A Scandalous Midnight in Madrid

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A Scandalous Midnight in Madrid Page 11

by Susan Stephens

  Her fury had brought them dangerously close. Tension was at an all-time high. ‘Don’t touch me,’ she warned with the fiercest of looks.

  ‘Why not? Are you afraid of how that might make you feel?’

  Catching hold of her wrist as she went to push him away brought their faces close. She took over, and with a growl of fury she laced her other hand through his hair, and, dragging him close, she kissed him.

  ‘That’s what it felt like when you left,’ she said as she pushed him away. ‘You can’t just walk back into my life when it suits you, and pick up where you left off.’

  ‘Yes, I can,’ he argued as he pulled her back to him.

  ‘Don’t do that,’ she warned as he teased her lips with his tongue.

  ‘Why? Don’t you like it? Or do you like it too much?’

  With a groan she pulled him back for more kisses. One thing led to another, until neither of them could wait. Slipping his hand between her legs, he felt her readiness. ‘Yes?’ he ground out.

  Sadie’s answer was to work on his belt, and she sloughed off his jeans faster than he could undress her. They were on the rug before he had chance to rip off his top. Parting her legs, he moved between them. She wrapped them around his waist.

  There was no foreplay. None required. He took her fast and deep as she arced towards him, and they worked furiously towards the inevitable release.

  It was as if the need to stake their claim could only be achieved with more pleasure than either of them had ever known before, and when he suggested moving somewhere more comfortable during a brief, breath-snatching lull, she informed him that he wasn’t going anywhere and neither was she, which she went on to prove most convincingly by drawing him back into the dark, insatiable world of carnal hunger.

  It was dawn when they finally lay quietly side by side, and he turned to look at Sadie to find her eyes closed. Was she asleep, or was she just hiding her thoughts from him? He didn’t have to wait long to find out. Standing up, she grabbed her clothes and dressed.

  ‘Where are you going?’ he asked.

  ‘To shower in one of your many state-of-the-art bathrooms, and then back to work, of course.’

  He had expected to spend the day together and frowned. ‘Won’t you stay for breakfast, at least?’

  ‘I’m busy. I’ve got work to do, as I’m sure you do,’ she told him briskly.


  ‘Goodbye, Alejandro, and thank you for the advice. I’m getting the hang of this living-in-the-moment business, and maybe it’s enough for me. Time will tell,’ she added lightly as she left the room.

  Well and truly hoisted by his own petard, Alejandro swore viciously as he sprang to his feet. What maddened him the most, he decided as he tugged on his clothes, was that every twist and turn with Sadie only made him want her more. And the surprises didn’t end there. When he rang the restaurant to ask her what the hell was going on, a receptionist who knew nothing about their relationship said Chef Sadie was away sourcing equipment for some big design job she was handling in the mountains, and would be returning to the Sierra Nevada before she came back to Madrid.

  He’d been blindsided by a woman every bit as good as he was at being evasive when it suited her. With an ironic laugh, he conceded Sadie hadn’t told him where her work would take her next.

  * * *

  Work could really screw up his personal life, and it had been almost a month since he’d spoken to Sadie. In that time she’d worked miracles apparently, and his staff were queuing up to sing her praises. Distance might make the heart grow fonder, but it had upped his frustration to an unsustainable level. His sister was next in line to bear the brunt of his bad temper.

  ‘So, you’re speaking to me now,’ he snapped as he flew from Madrid to the mountains.

  ‘Only to warn you not to get in Sadie’s way. She’s doing an amazing job on the kitchen, according to Maria.’

  Forced to listen to how thrilled everyone was, and how everything was running smoothly thanks to Sadie, he tapped his foot impatiently. But at least he knew for certain where she was. ‘Tell her to remain where she is until I arrive. She’s not taking my calls, for some reason.’

  ‘I can’t imagine why,’ Annalisa retorted sarcastically. ‘And I can’t tell her what to do. Is Sadie supposed to second-guess how long you’re going to be away? Her work is just as important to her as yours is to you.’ There was a silence and then his sister added, ‘What have you done, Alejandro? What have you said to her? Sadie must have a good reason not to speak to you.’

  ‘I need her to be there for the annual flamenco party,’ he said, ignoring this. ‘Sadie should know the new kitchen better than anyone, and her food is second to none.’

  ‘You want her to cook for you now?’ Annalisa demanded with incredulity. ‘I can’t believe your cheek. Lucky for you, I believe she’s already discussed this with Chef Sorollo, and plans to organise and personally supervise the event.’

  ‘Bueno,’ he grunted.

  ‘Don’t you dare upset her when you arrive,’ Annalisa warned.

  ‘As if I would,’ he gritted out softly.

  Sadie was just as likely to upset him. So far she’d made a pretty good job of it—walking out on him, and then avoiding his calls. But with his business issues wrapped up in Madrid, he was hot on her trail. There was just one frustrating delay ahead of him, when he visited the flamenco camp to make sure everyone was happy with the arrangements he’d made for their performance at his party. It was the social event of the year in the area and would garner a great deal of publicity for the professional dancers. Whatever he could do to showcase their talent, he would do.

  He was flying in the small jet he used to criss-cross the world, but once he landed, he would transfer to a helicopter to make his travels in the mountains easier and faster. Sadie had inflamed his senses beyond endurance. All he could think of was being near her again—to make love with her, to have her challenge him, and to passionately make up.

  Perhaps even more than that, he mused as he lowered the landing gear, he looked forward to basking in the warm ambience she created, proving her right, he supposed, when she referred to his vast property empire as impressive, but lacking a home. Each of his residences was full of expensive props, programmed to work in exactly the same way, so there were no surprises when he arrived. Nothing was allowed to interfere with his seamless existence. How he’d feel about a new kitchen remained to be seen, though he doubted he’d visit the facility more than a couple of times. The greater problem would be that anything Sadie had designed would remind him of her.



  Sadie stared at the thin blue line in disbelief. Okay, she reasoned when she finally caught her breath. It was a few weeks since she’d seen Alejandro, and they’d certainly worked hard enough at shortening the odds.

  Having her suspicions in Madrid, she had dashed to the pharmacy to pick up some tests shortly before boarding the flight for the mountains. She had just completed the last of them in her luxurious suite of rooms at Alejandro’s mountain mansion, which was about as conducive to homey, cosy, motherly thoughts as a rather upmarket hotel room. She had lined up five tests on the porcelain sink, each showing a positive result. There was no room for doubt. She was pregnant! Ecstatic didn’t go far enough to describe her feelings. A family of her own was all she had ever dreamed of, though she did have some reservations, since pregnancy, babies and motherhood were all new to her. Her biggest concern was that she had what it took to be a good mother. Without a pattern to follow, she could only do her best. She would, Sadie determined as a fresh rush of excitement swooped over her. Babies didn’t come with an instruction manual, so she would be starting from scratch like every other new mother.

  Work had kept her busy, and it was only when she’d felt sick one morning that she had decided to check, and now she knew for sure
she had to tell Alejandro. She hoped she got the chance before things went too much further. She was in the middle of arranging a party for him, while he was visiting the flamenco camp with no definite time or date set for his arrival. All she knew was that he would arrive in time for the party.

  Standing in front of the mirror in the marble-clad bathroom, she took a deep breath to steady herself, and then sluiced her face in cold water before patting it dry and applying enough make-up to hide the pallor in her cheeks. For the first time in years, she missed having a mother to confide in. Pregnancy came with so many hopes and fears, but one thing was certain: she would fight for her child with everything she’d got.

  And Alejandro? What would his reaction be?

  She’d find out soon enough. Tomorrow the dark and dangerously alluring Duque de Alegon would be holding his annual flamenco party for the great and good, here at his fabulous mountain retreat.

  * * *

  The following day, Sadie was flooded with mixed emotions. And knowing Alejandro was close by made her heart go crazy. She couldn’t wait to tell him her news and was impatient to gauge his reaction. If he turned his back, she was quite capable of going it alone. If he wanted to be part of everything, she had to handle him so he didn’t march in and take over.

  So, not too many problems ahead, Sadie reflected dryly as she walked around the beautifully dressed dining tables she had arranged on the terrace outside to a meticulous plan. Satisfied with her final checks, she was able to stand for a moment looking out over the twinkling lights of the village far below. It was a perfect summer’s evening for a celebration. The sky was a deep midnight blue, and the Milky Way was like a gauzy chiffon scarf billowing overhead. Fairy lights strung high above the tables competed with diamond stars crowning the snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada, while crystal and silver, polished to the highest sheen, glinted on crisp white damask lit by mellow candlelight. All in all, the scene was beautifully warm and inviting.

  The guests would arrive soon, Sadie reminded herself as she snapped into action, and she had yet to see Alejandro. Maria had said he would be checking the final details for the flamenco performance after dinner tonight. Sadie could picture him reassuring everyone and encouraging the performers to give of their best. She was looking forward to the show. The only snag was that it would take them into the early hours of the morning, cutting down her opportunities to speak to Alejandro.

  At least he trusted her with arranging his party. Finally satisfied she’d done everything possible to please even the most discerning guest, Sadie returned to a kitchen that was now sparkling and efficient, with every conceivable appliance on hand to help Alejandro’s staff. As she settled into the rhythm of cooking, every thought seemed to lead back to him. Would he like the menu—how she’d designed the kitchen—the way she had decorated the tables—the flowers, the candles, the special touches like the small personal gifts she’d put on each place setting? This was the biggest private occasion she’d handled to date, and she was keen to improve on anything she’d done before, so Alejandro’s guests remembered the night as a momentous occasion, as it would be for them when she told him about the baby.

  She was out on the terrace, quietly supervising the service of canapés and champagne to a group of early guests, when the performers began to arrive. Sadie knew some of them already and greeted them with hugs and smiles. The women’s brilliantly coloured dresses were hidden for now behind black capes. The men also wore capes over their severe black outfits as a type of uniform. The dancers’ air of professional dignity spread excitement throughout the assembled guests. But Sadie was beginning to panic. Where was Alejandro? He was never late.

  Discreet enquiries reassured her that he had stayed behind at the flamenco camp to make sure that everyone had transport both to and from the party. They’d had their differences but she had seen this caring side to Alejandro, and only hoped it would come to the fore when she told him her news. Each meeting between them was combative and exciting, but this time would be different, because so many hopes and dreams were wrapped up in his reaction.

  Sadie’s table plan placed Alejandro between his sisters, Annalisa and Marissa. No one could have fiercer bodyguards, she reflected wryly. Both women were lovely, and she hoped they’d share her joy. The sound of a helicopter approaching interrupted these thoughts and silenced the buzz of conversation on the terrace. As everyone stared up, Sadie shaded her eyes against the landing lights of the sleek black aircraft as it descended slowly to its roost on the top of the building.

  The crackle of rotor blades and the rush of the wind they created threatened to put out the candles she’d lit, but somehow they survived. Having been flattened and almost extinguished by the arrival of the noble Duke, they sprang back to life and seemed to blaze more brightly than ever. As she must, Sadie determined as the impossibly good-looking father of her child jogged nonchalantly down the steps from the roof to join his guests.

  In form-fitting trousers and a crisp white shirt open at the neck, and with a pale linen jacket slung over his shoulder, Alejandro was the epitome of style. She, red-faced from cooking, with her hair hidden behind a tight-fitting cap and sensible kitchen clogs on her feet, couldn’t have provided a greater contrast. She could only imagine the type of child they’d produce. A tomboy, she suspected, if they had a girl, who would have laughing eyes and a stubborn chin, and possibly a shock of red curls, while a boy would no doubt stretch her nerves to breaking point with his daredevil antics.

  Her heart turned over as Alejandro, who was surrounded by admirers, found her on the fringes of the crowd and flashed a look that scorched her from the inside out. Never had a more contrasting couple come together to produce a child, Sadie suspected with a brief acknowledging smile as she hurried back to her duties in the kitchen.

  * * *

  The event was a huge success. Annalisa insisted on leading the boisterous guests in noisy appreciation of Chef Sadie. The only person to remain silent throughout was Alejandro, but he was quiet in the way a volcano simmered before exploding into life. Each time she left the kitchen to check the progress of the banquet, he was watching her. She was tuned to him, and he to her. He was the flame, and she was—if not the moth, then in serious danger of getting her fingers burned.

  Standing in the shadows to applaud the parade of Baked Alaska puddings as they left the kitchen, Sadie became hotly conscious of the fact that, as the guests watched the waiters carrying the dishes on high, Alejandro was watching Sadie.

  Something had to give. Someone. Her body made a few honeyed suggestions. She ignored them. There was too much at stake for her to be distracted from her purpose tonight, which was to tell him about the baby, and when he left the table, she followed him into the house.

  Feeling her behind him, he halted in the hall and turned to face her. ‘Why have you been blocking my calls?’


  ‘I what?’ he snapped, making her jump. His manner not what she’d hoped it would be when they began this conversation. ‘I seem to remember you walked out on me. What was that about, Sadie? Keeping count? Hitting back? What type of childish game did you think you were playing?’

  He was right, so she didn’t pick him up on that point. ‘I did try to call you, but you were away, I was told.’

  ‘I’m often called away at a moment’s notice,’ Alejandro told her in a cold and distant voice that chilled her through. ‘That’s the nature of my business. I have responsibilities across the world.’

  So, no time for a baby, Sadie thought, her hopes for some variation on the theme of happy family shattered. ‘You didn’t try to contact me,’ she countered.

  ‘As a matter of fact, I did,’ he argued. ‘I wanted to make sure you were okay, but you blocked my calls, so, we’re quits,’ he said coolly.

  Did she really want to argue with him? ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘And so am I,’ he admitted, and sincerely,
she thought.

  They stared at each other long and hard until music sliced through the heavy silence. ‘Shouldn’t you be watching the performance with your guests?’ she asked tensely.

  Alejandro shrugged. ‘I watched the dress rehearsal, so I know how good they are.’

  ‘Maybe they’d appreciate your attendance,’ she suggested.

  His lips pressed down as he considered this. ‘The performers’ concentration is so profound,’ he explained, ‘that they wouldn’t even know I was there.’


  ‘Must you challenge every word I say?’

  The tone was sharp, but a touch of humour had crept into his eyes that both thrilled and warmed her. So many feelings were swirling inside her head, making her wish they could start over with a clean, blank sheet.

  ‘If you want to talk to me,’ he said, ‘I suggest we talk in here—’

  It was the closest door, and it opened onto his fabulous leisure block. The space was vast and shady, with blue safety lights reflecting on the tranquil water of a massive swimming pool. It was the most amazing facility, with clusters of comfortably padded loungers arranged around the edge.


  Before she had chance to take it all in, Alejandro drew her into his arms. Contact between them was always electric, but today it seemed stronger than ever. Perhaps because of the baby joining them, though Alejandro gave her no chance to dwell on this thought before kissing her until nothing was left except him.

  ‘You need me,’ he husked in her ear, his hunger raw and obvious. ‘You need this...’

  It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact, and as he cupped her she rubbed herself against him.

  ‘Does that moan signal your agreement that, in the short time I can spare from the party, we should stop arguing, and, in fact, do a lot more than talk?’ Alejandro suggested with a curving smile on his lips.


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