Red Collar

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Red Collar Page 4

by Cartharn, Clarissa

  She snapped her eyes open, only managing to catch him lowering his head to kiss her. “No!!” she screamed, beating him against his torso.

  Surprised, he let her go. His eyes flamed with rage. “I don’t know what games you usually play, Ms Ripley, but I don’t like being teased.”

  “I wasn’t… playing any games,” she stammered.

  “No?” he said in a low threatening tone.

  “I… I just don’t want you to kiss me,” she tried to explain. “If we have to continue with this contract, I will not be kissed. That is all I ask.”

  “And the reason why I should not be allowed to kiss you, despite you allowing me to ravage every other inch of your body?”

  Kate shivered, licking her lips from the emotions he was stirring inside of her. It was just sex, she told herself. She needed to retain some self-dignity. She must. “I feel it is something I should keep for the man I love.”

  He stepped back, watching her. He didn’t like what he had heard. To imagine her kissing a man who held her heart while he only simply held her body? He was a powerful man who was in the habit of owning all of what he desired. “Is there one I should be aware of?” he asked. He didn’t know how he’d react if she gave him an unfavorable answer.

  “No,” she said in a low voice.

  He heaved a quiet, relieving sigh. He ran a hand through her hair and lifted her head roughly so he could peer into her eyes. “Very well, Kate Ripley. But have you known that I will own you- all of you.” His gaze lowered to her lips and then caressed them softly with the end of his nose.

  Her mouth inevitably parted as her body arched towards him. Her mind warned him of his dangerous proximity but the awakenings in her body betrayed her.

  “You want this, Kate,” he whispered hoarsely against her lips. “As much as I do. So why deny it?”

  He let her go.

  Frazzled, she looked up at him.

  “But no,” he continued. “Not until you ask of it yourself, I shall not kiss you.”

  A cloud of disappointment fell over her. She should have been happy with what he had said. But surprisingly, she felt rejected.

  She straightened her dress nervously, in an attempt to change the subject.

  “When are we going?” she asked.

  “Not now,” he said.

  “Why?” she persisted. “You said seven. And aren’t we both already dressed?”

  “You, my beautiful mistress,” he said, assessing her with eyes filled with a lustful desire. “Are not the least bit appropriately dressed. What you have worn is meant solely for my eyes only. And as for me, as you can yourself see, am not at all respectable or decent enough to venture out of this apartment.”

  Her eyes travelled down to his pants. And it was then she noticed the unmistakable bulge, the length of him erect against the soft fabric of his well-pressed trouser. She flushed when she realized she was the cause of his condition.

  Chapter 4

  She heard him making some quick calls. Alone for the present, Kate wandered through the spacious living room, admiring its décor. She would have enjoyed it, had her mind not kept drifting to her rather dismal future with her new and attractive employer. She stalled by the window admiring the lights of the city beyond the Hudson River. It looked beautiful from where she stood. She supposed the luxury of the penthouse had something to do with the way she felt about the view. The windows, framed with those professionally tailored drapes and swags, added to the picturesque scenery.

  She had known this river all her life and so did she, the city. But never once in all her years, had she looked upon it as she did now. There was something about being able to afford such admirable scenery. The kind where it felt there was a certain sense of ownership of such a view, where each day one awoke to see it still there, pinned onto the window of a beautifully designed living room, framed by those expensive elegant drapes.

  She, unfortunately like the countless others she knew, never had the financial means or time to bask and buy such a scene. There was always the next bill to pay, the next rent due. She sighed and took in as much as she could in case she never saw it again after tonight. She still was unsure if she had the will power to go through all that Clayton Reid had planned for the night.

  He emerged from the hallway, much more composed than when he had left her.

  “Shall we go?” he said, briskly.

  She picked up her little purse and walked quietly towards the door. She let out a silent relieving breath that he did not complain anymore of her dress. She didn’t understand why he had changed his mind about letting her roam free among highly paid executives in what he called a lesser conventional dress. But whatever it was, she was determined to not awaken the slumbering devil inside him again.

  He followed after her, locking the door to his beautiful penthouse behind him. As much as she loved it, she dreaded going back to it again.

  “If you had worn this little number last night, Ms Ripley, I swear you would have begun your employment with me as early as then.” His words ran through her mind again and she shivered at the thought.

  She felt his palm curve in the small of her back as he led her into the elevator. She was tempted to shrink away from his touch but decided she was only being childish. She held her ground stoically; despite every nerve in her body was pleading for her to flee.

  He didn’t say much in their short journey to the car park, other than “This way”. He led her to his dark Bentley. She had assumed he would be driving a sports car like a Ferrari or Lamborghini. She was surprised when instead he opened the door to his sedan. She was now utterly certain he liked flying under the radar. She felt he didn’t like to throw his lavish lifestyle into the open. If anything, he seemed to be the kind who loved his privacy and took the necessary steps to ensure that it remained so. There was something about that she found attractive.

  She slid into the cozy seat of the car. She gracefully held back her awe as she admired the interior of the car. Although a less dear asset for someone as wealthy as Clayton Reid, it still was a luxury for someone such as her.

  She gave him a short glance as he drove out of the car park and into the busy streets of the city. She turned to watch the view outside her window. She realized he had veered into an unfamiliar zone of the city. Her eyes widened in wonder as she admired the well adorned window displays. He slowed down as he entered Fifth Avenue, moving past 49th Street and towards 60th Street. These were some of the most expensive shopping streets in the world, hosting prestigious boutiques.

  He came to a stop, parallel parking skillfully into an empty car space.

  “Let’s go,” he said, opening his car door.

  She followed quietly, clueless as to where they were going. There were boutiques all about her. Quite an unlikely place to host an executive dinner.

  He put an arm around her and guided her into a clothing boutique.

  “Clayton,” said a young effeminate man, rushing up to him.

  “Jesse,” Clayton replied.

  Jesse gave him a small peck on his cheek. “Where have you been these days?” he teased. “I don’t see you so often. I noticed you weren’t at Max’s engagement either.”

  “No,” Clayton said, simply.

  “Well, I can’t say you missed much. It was just about the same as the other three Max has had. I sometimes feel Max has engagements for the heck of it, you know. Although, I have to say, his choice of fiancées does improve by the year.” Jesse brushed his long blonde fringe back as he spoke.

  Clayton smiled. “Yes, I’ve met Sophie. She seems she might be the one for Max.”

  Jesse snorted. “May be so. But there is no telling just yet when it comes to Max.”

  Clayton smiled again. “This is Kate, Jesse,” he introduced.

  Jesse’s eyes assayed Kate from her head to her shoes.

  Kate shifted nervously at her feet. It seemed Clayton after all was intending to give her a classy makeover. She wasn’t sure if she should be offe
nded. On the other hand, she didn’t want to embarrass her new boss. She stood quietly, trying to give the man a composed smile.

  “Is she the one you told me about?” Jesse said.

  Clayton nodded. “I need her in your finest.”

  “But of course, Clayton,” he said, rolling his eyes and led Kate gently by her elbow. “Don’t you worry, darling. When we’re done with you, you won’t even recognize yourself.” He scrunched up his nose at her dress. “And maybe later, you can help us burn that thing you’re wearing. Does it even have a name? Whatever it is, it certainly shouldn’t be allowed to live.”

  An hour later, Kate emerged from within the boutique. She wore a soft, chiffon gathered butterfly dress that fell short of her knee and fitted at her waist, accentuating her slim figure. She felt almost regal, standing in her new silver dusted high-heeled pumps.

  Jesse and his staff did an amazing job as they did a quick race for shoes and hair stylist in the short time they attended to her. It was obvious that Clayton was not just a special client but a close friend to Jesse.

  She felt a tingle in her heart as she watched Clayton look up from his cell phone. He was quiet but she felt his eyes rove every inch of her. And when he raised them to meet her own, she almost froze. There was an unmistakable desire for her in them and it unfurled a new heat within her.

  “So you like?” Jesse interrupted, breaking his spell-binding gaze.

  Clayton reluctantly shifted his eyes. “Thanks Jesse,” he said with a small smile. “I knew I could trust you to pull this off.”

  Jesse waved his hands. “For you, baby, anytime.” He leant closer as he took Clayton’s credit card, dropping his voice. “By the way, where did you find her? She is a stunner. But do yourself a favor and send her over for a few wardrobe lessons later.” He gave him a small wink.

  Clayton bit back a grin, trying to avoid Kate’s glare.

  Kate huffed. She could guess well enough what they thought of her and her dress. Probably if she had as much money as either of them to spare, she could also afford designer fashions and rub their snarky grins in their faces. She tried not letting their disguised jibes get to her. It was unsurprising that she had avoided this part of the city for this very reason- the wealthy, close-minded snobs who looked down at anyone who couldn’t meet their standards.

  Once they left the store, she deliberately stepped away from Clayton, trying to avoid his touch, the best as she could.


  Clayton frowned. He wanted to pull her back roughly to him when she flinched the second time he tried to put an arm around her waist.

  Did he insult her for changing her dress? But her dress was even more offensive. There were parts of her that should never have been seen by anyone. He knew because they aroused him just as much as it infuriated him. She had come all the way from her home, probably hardening every man on her way to his place.

  Kate was a mystery to Clayton. When she first refused to change her dress, he had thought it was all an act. Most women loved that they could be showered with gifts and extravagance. Not Kate. She seemed entirely different. He wondered if he had made a mistake. Should he have driven her to her home instead and got her changed into something more appropriate? But there really had been no time.

  He shook his head as he slid into the driver’s seat. They made yet another silent journey to Restaurant Annaliese. He glanced over to her. She had her head turned away staunchly. This was certainly different from when they had first left the penthouse. Her body then had eagerly leant towards her window as she marveled at the passing fashion stores. He looked down at her tightly clasped hands on her lap. Unmistakably, she was angry.

  He veered his Bentley into the restaurant car park. He pulled into an empty car space.

  “We’re here,” he said, stepping out. He moved around to open the door for her but it was obvious she didn’t want his help when she swung her door sharply and then slammed it behind her.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “Let’s get on with it, shall we?”

  “Kate,” he started.

  “I said I’m fine,” she said, firmly. “I promise I won’t do anything to embarrass you.”

  A nerve pulsed at his temples. Never had such a woman tortured him as much as did this one.

  The dinner was a lavish three course meal, hardly any of which was eaten by those at the table. There was Michael Wilson and his wife, Edna and Seth Bailey and his beautiful other half, Helen. Unlike Clayton, the other two men appeared veterans with their silvery hair strikingly distinguished in the light of the chandelier above them. They engrossed themselves with the particulars of their merger business, discussing the possibilities of acquiring another dwindling software company.

  Helen and Edna were immensely polite with each other. So much so it was suspicious.

  “How long have you known Clayton, Kate?” asked Edna.

  “We met recently,” replied Kate, trying not to disclose the intricacies of her relationship with her employer but at the same time keeping in line with the truth.

  “Through business?” asked Helen. “Or through a social contact?”

  “Business,” Kate said, simply. “I love your brooch,” she added quickly, in an attempt to divert the subject. It worked. Because the next half hour was dedicated to the history and comparisons of family heirlooms as one woman pit against the other for greater social stature. She, in the meanwhile, was trapped in between the two socialites, vying to win her over as the new best friend. She plastered on a smile, doing her best to keep as neutral as possible. She seemed to have done a good job because when Clayton said he had to go, they each urged him on to stay a little longer.

  “I really wish I could,” Clayton replied politely. “But Kate and I do have an engagement elsewhere.” He turned to the older gentlemen. “Michael and Seth, so if everything’s good to go, we should get our solicitors looking into the prospects of the merger. Most importantly we need a transition team sweating out the small stuff- employee acquisitions, expense reports, benefits etcetera. I would hate for the gates of Chrysalis Software Inc being graced by a group of strikers, delaying the merger in any way. ”

  “Of course, Clayton,” said Seth Bailey. “I think if all plays out well, it’s going to be a profitable acquisition.”

  Sitting back into his car, Kate rubbed her jaw line. She had smiled so much, it hurt her.

  “You alright?” Clayton asked, glancing at her as he pulled out of the car park.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “That’s all you can say?”

  “That’s all you can ask?” she snapped back.

  Clayton winced. It seemed her anger had yet not subsided. “You did an awesome job entertaining the women,” he offered, trying to cheer her up. “Helen and Edna aren’t the best of friends.”

  “I got that,” she said. “It didn’t take me long to figure it out. In fact, I don’t want to hear another insipid history on brooches or family heirlooms for that matter.”

  Clayton chuckled. “Well, whatever you did out there, you certainly was impressive. The women were clearly competing for your affections. Are you going to that luncheon at the country club they were inviting you to?”

  Kate lowered her head. “No,” she grunted. “I don’t think I would be able to.”

  Clayton frowned. “And why not? It would get you to meet the other wives of the company executives. These associations are important, Kate. They reflect on me particularly as I am the CEO.”

  Kate stared out her window, refusing to neither answer him nor look at him. Wives. Other wives, he had said. She was not his wife.

  Clayton turned off his engine. He looked over at Kate. She had subsided into another lapse of stubborn silence.

  “Kate,” he began.

  But she opened the door and stepped out of the car before he could finish his sentence.

  He was getting tired of her unyielding, uncompromising m
anners. He let out an angry breath and rose out of his car. Slamming his door shut and clicking it locked, he strode with raging strides towards her. He grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her along with him to the elevator.

  “What are you doing!” she growled, trying to pull herself away from his grip.

  But it only enraged him more. “Don’t do that,” he warned, tersely. “If you embarrass me in public, I swear Kate, you’ll pay for it heavily. I’m not that ordinary man you often tease and take to your bed, Kate Ripley. Even as I walk to my apartment, there are cameras watching my every move and people behind it who would do anything to make a profit off my errors in the media. And believe me when I say, they would be paid handsomely for it.”

  It was enough to still Kate. She clamped shut as her eyes immediately turned to the elevator dome camera.

  Clayton released his grasp on her elbows and instead moved his arms around her waist. He liked that he could rest it there. He loved the feel of her sides against his palm, her body tucked warmly into his. But it was not all he was willing to settle for now. He wanted more. And for the first time since he purchased his lavish penthouse, he regretted that it was all the way to the top most floor.

  He let go of her waist and clutched her palm tightly as if he feared she would run away from him. He swiped open his apartment door and stepped hurriedly into the hallway, pulling her along with him. He swung her against him and hurriedly kissed at her neck, his hands running down her sides, then caressing her buttocks.

  She staggered, trying to retain her balance. She could feel him hard against her. She felt his lips nip at her flesh on her neck and she let out a reluctant moan. Her body trembled from his touch and for a brief moment she enjoyed the lust of her passions.

  “I wanted you so much,” he mumbled as he devoured her flesh at her cleavage.


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