“True.” She walked over to Dusk. “Hey, get up.”
“Ouch…” Dusk mumbled. She jumped up, grabbed Maria, and her, putting her in a chokehold while pulling out a pistol, putting it to her head. “Drop it or I’ll-Joselito?”
I grinned. “Yeah, it’s me. Now, I would appreciate it if you didn’t shoot my woman.
She released Maria. “Sorry.” She paused, as if she just remembered something. “Oh shit!” She ran over to Jade. “Get up! We need to get back!”
“Back where?” I asked.
“To Harley!”
“He’s alive too?”
“Yeah, but barely. He’s badly burned, and we need this gel!” She kicked Jade in the side. “Get UP!”
“Damn, don’t kick me.”Jade grumbled, standing slowly. She registers the sight of us, and then said, “Hi.” She looked at Dusk. “We gotta go!”
“Yes, I know!” Dusk cried.
“Wait,” Maria said, “We will go with you! Just let us grab our gear!”
“Alright, but hurry the fuck up!” shouted Dusk.
We charged to the backroom, and grabbed our equipment: for me, a Beretta 682 shotgun, a Markov pistol, and a machete. For her, she picked up a SCAR-L light machine gun, alongside a Swiss Army Knife, and a Desert Eagle pistol.
I kissed her, and said “C’mon, let’s go!”
After running for about 20 minutes, we were outside the Middle School. We heard the sounds of gunfire, and we paused. Suddenly, we could see someone running towards us. Dusk lifted her M16, and then lowered it. “It’s Eveline.”
When she caught up with us, we could see that she had cuts on her arms and legs, and hole in her shoulder.
“What happened?” I asked. “Are you alone?”
She looked at us, and I could see that she was tearing up. “I came here looking for Harley’s group. I was with William, Kaytie, and Anthony.”
“So where are they?” asked Maria.
Eveline shook her head. “We were attacked. Gunners above, zombies below. I know for certain that Anthony is dead-he was killed right in front of me-but I don’t know about Kaytie or William. We were separated.”
“Oh no…” Dusk said. “Even more dead…”
Eveline’s head shot up, and she looked at Dusk. “What do you mean, even more dead? Who died?”
It was Jade who answered. “We lost Amy and Christina, and Harley and Ryan are injured.”
“Fuck!” Eveline cried. “We can’t keep losing people like this!”
“I know.” Dusk replied.
“Guys.” I said. “This is all fucking terrible. However, don’t we have to take that gel to Harley? We need to save the lives that we can.”
“Shit, you’re right.” said Jade. “Let’s go!” We ran inside. “I hope we don’t lose Harley and Ryan.” I thought. “We need them.”
My name is William Kats, and I am about to die.
As I stand here, kissing this beautiful woman, the blood pouring out of my body, and the dead closing in, I think to myself, “At least I proved her wrong.”
A Half Hour Earlier
“You are still a pussy.” said Kaytie. We were standing outside by the football field, waiting for Eveline and Ken to finish ‘hugging goodbye.’
“You’re still a whore.” I said.
“I want to know.” she said. “How am I a whore?”
I shrugged. “How am I a pussy?”
She looked at me, and said, “You are a coward. You run from a fight.”
“That’s not true!”
“Oh really? Well, I guess we will see if we get into combat.”
“Yes, yes we will.”
“Guys, quit it.” Eveline said, striding out of the school.
“Hey, she started it.” I told her. Kaytie snickered. “What is it now?”
“Now you’re acting like a baby, too.” She laughed.
Eveline shook her head in exasperation. “Guys, I said quit it. We have more important things to worry about.”
Kaytie shrugged to that, and followed Eveline and Anthony. As I walked behind them, I stared at Kaytie. She was so different from her step sister, Faith. Yes, Kaytie was tall and well built, due to her National Guard training. However, she’s blond with big breasts and a small ass. In other words, a whore. What else could a woman that beautiful be, but a whore?
I, on the other hand, am awesome. With my curly dirty light brown hair, muscled body, and these badass blue eyes, the ‘young blood’ flowing through my veins runs red-hot, and I am the definition of sexy.
I sighed in content, and did a quick gear check: My M16 assault rifle, my Beretta M9 pistol, and a Swiss Army knife. Basically, like Anthony, and almost everyone else in the base, all of my equipment was standard military grade, unlike Harley, who has a Colt 1911 pistol, or Dusk, who uses a Luger. My only unique equipment was a bowie knife that I had strapped to my leg, and six throwing knives strapped to my belt.
I looked up, and examined Kaytie’s equipment. She seemed to have gone out of her way to be unique. She uses a FN FAL semi-automatic rifle, a Beretta 682 shotgun, and an S&W Model 10 revolver. However, she does use the same Swiss Army Knife the rest of us use.
Anthony fell back, so he was beside me. “Hey bro.”
I looked at him. He was nothing special, unlike me. He actually looked like an upside-down brown carrot, with short brown hair and brown eyes. I chuckled inwardly.
“Hey.” I replied. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to stare at her ass, so I came back here.” he responded quietly.
“Oh,” I said. “Why?”
“If I have to explain to you why, then you, my friend, are either clueless or dumb.”
I shook my head. “This idiot,” I thought. “That wasn’t what I meant.” However, I have better things to do than argue with this idiot, so I changed the subject. “I don’t like her, but I gotta admit, she has some badass weapons.”
Kaytie responded. “Thank you.”
“Where’d you get them?” he asked.
“Harley gave them to me. Didn’t you know? He has plenty of weapons and ammo hidden, some even in his sleeping area. I asked him if I could trade rifles, so he gave me this one, and took my M16. The same for my revolver. However, I actually found this shotgun on the body of a soldier. It is a military standard.”
Eveline turned. “Guys! Shh!” We quieted. She seemed to be listening for something.
Anthony ran over to her. “What is it?”
“Listen. Do you hear that?” she replied. We all stood quietly, and indeed, we heard it-the sounds of the dead. The moans and groans.
Suddenly, there was a loud “BANG!” and Anthony collapsed a hole in his head. Eveline screamed, and jumped to the side. However, we could see as a she was shot in the shoulder. We could tell, because we could see the blood soaking her shirt.
“Get down!” Kaytie shouted. She tugged me behind a car, as gunfire erupted around us. It was separating us from Eveline! “GO EVELINE! GO! CONTINUE THE MISSION!” Eveline shook her head, pointing at us. Kaytie lifted her S&W, and pointed it at Eveline. “IF YOU DON’T GO, I WILL SHOOT YOU!” We could see her tearing up, but she complied, running towards the Middle School, using cars for cover.
“Kaytie, come on!” I shouted, tugging her off to the side, back towards the High School. She nodded, and we ran back, using cars for cover. Suddenly, someone appeared in front of us, holding a shotgun to us. Without hesitation, I drew a knife, and, with a flick of my wrist, I threw it at him, hitting him in the dick, causing him to double over in pain. I drew my Bowie as we ran, and when we passed him, I decapitated him.
“William!” Kaytie yelled. “That was actually pretty cool!”
“Thank you!” I yelled back. We kept running, and was by the bar near the High School, when, all of the sudden, Kaytie stumbled and fell. I spun around, and I could see that she was shot in the leg.
“Go!” she shouted. “Leave me!” I turned, about to leave, when
I heard a voice in my head, taunting me, calling me a coward. I spun around, and ran back to her. “No! William! Leave me!”
“Never!” I yelled. I helped her of the ground, and we started towards the High School. We were outside the bar when Kaytie said, “Stop!”
I stopped. She tugged herself out of my grasp, and tested her weight. “I can walk now.” she said. She stared at me. “That was very… Courageous. I’m sorry.”
I nodded. I heard something moving inside of the bar, and something jumped out. Instinctively, I pushed her aside. The thing bit me! It was one of the dead! It ripped a chunk right out of my arm!
“Oh no! Kaytie shouted. We didn’t have time to panic though, because they were pouring out of the bar, like wasps after their nest is disturbed. We ran, and made it to the soccer field when it happened. We heard a loud “BANG!” and I felt a tearing sensation in my midsection. I collapsed.
“WILLIAM!” Kaytie yelled. “NO!” she lifted me off the ground, and onto my feet. “Come on, we can make it!”
“Kaytie,” I said, shakily. “Leave me.” I could feel the virus running through my veins.
“NO!” she yelled.
“Kaytie, I’ve been bitten. Leave me, or we will both die.”
“I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!” she yelled. She picked me up, and ran, ran down the street, into a large apartment complex (I saw the number 42 on the door), ran up the stairs to an apartment and rammed the door down, and ran in. She placed me on the floor, picked up the door, and pushed a fridge over, barricading it.
“We’re safe.” She said. “Thank you William.” She looked at me for a minute, and by the look on her face, I could tell that she knew that I was going to die. She picked me up, and looked at me.
I thought “What the hell. I’m going to die anyways.” I leaned forward, and French kissed her. She seemed startled, but I pulled back before she could do anything.
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” I said. She looked at me in disgust, and dropped me on the floor. I looked up at her, and she pulled out the S&W I was admiring earlier. She pointed it at me.
“It’s not murder.” she said, almost to herself, “He’s going to die. I’m doing him a favor.”
“What!?!” I yelled. “I saved your-” I cut off, coughing up blood, spitting at her. “I saved your sorry ass, you whore.”
She shrugged, pointed at me, and fired.
My name is Kaytie. And he kissed me. He sucked at it too.
I looked at William, who was lying dead on the floor, and I knew what to do. I picked him up, and looked around for a place to put him. I saw someone’s bedroom, and I walked in. I saw, on the wall, a large blow-up photo of Harley. I paid it no mind though, for I had business to attend to. I placed William on the bed, and pulled out my S&W. I placed it against his head, and fired, killing him. I then proceeded to look around, until I found some gasoline, for a generator. I poured it out, starting at the oven, until I reached William’s motionless form. I walked back to the stove, turned the gas on to max, and picked up a lighter. Opening the window (thankfully, I saw a fire escape) I lit the mattress on fire, climbed on the fire escape, and climbed down. I ran as far as I could, expecting this to happen. “BOOOOOOOM!” the oven, exploded, eliminating any chance of him turning. “Goodbye, asshole.” I thought.
I could feel my eyes wetten a little. “The little bastard did save my life. Guess he had some uses.” I ran, heading for the base. I was almost there when I felt a searing sensation in my back, and saw a blade sticking out of my chest.
“Where do you think you are going, Kaytie?” Jaime Hernandez hissed in my ear.
“Going… Home…” I managed to say. He pulled the sword out, and walked in front of me. He watched as I collapsed, blood spurting out of my body.
“Well… now you die.” He said. He raised the blade, and as he swung it down, I heard someone shout “NO!”
He jumped, startled, and I ducked my head. His blade whistled right over my head. Jamie spun, growling. It was Monte, holding a large hammer. And you know what? I never thought I would say it, but I believe he may be my hero.
My name is Monte Santiago. And I just smashed in that fucker’s SKULL!
He stumbled back, groaning in pain. “It doesn’t matter if you smash my frontal lobe, I don’t have any emotion left anyways.”
“What the fuck!” I shouted. How the hell did he not die! Even with only his frontal lobe damaged, he still should at least be unconscious.
He sneered at me. “So you’re alive, you worthless trash. Let’s change that.” He pointed his blade at me. “Let’s see if you are Roran Stronghammer. Let’s go hammer to sword.”
I stepped back, looking down at Kaytie. Even with blood spurting out of her, she was still moving. She seemed to be attempting to do something with a pair of matches.
She looked back at me, and shouted. “Monte! Look out!”
I jumped to the side, and heard as the blade whistled past me. I saw Kaytie, putting a match to her wounds. I saw her mouth tighten with pain. I looked up, and saw Jamie charging at me. I raised my hammer, and unbelievably, I blocked it. He swung again, and again, and I blocked it, each time. I was euphoric, until, suddenly, he cut my pinky and ring finger off of my left hand.
“OH FUCK!” I shouted, pain coursing through my hand. I dropped my hammer.
“Die!” He snarled, raising his sword over his head. I watched, seeing black spots dot my eyes. He swung down, and…
He collapsed, a gaping hole in his head. Kaytie was standing, holding her shotgun. Her wound wasn’t bleeding, but I could see burns. She ran over to me.
“Hold on!” she shouted, grabbing more matches. Slowly, and very, very painfully, she cauterized my hand.
Ken here. What the hell?
I was patrolling the perimeter of the base, when I saw Monte and Kaytie, limping towards me. I was running towards them, when I heard an explosion on the HS roof. I cursed, and spun around, looking up, and I saw a flash of black. I spun again, but was unable to locate the shooter.
“Guys!” I shouted. “Hurry! Something’s happening on the roof!” Somehow, they were able to run with me to the Band Room entrance, but we stopped when we got there.
There was someone standing there. Great. With her white-ass face, red hair, large assets, and now-lean build, somehow, for some fucking god-forsaken reason, Alexis survived.
My name is Eveline. And I worry.
I found them. Harley’s group. But Harley is seriously wounded. Ryan is in recovery. Christina, Amy, and Anthony dead. Kaytie and William missing. And what am I doing? I am sitting here, feeling useless and worried, and watching Jose and Maria cuddling on the floor. I sighed.
Someone sat down beside me. It was Eli, Faith’s boyfriend.
“Where’s Faith?” I asked him
“Asleep.” He said. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I replied. “Wasn’t anything serious. I’ve had in-and-out wounds before.”
“Yes, I know. I meant how are you doing, like how are you holding up?”
I realized what he was talking about. “Oh. Yeah. I’m okay.”
“You sure? I heard about Anthony-”
“I’ve seen people get eaten right in front of me, Eli. Trust me, I’m fine.”
He nodded. “Alright. Now, I want to ask you something.” He pulled something out of his pocket. I gasped. It was a ring. “I’m going to ask Faith to marry me.”
“Aww! That’s so sweet.” I cried. “What are you waiting for?”
“Harley.” Eli looked at me. “You see, before all of this, I always thought I was going to do something huge and romantic. Now, I can’t. So the best thing I can think of is to do it in front of the people we love. So I don’t want to do it without Harley. He’s like a brother to us, and it would be profoundly wrong for him not to witness it.”
I nod
ded. It made sense. “That’s a beautiful ring. Where’d you get it?”
“To be honest, you know that one raid we went on to Wal-mart? The one I almost died in?”
“The one last month? Yeah I remember. I-I mean we, almost lost Ken too.”
He looked at me. I don’t think he missed I almost said ‘I almost lost Ken.’ However, all he said was, “Well, the alarms went off, because I smashed the glass to pick this up for Faith.”
“You almost got us, and yourself, killed for that?” I shook my head. “I hope it works out for you. Hey, how about we check on Harley? See if he’s awake?”
“Sure.” We walked over to the nurse. Entering, we could hear someone talking. It was Harley! I ran in.
“Harley!” I exclaimed. “You’re alright!”
“Ok.” He said. “Alright is pushing it too far. How about… Slightly better.” He turned his head (he was still laying on his stomach. “Eveline? What are you doing here?” He queried.
I saw Eli whisper something in Phoenix’s ear. She nodded, and said. “Hold that thought. Lance, get a stretcher. Eveline, I’m going to need you to hold the IV pole, and follow us with it.
“Where are we going?” He asked.
“Surprise.” I said cheerfully. He looked at me, with an odd expression on his face. Eli went over to Ryan, who was sitting next to us. He nodded, and Eli grabbed a wheelchair, and helped him into it. He then wheeled him into the hall.
Phoenix and Lance then came over with a stretcher. Putting the locks down on the wheels, they then proceeded to gently lift Harley, and move him into the stretcher.
“Seriously guys, what’s going on?” Harley asked.
I lightly patted his head. “It’s nothing bad, I promise.” I said. He seemed to relax a bit.
We walked into the Cafetorium. Everyone was there (minus Jon, which was odd), and Faith was standing in the center, looking confused. Eli walked forward, slowly approaching her as he spoke.
“Faith, we’ve been dating for four years.” He said. “In those four years, you have made me the happiest man alive. You bring out the best in me, my love.” He stood right in front of her. “I was going to wait a little longer. You, know, before the apocalypse started. However, we may die at anytime now. And I can’t bear the thought of you dying, without you knowing how much I love you.” He dropped down on one knee, and pulled the ring out of her pocket. “Faith Kelsey, will you marry me?”
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