Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel

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Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  It was like he was trying to torture me because he knew this was going to be the last time I’d get to see him for a couple of weeks.

  Truth be told, I was a little upset that we'd been interrupted. I was looking forward to having some fun with my fiancée, God it still felt weird to think of him as my fiancé even if it also felt wonderful, and being interrupted could mean a couple more weeks before I got anything.

  At least I had my silicon pal to help me out in the meantime.

  I blushed as I thought of one alternative I'd almost gone with. I'd almost tried to convince Taylor to get one of those kits to do a cast of someone's cock so I wouldn't be too far from him even while he was away, but with the way he'd been whining and moping about me being gone for an entire summer I decided it was a good idea not to do that.

  It hardly seemed fair that I’d have access to a reasonable copy of him when he didn't have access to a reasonable copy of yours truly, after all.

  I was about to go out and help Taylor get some of my things when Julia waved me over. I wondered what she could possibly want so soon after introducing herself and interrupting our fun time, but I also figured I should play nice. After all, I was going to be living with her for the duration of the summer.

  "What's up?" I asked as I took in her room. It was in the back of the apartment and had a lovely view of the tiny patch of land that passed for a backyard and then another set of apartment buildings right behind ours.

  "So is that your boyfriend or your piece on the side or…"

  It took me a moment to realize she was talking about my boyfriend. My fiancé. I was still having trouble thinking of him as my fiancé. The whole thing was still so new. He'd only just proposed to me a few months before the spring semester ended.

  I guess he wanted to lock everything down before I went away for the summer.

  To be honest I’d been worried that he might try something stupid like suggesting we needed to take a break for the summer or something. Not because he wanted to, I didn’t think for a moment that boy would voluntarily break up with me, but because he was the kind of guy who’d try to set me free for the summer because that’s what he thought I wanted. Even if that was the last thing I wanted.

  "You mean Taylor?" I asked.

  “Does that hunk of man meat have a name?" she asked. "Then yeah. Taylor."

  I felt a momentary surge of satisfaction. It was obvious she had the hots for my man, and rather than making me jealous or making me want to claw her eyes out instead I felt a rush of adrenaline along with a hell of a lot of affirmation. After all, if he was hot enough that a looker like Julia was interested then that had to mean he was pretty fucking hot. It only served to stroke my ego rather than my jealousy.

  I never understood girls who got jealous. I always figured they weren’t secure enough in their relationship or something, but that was their problem. Not mine.

  I’d never been the jealous type, and neither had Taylor. We both knew we were the only one for each other. Not to mention we were both pretty secure in our hotness and free of any worries that our eyes would stray too far for too long.

  I mean sure I saw him checking out girls sometimes. I’d seen him checking out Julia when she stepped into the room to rudely interrupt us, but I wasn’t going to hold that against him. Getting mad at a guy for checking out a pretty girl was a losing battle as far as I was concerned.

  "Actually he's my fiancé," I said. “We got engaged a couple of months ago before I came out here for my internship.”

  Then I got to do something that had become one of my favorite things ever since we got together. Ever since he popped the question. I held up my ring finger and wiggled it just a little. She zeroed in on the diamond and her mouth hung open.

  I still wasn't entirely sure how Taylor was able to afford a diamond like this, but I wasn't going to question it too much. He assured me he could afford it, and so I decided to trust that he was telling the truth on that score. It helped that the diamond was really pretty and I loved it.

  "You're engaged?" she asked. "To that?"

  "I certainly am!" I said.

  "Damn girl," Julia said. "We should all be so lucky!"

  "You're not dating anyone?" I asked.

  She smiled a thin and knowing smile. Then shook her head.

  "Let's just say I've never been the kind for settling down. I broke up with my boyfriend before I came out here for my internship. This is my second time out here, after all, and I don't want to make the same mistake I did the first time around.

  "What mistake was that?" I asked.

  "Are you serious?" she asked.

  "Totally," I replied. "This is my first year doing an internship. I have no idea what you're talking about."

  She laughed. Then look down at my ring finger and back up to me. There was something about that look that bothered me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  “A first timer. That explains a lot. Let's just say when you're out here on the internship, it's sort of like Vegas."

  "Like Vegas?" I asked, still not sure what the heck she was going on about.

  "You know… What happens here…"

  What she was saying finally dawned on me and I blushed. I was also glad Taylor wasn't nearby to hear what she was insinuating.

  "I would never do anything like that to Taylor," I said.

  If anything her smile only got wider. "I'm sure you wouldn't. But that doesn't mean other people won't be hitting on you. There's kind of an anything goes atmosphere around here," she said. “A bunch of people away from their school for the summer in a place where they’re hours away from anyone they know? Let’s just say it’s a recipe for things getting pretty wild.”

  "Well I would never do that to my fiancé," I said.

  "So you say," she said with a hint of a smile.

  I was about to open my mouth and tell her exactly what I thought of her insinuations when I heard someone clomping up the stairs. That could only be Taylor. Carrying something heavy. I just hoped he didn’t overhear any of our conversation.

  "What's going on here?" Taylor asked.

  I wheeled around and I knew I must look guilty. Though I'm not sure why I should feel guilty. It's not like I did anything wrong. Still, just thinking about what Julia just told me made me feel icky. Made me feel guilty.

  "Just talking with my new roommate," I said. "This is her second year and she was telling me what I could look forward to."

  "Oh," Taylor said. “Lots of fun pushing those numbers around I’m sure.”

  He held a tote in his arms. Holding that tote made his arms bulge out. It was always a pleasant distraction watching him doing manly stuff. Especially when it showed off his muscles. A quick glance at Julia showed that she was enjoying the show as well.

  "Something like that," I said.

  "Don't worry," Julia said. "There's always plenty of fun to be had out here. I'm sure your fiancée will have a wonderful time!"

  She looked at me and there was still a smile there. She turned and looked back to Taylor and looked him up and down. There was definitely one hell of a double meaning there when she talked about me having a good time.

  Taylor laughed. "Are you serious? The study addict here? I don't think I've ever seen her really let loose and party. Even when we’re out drinking she’s the one who sits on the couch and wants to talk to people about her major."

  "Thanks honey," I said in a tone that I hoped communicated how irritated I was.

  Sure what he was saying might be the truth, but I also figured that coming out here for a summer gave me an opportunity to reinvent myself. At least for a little while. Not reinvent myself in the way Julia was talking about, but I figured I could let loose a little.

  Shit. Maybe there was something to what she said if I was already thinking like that before I got out here.

  And having Taylor telling my roommate about how boring I was back home, especially when I was finally off at a summer gig where I had a job rather than
classes which wasn't nearly as intensive and wouldn't involve nearly as much studying, was annoying.

  "You might be surprised," Julia said. "There's always all sorts of parties going on around here. It's never a dull moment."

  "Yeah well I'll believe it when I see it," Taylor said.

  He fixed me with a goofy smile and moved on. Dropped the tote in my room and then he was back out. I noticed Julia giving his ass a good stare as he moved back down the staircase.

  "Well I should really get out there and help him," I said. “My stuff isn't going to carry itself up."

  "It certainly isn't," she said. “Then again, if I had someone like that to watch while I was carrying things in…"

  Damn. This girl was coming on pretty strong. I almost felt like I should worry about the way she was talking about my boyfriend, but then again that was ridiculous. She was probably harmless.

  Besides, she was going to be the same distance from Taylor as I was for most of the summer. It's not like I really had anything to worry about. Even if I had a nagging feeling that I should be worried.

  I walked down to the car and grabbed a bag full of clothes.

  "So what was your roommate talking about?" Taylor asked, his voice sounding so casual that I knew he had to be faking it.

  I looked up at him and grinned. "You mean my hot roommate?"

  His deer in headlights look was all the confirmation I needed. He'd been caught, and he didn't like being caught. Not that I minded. Like I said, I knew it was only natural that he would look at other women from time to time.

  I figured if I got jealous every time he looked at another woman I would be miserable constantly, so I tried not to let that stuff bother me. We were the only ones for each other, after all, and as long as I knew that I could be safe and secure in our relationship. No matter what.

  "It's okay," I said with a laugh. "She has the hots for you too.”

  Taylor let out a laugh of his own. "Really? So does that mean I have your permission to go…"

  He wiggled his eyes and stuck his tongue out to let me know exactly what he meant. Not that I had to stretch my imagination too far to realize what he was talking about. I stuck my tongue out at him in turn.

  "You wish," I said.

  "Hey, you could go have your fun with one of those studs moving in next door," Taylor said with a laugh. "I'm equal opportunity when it comes to this sort of thing."

  I followed his gaze. I hadn't realized there were other people moving in around us. I'd been so busy watching him. Specifically watching the way he looked in his tight fitting clothes, that I hadn’t been paying attention to anyone else.

  Only as I stared out across the way I realized there was something to what he'd said. There were some first-rate hotties moving in next door. I licked my lips as I looked at a couple of guys who looked like they were muscular but not exactly ripped. We’re not talking bodybuilders, but pretty good looking regardless.

  I turned back to Taylor and decided to play a game. If he was going to throw me to the wolves then maybe I’d see what he thought if I acted interested in those wolves.

  "Are you serious?" I said. "You go have a roll in the hay with Julia and I'll go over there and let those guys run a train on me?”

  It occurred to me that I could have been a little more subtle with the way I phrased that, but I wanted to make it absolutely clear that this was a joke. Not that I thought Taylor would take me up on the opportunity to have sex with another woman, he had to know it was a joke, but there was still the memory of the way he looked at her which caused a nagging doubt in the back of my mind that left me not wanting to give him too much wiggle room.

  Taylor licked his lips and suddenly the situation seemed a lot more serious. He stared at the guys and then his eyes darted to the front door to my apartment. Than a grin split his face and the moment was gone, but I didn't forget that there'd been that brief moment when it seemed like he was almost willing to take me up on that offer.

  Interesting. I didn't figure he’d ever do something like that, and yet here we were.

  "Very funny," he said. "You be a comedienne or something."

  I stuck my tongue out at him again. "You're the one who was eye fucking my roommate earlier."

  "So? I saw the way you were eye humping those guys over there just now," he replied.

  My eyebrows shot up. "You're the one who just pointed them out to me! You can't get upset if I was looking at them!"

  "Who says I can't?" he asked.

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Men. You're impossible!"

  "Right, and you need me to get the rest of your stuff in there so you'd better be nice."

  He hefted another tote and carried it in. I moved to follow him, but this time instead of staring at my boyfriend and his tight clothes I looked down to our neighbors instead. They were good looking guys, and as I paused I saw one of them look up and over at me. He smiled and gave a friendly wave that showed off some of his muscles, and I felt a chill running through me.

  The chill very quickly turned to a fire between my legs. I thought about what Julia told me about how anything goes over the summer and wondered about letting anything go with that guy.

  Then I shook my head to clear the thought away. I was acting silly. I was happy with Taylor. We were engaged to be married. Why would I be thinking about doing anything with another guy?

  Still, they were good looking over there. I wondered if I’d meet any of them or if they worked for a completely different department in the company. That they worked for the same company I did there was no doubt. It was the biggest employer in town, and it was also the only place that would be putting up a bunch of college-age kids in this apartment complex.

  I shook my head to clear it again. I shouldn’t be thinking about them. I should be thinking about getting stuff into my room. So I picked up a garbage bag full of all of my favorite outfits, lighter than most of the totes Taylor was carrying, and headed for my apartment.

  The entire time I was moving in I tried to clear thoughts of the neighbors and what Julia told me from my mind, but it was difficult.



  I climbed back on the bed. It wasn't very comfortable compared to the bed we had back home, but it was a damn sight better than the dorm beds we'd been forced to endure before we moved in together. Basically it was about what I expected from low-cost student housing.

  And even if the bed was the most comfortable bed in the world I didn't give a fuck. After all, I wasn't planning on sleeping on the thing.

  No, I was reclining back with my hands behind my head thinking about all the things I wanted to do to Carrie. All the things that had been interrupted earlier by her roommate barging in.

  Sure the girl was a hottie with that long dark hair and an ass that wouldn't quit. And there was something about the way she kept looking at me that sent a shiver running through me every time I thought about her.

  I just chalked that up to the fact that I was so horny though. I was raring to go. I needed some private time with my lady and I needed that private time now, thank you very much.

  I looked over to the bathroom where she was arranging things. I resisted the urge to let out a frustrated groan. She'd already been acting a little different ever since her roommate showed up, and I didn't want to ruin the mood even more.

  Ruining the mood meant ruining my chance at getting laid one last time before going home for a couple of weeks, and I didn't want that. No, I didn't want that at all.

  "You having fun in there?" I asked.

  Carrie stuck her head out and frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  I held my hands up as though I was trying to ward off a dangerous wild animal. And in a way I was. She could be dangerous when she got in a mood like this. I just wished I knew what the fuck I did to put her in in this mood.

  Maybe it was that she was moving away from me for the summer. Maybe it was finally starting to hit her in a way it hadn’t before. She'd be
en taking this all surprisingly well, and it drove me nuts.

  It felt like she didn't care. Of course I knew she had to care, but knowing that she cared and seeing some sign of caring were two different things.

  Then again I suppose it was a case of being very careful what you wish for. All this time I thought it would be nice if she showed some sign she was upset about the summer arrangement, and now that she was showing signs of being upset it was driving me nuts.

  "I was just asking if you were having fun in there," I said. "There's no need to get defensive about it or anything."

  "I know what you were asking," she said. "You think I'm taking too long in here and…"

  I didn't have to complete that sentence. The obvious meaning hung in the air between us. And she was absolutely right. I was annoyed that she was in there rearranging her bathroom when she could be in here spending time with me. Especially considering that we were about to be separated for longer than we'd ever been separated since we started dating.

  I didn't say any of that though. I could tell she was in a delicate state, and I didn't want to annoy her even more.

  I didn’t like this. No, I didn't like it one bit. It felt like the rough edges of our relationship were starting to show. It felt as though all the anger and resentment that had been building up inside me as a result of her going on this internship, even if I knew she had to take this internship, were finally bubbling to the surface. All of that annoyance, all of that sexual frustration, was swirling together in a stew of anger and it wasn't good.

  Yet I couldn't help opening my mouth and saying exactly what I thought.

  "You know you don't have to be such a jerk," I said.

  I paused right before calling her a jerk. I could tell from the way she looked at me that she could tell I’d changed what I was going to say. I had a pretty good idea that she had a pretty good idea what word I was thinking of using before I switched it up.


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