A Wolf's Oath

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A Wolf's Oath Page 34

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  “Anna, come and help me!” Erica pleaded, turning her large blue eyes on Anna as she tried to cope with the competing demands of all the different people that were surrounding her.

  Repressing the urge to scowl Anna walked to Erica's side and dove into the task of organising a party on such short notice. As time continued to pass Erica became more confident in managing the staff answering their questions with ease and going about her task with gusto. Anna slipped out of the room now easily avoiding detection from Erica and sighed with relief as soon as she entered the hallway. Pulling her mobile from the bag that was never far from her side, she dialled Erica's cabin. The phone rang for so long that she was beginning to think that Sebastian wasn’t there, but eventually his sleep heavy voice came through the receiver.

  She took a deep breath preparing herself for what was to come next. “Sebastian?”

  “Anna? Is that you?”

  “Yes. Have you seen Eric?” she demanded, making sure she injected a note of fear into her voice.

  The tremor in her voice quickly gained his attention and she could practically envision him turning around frantically trying to see where she was. “No. She wasn’t here when I woke up, she must be out.”

  “Oh God, she’s gone,” she whimpered.

  “Anna what’s the matter?” She hiccupped into the phone as though she were crying and she could feel that Sebastian was becoming panicked. “Anna, calm down and just tell me what’s going on.”

  “Eric met this man,” she began. “Vincent, yes I think that was his name. He said he knew what you were, Sebastian I think he was a hunter.” His low growl flowed to her ears across the phone. “She said he asked for her help to capture you. He told her to meet him today.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he hissed angrily.

  “I thought I had persuaded her not to meet him,” she sobbed. “She wanted to meet him and tell him to leave you alone. I told her that the best thing she could do would be to pretend he didn’t exist. I didn’t know what else I could say to her. It wasn’t as if I could just come out and tell her that she’s a werewolf and he’s out to skin her alive,” Anna snapped, hoping to inject a suitable amount of righteous indignation into her response.

  She could hear him moving about and soon the sound of crinkling paper met her ears. She smiled. “She left me a note,” he snarled before proceeding to read her own letter to her. “Dearest Sebastian, a few days ago I met a man who knows what you are. I think he wants to hurt you. I’m going to tell him to leave you alone. I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Love Erica.”

  “She really has gone,” Anna gasped. “Sebastian, what if it’s the hunter that caught Eric before? What if she’s walked straight to him?”

  “The silly woman. If she tells them that she’s not going to hand me over then they’ll just take her instead. I can’t let that happen. Anna?” he barked, demanding her attention. “Do you know where she’s going? Did she tell you where they were meant to be meeting? Tell me damn it!”

  “I think she said they were meeting at Larive lake.” The phone went silent with a click and a small smile appeared on Anna’s face. Her fingers began to dial a different number as soon as Sebastian had disconnected and this time it didn’t take long for the other person to answer. “He’s on his way.”

  “And I’m here waiting,” Vincent chuckled.

  Sebastian couldn’t believe Erica had willingly gone to meet the hunters, while it was true that she didn’t know they were out to kill her too, the knowledge did nothing to quell his anger. My silly mate is going to get herself killed trying to protect me. When I get my hands on her I’m locking her away for the rest of her life. She won’t leave my sight ever again. He grumbled the threat, refusing to believe that there wouldn’t be a chance for him to do such a thing to his mate in the future. Dashing out of the house, he immediately saw that the car was missing and groaned in frustration. Transforming into his lupine form he ran headlong towards the lake Anna had told him the hunters were located. His sensitive nose immediately detected a distinct lack of Erica's scent and a wolfish grin crept across his features. The car had to be slowing her down; she couldn’t cross the terrain directly to arrive at the specified destination. Good, I’ll get there first.

  I hope that he’s there, his wolf inserted. The man who took our mate in the first place. I really hope he’s there, waiting for his just punishment.

  So do I, Sebastian agreed. I would really like to sink my fangs into his throat and make sure for myself that he can never trouble Erica again. The thought spurred him on and he ran faster covering vast amounts of terrain in an attempt to reach the man before Erica arrived.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Erica stood in the middle of the hall that Anna had so kindly donated for Sebastian's party directing those around her with increasing ease. She had learnt quickly that things worked more smoothly if she had a little bit of space between her and them and the centre of the room was the only place she could achieve that. The furniture was still pouring in and the movers needed as much room as possible so that made it impossible to work at the room’s edges and being in that position had instantly made her feel trapped. The helpers seemed unable to complete the simplest task without her assistance and while that fact would normally have frustrated her, she realised that they were doing her a favour and so didn’t comment on their seeming incompetence. People were flowing around her at an amazing pace and though she was enjoying preparing for Sebastian's birthday, she was feeling increasingly guilty about the way she had left him. He was so angry the last time I went somewhere and left him nothing but a note. He doesn’t deserve that. The least I can do is tell him in person where I am. Her newfound belief had her throwing her hands up in a silent request for those around her to stop demanding her attention for a moment.

  “Would you mind just quieting down for a minute please?” The request had the desired effect and those around her were soon quiet. “Does anybody have a phone that I could use? I want to call home and check that everything is alright.”

  One of the more competent servers approached her and handed her a small mobile. Erica smiled cheerfully at him, taking the mobile and dialling home. The phone rang for a few seconds before it was answered, but it wasn’t the deep unknowingly sensual voice of her fiancé that she heard but the more childish one of her brother. “Hello?”

  “Wyatt, it’s Erica, could you put Sebastian on the phone please?”

  “He’s not here,” he responded easily. “Where are you Erica, we’re hungry.”

  “What do you mean he’s not there? He just left you alone? Did he tell you where he was going?” The questions came thick and fast as confusion built within her. Sebastian wouldn’t just leave the children at home without him for no reason, what was going on? Has something happened to him?

  “Erica where are you?” he pressed.

  “I’m at Anna’s.”

  “Oh. Why are you there?”

  “We’re planning Sebastian's birthday party,” she responded distractedly, her mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened to make Sebastian leave the house without telling anyone.

  She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she almost missed Wyatt’s next question. “Why are you doing that now? Ryan said his birthday was months away and they’re twins, they have the same birthday.”

  “What?” she demanded, the harsh tone of her voice worrying Wyatt immensely.

  “His birthday is in November, that’s a long way away Erica.”

  Her mind was racing as the information sunk in. I don’t understand. Anna told me that it was his birthday today. She brought me all the way out here. She gave us this hall. She’s enlisted all these people to help. She wouldn’t do all of this if she wasn’t sure that it was his birthday but Wyatt never lies. What’s going on here?

  That’s what I’d like to know, the mysterious voice added.

  Not wishing to alarm her brother any further, Erica too
k a deep steadying breath, forced a smile to appear on her face and hoped that she sounded calm. “Silly me,” she chuckled. “I must not have been listening properly. It’s probably someone else’s birthday. I must have misheard. I have to go now Wyatt, Sebastian and I will be home as soon as we can. Until then, there should be some cereal on the counter and some milk in the fridge. Don’t touch anything dangerous and don’t go near the stove ok?”

  “I know the drill Erica,” he drawled and she could practically see him rolling his eyes in impatience.

  Her grip on the phone tightened for a brief second. She didn’t want to lie to her siblings but she didn’t see any alternative, she didn’t know what was happening around her but couldn’t afford for them to know that. “Good. I love you Wyatt, tell Dylan I love her too.”

  “Love you Erica.”

  “I’ll be home soon,” she whispered, closing the phone and ending the call.

  The instant she got off the phone the people around her began to make their demands once more. “Shut up!” she snapped. “I’m trying to think. Just get out!” They stood surrounding her not one of their number moving. “Get out!” she shouted, finally getting results as the room emptied.

  Why would Anna tell me that it’s Sebastian's birthday when it quite clearly isn’t? I don’t understand. It makes no sense, none at all. Her feet began pacing the room in agitation.

  Just ask her yourself, the voice suggested. She’s right there. True to its word, Anna had just entered the hall, a confused look etched on her face.

  “Eric, what’s going on?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know,” she responded quickly.

  Anna’s face and voice equally showed signs of confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s not Sebastian's birthday Anna, his birthday is months from now. Why did you bring me here?”

  “I thought his birthday was today,” Anna giggled. “Did I get it wrong?

  She’s lying, the voice hissed. She’s up to something. I can smell it.

  “You’re lying,” Erica stated calmly. “Don’t lie to me Anna, and don’t try to act as though you’re stupid, tell me the truth.”

  The laughter died but she looked Erica in the eye hoping her face was the picture of sincerity. “I’m telling you the truth Eric.”

  Don’t believe her. Trust me Erica. The woman is lying to you.

  Erica took a menacing step forward determined to get to the truth. “Anna…” she growled, her voice easily travelled through the empty hall.

  Realising that her friend wasn’t buying the lie, Anna decided to confess, the plan had been implemented, there was no way it could be stopped now. “Look Eric, I did this for you.”

  “Did what for me Anna?”

  “You can’t be with Sebastian. Anybody but him.”

  “Why not? Anna, this dislike you have of Sebastian has to stop. He’s a good man,” she pleaded before her mind processed the guilty tone that had been in Anna’s previous statement. “Have you done something to him Anna?” Please say no.

  “No I haven’t.” Erica breathed a sigh of relief but her calm was shattered by Anna’s next words. “But someone else is about to. I told him that you had gone to meet some bad people and as we speak he’s running recklessly to stop you, Sebastian’s gone to meet the hunters.”

  What? The voice in her head howled angrily forcing Erica to clutch her head at the sheer volume of its voice. This bitch thinks to hurt our mate? Never! I won’t allow it. Erica, I was quiet until now because it was what he wanted but no longer. You have to remember. You can’t continue to live like this, not when his life is in danger. Damn it woman, remember what you are, for his sake!

  The last word from Anna’s mouth caused Erica to gasp in shock before fear and anger began to flood her system. She couldn’t understand why that had been her instinctive response but it soon became abundantly clear. She clutched her head in agony; it felt as though it were about to explode. The word and the voice’s demands had opened the floodgates and memories were filling her mind at a rate she could barely process.

  Remember Erica, her wolf pressed. You’re a werewolf too and Sebastian, wonderful, kind, loyal and loving Sebastian is our mate. I demand that you remember right this instant. I’ve had enough of pretending to be human. I won’t stand by while he gets killed on our behalf.

  “Sebastian,” she gasped struggling under the weight of freshly unearthed memories.

  Yes, focus on him. That bitch has sent him to his death, she sent him to the hunters. Remember who they are, what they did to you, what they plan to do to Sebastian.

  “Hunters?” Although she didn’t want to remember the pain and humiliation she had experienced at the hands of those madmen the memories began to fill her mind. Anna sent him to them? she hissed.

  The wolf howled in triumph. That’s my girl! We have to help him, make that whore tell you where he is. Do whatever is necessary.

  As the memories had filled her mind, Erica had fallen to her knees and Anna had approached undetected. She reached forward hesitantly for Erica's shoulder, calling to her. “Eric, what’s wrong?”

  Erica slapped the hand away before it could touch her, as she opened her eyes, amber filled her irises and she stared at Anna with intense hatred. “Why?” she hissed, maintaining a good distance between them.

  “What?” Anna stuttered.

  “Why the hell would you do that to Sebastian? He’s my mate Anna, my mate. The only one I will ever have and you want to take him from me?”

  “No Eric, not him, never him. He can’t be your mate,” she mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief. She took a few steps back, mumbling under her breath and shaking her head the entire time.

  “What has he ever done to you Anna? What could he possibly have done to deserve this?”

  Her head shot up suddenly, her previous erratic behaviour now gone, consumed by her anger. “How can you even ask such a question? I hate him and his entire family for what they did.”

  “And what exactly did they do?”

  “They survived,” she spat, her voice venomous. “They survived Erica. Andrew and Aaron are gone, my father has never been the same and they,… they survived and continued to live as though nothing had happened. It’s not fair. No, it isn’t right!”

  Erica felt a pang of sympathy towards Anna. This was her friend and there was something very wrong with her. She never behaved like this. “What are you talking about Anna? You’re not making any sense.”

  “When we were very young, my father and Sebastian's father decided to take a trip, with their sons. Because I was a girl, I wasn’t allowed to go, my brothers didn’t try to make fun of me, things were different in those days, they just said they would bring me back a souvenir. That was the last time I ever saw them. There are days that I wish I had snuck out and gone with them. Maybe I could have done something, anything. If I had been there then maybe they would still be alive. I’ve had to live with that knowledge everyday of my life. They were attacked, ambushed by the hunters. My father managed to escape, as did Sebastian, his brother and his father, but not my brothers. Both of them were taken from me. They were killed and he and his family lived. It isn’t fair! It never has been. How did his entire family manage to escape unscathed while mine was practically destroyed?”

  Another memory escaped the confines of Erica's amnesia, floating to the front of her mind. She and Anna hadn’t been much older than Dylan and Wyatt and Anna had been inconsolable. Her tears seemed never ending. She refused to eat, to try and interact normally with anyone, all she did was cry. She had just been told that her brothers were never coming home; the tears were justified. Erica had sat with her for days. She too had been saddened greatly by the loss of Aaron and Andrew but not to the same extent as Anna. They were her triplets after all; they had come into the world together, lived together and thought that they would die together. She had cried for days and Erica had stayed by her side trying to reassure her that the pain would eventuall
y fade. But when Anna had discovered that the other boys who had gone on the trip had survived, her sadness had turned to anger. She hadn’t cried again since discovering the information but she never mentioned the survivors either. Erica had thought that she had come to terms with her loss but apparently she had been wrong. Instead of grieving properly she had simply turned her intense feelings into anger and directed it as the innocent survivors and now her Sebastian was going to suffer.

  Anna’s lips were still moving but the words were no longer processing in Erica's mind. Anger filled her and a haze of red covered her vision. She strode calmly towards Anna, raised her hand and slapped her hard across the cheek, the claws that had sprung from her nails, carving into Anna’s flesh. Anna staggered, turning confused eyes on her, her skin healing before Erica's gaze though the blood that had sprung forth remained, staining her skin. Amber eyes narrowed as she growled, “What a stupid, selfish reason for endangering the life of my mate! Sebastian had nothing to do with what happened to your brothers. He was lucky that’s all. He didn’t go out of his way to kill them unlike what you’re trying to do. What the hell is wrong with you!”

  “Eric, I did this for you. You never wanted a mate; you never wanted him. If I take him out of the picture, you’ll be so much happier.”

  “I am happy Anna. I’ve never been so happy in all my life and that’s all thanks to him. And if it were up to you I wouldn’t even be with him.”

  “What are you talking about Eric?”


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