Small Town Angel

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Small Town Angel Page 13

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Okay you two knock it off,” Abby said as she got seeds all over her toned and tanned legs that were bare below the khaki shorts she was wearing.

  Amy nearly giggled as she grinned in delightful evil glee and the kids and her and even Bonnie joined in pelting the reclined brunette. Finally, feeling them coming from all angles she opened her eyes and caught both Bonnie and Amy in mid-pinch. “Why you two!” she exclaimed as she grabbed her soda and shook it up menacingly as she got up from her prone position.

  “Now, now, Abby, what kind of example are you setting for the children?” Bonnie laughed as she held up her hands in supplication.

  “What kind of example am I setting?” she returned as she shook the can.

  Amy got up to run but was soon sprayed with the sticky concoction as the children roared and tried to duplicate the naughty adults. The dog barked and leapt up. They were all soon out of soda as they shook and sprayed each other. Their picnic was a mess but they all trooped down to the cold water to wash up and giggle over their antics.

  “You know, paybacks are a bitch,” Amy threatened the officer of the law.

  “What, you started it?!” Abby returned with a grin at the idle threat.

  “Prove it!” Amy said tauntingly and splashed water at the crouching cop.

  All too soon a new fight began with sprays and handfuls of water and everyone joined in to much merriment and shrieks over the cold lake water. When they were all dripping, the dog included, hair hanging down limply and everyone wearing grins in the hot air they trooped back to their picnic site to clean up the mess they had made there.

  “This is going to require washing,” Bonnie said practically.

  “We can dunk it and you in the lake,” Amy teased with a glimmer in her eye.

  “Nuh uh, I’m never going to trust you again near water or soda again!” Bonnie laughed.

  They soon had it all cleaned up, the wet sticky mess tucked in the blanket and back on the boat as they decided to go for a wet walk and dry off as they explored the little island set aside in the lake as a natural preserve. As no one lived there it was left in its wild state with no natural pathways or even man made ones to direct them so it was pretty much where the children wanted to go as the adults followed them. It was pretty but overgrown with brush and trees. They had to be careful as rocks turned up in the most inopportune places. Since they were all still barefoot it was a little dicey now and then as they explored.

  “Careful there,” Abby cautioned as Amy nearly fell trying to maneuver around a large sharp rock that jutted out of the turf. She effortlessly lifted the much smaller woman by her arm and held her steady until her feet were back under her. For a second they exchanged looks and in Amy’s eyes Abby saw fear if only for that moment. In Abby’s eyes Amy saw polite concern and something more, something subtle that her subconscious responded to if only for that second after she let the surprise of being grabbed by her arm like that pass. Her heart beating hard she could shrug off to her surprise and momentary fear of falling.

  “I think there are plenty of stickers on this rock,” Amy said to cover up her clumsiness.

  “You mean those,” Bailey asked pointing to the weeds with sharp pointy things jutting out from the stems waiting to catch their clothes and scratch their exposed skin.

  “Yes, those thangs are dangerous!” she said avoiding another batch as they climbed through a particularly dense section.

  By the time they climbed all over the island and back to the boat they were bug bitten, scratched, and dry from their earlier soaking. All of them walked into the cold lake water to wash up a bit and watched each other warily in case anyone started the water fight of earlier again. The adults were vigilant at keeping the kids from starting it again as they all felt the coolness on their scratchy skin.

  “I hear the radio,” Abby said as she finished first from washing her cuts and scrapes and letting her feet soak in the cooling water. They all headed back to the boat so she could answer it. Abby effortlessly climbed on board using her hands to springboard herself over the side.

  Amy had been surprised at the toned and tanned muscles on the cop, as she normally wore full covering clothes she had never suspected that the brunette was this muscular.

  “Hey, we got to go check out a couple of fisherman southwest of here,” Abby soon shouted after answering the call on the radio. She should have taken a hand held radio; they had been trying to reach her for a while from base where another officer was on duty while she went out on the lake.

  Abby helped them over the side. Amy was particularly ungraceful as she climbed over the side like a seal on land. She ended up tumbling to the bottom of the boat looking particularly abashed as her skin blushed under the other woman’s scrutiny.

  “Are you okay?” Abby asked, trying not to laugh at the smaller woman.

  “Yeah, just a bit clumsy today,” she said as she looked down and got herself up. Abby leaned in at the same time to help her up and their faces came close enough that Abby’s breath fanned across Amy’s cheek. They both stopped, shocked for a moment before Amy was steady on her feet.

  “Wanna help an old woman here,” Bonnie interrupted them as she tried to get over the edge.

  Both women turned to help the older woman over the side.

  They were soon heading out back into the lake and towards the coordinates that Abby had been given. They had to give a little gas to the fishermen who hadn’t realized how little had been in their tank and they followed them back into the protective harbor as the sheriff’s boat parked in its usual berth and the men parked by The Emporium and an employee ran out to help them gas up.

  “I’ll take these home and you all come over in an hour or so and help me clean and fry them up,” Amy said as she lifted the string of fish up.

  “I can’t let you do all that,” Bonnie complained as she lifted a cooler to the dock.

  “Oh no, I need to make the secret sauce,” she teased as she helped with the sticky blanket.

  They soon had the boat cleaned out and after the fishermen left the dock the chief drove the Sheriff’s boat over to the dock to gas up as she watched her children go in the house with her mother-in-law and Amy and Toby head for her SUV. She didn’t realize the officer’s eyes watched her every step.

  Later as they ate out on the picnic table under the towering trees of Amy’s yard they all appreciated the sun staying out later and the frogs croaking and the crickets making their chirping noises. It was a beautiful late spring evening surrounded by family and friends. The children chased Toby around and even Tabby made a reluctant appearance followed by her kittens which hadn’t been large enough to give away quite yet. Toby was giving Amy the stink eye since she refused to allow him to have more than one marshmallow as the kids made smores over the open fire.

  * * * * *

  “Where exactly do you come from?” Bonnie asked Amy and Abby perked up to listen to that answer from her seat by the fire. They were all seated around the fire, the children poking sticks in the flames as the adults sipped on beers. Gently they slapped at the occasional mosquito but most of them stayed away since Amy had put four large citronella torches around the burning pit.

  “Well, I toldja ya’ll that I came from down south,” Amy hedged and her eyes flicked towards Abby almost guiltily.

  “Yeah, but you never actually said where,” Bonnie persisted.

  “No, no I never did,” she returned uncomfortably. She was obviously delaying the answering of that question and Abby could see it. She also saw when she decided to answer as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.

  “Bark, Bark, Bark,” Toby exploded at that very moment.

  Amy sprung up out of her seat, an overly large log, and rushed after the pup who was heading for the edge of the clearing around the house. “C’mon and help me get’em,’ she called to the now tired children, who sprung up after her.

  “Careful, I think I smell…” she barely had the words out of her mouth wh
en the pungent odor assailed all of their nostrils. “…skunk,” she finished mournfully, covering her mouth.

  The yells of the adults and the children were something to behold. Abby herded the children back to the car along with Bonnie as Amy encouraged them to leave. She was holding a struggling pup by his collar as he tried to go back after the little animal that had sprayed him with the disgusting odor.

  “I hate to leave you with that, I’ll bring back some tomato juice,” Abby told her as she held her shirt over her mouth and nose.

  “Sure you will,” Amy teased as her eyes watered from the odor and she pulled the pup to the faucet on the side of the cabin.

  “I swear, I’ll be back,” she promised and got everyone in her car. She watched as Amy began to wet down the soaked pup who struggled more at the cold water she was spraying on him. She laughed but knew it was no laughing matter.

  “Is Toby going to be hurt?” Heather asked concerned.

  “Toby will be fine, we will get you home and to bed and I’ll take back some tomato juice to wash that dog,” Abby promised as she looked in the rear view mirror at her daughter. “You sit down and buckle up,” she said sternly as Heather craned to look back at the cabin.

  “That skunk got Toby good,” Bailey said with a grin as he held his own shirt over his nose and mouth and talked through it. His cheekbones rose and Abby could see the grin despite the shirt. She smiled in return.

  “Yeah, he’s going to be ripe for quite a while,” she agreed.

  “You think tomato juice will be enough?” Bonnie asked concerned. They had rushed away so quickly they hadn’t taken the extra fish that Amy had fried up for them for leftovers.

  “I don’t know too many cures other than time for that smell,” Abby pointed behind them with her thumb and grinned at the pups antics. That smell could linger for weeks.

  They discussed the fine and long day and the children were definitely crabby when she helped Bonnie get them in the house, showered, and tucked into bed. She gathered the tomato juice she had in the house and then stopped by one of the bars for any extra they had.

  “Why so much?” Pete asked as she placed her order.

  Explaining he exchanged a grin with her. “That poor dog,” he laughed and gave her several large cans of the stuff. “This is when we need a convenience store,” he mentioned as she gathered in the cans in her arms.

  “Yeah, twenty-four hours of problems,” she countered. They had a nice, quaint, little fishing village that the tourists adored. A small market that sufficed for most of their grocery needs. The year-round residents didn’t need a convenience store. It was then she remembered that Pete only lived here part of the year.

  Pete helped her by opening the doors for her and then slipping the keys from her belt so she could put the cans in the trunk of her cruiser. “That it?” he asked helpfully as he returned her keys to the palm of her hand.

  “Yep, and thanks,” she said as she got behind the wheel and drove out to Amy’s cabin. The odor assailed her nostrils as soon as she got out of her cruiser. A disheartened looking pup was tied to the corner of the cabin.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you back here,” Amy said as she came down off the porch where she had been sitting.

  “I thought this might help,” Abby returned as she popped open the trunk.

  “Whatcha got there?” she drawled as she walked up.

  “Bug juice,” Abby teased as she held up the overly large can from the bar. “Got a can opener?”

  Amy grinned in delight and grabbed a couple of the cans to take them inside and open them. Toby started whining and crying outside, with an occasional bark as though they had forgotten him. When Amy returned, Abby had all the cans from her house and the bar on the edge of the porch.

  “Wanna help me wash ‘im,” she asked with a grin.

  “Sure,” Abby returned and reached for the can.

  Not expecting the actual help, Amy was surprised and the can swiped out of her hand caused her to spill some on Abby’s shirt. “Oh dear, I am sorry,” she said but didn’t look quite contrite enough.

  “Oh you are, are you?” asked Abby with a gleam in her eye.

  “I really am,” she drawled but then couldn’t help it and a snort of laughter followed it.

  “Uh huh, you know paybacks are a bitch?” Abby asked.

  Amy stopped laughing and continued on towards the poor wet pup who eagerly greeted them hopefully. “And revenge is a mother…” she mumbled under her breath but Abby heard her and wondered grinning.

  Between them they washed the poor pup with the tomato juice, saving the rest for another bath as the dog would still stink. They both got wet in the process as Toby was cold and not happy about the outdoor process.

  “The poor guy,” Amy consoled him. “Can you hold him while I get a towel for him?” she asked as she handed Abby his leash.

  “I got him,” Abby said, just before Toby knocked her off her feet now that he knew they were done.

  “Are you okay?” Amy asked, trying to help the cop to her feet.

  “Jeez, this has been one cluster…” she started to say and then realizing where her language was going she stopped herself. She grinned at the redhead, right into those amazing green eyes that she could barely see in the darkness and said, “I guess Toby is paying us back too.”

  Amy grinned. She had been sure Abby would be furious at the pup. She’d braced herself for it, especially with the tone of what Abby had been about to say. In the light coming through the living room window she saw the softness of Abby’s eyes and took an involuntarily step forward. She hesitated a moment and then caught herself. Turning she quickly headed for the house for that towel for the dog and ones for the adults.

  “I don’t want him in the cabin with that smell,” Amy said emphatically as they all stood on the porch and tried to dry off in the cool of the evening.

  “We are all wet,” Abby emphasized what she was saying by wringing out the ends of her hair. “I’m cold, I’m sure you’re cold, and look at Toby,” she gestured.

  Toby looked up at the two women as sorrowfully as he could. He knew he’d done something bad that they got him soaking wet with the hose, and the red stuff stank and wasn’t even good to eat, he knew, he’d tried! He was contrite though and willing to make amends as his tail thumped from where it was tucked between his legs and he looked up at them.

  “Aww,” Amy said under her breath, she knew she was a sucker for letting the stinky pup in the house but it was Abby’s eyes that were really getting to her. She didn’t know why, but they were making something twist in her stomach. Maybe one of the fish she had eaten was bad. “Okay, let’s let him in,” she said after rubbing him one more time with the towel to remove most of the wetness.

  Toby seemed to know he was forgiven and ran into the cabin once the door was open with enthusiasm. He tried to chase Tabby who was with her kittens and spat at him in alarm, the kittens copying their mother’s anger with arched backs, and small noises of protest. Both Abby and Amy laughed at the scene.

  “Down Toby,” Amy told the enthusiastic dog. He wanted to run around and play, he felt good, he was wet and wild and… “Toby, DOWN!” Amy commanded him in a tone that brooked no nonsense.

  Toby thought he had done something wrong again and immediately went to the floor in obedience.

  “Good boy,” she praised him but when he would have gotten up she commanded him to, “Stay.”

  “Wow, maybe I should have you teach my kids to obey,” Abby marveled.

  Amy laughed. “Why don’t you take the first shower,” she said pointing to the bathroom. “I have some extra towels and I think I have some sweats that might fit you,” she instructed.

  “Giving me commands too?” Abby’s eyebrow raised questioningly.

  “Or you could drive home in the wet,” she pointed to the jeans that Abby was sporting that were quite wet from the help she had rendered washing the pup.

  “I’ll take you up on those towels
and sweats,” Abby grinned sheepishly.

  Before long both of them had showered and were sharing hot-toddy’s on the couch. The now nearly dry pup was sleeping in front of the fireplace. Amy had gone outside and made sure the fire in the firepit was out while Abby showered. Amy asked that Abby start the fire in the fireplace to take the chill out of the air. The cabin was soon warm and toasty and when Amy came out of the shower, rubbing her hair to dry it, she offered the hot-toddy’s to warm their insides.

  “Well, you certainly have made a home here,” Abby commented as they companionably watched the cat and her kittens play together on the floor. They were endlessly amusing and much better than television.

  “My family keeps growing,” Amy said cheerfully but there was an underlying worry there that Abby heard, her trained ear heard.

  “Is family bad?” she asked, she knew her bio-family wasn’t much but the family she had made with her wife was better than anything she could imagine. She had a good job, a great group of friends, and a life she enjoyed.

  “Oh no, family is forever,” she said, with a sad note.

  “Who are you Amy Adams?” Abby said with a smile to soften the question. She knew that Amy was skittish about that question or any question regarding her past.

  Amy looked at her. “Does it matter?”

  Abby shook her head. “Not really, I just…wondered,” she finished with a hopeful note. She wanted to know this friend of hers better. She had been a good friend, a good addition to their community. She wished that she…

  “What’s it like being gay?” Amy surprised both of them to ask.

  Abby laughed at the question. “What’s it like having green eyes?” she countered.

  Amy shared in the laughter realizing what a stupid question it was.

  “Haven’t you ever met a lesbian before you moved here?”

  Amy shrugged. “If I did she hid it well, it probably wasn’t allowed down south,” she drawled, sounding very southern.

  Abby was intrigued. She wanted answers but only if Amy wanted to share with her. She sensed there was a lot about this woman that she hadn’t shared with any of them. She was intrigued, she was annoyed, and there was so much she wanted from her if she was willing… “What about you? Have you ever been attracted to a woman?”


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