Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel

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Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel Page 18

by Lexi Archer

  I know it was more than enough for me!

  It also still chilled me thinking about how close we came to never getting together in the first place. What if he’d decided not to go to the party that night? What if his friend had been enough to keep me away for good? I hated thinking about not having him in my life, and sometimes it was terrifying thinking about how a few small changes could completely alter the course of your life.

  I could think about all that later though. Right now I needed to concentrate on statistical analysis. As boring as that was. Sometimes I wondered why I was even going for this particular degree.

  Then I thought about all the money I was going to make when I got out and it was all worth it.

  My phone buzzed again and a couple of the guys turned to look at me with not quite irritation, but I could tell that if I spent much more time on my phone they were going to start getting annoyed. I pulled it out and looked at it again.

  “So who’s in the group with you tonight?”

  I frowned. So things had mostly been great with us with only a few fights, but I could really do without this whole jealousy thing he’d suddenly started exhibiting recently. It had always been there just a little, but it really seemed to be crawling out of the woodwork lately because I’d been doing more and more group work with the same group of guys.

  It’s not like I even tried to work things out that way. It’s just that as you got closer to the end of a degree program you started working with the same people more and more. It just so happened that in my program a lot of the people I ended up working with was guys. It’s not like it was my problem the university had a gender diversity problem, but lately it seemed like Sean wanted to make it into my problem.

  I tapped a response back to him. “It’s a group with Don, Jake, and Tyler,” I said. “I told you all this before I went off to the library.”

  There was a pause. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he was going to leave it at that. Sometimes he got weird about me hanging out with other guys, but other times he just went back to doing his own work back at the apartment. He had the advantage of being able to study and do most of his stuff on his own. No group projects that counted for most of his grades.

  The lucky bastard.

  Only he wasn’t done. Another buzz. More irritated looks. Though from the way the guys looked me up and down it seemed there was some interest there as well. Not that I was exactly surprised. Guys being interested in me was nothing new, and the important thing is they all kept it professional and didn’t try to hit on me. I kept things professional and didn’t hit on them even though Tyler would definitely be worth a second look if I wasn’t in a relationship.

  But I was in a relationship. Which meant I had no intention of doing anything with any of these guys. I just wished I could get that through Sean’s skull which had grown surprisingly thick on this one issue.

  “Are you sure group work is all that’s going on there?” he texted back.

  I had to read that message a couple of times just to be sure I wasn’t seeing things. Was he serious? Was he fucking serious? Was he really implying that I was out here fucking these guys instead of being out here at the library busting my ass so I could graduate on time?

  Who the hell did he think he was? I was filled with a deep and abiding rage. I wanted to snap my phone in two. I wanted to throw it across the room.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I shot back to him.

  “I’m just wondering if studying is all that’s going on there, is all,” the response came back from Sean.

  I couldn’t believe it. We’d been together for almost our entire college careers. We were coming up on four years together, talking about marriage, and now here he was accusing me of sleeping with other men when I was busy doing schoolwork?

  “Madison?” Tyler asked.

  I looked over at him and smiled. And for a brief moment there was a part of me, a wicked part of me that I would never listen to in a million years, that whispered it might be fun to have some fun with Tyler when we were done working on this group presentation. I could throw him down on this conference table that looked like it was plenty sturdy for two people and do the crime I was being accused of.

  “Madison? Are you going to help out here or do you have something you need to be doing?”

  Tyler glanced at my phone. He was more than a little irritated. I’m sure he’d be less irritated if he knew what I was considering, but I wasn’t going to breathe a word of what I was considering to any of the men in this room, was I? No, I was going to be the good girlfriend. I was going to sit back and work on this group presentation and not think about how my boyfriend had gone completely off the rails accusing me of cheating.

  “Sorry about that guys,” I said. “Something came up, but I’m good to go. Let me just shoot off one message.”

  I pulled my phone up and tapped out one final message to Sean. “You’re acting ridiculous and you need to get control of yourself. I’m doing school work, and I’m going to turn my phone off so I can actually get that done.”

  Then I did exactly what I’d promised. I held onto the power button and the phone powered down. There would be no more texts from Sean to interrupt the night, but I couldn’t get what he’d said out of my mind.

  I looked over at the three guys in my group. All of them were pretty good looking even if Tyler was definitely the best looker out of all of them. He was the one who would make it worth having a little bit of fun outside the confines of my marriage if I ever decided to do that, which I wouldn’t. It was crazy.

  Yet Sean had put the idea in my head. And so for the rest of the group session I couldn’t help but imagine a very different sort of group session. The sort of group session where three guys were all around me worshiping my body, something that always got me so fucking hot, and I was acting completely out of character letting them have their way with me.

  Was that what Sean wanted? Because it sure as hell felt like he was trying to push me into their arms, damn it. Damn him for doing that. For putting these ideas in my head in the first place.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Don asked. “If you have an emergency or something we can do this later.”

  I smiled and tried not to blush. I’d been thinking of Don doing some very unprofessional things that would thoroughly derail our group work, and it was hard to look at him now that those thoughts were rattling around in my head. I was going to kill Sean for doing this to me!

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “Now let’s get to work!”

  A couple hours later I was still thoroughly distracted and thoroughly turned on. I had no idea how torturous group work could be until I was confronted with the double edged sword of having the boredom of class work coupled with getting turned on thinking about how much more fun it would be if the three guys in my group were doing me instead of that class work.

  I turned on my phone and worried at what I was going to find there. It had been a couple of hours of Sean stewing in whatever jealousy caused this ridiculous display in the first place. Sure enough when my phone came on it looked like he’d blown up my phone with message after message asking me what I was doing.

  I shook my head. What had come over my otherwise loving boyfriend? Sure he’d been a little jealous with me around other guys, something I didn’t mind too much because seeing him getting protective about other guys checking me out was almost as hot as seeing other guys checking me out, but this was beyond ridiculous.

  One thing was for certain. I was going to have words with Sean when I got back to the apartment. This was not something I was going to be able to live with in our relationship, and I needed to know now if this was going to be a permanent thing with him.

  Because if it was then our four year relationship was about to become a hell of a lot less permanent than I thought it was.



  I couldn’t stand this. Imagining what might be happening with Madison and those guys, particul
arly that Tyler guy she was always talking about, was driving me nuts. And my cock was rock hard, which just added to the whole fucked up nature of my current situation.

  Three guys. One girl. It seemed ridiculous that she would work with those same three guys all the time. It seemed ridiculous that she would always be with that Tyler guy who always seemed like he was trying to move in on her. I’d seen the way he looked at her.

  It never failed to turn me on, and I hated that it never failed to turn me on. Hell, I think a big part of the reason why I was so obsessed with the idea of her and one of those guys in the first place was because it turned me on.

  It was the only thing that made any sense. Madison was faithful to me. I knew that. Sure she made eyes at that guy and it seemed like he was interested in more than group work. I’d seen that at a couple of parties we went to over at his house when he looked her up and down when he didn’t think I was looking.

  I was always looking, though. It was the only way I could indulge this idiotic thing that started the first night I got with Madison. The night I thought of how hot it would be if it was Kyle instead of me enjoying her treasures. It had taken hold of my erotic imagination that night and never let go, even if it was a fantasy I could do without.

  I looked at the door and then back down to my phone. We shared an apartment off campus, actually a house but we rented so I thought of it as an apartment.

  She was off at the library. Not for the first time that evening I thought of going over to the library. I could cruise through the third and fourth floor where all the private study rooms were and see what was going on. Verify that she was actually at the library like she said.

  I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this? I needed to get this under control before it led to something very bad like Madison getting truly pissed off at me.

  What did I expect to see if I got out there anyways? Madison bent over one of those conference tables with one guy plowing her from behind and one getting her from the front while a third guy recorded everything to show all their buddies how they’d seduced the hometown hottie who had a boyfriend?

  Yeah, that wasn’t likely. At the very least the librarians would probably have something to say about finding someone in that state. Never mind other people walking by and looking into the giant glass cages that were the library conference rooms.

  Still, the idea of her bent over while they took her from both ends was intriguing, to say the least. My cock throbbed as I thought of it. I almost wished it were true even if it would probably mean the end of our relationship. A relationship I was pretty sure was moving towards marriage.

  Only there was this stupid obsession that had taken hold of my mind tonight. At least I’d stopped sending text messages out to her. That wasn’t going to be pretty when she finally turned on her phone, but it had been like I was possessed when I sent them out. I couldn’t help myself or stop myself.

  Speaking of being unable to stop myself. I was just too turned on. I wasn’t thinking straight. I knew one way to get myself back in my right mind, though, so I plopped down on the couch and pulled my cock out.

  I didn’t even need any porn or anything. No, everything I needed was running through my head over and over. Madison making out with one guy as a couple of other guys pulled her clothes off or ripped them to shreds right there in the library. Madison gasping with her tits bouncing lewdly for anyone to see as they walked by while that Tyler guy fucked her and the other two guys cheered her on.

  Hell, I even got turned on thinking about getting a call from her explaining that she’d been taken in on public indecency charges for fucking in the library and getting caught. I knew this obsession was bad if thinking about a phone call was enough to get me turned on.

  I was right on the edge of coming, my body was on fire, when I heard the familiar sound of a key in the front door.

  The heat was gone in an instant, though my cock stayed hard. I panicked and quickly put my cock away and zipped my pants up. I hoped the sound of the zipper moving up wouldn’t be enough to alert Madison from the other side of the door. I was just thankful that I hadn’t gone over the edge. Then it would’ve been a mad dash to the bathroom with my come flying in every direction hoping Madison didn’t make it through the door in time to see what was going on.

  As it was she’d find me sitting on the couch without my phone and without the TV turned on. Yeah, that wouldn’t look suspicious at all.

  Madison came through the door and put down her backpack. She looked gorgeous, radiant, as usual. I wanted to walk over and take her into my arms, but I didn’t even get up off the couch. I’d thought we could make talk things out, put all of this behind us, but one look at her face was enough to tell me that I needed to stay right the fuck where I was if I didn’t want to have my head bit off.

  Madison stared at me. Not a fun stare. That was the stare that told me I was in for one hell of an argument. That she was royally pissed off about what I’d pulled while she was, most likely, actually at the library trying to get some class work done and not busy getting triple teamed by some guys from her class.

  I felt like an asshole. I felt like I wanted to sink into the couch and disappear. I wanted to get away from that angry gaze.

  Madison held up her phone.

  “Um. Welcome home baby?” I asked.

  “You can take your welcome home and blow it out your ass,” she said.

  And in that moment I realized something. The craziness that took hold of me tonight, the craziness that had me sending all those texts because I thought she was cheating on me, because I hoped she was cheating on me, was just that. Craziness. Of course she hadn’t been cheating on me. I was just looking for fantasy material.

  And that search for fantasy material may have just ended our relationship.




  “What the hell were you thinking sending me all those text messages?”

  Sean looked down and didn’t respond. At least he blushed. At least he was embarrassed about acting like a complete and total jackass.

  “Do you realize I’m out there working with people in my program? These are people who are going to graduate and get jobs in my field, and I don’t need a reputation as the girl with the crazy boyfriend who blows up her phone every time she’s at a meeting before I’ve even gotten a job!”

  Sean looked down and still didn’t say anything. I had a good bit of angry energy I’d worked up while sitting in that group meeting room thinking about what an asshole my boyfriend was being, and I was ready to unleash all of it on him.

  “You’re acting like an idiot, Sean. You’re being ridiculous. Of course I’m not out there cheating on you!”

  “I know,” Sean said. “It’s just that you’ve been spending a lot of late nights on group work lately.”

  “Yeah? Well that’s probably because I have a lot of group work that I have to finish before I can graduate! I know your work comes down to writing a paper on your own, but my stuff is a little more involved and you’re going to have to be patient with me.”

  “Do you have to do all your projects with that Tyler guy? I’ve seen the way he looks at you…”

  I let out a frustrated growl. What else could I do? We’d had this conversation before when he saw Tyler looking at me at parties he’d invited us to. Did I see him looking at me? Sure, but I didn’t see what the big deal was.

  “We’ve been over this Sean,” I said. “Lots of guys look at me. If you want a girl who doesn’t have guys staring at her all the time then you’re dating the wrong girl.”

  Was that a little egotistical? Yeah, just a bit, but it was also the plain truth. It’s not like I could help it that I had a look that guys enjoyed. It’s not like I’d want to frump it up just because my boyfriend got upset at guys staring at me. In my opinion that meant it was time to get a new boyfriend, not time to change my look entirely.

  I just hated the idea of chang
ing this particular boyfriend. We’d been together so long and I felt like we had a good thing going aside from this jealousy bullshit that I could not stand.

  Sean leaned forward and I felt hope rising in me. Could it be that I was finally getting through to him? Was he finally going to realize that he was endangering our relationship with this bullshit? Was this the moment where we turned over a new leaf?

  “Can you promise me you weren’t cheating on me?”

  Okay then. Maybe we weren’t turning over any new leaves after all. Damn it. And there was something that was off about the way he looked at me. He leaned forward and licked his lips. There was a glint in his eyes. Almost as though he was anticipating something. Almost as though he was looking forward to hearing that I’d cheated on him.

  This was fucking ridiculous.

  “I can’t deal with this anymore,” I said. “I could deal with you getting a little jealous when you see guys looking at me. It was kinda hot at first, but it’s not hot now. I can’t live with a guy who’s constantly questioning whether or not I’m faithful to him, and you need to seriously think about that.”

  “What the hell are you saying Madison?”

  I stopped to think about that for a moment. What was I saying? This was a big moment. I was tired of this, it had been going on in one way or another ever since I started these group projects and it didn’t show any sign of stopping. It was getting worse every night. And I realized that I was so angry that what I really needed was some time on my own. Away from Sean.

  “I think we need to take a night or two off or something,” I said.

  Something new came to his face. Worry. Fear. Hell, I felt a little bit of that myself, though admittedly the anger was far more potent than any worry. More than anything I was exhausted. I wanted to be done with this argument.


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