Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 13

by Ryan, Rebecca J

"Call on Line 1," Heather buzzes.

  "Is it Kevin again?" I ask.

  "No, it's your father."

  "OK, put him through."

  "Hi Dad, how are you doing?" I ask.

  "A little confused."

  It was not what I wanted to hear, fearing the worst like usual.


  "Kevin just stopped by the office and said you two where back together."

  I start feeling dizzy, feeling the walls spin. I hold my breath waiting to hear the rest of my dad's story.

  "Are you there Julie?"


  "Is it true?"

  "No, it’s not, and I am not sure why he would say so."

  "He was adamant that you two were going forth with the wedding, he even asked if I would foot the bill."

  "He did not."

  "Yes, he did and he even called me Dad. I know you two had your differences, maybe he has changed and you should give him a second chance. He is older and wiser."

  "Are you for real? No, I gave him way too many chances already," I say. I always downplayed the real reasons why Kevin and I fought in the past. Especially the last time when he just cut me out of his life. I didn't tell Dad. I just said the break-up was mutual.

  "Well at least you two can be friends, after all you are both lawyers."

  "I'm not sure about that either."

  "Really? He must have hurt you."

  "He did."

  "Kevin said you were the one who broke it off with him."

  "This time, yes. The last time it was him."

  "Kevin said you sold the engagement ring he gave you."

  My nerves start rising, I couldn't believe he had the nerve to tell my dad.

  "I did."

  "He wants me to buy it back."

  "Dad, just don't believe anything Kevin tells you. I am not sure why he is back, when he was the one who left. I will get to the bottom of this one way or the other,” I say, feeling so incredibly upset.

  "Listen, just be nice to him and don't give him reason to react."

  "What are you saying?"

  "His pride is probably hurt, so let him off easy."

  "He left me in debt and he didn't care that I couldn't pay it off, while he was Mr. Hot Shot lawyer to the guilty Ms. Kemp.

  "Jesus," my dad says.

  What was Kevin trying to do? I wish the case would have worked out, he probably would be halfway around the world. But it didn't. Ms. Kemp was found guilty and with the verdict, her assets were frozen.

  I google Kevin Ward. I haven't done this in a while. I almost exit out not really caring, until I see an arrest picture of him. What? I click on the picture to see the charges against him; stalking, petty theft.

  Staring at his picture gives me the creeps. He was now a fledged criminal. I go to the official courthouse records and see these charges were filed two months ago.

  I click on the charges and I don't see much other than the lengthy formal charges and its serial ID number, but I do know how I can get more information. I have to get the police report, and the only way I can get a copy is by driving up to Orange County.

  I search his name on the Internet, with the keywords stalking, stealing and cyberstalking. I come across an article in The Ocean Post. The headline reads, Obsessed Lawyer Lands in Jail."

  "Julie, you have a visitor. It is Kevin."

  I frantically shut the computer off and walk to the waiting area. Kevin stands up from the chair when he sees me.

  "Hi Kevin."

  "Hi Julie, I thought we could have lunch."

  "A short one,” I say.


  I look at Heather and say, "We will be across at Charlie's. Do you want me to bring you something back?"

  "A hot pastrami, thanks."

  I walk to the door, Kevin follows me. I might as well get this game on the way.

  We arrive at Charlie's, I feel like a prisoner to him. He leans to kiss me on the cheek, playing the cool, charming man he thinks he is. But he is a criminal, a fraud. I try not to think of him this way, not to freak myself out but just the sight of him is so unsettlingly.

  He looks at me with a devious smile, his teeth still white as snow. I feel taken back in time, remembering how we use to go out for lunches and dinners. The two year separation has brought clarity and change within, one that Violet made happen. I think of my first session.

  Tears ran down my cheeks, feeling like a lost little child. Violet getting up from her chair to give me a tissue box.

  "Sorry, I usually have a box next to the couch."

  "It's OK,” I say.

  "Crying is good, it gets the hurt out. I worry when a person can't cry. So please don't be ashamed of your tears and your feelings."

  I smile feeling somewhat accepted, yet still crying. I'll never have that problem, my tears will never leave me. I think.

  "So what brings you here?" Violet asks.

  “Relationship issues.”

  I remember wanting many times to get up and leave Violet's room. But there was something in Violet’s caring demeanor that made me stay. There was this motherly vibe I was getting from her, the one I was missing from my mother.

  "Can you narrow it down a bit, to a person?"


  "Alright, is he a man you’re in a relationship in?” Violet asks, her eyes looking right at me, like my mother would.

  "It's complicated.”

  “Let’s start from the beginning when you two met, shall we?” Violet asks.

  I shake my head,“My roommate and I were steps from walking in a party when she tells me that she sees someone she wants to talk to. So being the shy person I am, not too long after I see Kevin looking my way.”

  "So you met Kevin on a whim, it just happened," Violet said.

  “Yes, I still remember how overwhelmed I was by him...wanting him but being afraid.”

  “Afraid of what?”

  “I’m not sure, but there was this anxiety I was feeling, hating that I couldn’t just be normal and be like other girls.”

  “Did you two talk?”

  “Yes, small talk of course, but we did. His smile was what pulled me in, making me feel special like he cared, but still I was afraid,” I say, tears streaming down, blurring my vision. Not able to wipe them fast enough.

  “It's OK Julie."

  "Julie, are you OK?" Kevin asks.

  I strain my eyes and shake my head lying, “I'm fine, I was just thinking about the first time we kissed, do you remember it?" I ask.

  Kevin looks sideways with a blank face, he doesn't have to tell me that he doesn't remember. I just keep quiet, letting him answer.

  “At a party," Kevin says.

  "Do you remember which one?"

  "It was our second year of law school."


  “Julie, we kissed so many times so how am I suppose to remember the first one.”

  I realize the night he seduced me did not stick in his mind like it did in mine. I will never forget how he said I was going to pay for being too damn shy. Sadly, thinking about it now, he probably has used the line on other girls.

  "I have a question for you," I say.

  "Shoot away.”

  "Who was the girl you were dating before we did? What was her name?"

  "I don't know."

  "How could you not know? She was my roommate.”

  "I don't remember her after we kissed, she was erased from my memory."

  "Really? I am not sure if I believe that."

  "Let's talk about the now, I never cared about the other girls in law-school."

  Girls, so there were others. What an idiot I was.

  "Julie, you have been quite busy with your new life. You have made a name for yourself."

  "I just like what I do."

  "You were smart not to wait for me," he says, staring right at me, his eyes dark as night. His manipulation knowing no shame.

  “But I have a proposition for you, where you can make double what y
ou make now."

  “I’m happy with what I make now,” I say.

  Kevin says, “Well, that’s good, but still money is money."

  He reaches over to touch my hand, his touch feels warm. I leave my hand on the table.

  "Your fingers are soft as I remember them. I would love to taste them.”

  I pull my hand away to take a sip of water, feeling like I’m treading on dangerous waters here.

  "Kevin, I am flattered by your words, but I’m happy being alone," hoping if I let him down easy, he may respect my wishes. I take another sip of water, sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for a response.

  "Of course, I can't force you to take me back, but I was really hoping you would give us another chance. I really thought you would, I am wondering if you have found someone else. Have you?"

  I inhale, trying not to show how nervous I am, how I am having a hard time breathing.

  "It's just I'm all out of chances," I say.

  Kevin takes a deep breath, as he stares at me. "I can't just be treated like this."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You are treating me like you are better than me," Kevin says.

  "No, I’. not. I lived two years without you, because you left me. I should be the mad one, but I moved on and so should you. Why are you making this more difficult than it should be?“

  Kevin smiles,"I know the real reason. You have found someone else."

  "Stop this, even if I did, did you expect me to wait for you?" I say.

  "I thought so.”

  "There is no one," I say, wishing I hadn't just lied. Why do I still feel like I shouldn’t rock the boat around Kevin, fearing his reactions?

  "So friends it is," Kevin says.

  I want to blur out, "no it isn’t,” but I see there is no winning here. I use to think giving him what he wanted got me off the hook, but I am seeing now that it only makes matters worst; feeding in his delusions.

  "Maybe friends," I say. Not really wanting to say it or feeling it in the slightest.

  "I am sorry that you sold the engagement ring, you could have saved it," Kevin says.

  "I had to sell it, you left me in debt with bills and I had no option."

  "You could have asked your father."

  "And tell him how you left me high and dry without money."

  "You could have used your trust money," he says.

  "It's to be used for me and not you," I say feeling worked up. Calm down, I think.

  "Well, I see I have struck a cord when money is involved. We are a lot a like, more than you want to see and..."

  "And what?" I ask.

  "Nothing, let's just forget it."

  "Finish your know how I hate it when you don't."

  “And until you come to your senses, I will have to settle being friends," Kevin says.

  Though I am burning mad, I take a few more bites of my sandwich, hoping to tame my hunger. Times like these I wish there was a pill I could take that would fill me up, because I don't feel like eating, but my stomach is madly growling for food.

  I look away from him, swearing I can see the reds in his eyes. He is pure evil.

  What to do?

  On my way back to the office I realize that Kevin didn't give me the money he owed me.

  Again he lied, and I fell for it.

  Chapter 45


  I call Julie a little after five, "Are you on your way over?"

  "Yes, I just want to stop by my place and get a few things so I won't have to rush in the morning," Julie says.

  "Alright, just be careful."

  "Why," Julie asks.

  "It's just there seems to be more crime lately, and I don't want anything to happen to you," I say.

  “Did something happened in my neighborhood?"

  "No, see I didn't want to worry you."

  "It's fine, I'll be in and out of my place, then I'll be on my way."

  I feel awful. I should have said something about Ms. Joan coming by the station. I even drove by Julie's earlier to check if her windows were locked, also hoping I would bump into the street stalker.

  I even knocked on Ms. Joan's door to check on her but she didn't answer. I even walked around the block and stood across the street for a while, still no sign of anyone.

  I hear a knock at the door, it is Julie. Hot is no longer a good word to describe her, she is damn hot now, fuck me hot now.

  I open the door to see her upset.

  "What's up?"

  "My neighbor..."

  My heart raises, thinking Ms. Joan told her about going to the police station.

  "What happened?"

  "Joan, my neighbor, never leaves her house. I've been her neighbor for two years now and never once was there no sign of her. Lights were on, the flowers were trimmed, the garage can was moved. There was always some sign of her."

  I remember how I found it strange she wasn't around either. I begin to suspect foul play.

  "Did you call her?"

  "Yes, a few times and the phone is always busy."

  This usually means the phone was off the base.

  "I have to tell you something," I say.


  "Well, Ms. Joan, came to the station earlier today.”

  "She did? How come you didn't say anything?"

  "I didn't want to worry you and I swear I was going to tell you when you got here."

  "Tell me what for?"

  "She said a man was stalking the neighborhood."

  Julie's face becomes stone cold.

  "My God, she got it all wrong. He is not a stalker."

  "You know this person?"


  “Was it your fiancé? I ask.

  "Not anymore, but how did you guess?"

  I start to feel caught in a trap.

  "Where you stalking me?"

  "What? you can't be serious."

  "I am, you couldn't have known without doing some searching of your own," Julie says, her face getting red, seeing the build up of tears in her eyes.

  What the hell was happening here? I was planning for a nice evening with her and it was now blowing up in my face.

  "Listen, it was not like that."

  "No, then how did you know?"

  I take a deep breath, "After our first meeting...I wanted to know more about you...because I liked you. Actually it was more than like, I figured you had to be married or in a relationship, so I thought looking you up on the Internet I'd find something."

  Tears stream down the corners of her eyes.

  "I came across the engagement website of you and Kevin Ward."

  "Shit, I thought it was down."

  “It's still up."

  "Now you know he’s not a stalker."

  “Then why is he coming around?"

  “I don’t know. I just want to know where Joan is. I have a key to her place. I have to go back and see if she is hurt."

  "I'll go with you.”

  She takes a deep breath, and says, "Let's hurry up."

  Driving to Joan’s, I sneak a peak at her as she looks out the passenger’s side window.

  "It is going to be OK," I say.

  "I hope so."

  "Are you mad at me?"

  "No, I am upset with myself," Julie says.

  We pull in Julie's driveway, its empty. Julie rushes out the passenger door with the key in hand. I’m right behind her.

  She struggles to open the door, her hands are shaking, "Here, let me do it." Julie moves side and gives me the key. Julie starts shouting, "Joan, Joan."

  I open the door, there is no sign of her. We walk in, still not seeing a sign of Joan in the formal living or dining room.

  "This is unlike her," Julie whispers, hiding behind me.

  We walk in the kitchen, same thing. It is empty. Julie takes out her cell phone, "Let me call her number." I say fine, and then we hear a ring upstairs. The look of panic on Julie's face has me reaching for my gun.

. Joan," I shout. "Are you home?"

  "Joan," Julie shouts at the top of her lungs.

  "Stay here while I go upstairs," I say.

  "No, I’m going up with you."

  I had a feeling she was going to say that, but I was hoping she wouldn't. It is always best to keep a person out of harms way. If anything would happen to her I would never forgive myself. I can’t help but feel she is my world.

  "You must stay behind me at all times, do not go in front of me," I say, looking dead straight in her eyes. “Promise me.”

  "I promise," Julie says.

  "Let's go."

  She follows my lead, as I walk up the steps, Julie is just a step away.

  At the top, there is a room right off the stairwell.

  "Remember stay behind me," I whisper.

  Julie, shakes her head.

  “Joan, can you hear me?"

  No response.

  I go in the room, it looks like a guest bedroom. There is a bed and a desk. Julie points to the closet, halfway opened.

  "It's a deep closet, mine is the same."

  I walk to it, and slowly open it. It’s empty.

  "At least she is not in there," Julie says.

  I turn around to look out the window and see a male by the car. Was that Kevin?

  "Julie, look outside. Is that Kevin?” I ask.

  Julie looks out, "No, it is the neighbor's son from across the street."

  "How many rooms are upstairs?” I ask.


  I look out the window again to see the son in the same spot.

  We walk to the second room, its empty too. There is no sign of Ms. Joan.

  However, the master bedroom is closed and locked.

  Julie starts banging on the door, "Joan, please open the door." She keeps banging on it.

  I feel above the door frame looking for a key and I find one. Julie grabs it and opens the door on the first try.

  Joan is lying on the ground, Julie rushes to her, and places her fingers on Joan's neck.

  "She has a pulse, thank God."

  I call 911, explaining the situation.

  "Joan, please wake up."

  "Don't try to move her, hopefully she hasn't broken any bones."

  "I just can't believe this, I feel awful that I was home not too long ago and I didn't check on her."

  "Julie, how would you have known?"

  "She is special to me."

  "Does she have any family?"


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