Society Girls: Camari

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Society Girls: Camari Page 9

by Crystal Perkins

  Less than two minutes later, I’m coming hard in her mouth, and she’s coming hard with my hands pinching her nipples. We’re both breathing heavily, and smiling as we put ourselves back together.

  “I’ve never come just from someone playing with my breasts.”

  “Just giving you a bunch of firsts today.”

  “Not just today.”

  “You give me so much, too, and not just exceptional blow jobs.”

  “I love having you in my mouth.”

  “I noticed.”

  “I didn’t know it could turn me on like that. It’s different with you. Everything’s different with you.”

  “In a good way, right?”

  “In a spectacular way.”

  “Lenny, Camari, dinner’s ready,” my mom yells from the stairs.

  “Be right there.”

  We kiss again, holding on like it’s our last time together. I know it’s not, but I feel the urge to fight for her, to say those three words I’m holding back. Once again, I don’t, but I know I will soon. I can’t keep them in much longer, because I know it’s true. I’ve fallen for her.



  “How did your dinner go?” my friend, Sierra, asks me while we’re studying the next morning.

  “Really good, actually. Lennon’s parents are great.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve been doing this for a month,” Rose says.

  “I’m glad Reina let me tell you what I was doing.”

  After our meeting, she realized I needed some support, so she gave me permission to tell my friends. They were shocked that I was on a real mission, but they were also happy for me.

  “I still want to see you in leggings,” Kali tells me.

  “You will. I just feel like I still need to dress up here.” My friends don’t all dress up for classes, but I feel like I need to be professional when I walk in those doors downstairs.

  “Was it weird being in that house after you were there searching it last week?” Jenysis asks.

  “Yes. I wanted to confess.”

  “You’re going to eventually,” Waverly points out.

  “I know.”

  “You don’t have to tell him right away,” Harlow says.

  “She does,” Nev tells her.

  “Yes, I do. It already feels like I’m being eaten alive by the lies.”

  “We’ll be here for you,” Rhieve says.

  “I know.”

  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I need to get up and move around. We should work out,” Matisse tells us, and we all look at her like she’s nuts. “I know, I know, but the Doc has shown me how exercise can do a body good.”

  “TMI,” Waverly says, covering her ears as we all laugh. Kendrick is her best friend, and she wants to hear nothing about Matisse and him getting it on.

  We get changed, and head to the Corrigan gym. We have a private one, but sometimes we like to go to the main one, and let everyone know we’re part of the whole company, and not just the Foundation. Too often, people see us as separate.

  We bring our key cards with us, but since no one’s around in the hall, we swipe our wrists instead. Mine emits a different beep than everyone else’s, but I’m expecting it, along with the “60” that pops up on the panel. Ainsley told me I’d be limited to sixty minutes of exercise per day.

  “What’s that?” Sierra asks. She’s the only left outside with me, and I’m somewhat relieved that not everyone saw it.

  “I work out too much when I stress, so Ainsley limited me.”

  “Are you really okay?”

  “I’m getting there.”

  “Anything you need, you just say the word.”


  I laugh and joke with my friends as we circuit through the machines, but I also keep an eye on the time. When my time is almost up, I slow myself down, and finish. No one questions me when I say I have to get home, and I’m thankful again for the friends I have.

  I stop by to see Stella on the way out, picking up some leggings with the colors from Lennon’s team, and some matching shoes. I have a t-shirt that’ll match already, so I’m set. Or at least I think I am, until I open my door for him that night.

  “You look adorable, but I think you’d look even better in this.”

  He holds out a jersey for me. I take it, and promptly remove my t-shirt to put it on. “Thanks, but adorable wasn’t really what I was going for.”

  “Adorable is sexy.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since always. Guys don’t always need to see it all to want it.”

  “But it helps.”

  “Well, I won’t deny looking at a pair of tits if they’re staring me in the face.”

  “See, that wasn’t so hard to admit, was it?”

  “No, but I still stand by my comment about you being adorably sexy.”

  He yanks on my ponytail, and I push against his shoulder, before letting him pull me in for a kiss. “Okay, I’m convinced you think I’m sexy,” I tell him with a laugh, when I pull back.

  “I could skip the game. It’s just one game.”

  “No, you cannot, but we can have a lot of fun celebrating once we get home.”

  “How do you know we’ll win?”

  “I believe in you, but even if you lose, I still get to take you home, so that’s a win for me.”

  “I’m getting lucky either way? That’s a definite win for me, too.”


  “All for you, babe.”

  I can tell he means it. It’s only me for him, and just knowing that makes me feel special.


  The smile that lights up her face is everything. I want to be the one to put a smile like that on her face every damn day. I will do that, but right now, I need to get us to the park.

  Once I’ve got her settled with her burger and fries, my friends and I get ready to do battle. If we win tonight, we go on to the championships in our group, and we all know we’ve got what it takes to win. We’ve just got to come together, and do it.

  “Whoa! Camari’s got the trifecta with her,” Seriyah says when we’re on a break near the end of the game.

  “Oh,” I respond, looking to see where Matt Corrigan, Aiden Ford, and Nate Anderson are sitting with her.

  “She made friends fast,” Mitch comments. “Do you think I can get Nate’s autograph?”


  They’re all laughing, and joking, and okay, yeah, I’m a little jealous. I know they’re all married, but I still don’t love it. We have a game to finish, so I put them all out of my mind for the moment, and prepare to finish the other team off.

  “You won,” Camari says, jumping into my arms when I approach her and the men she’s with.

  I kiss her harder than I normally would with an audience, because my inner caveman has definitely come out to play. When I set her down, I don’t miss the smirks on the faces of the other guys.

  “Introduce me to your friends?”

  “Oh, of course. Lennon, this is Matt, Nate, and Aiden. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Lennon.” I love that she called me that, and it makes me want to kiss her again.

  “Nice to meet you,” Matt says, holding out his hand. It only takes me a moment to realize he’s pretending we haven’t met because the Sheriff may have friends here.

  I shake everyone’s hands, and introduce them to my friends. Mitch gets his autograph, and all three are friendly and cool with the questions they’re asked.

  “You work at C&C, don’t you?” Matt asks Seriyah.

  “I’m a secretary.”

  “Next to get a permanent position, right?”

  “You know that? I mean, yes, I am.”

  “I appreciate employees who do a good job.”

  “They just finished their game before yours ended,” Camari tells me.

  “Yes, and we should be getting home. Our wives left early to take care of something, but we saw Camari, and wanted to say hi,” N
ate says.

  “Or you could just stay,” one of the blondes tells him, coming to stand with our group.

  “Not a chance, but it was bold of you to ask,” Aiden tells her.

  They all hug Camari, and saunter off. Everyone in the park stops to watch them, because there’s just something about the three of them that makes you look. Alone, they’d probably still turn heads, but together, it’s something else entirely.

  “It’s even more potent when Theo’s with them,” Seriyah says, reading all of our minds.

  “So, the trifecta becomes something with four?”

  “The Studkateers,” Camari says, and then her eyes go wide. “I mean, that’s what some people call them.”

  “It fits,” I tell her. I can see them banding together against the forces of evil.

  We bow out of a celebratory dinner with everyone, because tonight, I need to be alone with my girl. The celebration is better than I could’ve ever dreamed or fantasized about, and I can’t wait to take her on our special date tomorrow. It’s going to be the first of many.



  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going tonight?” I ask Lennon, running my fingers through his chest hair as I rest my head on his shoulder. I could get used to waking up this way.


  “Will you at least tell me if I should wear my jeans, or something nicer?”

  He said he wants to take me somewhere nice tonight, although I told him I don’t need it. I’ve really and truly come to enjoy going casual.

  “A nice dress would be good.”

  “I should probably get going so you can get ready for work.”

  He groans, and pulls me tighter against him. “I have time for a long shower.”

  “Hmm. I could stay for that, I think.”

  “Just what I wanted to hear,” he says, rolling us both out of bed.

  After we’re both satisfied, and cleaned up, I kiss him one last time, and walk next door. I know he wants tonight to be special, and I know exactly which of my dresses I want to finally pull out of the closet. It’s white, with lattice work on the top, and bottom, over sheer fabric. The middle is a sold bandage style, with a neckline that dips low enough to be sexy, while still staying classy.

  I take off my clothes, pull out the dress, and put it on. Or at least, I try to. I barely get it over my body, and it won’t zip up. I struggle out of it, and reach for another dress, but it doesn’t zip up, either. I start to panic, because my clothes are supposed to fit. This isn’t like my jeans, which I wouldn’t wear normally anyway, being a little tight; these are my clothes. I love my clothes, and I need to be able to wear them.

  I call Stella, and start crying once she answers the phone. “Help me, Stella! Please!”

  “Camari? What’s wrong?”

  “They don’t fit! Nothing fits me!”

  “Your clothes don’t fit?”

  “No! Kendrick made me gain weight, and I have a date tonight, but I can’t zip anything up! I hate him!”

  “Camari, it’s okay. Calm down, honey.”

  “My white Leger doesn’t fit! How am I supposed to be calm?”

  “Kenny told me he advised you to gain weight, so I have most of your wardrobe in the next size up already. You’re talking about the white and sheer dress?”

  “Yes,” I sniffle, curling into a ball on my floor.

  “Do you need new bras, too?”

  I kind of like how I’m starting to burst out of the ones I have, but I know that’s not a good thing. “Uh-huh.”

  “I can’t come over, but my mom is in town right now. She’s a celebrity stylist, and I’m going to send her to your house with everything, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, and Camari?”


  “You’re beautiful. Remember that.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I want to try, but I lie on the floor until I hear my doorbell ring. I don’t know how long it’s been since my call ended, but I make myself get up, put on a robe, and go to answer it. I’ve never met Stella’s mother before, but I know it’s her immediately. Her hair isn’t as platinum blonde, but she’s got the same eyes, and smile as my friend.

  “Hi, I’m Sheila,” she says, pulling me into a hug. She has a rolling trunk, and a garment bag with her, and the tears come again, as I know what’s inside. “Oh, Camari, there’s no reason to cry.”

  “My clothes don’t fit! I’m fat! It’s only been a little over a week, but I’ve already gained too much weight.”

  She turns her kind eyes on me, and gives me a sad smile. “You’re not fat, my dear. You’re healthy.”

  “Is that what you tell the stars you dress?”

  “Yes. I don’t dress women or men who starve themselves to be a certain size. I’ve had a long career, and I want the people I work with to have the same thing, so starving to death is not something I can accept.”

  “I don’t want to die, but I’ve been the same size for years.”

  “We age, and we grow. It’s the natural order of things.”

  “I’ve seen elderly women who are thin and healthy.”

  “You are thin and healthy as well. A dress size is just that—a size. There’s no right or wrong number.”

  “I liked my number,” I grumble.

  “I really do understand, but you’ve got to put your health first.”

  “It scares me.”

  “Death should scare you more.”

  “I wasn’t dying, just a little underweight. I could’ve maintained.”

  “That’s for you and Kendrick to discuss, but please try to accept whatever he tells you, because he’s saying it for your own good.”

  I know she means well, but she just doesn’t understand. I thought my doctor did, but I know when she finds out about this, she’s only going to pretend to sympathize with me. No one gets it. It’s only a few pounds to them, but it’s so much more to me.

  If I’m overweight again, no one is going to want me, despite what Reina and Audrey said. These few pounds may not be so bad right now, but if I keep going down this path, Lennon’s going to be disgusted by me. They’re all going to be disgusted, and I can’t let that happen.

  Sheila doesn’t bring it up again, and neither do I as she helps me dress for dinner. The replica dress in the new size fits perfectly, and I have no doubt everything else will as well. “Thanks,” I tell her as we stand at my front door.

  “You’re welcome, Camari. Please take what I said to heart.”

  “I’ll try,” I promise.

  It’s all I can give her, and I’m not sure it’s enough to keep her from telling Stella that I’m fighting my weight gain. Since I called her in a panic, she probably already knows, but I don’t know if she’s worried enough to tell Reina yet. I can’t concern myself with it tonight, because my boyfriend deserves my full attention, but it’s not going to go away. I’ll deal with whatever I have to deal with tomorrow.


  I button up my suit jacket, and stand back to check myself out in the mirror. I’m not really the suit and tie type of guy, and while the place I’m taking Camari to doesn’t necessarily require it, I know she’ll appreciate the effort I put in for her. She’s seemed more comfortable with her casual clothes, and my casual lifestyle, than she did when she moved in, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and forget my initial feeling about her being more used to caviar than Corona.

  I’m more excited than nervous as I walk over to her place, and ring the doorbell. She answers almost immediately, letting me know she’s looking forward to tonight as well. “You look beautiful,” I tell her, and mean it. “Always. You always look beautiful, I mean.”

  Her white dress is molded to the subtle curves she’s gained as she’s starting eating more than salads over the last two weeks. She’s still thin, but I’m not so worried about letting her out on a windy day anymore. I’m not sure she likes the extra weight as
much as I do, but I’ll do everything I can to show her how much I like it.

  “Thank you. You look very handsome in your suit.”

  I kiss her forehead instead of her mouth, because I can tell she spent a good amount of time on her make-up, and I think she’d mind if I messed it up. Once we’re in my truck, and close to the Strip, I see her start to tense up.

  “What’s wrong, Cam?”

  “I thought we’d be going to a restaurant in town.”

  “I’ve been saving up to go to one of the restaurants down here. The chef is one of my favorites to watch on T.V.”


  She doesn’t sound too excited, which makes me a little put-off. “Do you have a problem with where we’re going?”

  “No! Of course not! I’m sure it’ll be great.”

  Camari smiles at me, but I can tell she’s still upset. When she reaches into her small purse for her phone, I place my hand over hers. “No phones tonight, okay?”

  “Okay,” she says, and I choose to ignore the fact that she’s bothered by this, too. I’ve never seen her glued to her phone, so I don’t know why she cares so much. I let it go, because I want us to have a good night.

  Pulling up to the valet at the hotel, I can see her get even more on edge. “Seriously, Cam, if you don’t want to go here, tell me now. I do not want to spend a meal I’ve been looking forward to for months trying to make you smile.”

  “You always make me smile, and I’m sorry for being rude. I wasn’t expecting to come here, but I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  She leans over and kisses me right before the valet gets to my truck. I hand over the keys, and run around to open her door for her. I’m not going to let her have any type of wardrobe malfunction tonight, so I lift her out of her seat, and place her on the ground.

  “Let’s do this,” I tell her, not hiding the excitement in my voice. She still looks unsure, but she manages a small smile for me.

  The casino is busy and loud as we make our way across it elevator, and then up to the restaurant. We have to dodge some drunks, and some intense slot players, but holding her hand makes everything better. The hostess at the restaurant smiles brightly when she sees us, and then her eyes go a little wide. She regains her composure almost immediately, and I decide not to question it as I give her my name. I don’t do fancy places like this, so I don’t know what’s normal, and what isn’t.


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