, ravage her. But that would not serve to do our love justice. After waiting so long for this, I would make love to her long and slow, savour every inch of her, every kiss, every breath, every solitary moment.

  My mouth met hers with a force I could no longer control, claiming her. The warmth of her skin permeated mine, making me hot, threatening to incite my intense desire to dominate.

  Oh God, how I have desired this woman, longed to taste her, to feel her, to be inside of her.

  Have to take it slow, Vincenzo, savour her…

  As our mouths consumed one another voraciously, our hands took on a mind of their own, wandering over each other’s bodies. We kissed passionately, reacquainting ourselves with one another after those long years of only our memories to keep us close.

  Leaving her lips, I gently kissed my way down the delicate line of her neck, her luscious breasts not far below beckoning me. My lips now at her clavicle, my hands claimed them before my mouth had the chance, reveling in the feel of the round flesh fitting perfectly within them. Forever covetous to experience that which did my hands, my mouth lowered itself to satisfy its desire.

  Feeling the warmth of her hand wrap about my organ, and then give a taunting squeeze, I gasped.

  “Oh woman, how you tempt me!” I breathed into her mouth.

  “Then allow me to tempt you further still,” she offered seductively, pulling her mouth away from mine, her body slinking down mine. I groaned when her breasts enfolded my manhood upon her descent.

  Slowly taking me into her mouth, Giuliana held my gaze the entire time, which I found exceedingly tantalizing. The contrast of her childlike eyes conveying a sort of inferred innocence as her succulent lips wrapped firmly about my cock, her warm tongue skillfully bathing every hard inch of it.

  Able to hold her gaze no longer, my eyes fell shut as I let my head fall back with a groan, entangling my hands within her silken tresses and began instinctively guiding her head back and forth upon me. Not that she required my guidance. She knew very well exactly what to do to drive a man crazy. Oh, the things she could do with her tongue! But then, I tried not to think about how she had come to know that… of the years she had remained at Sanguelascivia without me, perfecting her natural ability upon countless other males. I wanted to fool myself into believing that I was the only man she had ever been with, however juvenile that may be.

  Doting upon my manhood, Giuliana sucked me exquisitely, so lovingly. Everything in me responded to her as it never had to any other woman. Typically, I was so skilled in this art, that I could hold myself off for quite some time while still enjoying the pleasure being given me.

  However, with Giuliana, I felt I had almost no control. Like it was my firs
t time ever with a woman again, I felt exhilaratingly overcome with lust and a deep sense of awe. Only this time, rather than being awed by the mere act of having sex with a woman, I was in awe of her. Everything about her. I could not get enough of her, of every part of her. I wished to experience everything with her, together.

  Unable to stand it no longer, I had to taste her, had to know that part of her again. Flipping her over gently so that she lay back upon the bed, I kissed her thoroughly before moving down her body. With my hands, I spread her legs apart, the aroma of her surrounding me, filling me with an insatiable lust for her.

  Positioning myself between her thighs, I lowered my face to her sex. It was just as beautiful as the rest of her, those delicate lips laying there in wait for me. Once again, I yearned to dive in, consume it. But I had determined to relish her, as I had so longed all this time, rediscover every part of her, being sure not to miss a single thing.

  With the first touch of my tongue to her sex, the exquisite sounds of my memories were now gracing my senses in the present realm.

  She does taste as amazing as I remembered! My memory was not a ruse.

  Speaking its own language of love, my tongue danced upon her flesh, communicating things mere words failed to convey. Her expressive moans and melodious cries of pleasure incited me further. Within moments, the responsive affirmation of her deep love for me was pouring forth into my mouth.

  My own sex throbbing from years of pent up anticipation, I dove into her, her extreme wetness providing an amply slick entrance. Her avaricious sex gripped me, pulling me further inside.

  “Oh, Giuliana, you are so hot! You feel so incredible!”

  “Take me, Vincenzo, I am yours! Yes! Make love to me!” she whispered into my ear huskily.

  “My memories have not served you justice. You are so much better than they alluded.”

  Continually having to convince myself that this was truly real, I moved back and forth in her, luxuriating in the feel of her. Several times, I had to still myself, lest I lose it. During those moments, I seized the opportunity to caress her beautiful face, ever so tenderly kissing the woman I adored.

  There inside of her, I felt safer than I ever had.

  Pushing me up until she was upright with me, Giuliana surprised me when she abruptly knocked me onto my back. Swinging her thigh over mine, she commandingly climbed astride me.

  There was nothing I loved more than a woman who possessed the confidence to take what she wanted, take control of her own pleasure.

  Moving herself on me, Giuliana leaned back slightly, her face rapidly lost in pleasure as she focused on what her body told her to do. Oh, the sight of her atop me like that, her body stretched out long and inviting before me was a sight like none other I had ever had the pleasure of beholding. I reveled in the feel of her utilizing my cock as a tool to massage that otherwise unreachable spot deep within the inner recesses of her body. The pleasure she was experiencing was evident all over her face, which though always beautiful, never looked more exquisite than it did in that very moment, something which was nearly incomprehensible to me.

  Moments later, it altered, apprising me that she had once again achieved the summit of her pleasure. The musical sounds of her ecstasy graced their presence within my ears once more as her hot sex embraced mine in glorious rhythm.

  “Oh, oh… oh God!” Giuliana cried breathlessly. “Oh, yes, Vincenzo!”

  Too soon, I felt my own familiar intensified sensation wash over me. This time I knew there would be no stopping it. Rushing to feel the magnificent pleasure of one last thrust within her, I barely made it before my body took control, my seed flowing out deep inside of her. She was the only woman with whom I had ever done that and it felt so good not to disconnect from her right at the apex of my ecstasy. I treasured being able to fully give my love to her.

  “Oh, Giuliana! I love you!” I cried out too loud, before remembering we must be cautious with our love.

  The astonished look upon her face made me realise that— although it was no secret to me— I had never before spoke those powerful words to her. With fresh tears in her eyes, she searched mine, as though to determine the validity of that which she had heard. Evidently finding that which she sought, her face beamed as she embraced me joyously. “Oh Vincenzo, I love you, too!”

  Reveling in the feeling of our hearts beating in sync with one another, we laid there in the haze of our bliss.

  “Giuliana,” I murmured into her ear as I held her close to me. “I never knew how it was that you came to be at Sanguelascivia. I mean, you just never struck me as the type that would subject herself to that. Even in the fleeting time I had with you there, I could see right away that you were different from the others.”

  I could sense a trace of aged sadness in her eyes as she looked up at me.

  Taking a deep breath, she recounted to me her tale of woe. “I was a young widow. I had just lost my husband and young son to an outbreak of the Black Death which swept our Northern village. I still do not know how I was spared. But I knew if I wanted any chance at living, I had to get myself far away from there. Besides, it was the only way I could cope with my loss.

  Never having been to the city before, I roamed my way up to Venice, hoping the new setting would help to take my mind off of my family, my old life— the life which was no longer mine. After a few weeks of scrounging and sleeping on the cold streets, Giovanni happened upon me and after being so kind as to treat me to the first real meal I had had in a month, he brought me to Sanguelascivia.”

  I raised my brow, trying to imagine her reaction the first time she had stepped inside that place.

  Knowing exactly what I must be thinking, she chuckled. “Yes, it was quite a lot to take in. I was rather taken aback by the things I saw there, and yet there was a larger part of me that was most intrigued. Never having had much of a sex life to speak of, there were so many things of which I had always been curious…”

  “So you were married before, then?”

  “Yes. I was very young. Benito was a good man. He provided for us. But I had never known love with him.” She paused, laying her hand upon my heart. “Not like this. True love, passionate love.”

  It was then I perceived the true sorrow she still carried was due to the loss of her child.

  “Still, that was a long time ago…” she sighed, trying her best to cover any hint of residual sadness. “I shall forever be grateful for Sanguelascivia, for it led me to you.”

  I smiled as I pulled her closer to me.

  “Me too,” I agreed. “If only life could have brought us together via another path.”

  “Oh Vincenzo, it matters not,” Giuliana countered. “What matters is that we are together now, and nothing shall separate us again!”

  I could not help but beam in her positive presence. More than anything, I wanted to give more to her, give something back to her after all she had added to my life.

  Without thinking first, I blurted out, “Perhaps one day, we will have a child of our own.”

  Staring up at me in shock, she quickly replied, “Vincenzo! We cannot. Our relationship must be kept secret, lest we be left with no place to live!”

  “Yes, right… of course,” I quickly amended. “Regardless, I shall be the happiest man on Earth so long as I have my Giuliana right here with me.” I kissed her tenderly upon those lips to further convey the depth of my feelings for her.

  “And so shall I be, my Vincenzo.”

  The moment overtaking me, I blurted out, “Marry me, Giuliana! Be my wife!” Even though my proposition had not been planned, that did not diminish the value of it.

  I could think of nothing I wanted more.

  Giuliana looked to me, clearly astonished. “But Vincenzo, you know that is not possible…”

  “Anything is possible, I know that now,” I assured her with an expressive kiss. “And I want to know that you are mine, that you truly belong to me. Let us go right now and be wed in secret!”

Her responding smile, seconded by her fervent kiss, made me the happiest man that ever walked the Earth.

  Excerpt from the Award Winning ‘The Submission of Giuliana’

  “As I lay there being taken by two men, my orgasm swept through me, yet it was for another who had pleasured me only in the realm of my mind.”

  Giuliana never dreamed life would lead her to where she is now— serving as a sex performer and blood courtesan in the swanky vampire theatre Sanguelascivia in Venice, Italy. Some days, she hates to admit, she loves her job— what woman wouldn’t enjoy being sexually pleasured in a variety of new ways every day? She has been serviced by some of the most mouthwatering men she has ever laid eyes on.

  And still other days, she cannot believe she has lowered herself to this. Then there are the Vampire patrons to whom she is expected to submit and entertain privately after the shows. Her life at Sanguelascivia is in severe contrast to the simple life she once knew with her husband and child. But she no longer allows herself to think of them. It is too painful to face the loss.

  Giuliana vowed she would never love again. That is, until she sees the striking Vincenzo her first night at the theatre and something stirs deep within her. Night after night she aches as she watches him with other women, wondering when she will finally have her turn to be pleasured by him. The only way she is able to endure her performances with the other men— and oft times women— is to fantasize about him pleasuring her.

  Will she ever feel him against her skin, feel his lips hot upon hers, feel him moving inside of her?

  ‘The Submission of Giuliana’

  Awarded Paranormal Romance Guild’s

  Reviewer’s Choice Award


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