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Lucca Page 10

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  She breathed a sigh of relief when Lucca pushed back his chair and stood.

  “I’ll walk you back to your car,” he told her. His dark angry gaze rested on Eli as if he realized what the Watcher had done to her.

  “Thank you.” She turned toward the others and hoped her lips curved into a smile and not a grimace. “It was nice meeting everyone.” She caught a sympathetic look from Ryden, but it didn’t make up for what Eli did to make her talk. There was a reason why she stayed clear of the Nephilim, and it had nothing to do with Leroy’s warning she’d strike up a relationship with one of them.

  Her gaze landed on Zaiden whose eyes turned brighter. Zaiden claimed he wanted to find out who killed Leroy. She didn’t trust him, but maybe the feeling was mutual.

  “Are you okay?” Lucca’s hand gripped her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze. The warmth of him swept into her bones, making her want to lean against him, let him take her into his arms. She turned, not realizing he stood so close. One tiny step closer and she’d feel all of him. Her gaze wavered to his. His brows furrowed. His hand touched her shoulder with a gentle caress, so light it was as if he thought she’d suddenly turned to glass and he needed to handle her with extreme care.

  “I’m fine, really.” The clean male scent of him filled her nostrils in a wave of wind, earth, and something so exotic it made her weave toward him to breathe him in. She swallowed hard and took a step back before she made a fool of herself. “Let’s go.”

  Lucca looked over her shoulder to the others still seated, but he didn’t say a word in farewell. He led her out of the restaurant, his large hand resting lightly at the small of her back in a protective nature. She owned weapons, knew how to use them, but having Lucca at her back made her feel safer than any weapon she could wield.

  Chapter Seventeen

  As soon as the waiter took their order and headed for the back, Ryden turned her attention on Eli. “Do you mind explaining what you were doing?”

  Eli widened his eyes, feigning innocence. “I didn’t do anything.”

  Her glare told him she wasn’t buying it. “You were using glamour on Juliet. Don’t deny it.”

  His shoulders lifted in a nonchalant shrug without bothering to apologize. “I had to. She knows about us. We’re shielding our true selves and she still sensed what we are.”

  “She can’t sense Lucca.” Zaiden’s deep voice drew their attention.

  “I caught that too,” Gideon agreed. “Maybe it’s because his glamour’s bound.”

  Zaiden’s gaze narrowed in on Gideon. “How did dear Lucca end up with her? Last I heard he abhorred humans, but he looked rather cozy with this one.”

  Gideon hesitated, glancing at Eli and Ryden before looking at Zaiden again. “I told you. He met her at the Laundromat.”

  “Hmm… I see.” Zaiden lifted a brow. “Again I ask: what’s he doing with her?”

  “How should I know? Ask Lucca if you’re so curious.”

  Ryden rolled her eyes. “Lucca made a friend. What of it? You banished him to the human realm to learn to mingle with humans on their level. He’s doing what’s been ordered for him to do. Yet here you all sit with your suspicions, worried that he has some devious plan in the works.” She waved her hands in the air, sarcasm motivating her action.

  Eli placed his arm on the back of her chair. “With Lucca, there is always a motive. Why are you standing up for him anyway? You know what he tried to do to us.” His voice had deepened, roughened around the edges as he thought back to how Lucca tried to ruin their chances to be together.

  Ryden sensed his distress and her hand went to his cheek in a gentle caress, her features softening. He leaned against her smooth palm, her warmth a calming agent to ease the tension. “I know what he did, but the way Lucca…” she shook her head. “Never mind.” Her hand fell away to only be captured by Eli’s.

  “What? Finish what you were going to say.”

  She met his gaze. “Lucca cares for Juliet.”

  “The human?” This came from Zaiden with harrumph of disbelief. “Trust me, Lucca doesn’t care for the female.”

  “Then why the ruse?” Ryden threw up her hand. ”Even if you’re too blind to see past your differences with Lucca, I’m not. He stood ready to fight the lot of you if it would keep her safe, and he wouldn’t care if his wings were bound, he would take you on anyway.” She glanced at Gideon who squirmed under her scrutiny. “Gideon, you’re close to Lucca. What do you think? Am I right?”

  He cursed under his breath and grabbed for his water glass. He took a generous gulp, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked at Ryden. “Lucca went after her,” he blurted. When Zaiden looked like he was about to jump out of his seat and go after Lucca and beat the crap out of him, Gideon raised his hand. “Not like he was going to harm her. More like…” He cleared his throat and pulled at his T-shirt. “It seemed more primitive. Like he wanted to… you know, have her.”

  The other three stared at him, for once at a loss for words.

  Eli ran his hand through his dark strands. “If it were anyone else but Lucca I might believe it, but he’s been adamant about his dislike for the human race. He’s up to something.” He pinned Gideon down. “Make sure you keep an eye on him and find out what.”

  Zaiden took a piece of bread, slathering it with butter. “You’re worried about Lucca and so am I, but we have other matters that concern me more. Leroy was taken out by an Archangel. They usually don’t come to Earth’s realm unless something big has gone down, threatening their authority.”

  “Damn, egotistic bastards, too,” Gideon swore. “The Archangel at Leroy’s was royally pissed when he went all kinds of crazy on Leroy’s arse. I kind of think the Archangel lost control and killed Leroy before he found out what he wanted to know.”

  Zaiden tapped his knife on his plate thoughtfully. “Lucca’s been to Leroy’s.” His gaze leveled in on Gideon.

  “What are you looking at me for?” Gideon voice rose with annoyance.

  “You’re Lucca’s friend.” Zaiden wouldn’t let up. When the Guard of Judgment demanded answers, you better come up with one quick.

  Gideon narrowed his eyes. “Don’t threaten me with your dour looks of I’ll-kick-your-arse-from-here-to-never. If you want to know why Lucca decided to pop in for a visit, why don’t you ask him?”

  “I’m asking you, but if you don’t know the answer…” His broad shoulders lifted in a shrug. “I’ll have a little talk with Lucca—privately of course, and find out what he knows. Eli, care to join me?”

  Ryden sat forward in her chair. “Privately? What exactly does that mean?”

  Zaiden turned his attention on her, giving her an insulting once over. “It’s none of your concern.”

  Her eyes flamed as if she had the power to vaporize Zaiden where he sat. Eli placed a hand on her shoulder, but the gesture only inflamed her more. She shrugged him away, sitting forward in her seat. “Is that so? If you’re including my mate, it is my concern.” How easily she slipped into calling him her mate without a second’s hesitation.

  Zaiden looked to Eli, waving his hand at him. “Can you not keep your mate under control?”

  When Zaiden said mate, it sounded like a dirty word.

  Ryden slammed her fist on the table, causing the Watchers to eye her with caution. A few of the patrons in the restaurant looked their way and Ryden lowered her voice, but it didn’t lesson the meaning behind her words. “Don’t act like I’m not here. No one controls me, Zaiden LeGard. Get that through your thick Nephilim skull.”

  Eli’s hand covered hers with a gentle squeeze, but it did nothing to soothe her ruffled feathers, but at least she didn’t push him away this time.

  Zaiden eyed her for a long moment, his chilly blues frosting over like an iced lake, but Ryden didn’t turn away, didn’t even flinch. Eli lifted a brow in surprised admiration for her steely conviction not to back down.

  Finally, Zaiden gave her a curt nod. “I apologize. I spok
e out of turn.”

  Eli’s gaze riveted to Zaiden, thinking his ears deceived him. Zaiden cowed down to a human? He never thought it possible.

  Zaiden glanced at him with annoyance, obviously reading his thoughts as though he’d spoken them aloud. “I do say your mate doesn’t need a broadsword when her words can lash right through you.”

  Ryden sat back now. Eli felt the tension leave her body as she realized Zaiden’s words were meant as a compliment. “Why are you concerned about Lucca being at Leroy’s house when you know it was an Archangel who killed him?” she asked.

  Eli’s lips curved, impressed how easily Ryden fell into the Watcher’s world as if she’d been born into it. He took her for his mate and it couldn’t have been easy for her to step into an immortals’ way of thinking when her world dealt strictly with humans.

  Eli spoke up. “Most likely Lucca has nothing to do with Leroy’s death, but I would be remiss if we didn’t at least question him. He might have noticed something we overlooked.”

  Ryden’s lips curved ever so slightly. “Question him? We both know your form of questioning wouldn’t be a sit down for tea. Lucca’s suffered enough, don’t you think?”

  Eli chuckled only to realize his lovely mate was serious. “Don’t try to defend him, Ryden. He is not worthy of your sympathy.”

  “Maybe not,” she sighed with a shake of her head. “But I saw how he looked at Juliet. He cares for her and, if what you say is true about Lucca hating humans, this is a big step for him. Don’t blow it by throwing your weight around and scaring him off.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lucca and Juliet stood in front of their apartment building, just outside the wrought iron gate. Juliet wore heels, giving her a few extra inches. For a human female she was tall, standing maybe five-nine or ten without the fancy shoes. She’d fit well to him without him feeling as if he’d crush her. His brows furrowed, wondering when the sensation of tender concern for her well being slipped into his subconscious.

  After the uncomfortable introduction at Doug’s Downtown Grill, she hadn’t said much. Not that he blamed her. He should have stopped her from going over to the table in the first place.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice broke the silence.

  His gaze riveted to hers, her apology confusing him when he should be the one apologizing, but before he could comment on it, she spoke again.

  “You didn’t want to go over to the table and I insisted. They aren’t your friends, are they?”

  “We’ve had a disagreement of sorts.” He chose his words carefully. She felt sorry for him, but in truth he was the cause for the rift and the mistrust, not the other way around.

  “You know…your friends,” she used the word lightly, “they’re dangerous.”

  Dangerous? Well, they were Nephilim, but so was he. Only Juliet didn’t seem to realize it. He wondered why, but he didn’t want to delve into reasons. Let her think he was human for now. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve known them a long time.” Centuries, but he kept the information to himself.

  Her gaze swept over him with concern as if she worried for his safety. If she knew what he’d done to earn banishment, her tender regard would slip away.

  Back at the restaurant, she claimed they weren’t on a date. Her voice was a mixture of panic that he understood perfectly. But now… If she kept looking at him the way she was, he might have the courage to do both of them a favor and end their torment. He would sooth her fears, letting her know everything would be all right. They would be all right together, but he didn’t move. He swallowed the lump in his throat and remained still. To give her comfort the way she deserved, he would have to believe the lie first.

  She stepped closer to him, her hand brushing his hair away from his shoulder before her palm settled there. “You’re a difficult one to read, Lucca Marlowe.”

  This time his brows furrowed, but he didn’t have time to ponder her words. She leaned forward, her lips brushing over his in a tantalizing caress. Rosemary and mint wafted through his system like a drug of desire, always healing him, making him feel worthy to be in her arms. His hands landed on her waist, pulling her against him. Her arms went around his neck as he indulged with a kiss of his own, awakening an aching hunger deep within him that he didn’t know existed. His wings strained for release. God, he wanted her. His blood pooled to his groin, with an obvious announcement of how much he wanted her. He pulled away, hoping she didn’t notice, but the small curve of her lips told him she had. Her gaze met his with a powerful slam of something hot and steamy. Dear Heaven above, she wanted him, too. Not a good idea. Not going to happen. He took another step away. They stared at each other, not speaking, not moving.

  Droplets of water began to rain down from the heavens, just a light drizzle with a promise of more.

  “It’s starting to rain,” he broke the silence. “You should go inside.” He shoved his hands into his jeans with hopes of keeping them off of her.

  The fire in her eyes dimmed, making him feel like a complete fool for bringing her to the brink, knowing he had no intention of following through with his actions. It was that damn scent of hers, and it only increased when she became aroused.


  His gaze turned toward the feline sauntering over to him at a leisurely pace. The creature had the audacity to rub its body against his pant leg. “Shoo.” He waved at it.

  “It’s okay,” Juliet said as she came over to him. She crouched down to pet the tabby, the color of bronze, white, and black stripes. The cat’s eyes were green orbs of light as it stared up at Juliet with affection and purred like a motorcar. “This is Tiger Lilly.”

  “You’ve named the stray?” His obvious surprise didn’t go unmissed.

  Her warm chuckle slid over him like a caress. She scooped up the cat and stood to face him. “Tiger Lilly’s adopted us. Owen named her.” She nuzzled the cat and talked to the creature as if it were a precious entity. “Isn’t that right, Tiger Lilly.”

  The cat meowed again in response. The cat sure knew how to worm its way into Juliet’s heart.


  “Don’t you like cats?” She gave him a direct look.

  “I like them fine as long as they stay away from me.” His grumble only proved to amuse her. He couldn’t stop his lips from curving, too.

  “If you get to know Tiger Lilly I’m sure you’ll come to love her as we do.”

  He highly doubted it, but it seemed his convictions went out the door when it came to Juliet. His gaze wavered over her delicate features, her lips presenting a temptation he couldn’t ignore.

  He took the steps that separated them. Tiger Lilly leapt out of Juliet’s arms as if the creature feared he’d crush her between them. “One more taste then I’ll let you go,” he promised. She didn’t complain or stop him as he leaned down claiming her lips, possessing her mouth with teeth and tongue. Taste? Hell, he devoured. Now he knew how Adam felt when Eve tempted him with the apple. All sense of right and wrong slipped away with one thought: I can’t resist. His hand slid to the small of her back, bringing her closer, beyond caring she would know how much he wanted her. Take her. Make her yours. The words echoed in his mind.

  No, he couldn’t. Doing so would be wrong on so many levels. Growling soft and low, he dragged his lips away from her. His gaze swept over her, feature by feature. His thumb slid over her swollen kissed lips with tenderness.

  The rain came down harder now, the droplets looking like crystal decorations in her hair. He reached for her hood on her jacket and covered her head, his fingers gripping the lip of her hat and hugging it close to her face. She looked at him, her eyes wide as she waited for him to make a move. He knew with one word from him, he’d have her in his bed. His heart hammered in his chest and thundered in his ears until he couldn’t hear, but he forced the words out to release her. “Good night, Juliet.” He let his hand fall away from her and he pushed the wrought iron gate open.

  Chapter Nineteen

/>   Lucca didn’t know what possessed him to kiss Juliet with such abandonment, but he couldn’t let it happen again. Something was wrong with him, as if his wiring had been tampered. His convictions to keep humans at a distance were compromised, and he needed to step back and take a long hard look at what he was doing. Becoming emotionally involved only proved he was slipping into pansy-ville. His back ached like the mother of all pain combined into one long burn of agony. His bound wings reminded him how far he’d fallen. He gingerly ran a finger over his teeth. The pointed fangs still hadn’t retracted. Mark her. Take her. Yeah, the words still echoed in his mind like a perverse echo. What the hell was going on? He was taking no one, regardless of how his body betrayed him. He may not know what was happening, but Eli would. He put him here, bound his arse to the human realm. Somehow the bounding ritual had messed him up big time.

  Lucca drove to the Huntington Harbor, another irritation to his confinement. What would take seconds by flight, took him twenty-five minutes with traffic. He parked down the street, even though he didn’t think Eli knew he drove a truck. He stayed in the shadows, shrugging into his jacket and keeping his long hair tucked beneath the collar. The two-story house overlooked the marina with a lovely balcony set with table and chairs to enjoy the rising sun.

  “Gag me,” he grumbled. Eli had sure embraced his human existence with this purchase. Eli’s newest mystery novel hit the bestseller list and was already in second print. Ryden was a nurse practitioner over at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. They must be doing all right. He’d have to rethink his detective career. A truck in need of a tune-up and a renovated apartment stretched his pocketbook.

  He walked over the bridge and around to the front where the houses faced the street. He stared at Eli’s home, the color of sea green and trimmed in cream. Flowers lined the brick walk. “Quaint,” Lucca murmured under his breath. “All that’s missing is a white picket fence. So friggin’ human.”


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