Hanns and Rudolf

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Hanns and Rudolf Page 34

by Thomas Harding

  Nazi hunt intensifies, 228–34

  hunt for Glücks and RH, 234–45, 317–19

  focus moves to different targets, 247

  Operation Paperclip (1945), 304

  Oświęcim, see Auschwitz

  Paczynski, Josef, 106, 114–15, 298–9

  Pagels, Hans Joachim, 292

  Pallasch (Concentration Camp Inspectorate employee), 160

  Pallenberg, Max, 47, 292

  Paperclip see Operation Paperclip

  Parchim, 37

  Perl, Franz, 76, 82

  Picard, Amalie, 21, 27, 49, 80

  Picard, Lucien, 21, 24, 27, 49, 73, 80

  Pohl, Oswald: named as war criminal, 151

  and Morgen’s corruption investigation, 158

  relationship with RH, 160

  suggests RH visit the camps, 162

  Morgen tries to initiate criminal proceedings against, 306

  reaction to Belsen conditions, 169

  hunt for, 204, 232–3, 234

  arrest and execution, 316, 322

  RH writes character sketch, 263, 265

  Polanski, Anton, 191

  Polgar, Alfred, 292

  Prees Heath, 124–5

  Prinz, Rabbi, 78

  Purrmann, Hanns, 292

  Ravensbrück, 196

  Reading, Lord, 120, 122

  Refugee Children Movement, see Kindertransport

  Reich Citizenship Law, 82

  Reich Escape Tax, 83, 296

  Reinhardt, Max, 47, 292

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 249

  Riga, 32–4

  Ritzler, Barry, 320–1

  Robichaud, Lieutenant R. E., 175

  Robson, Colonel, 318

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 149

  Rossbach, Gerhard, 30–1, 32, 34, 35

  Russell, Lord, 326

  SA, see Sturmabteilung

  Sachsenhausen: RH is transferred there, 69–71

  Graetz stays in temporarily, 90–1, 297

  growth, 95

  changes in leadership, 96

  RH leaves, 97

  corruption investigation, 155

  RH moves there to work for Concentration Camp Inspectorate, 159–62

  T-building, 160–1, 196, 231–2

  St. Malo, 121–2

  Samelson, Felix, 107

  Scheideler, Alvis, 210, 211

  Scherk, Grete, 292

  Schiff, Otto, 76

  Schlageter, Albert Leo, 37

  Schmauser, Ernst, 109, 110

  Schutzstaffel (SS): Himmler appointed leader, 56

  growth and membership criteria, 60

  RH joins, 60–1

  uniform, 61

  scientists, plans to track down German, 304

  Scott-Barrett, Brigadier H., 176, 307

  Sehn, Jan, 262–3, 264, 326

  Serebrenik, Rabbi Dr. Robert, 206

  Shoah Archive, 299

  Silberstein, Joszef, 191

  Simon, Gustav, 204–19, 205, 221

  Simon, Gustav Adolf (son of above), 208, 209–11, 212

  Smallwood, Major Geoffrey, 175

  Smith, Major Gordon, 301

  Sobibor, 307

  Somerhough, Anthony George, 203–5, 228, 317, 324

  Sommer, Karl, 204, 231–2, 234

  Soviet Union: German invasion, 112

  attitude to Final Solution, 149

  Speer, Albert, 249

  Spitzer, Margit, 191

  SS, see Schutzstaffel

  Stalin, Josef, 149

  Stangl, Franz, 227

  Stephens, Colonel Robin “Tin-Eye,” 176–7, 237, 308

  Strauss, Richard, 47

  Sturmabteilung (SA): Hitler builds up, 291–2

  size and control, 60

  Der Stürmer (magazine), 53–4, 322

  Sug (Concentration Camp Inspectorate employee), 160

  Sussmann, Bella (née Alexander), 18, 44

  joins father at front, 17

  and HA’s childhood pranks, 23

  cherry-pip spitting, 292

  on HA and Paul at school, 292

  moves to London, 74

  marriage, 295

  life in London, 76

  father visits, 80

  meets HA at Croydon airport, 84

  helps family settle in to London, 88

  family meet-ups, 90

  stripped of German nationality, 92–3

  HA visits, 123

  husband’s death, 186–7

  remarriage, 276

  and father’s Iron Cross, 278

  death, 279

  Sussmann, Harold, 74, 84, 88, 186–7

  Sussmann, Peter, 76, 80, 84, 123, 314–15

  Sussmann, Tony, 123

  Sylt, 200

  Szczurek, Janina, 103–4

  T-building, see Sachsenhausen

  Tabau, Jerzy, 302

  Tatarosuk, Marian, 191

  Thorn, Jos, 217, 218

  Tilling, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Humphrey: replaces Genn, 204

  instructs HA to hunt down Simon, 207

  reaction to HA’s capture of Simon, 215

  Ann asks for help in getting HA to write to her, 219–21

  plan to hunt down Concentration Camp Inspectorate officials, 228–9

  asks RH to hunt down Glücks and RH, 234

  sends HA home, 247

  Torahs, 27–8, 290

  see also Alexander Torah

  Treblinka, 132–3, 156, 300

  Tukums, 32

  Unger (Concentration Camp Inspectorate employee), 160

  United Nations War Crimes Commission, 149, 150

  United States: attitude to Final Solution, 149

  war crimes strategy, 151

  Victoria, Queen, 5

  Victory in Europe Day, 170

  Vogel, Blanka, 191

  Vogel, Michael, 107

  Volkenrath, Elisabeth, 139, 181, 182, 193

  Wagner, Gustav, 307

  Waite, Robert, 291

  war criminals: Allied strategy, 149–52

  interrogations, 174–82, 189–92, 307–8

  failure to track down swiftly, 307

  HA sets off to hunt down, 193–5

  British War Crimes Group established, 203–4

  hunt for Simon, 204–19, 313–15

  Nazi hunt intensifies, 228–34

  hunt for Glücks and RH, 234–45, 317–19

  change in emphasis of hunt, 247

  RH’s time in Polish captivity, 260–7

  his trial, 267–70

  “following orders” defense, 269

  Frankfurt Trial, 276

  see also Belsen Trial; Nuremberg Trials

  Warner, Fred, 316

  Warsaw Ghetto, 149, 300

  Wegener, Paul, 48, 292

  Wehner (Conentration Camp Inspectorate employee), 160

  Werwolfs, 313

  Wessely, Molly, 292

  Weymouth, 124

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 18

  Wirth, Christian, 156

  Wirths, Eduard, 179

  Witt, Georg, 233

  Wolfsburg, 174, 306

  Zaremba, Father Tadeusz, 274

  Zyklon B, 114, 299

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  Copyright © 2013 by Cackler Harding Ltd.

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