MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2)

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MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2) Page 3

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  “Yes, Mr. Doran. Right away.” Cherie clicked off the television and slowly rubbed his arm. “Are you sure I can’t do anything for you?” she purred with lust-filled eyes.

  Roen felt the rage building inside him over Liv. He cracked his neck and then straightened his tie. “No. Nothing.”

  “But, sir—”

  “No! For foke’s sake, Cherie. Now go the hell home!” he roared.

  Cherie jumped in her skin and darted away, crying.

  Oh, hell. He’d made her cry. But yelling had been a far better option than risking her getting hurt, considering he fully intended to break something. Dammit, it was his office. And foking hell! One of his own had taken Liv, likely as part of the Collection. So which one of his men had chosen to go after Liv? And why?

  Does it matter?

  Because Liv was his and only his. He’d be damned if he let some other merman fuck up her life. He’d done far too much, suffered far too much to keep her safe. And I’ll be damned if I let anyone touch her.

  Roen blew out a steady breath while his mind came to grips with the other unsavory elements of this situation. He was going in for a fight he couldn’t possibly win. No, he didn’t mean the other man—he’d squash the bastard—but then what? He would have to see Liv, be in the same room with her, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself this time. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe.

  If you take her, you’ll be ending the woman you love. Roen balled his fists. Maybe that’s what the island wanted. Well, too foking bad. I won’t allow anyone to hurt Liv.


  “I won’t let you do this to her, Shane! Do you hear me? Let me out!” Every waking hour over three long days, Liv pounded the door to no avail. Sadly, being locked up by these aquatic lunatics had become a theme in her life. “Let me the fuck out!”

  Liv was at her wit’s end, her mind spinning in a protective rage knowing what would happen once they reached the island. Yes, she had escaped last time with a hefty sacrifice on Roen’s part. Absurdly, part of that sacrifice was Roen’s commitment to hold a Collection.

  And why a Collection? It tied back to the fact that women only served two purposes in their world: making more warriors to protect their home during the day or being turned into horrid nocturnal sea creatures that patrolled the waters at night. Two armies. One purpose.

  This episode of crazy fucked-up misogynist nightmares is brought to you by…the island. The island, because the human world isn’t scary enough. Liv didn’t know why she made jokes; the situation was anything but funny. Not for her, Dana, or any of the other women who’d either end up becoming monsters or mommies.

  Yes, yes. Of course there were worse fates than having a baby—all male, by the way—with a stranger who wasn’t exactly human and being left alone to raise it. The real tragedy came later when the child grew, only to become another slave to the island. No way was that a happy ending for these women, who’d be kowtowed by whatever powers the mermen held over females and then brainwashed into having sex.

  Oh, God. Sex… Liv’s mouth went dry. Roen would probably be on that island. Roen—tall, hard, likely shirtless, definitely rippling with powerful muscles and bronzed skin—Roen. And she’d be forced to look at him, dammit. Including that beautiful face with those soft, slightly full, sensual lips and a strong jaw covered in short rich-brown whiskers. She’d have to gaze into those fierce, exotic, green-and-hazel eyes while her senses bathed in his delicious, spicy masculine scent. He would rouse the cruelest of carnal urges deep inside, only to leave her wanting. And then there was her heart. It physically ached when she got near him. Sadly, the same held true when they were apart. She couldn’t win.

  “Let me out!” Liv hit the door. Her swollen hands throbbed, and her feet felt like they’d been turned into pulp. But what else could she do? Sit and wait? With luck, one of the men would get fed up and open the damned door. Then she’d greet him with a chair over the head.

  Good luck with that, Liv. You’ll need more than a chair to take one of those colossal beasts down.

  The sad part was someone had already come for the day, leaving fruit and a sandwich while she’d been asleep like they’d done on two other occasions. They somehow knew the moment she was in the small attached bathroom or when she dozed off. A hidden camera or secret merman spy abilities? She didn’t know, but this time she’d be ready. No more sleeping.

  Just then, someone shoved a pink sheet of paper underneath the door. Liv picked it up and began to read, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of her. “Are these assholes serious?” she whispered, nibbling her fingernail.

  Dear Landlover,

  In preparation for your arrival to the sacred island of El Corazón, we’d like to remind you of a few simple rules to make your time more pleasant as well as keep you alive:

  The island is secret and you must never discuss it or its inhabitants with anyone. If you break this rule, we will know, and the punishment will be swift for not only you, but for those you hold dear.

  We do not recommend going outdoors unescorted at night. If for some reason you must venture out during non-daylight hours, please stay clear of the beaches.

  Under NO circumstances are you permitted to swim in the ocean at night. Our waters are filled with deadly creatures who will devour you in seconds.

  Should you come across one of our deadly creatures, we recommend you run; however, they are not to be harmed. Doing so is punishable by death, as they are sacred.

  As you are a guest on this island for the sole purpose of participating in our time-honored Claiming Ceremony, we wish to highlight the following points:

  a. Your participation must be voluntary.

  b. After being claimed by one of our fine male specimens, you will be taken back to his quarters and bitten. This may cause some discomfort; however, we hope the remaining evening’s activities, involving vigorous and pleasurable sexual intercourse, will detract from any pain.

  c. Immediately following your evening, if you notice a discoloration in the form of black spots on your skin, congratulations! You have been mated to one of our fine mermen and have been given the honor of becoming one of our sacred Maids. Note: our healer will attend to you during your transformation and see you safely to the ocean.

  d. If you do not experience this discoloration, congratulations are still in order, as you have been chosen to carry one of our future mermen. Note: your merman will explain the rules pertaining to the child’s care during its time with you as well as child support disbursement schedules.

  e. If you have been claimed by a merman who is currently mated, we are sorry to inform you that you are ineligible to become a sacred Maid. (Refer to 5d.)

  All landlover guests, except those who’ve been chosen to be Maids, are required to leave the island the morning immediately following your evening of claiming, as landlovers are hazardous to the delicately balanced ecosystem of the island.

  Any violation of the island’s laws are punishable by death. We hope you enjoy your stay.


  El Corazón Island (as transcribed by the Elders)

  Liv stared at the letter in complete horror and disbelief. The casual tone was comical and glib, while the words were frightening. Why would any woman in her right mind go for this?

  Because they’re not in their right minds. Everything about the island was pure and utter insanity, bordering on the edge of surreal and farcical. I have to get Dana out of here.

  Liv returned to pounding the door. “Hey!” she screamed. “Can you crazy fucking bastards hear me? I know you can! You’re mermen. You hear everything! Open this fucking door!”

  “Liv?” said a soft familiar voice on the other side of the door.

  Ohmygod. “Dana? Honey? Open the door. You have to let me out.”

  “Liv, the other ladies asked me to tell you to stop yelling. You’re totally ruining the last night of our party.”

  Party? Fucking party? And they were al
most to the island?

  Liv placed her palms and forehead against the door. “Dana, I need you to listen to me. This isn’t a party. You are in danger. These people are not what you think.”

  “Liv, I know everything. They already told us what they are. They even handed out these pamphlets that explain—”

  “Dana! They’re mermen!” Dammit. Saying the word “mermen” made her feel crazy, too.

  “Yes, Liv,” Dana said like an obstinate sixteen-year-old. Only, the real Dana was twenty-four and acted like it. She had a boyfriend and a great job working at the elementary school in Wrangell, Alaska, their hometown. “And I consider it an honor to have been chosen.”

  They’ve brainwashed her.

  “Dana, no.” Liv’s eyes filled with tears. “It’s not an honor. It’s horrible. You’ll either end up pregnant or become some sort of animal.” It was the most backwards and cruel thing she’d ever heard of. “They’re barbaric assholes, Dana. And you don’t want to get mixed up with them.”

  “They’re not barbaric. They’re beautiful, and I’d give anything for a night with one of them.”

  It sounded like the Stepford version of Dana speaking. They’d really messed with her head. “No! Don’t listen, Dana. You don’t want this. Think of Steve. You love Steve.” Steve was Dana’s live-in boyfriend. They’d been together since high school, and the two were planning to get married in a few years.

  “I dumped Steve right before Mom and Dad’s anniversary party.”

  “What? Why?” Liv found that very suspicious.

  “I was tired of him always being such a wuss—look, Liv, I gotta go. That really hot one, Shane, said he wants to hang with me tonight, and I’m hoping he’ll claim me tomorrow. So try to keep it down, okay?”

  “Dana! Open this fucking door!”

  There was no reply, and Liv sank to the floor, sobbing. This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. These animals were going to ruin Dana’s life. Stop it, Liv. Stop wasting precious time crying over what should be. Liv wiped the tears from her eyes and got up from the floor. Dana was counting on her. Not to mention their family, too. They had to be going insane with worry right now.

  Okay. What are my options? Of course, there were only two: give Shane—an evil, untrustworthy bastard—what he wanted and pray he’d let Dana go like he promised. Or tell Shane to screw himself.

  There has to be another choice. Think, Liv. Think.

  She sat on her narrow bed with her eyes closed and focused on her breathing. Okay. I know what to do. The moment that door opened after they reached the island, she’d run for it and find Roen. She’d tell him everything and hope to God he’d get her out of this.

  So what if Roen didn’t help her, like in that dream? The last time she’d seen him, he made it clear he never wanted to see her again, and it had broken her heart. Then, within the space of a heartbeat, he’d changed into this angry, cruel version of himself and raised his hand to her. She still wasn’t one hundred percent sure what had happened, because she’d seen how the island had begun to change him into something that frightened her. One of them.

  Then there were those other urges of his. The ones that made him want to bite her and take her like an animal.

  What if the civilized Roen doesn’t exist anymore? Roen wouldn’t be saving her. He’d be doing the opposite. He’s still your best option. She only hoped there was some of the old Roen still left inside.


  Seven o’clock the next evening, the lack of motion woke Liv in the armchair with a prickly startle. Oh crap. Liv froze. We’re here. She already felt the sick ominous energy of the island seeping through the walls. Ironically, the location itself was breathtaking—black and gold-sanded shores and a snowcapped peak surrounded by pine tree forest on all sides. Of course, that was camouflage.

  Liv pressed her ear to the door and heard footsteps going up and down the passageway. They had to be unloading.

  Okay. They’ll be coming for you soon. Be ready. Stay calm.

  Liv then noticed another sandwich had been left on the nightstand along with a change of clothes—a purple tank top and khaki shorts, no doubt borrowed from one of the other women onboard. They’d included a pair of black leather sandals.

  Good. She’d need something to protect her feet when she ran through the rough terrain.

  Liv quickly ate to keep up her strength, changed, and then sat herself calmly on the bed. This is going to work. This is going to work. Just keep calm and make nice until you get outside. She had to do everything possible to avoid getting tied up or shoved into a cage.

  “Knock, knock!” a deep voice called from the other side of the door. “It’s Jason. Remember me?”

  How could she forget? He was one of Shane’s “buddies” she’d met her first day on the island.

  “Come in.” She remained seated, not wanting to seem overly eager or show her hand.

  “Are you going to attack me?” he asked.

  “Not planning to, although the day is still young.”

  Jason popped open the door and peeked his head through, flashing his bright white, charming smile. His deeply tanned skin was the same as the last time they’d seen each other, only now he’d cut off his dreaded blond locks into a short, deceivingly civilized hairdo. “Good. Because I have one hell of a fucking hangover.”

  Liv refrained from showing how much that bothered her. He’d likely been partying with Dana and the other “guests.”

  “Nice look,” she said. “Trying to impress the ladies?”

  Jason ran his hand over his newly cropped hair. “Most of us aren’t big on using brushes, so it’s easier to cut it when we go to the mainland. But yeah, we try to tone down the scary factor for the ladies. Makes the process of getting their guard down much easier. Well, that and margaritas.”

  Liv resisted balling her fists and taking a swing. His cavalier attitude about this whole thing disgusted her.

  “Well, I’m ready to go,” she said, standing up from the bed.

  Jason stepped all the way inside the room, wearing the traditional island garb of a simple piece of black cloth that hit mid-thigh and wrapped around the waist. No shoes, no shirts or coats—despite the somewhat chilly weather—just a little man skirt. The only thing Liv never understood was why some men wore black or red and Roen wore suede. Were they like kilts and each clan had a color?

  “Not so fast, landlover. You sit.” He pointed to the bed.

  Oh no. Why? Liv’s eyes focused on the open door behind him. There was no way in hell she’d get around this huge man and make it out.

  “Are you going to hurt me?” she asked, looking to gauge his reaction.

  He scoffed. “What? Me? Only if you run, in which case I’d kill you because those are my orders—not because I enjoy that sort of shit. But I know you’d never put me in that position because I can move ten times faster and have excellent night vision.”

  Oh crap. Change of plans. Perhaps she could sneak away before the Claiming Ceremony.

  “Now sit.” Jason pointed to the bed again.

  Playing the role of obedient landlover, she placed a pleasant smile on her face, sat, and folded her hands neatly in her lap. “Okay. I’m sitting.”

  Jason closed the door, leaned against it, and stared at her with an awkward expression.

  “Uh. What are we doing?” she asked.

  “Waiting.” He smiled.

  Why is he looking at me like that? “For what?”

  “For the signal Dana is off the ship. Shane’s orders. He didn’t want you upsetting her again.”

  Yeah, sure. Because Shane really cared about “upsetting” people. The more likely explanation was that Shane didn’t want her to see where they took Dana.

  “Okay,” Liv said sedately. “Then we wait.” Liv felt like a shaken soda can, ready to pop. Dammit. Why is he still looking at me like that? It wasn’t helping her stay calm.

  “So.” Jason bobbed his head.

  She bobbed h
er head back. “Yeah. So.”

  “This is weird, huh? You. Back here.”

  Was he on something? Or was this how mermen made small talk?

  “Yep. So weird,” she said flippantly. She looked at the floor, the ceiling, anywhere except Jason’s face.

  Finally, after several more awkward moments of silence, she couldn’t take it anymore. “Okay. Why are you staring at me like that?”

  Jason shrugged. “I’m trying to figure it out.”


  “Why you asked Shane to bring you back after Roen discarded you. I mean, the shame alone would’ve kept me from ever showing my face here again. Yet here you are.”

  What? So Shane told everyone she wanted to be there, and they believed him? Had no one heard her screams over the last three days? And exactly what had Roen told everyone about her original departure? “What do you mean by discarded?”

  “Liv, it’s no secret Roen publically denounced you as his mate.”

  “It’s a secret to me. Care to elaborate?” The more she knew about what she’d be going into, the better.

  “He said you were far too weak and unintelligent even for reproduction.”

  What the hell? However, despite the sting of hearing she’d been publically declared “not good enough” for Roen, Liv had to put a rational spin on all this. Roen had made a huge sacrifice to free her after he’d fought and “won” her along with control over the island. But because he’d never completed the claiming ritual—he’d bitten her, but they never had sex—she knew Roen had to tell his men something.

  “Personally,” Jason continued studying her, “I don’t think you look weaker than the other women—I mean, they’re all weak—they’re women, right? Regardless, I see how your lack of intelligence is a turnoff. On the other hand, I find that to be true of most human females, too.”


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