by Peter Irons
Plessy, Homer Adolph
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plumer, Gov. William
Plymouth Bay Colony
Poe v. Ullman
“police powers” of government
political rights
Polk, Pres. James
Pollak, Walter
Pollock, Charles
Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.
Pomeroy, John N.
Populist Party
Powell, Colin
Powell, Justice Lewis F., Jr.
Powhatan, Chief
prayer in school
Preate, Ernest, Jr.
precedents, overruling of
President, U.S.electionvetoes
Prettyman, Barrett
Prigg, Edward
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
privacy, right to
procreation, right of
property, privateregulation of rights of
public interest
Pullman Palace Car Company strike
punishmentscruel and unusual
radical democracy
Radical Republicans
Randolph, Gov. Beverly
Randolph, Gov. Edmund
Rankin, Rep. John
Rasul, Shafiq
Rasul v. Bush
Raum, Arnold
Read, George
Reagan, Pres. Ronald
Reconstruction Act (1867)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Reed, James
Reed, Justice Stanley
Regents v. Bakke
regulation: by administrative agencies constitutionality ofeconomic federal vs. state
Rehnquist, Chief Justice William
religion, free exercise of
Religious Right“culture war” andas “friend of the court,” 491; and gay rightsvs. secular humanism
religious toleration
restrictive covenants
Reynolds v. Sims
Rice, Condoleezza
Roane, Judge Spencer
Roberts, Chief Justice John
Roberts, Justice Owen
Roberts v. City of Boston
Robertson, Pat
Robinson, Sallie
Robinson, Spottswood
Rockefeller, John D.
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, S. Emory
Romer, Roy
Romer v. Evans
Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Pres. Theodore
Root, Elihu
Rosansky, Hyman
Rosenberger, Ronald
Rosenberger v. University of Virginia
Rosenthal, Charles A.
Roudabush, Charles
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russian Revolution
Rutherford, Joseph
Rutledge, Chief Justice John
Rutledge, Justice Wiley
St. Sure, Judge Adolphus
Sanford, Justice Edward
Sanford, John
Sanger, Margaret
Sante Fe, TX
Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe
Savoy, Prew
Sawyer, Henry
Scalia, Justice Antonin
Schechter brothers
Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States
Schempp case
Schempp, Roger and Donna
Schenck, Charles J.
Schenck v. United States
Schneider v. Town of Irvington
school prayer cases
Schwartz, Jacob
Scott, Dred
Scott, Judge William
Sedition Act (1798)
Sedition Act (1918)
segregationin housingin the militarypsychological harm of in public schools
Seitz, Chancellor Collins J.
Sekulow, Jay
“separate but equal”
separation of church and state
seriatim opinions
Seventeenth Amendment
Seward, Sen. William
sexual practices, punishable
Seymour, Horatio
Shaw, Judge Lemuel
Shays’ Rebellion
Shelley, J. D.
Shelley v. Kraemer
Sherman, Sen. John
Sherman, Roger
Sherman Antitrust Act
Shiras, Justice George, Jr.
Singletary, Amos
Sipuel, Ada Lois
Sipuel v. Oklahoma Board of Regents
sit-down strikes
sit-in movement
Sixteenth Amendment
Skinner, Jack
Skinner v. Oklahoma
Slaughterhouse Cases
slaveryabolition of“badges” and “incidents” ofdebates on legality ofnationalization of, attempted
slavesauctions offugitive in the Northas property punishment and discipline ofrebellions
slave trade
Smith, Gov. Al
Smith, Jonathan
Smith, Melancton
Smith, Paul M.
Social Darwinism
Souter, Justice David
southern states, readmission to the Union
Soviet Union
speech: freedom ofsymbolic
Spencer, Herbert
Stalin, Joseph
Stanley, Gov. Thomas
Stanton, Edwin
stare decisis
Starr, Kenneth
states: Bill of Rights and constitutionslarge vs. smalllaws powers sovereignty of
States’ Rights Party
steel mills, seizure of
Steimer, Mollie
Stenberg, Don
Stenberg v. Carhart
sterilization, forced
Stevens, Justice John Paul
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Justice Potter
Stimson, Henry
Stokes, Rose Pastor
Stone, Chief Justice Harlan Fiske
Stone, Victor
Storandt, Peter
Story, Justice Joseph
Strader v. Graham
Strauder v. West Virginia
strict scrutiny test
Strong, Justice William
Sturges, Josiah
Sturges v. Crowninshield
suicide, physician-assisted
Sullivan, J. B.
Sumners, Rep. Hatton
Supremacy Clause
Supreme Court: cases accepted by decisions, reversals offirst session of jurisdiction ofjustices, hold office during good behaviorjustices of, characteristicsjustices of, how chosenrole of, in the political process size and structure of
Sussman, Frank
Sutherland, Justice George
Swan, Judge Thomas
Swayne, Justice Noah
sweatshop laws
Sweatt, Heman
Sweatt v. Painter
Taft, Sen. Robert
Taft, Pres. and Chief Justice William Howard
Tallmadge, Rep. James
Talmadge, Gov. Eugene
Taney, Chief Justice Roger
Tappan, Lewis
Taylor, Judge William
Pres. Zachary
temperance crusades
Ten Commandments, public displays of
Tenth Amendment
territories, governing of
test cases
Texas v. Johnson
Third Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment
Thomas, Justice Clarence
Thompson, Justice Smith
Thurmond, Gov. and Sen. Strom
Tiedeman, Christopher G.
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tillman, Alexander
Timmerman, Judge George
Tinker, Mary Beth
Tinker v. Des Moines
Tipaldo, Joseph
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd, Justice Thomas
Tourgee, Albion W.
transportation, public
Tribe, Laurence
Trimble, Justice Robert
Truman, Pres. Harry
Trumbull, Sen. Lyman
Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Tucker, Kathryn
Twining v. New Jersey
Tyler, Pres. John
Tymkovich, Timothy
United States v. Butler
United States v. Carolene Products
United States v. Cruickshank
United States v. E. C. Knight Co.
United States v. Eichman
United States v. Harris
United States v. O’Brien
United States v. Spirit of ’76
University of Michigan
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri
University of Oklahoma
Vacco v. Quill
Van Buren, Pres. Martin
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Van Devanter, Justice Willis
Vandiver, Gov. Ernest
Van Orden v. Perry
Varnum, Joseph
Vaughn, George L.
vetoes, presidential Vietnam War
Vining, John
Vinson, Chief Justice Fred
Virginia Plan
Vitale, William
Voorhees, Judge Donald
Wade, Sen. Benjamin
Wade, Henry
Wade, Judge Martin
Wagner, Sen. Robert
Waite, Chief Justice Morrison R.
Walker, James C.
Wallace, Gov. George
Wallace, Henry
Ward, Nathanial
Ward, Philip
Waring, Judge J. Waties
War of 1812
“war on terrorism,”
Warren, Charles
Warren, Chief Justice Earl
Warren, James
“Warren Court”
Washington, Justice Bushrod
Washington, Pres. George
Washington v. Glucksberg
Washington, Virginia, & Maryland Coach Co.
Watson, Morris
Watts riot
Wayne, Justice James
Webster, Daniel
Webster, Noah
Webster, William
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
Weddington, Sarah
Weinberger, Harry
Weisman, Daniel and Vivian
Weismann, Henry
Wells, Judge Robert
West Coast Hotel v. Parrish
West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette
Wheeler, Sen. Burton
Wheelock, Eleazar
Wheelock, John
Whig Party
White, Justice Byron
White, Chief Justice Edward D.
Whitehead, Matthew
whites: “backlash” of as dominant race males, as class
Whitney, Charlotte
Whitney v. California
Whittaker, Justice Charles Evans
Wilde, Kathleen
Williams, Roger
Williams, William C.
Williamson, Hugh
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Justice James
Wilson, Pres. Woodrow
Winthrop, Gov. John
Witherspoon, John
Wo, Yick
women: legal status of movements, right to vote, working
Wood, Frederick
Woodbury, Justice Levi
Woods, Justice William B.
Woodward, Isaac
Woodward, William
Worcester v. Georgia
workers, rights of
working hours and conditions
Workingmen’s Party
World War I
World War II
writ of error coram nobis
writ of habeas corpus
writ of mandamus
Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education
Wythe, George
Wyzanski, Charles
Yale University
Yasui, Minorucase of
Yates, Robert
Yates v. United States
Yazoo land grants
Yick Wo v. Hopkins
Youmans, Edward
Young, Gov. Charles
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer
Zenger, John Peter
Zinn, Howard
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