His & Hers

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His & Hers Page 21

by Francheska Fifield

  “How do you know all this stuff?”

  “I had a rebellious alcohol stage myself.”

  I lean against the side of the balcony watching her for signs of instability. I want her sober when I talk to her. I won’t be able to get the courage to do it twice.

  “It isn’t a phase if it’s only one night.”

  I smile and shrug. True. “No, but do it again and I might think it is.”

  She makes a face as she tells me what she thinks about that.

  “I don’t plan to ever again. I’ve never felt so terrible.”

  I can’t help but laugh at the venom in her voice. Like it is the alcohol’s fault she drank too much. I sit down in one of the chairs half sitting and half lounging. She looks out through the balcony bars from the seat she takes next to me looking for something.

  “You know everyone says that, but they always do.”

  “Maybe other people don’t mean it, but I try not to be to self-destructive. I have much better things I could be doing with my time.”

  “Like what?”

  I close my eyes and lean my head back trying to relax. Smooth conversation is a good way to start. It will make things less awkward if we ease into it.

  “Kathy is starting a catering business and wanted to rent a place where she could add some extra industrial ovens which is why I was looking places up for her. I was helping her search. It wasn’t apartments, just available places in general. Writing, since I am behind on deadlines, and I’m unfreezing my account at the Y. It’ll take forever to get back in shape.”

  I open one eye look her over and remember last night. She is in good shape. Really yummy looking shape. I snort in response to the fact that girls never think they look good, because it ii true they didn’t think so, and close my eye again trying not to laugh at her as she huffs at me.

  “Hey I haven’t worked out in almost two weeks. I’ve gained five pounds.”

  “Not in any of the wrong places.”

  I don’t open my eyes to see her response to my statement. I just keep my smile plaster on my face and my face pointed to the sky. I’ll let her take what she will from that and make the next move.

  The next move shocks me. She sits in my lap and leans her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her. She feels so good sitting in my arms. I’m not ever letting her go.

  “I’m glad you weren’t just kissing me because you were drunk this morning.”

  She laughs as I finish and almost falls. I open my eyes and grab her so she won’t hit the concrete of the balcony. I sit up a bit more and she adjusts on my lap to sit up as well.

  She turns to look at me, likely to thank me for not letting her crack her skull. She looks so beautiful and I am so happy she is here on my lap that I can’t stop myself. I kiss her. She shivers and I can’t help but do so as well. She is enjoying my kiss. It is all my dreams come true. She presses herself closer and kisses me back. God she tastes so good.

  She pulls back and I can’t keep my face from falling. No, I’m not ready to stop kissing her yet. She smiles kisses my cheek and stands up grabbing my hands. I follow her wondering what she is doing. Maybe she is too cold to be outside anymore.

  Once I close the door behind me she takes off her coat and closes the balcony curtains. She undoes her top and I almost drop to the floor. It takes every ounce of willpower I have to stay vertical and in one spot.

  My breathing sounds like I’ve been running a marathon, my blood is pumping and I am getting hard as a rock. Her top drops to the floor and she comes closer. She starts kissing me and rubbing against me and I can do nothing more than hold her and try to stop my knees from buckling.

  She starts walking to the bed and pulls off my T-shirt. I undo the clasp of her bra and she takes her arms from around my neck so we can take it off. We somehow manage to get the rest of our clothes off and walk blindly to the bed, all while kissing so passionately I can’t breathe and I don’t care.

  We fall onto the bed and I have to stop. What if this is going too fast, if she is caught up in the moment and isn’t sure. I want her to be sure.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  Her response is to smile, nod and pull my mouth back down to hers. Kissing her is like heaven. I don’t hesitate as I let my fingers slide down and brush across her nipples. A moan escapes her mouth while we still kiss and if anything it turns me on more. God she is so sweet and soft and warm. After today I can die happy.

  I take my mouth from hers after getting her nipples all hard with my fingers and let my mouth travel down. I take one in my mouth and she bucks against me. If I’m not careful I will bust prematurely. I’ve wanted this for so long.

  I lick and suck and nibble her nipples switching back and forth between the two while she moans and bucks against me. I let my fingers travel down and began to rub her clit in circular motions. A scream comes out of her as I rub her wet warm folds and suck one of her nipples.

  “Don’t stop.”

  I bring my mouth up to hers kissing her again. “Never.”

  I let my mouth travel down to where my fingers were and take her clit into my mouth while my fingers thrust inside her. She is tight and hot and so wet. She is bucking and panting and moaning and pressing closer and closer to my face and hand. She tastes so amazing. Having her like this, willing and before me is astonishing.

  “Ahhh! Oh yes!”

  I put my free hand on one hip trying to hold her still. She is bucking so hard I can barely keep my mouth and fingers on and in her. She is breathing faster and faster begging me not to stop. I don’t even when she explodes on me. I just remove my fingers and hold her hips with both hands lapping her up while she shivers as the orgasm leaves her.

  I kiss my way back up her body, but before I can get to her mouth she pushes me over and gets on top of me. Her hair is a mess framing her face, but she has never looked so beautiful to me.

  She kisses her way down my neck and body, licking my nipples and lettering her hands caress down me. I moan as her hand gets to my penis and strokes over me. She grips me and starts jerking up and down as she licks my chest. I start bucking as her mouth travels toward her hands.

  When she puts me in her mouth it is all I can do not to jump. I have never felt anything so miraculous in my life. She cups my balls in one hand and squeezes lightly while her mouth, tongue, and teeth tease me.

  I am trying so hard to keep from busting in her mouth. I am bucking my hips, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She is smiling.


  I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want it to end, but I can’t let her keep going. I pull her up and kiss her on the mouth rolling her onto her back. I enter her and she sighs out my name and gasps. I take it back…this is the most mind-blowing thing in the entire world. She wraps her legs and arms around me and I push in as deep as I can get. Pulling out and pushing back in as slow as I can, basking in the feel of her. Wanting it to last forever and trying to make it so.

  She is gasping and squeezes me tightly inside her. I groan as her hips move faster and I follow.

  “Ohh Will.”

  We are together flesh against flesh as I pump in and out of her as fast and hard as I can. Her legs keep pulling me closer and her nails scratch my back. God it is incredible. She gasps and I shudder busting while deep inside her before collapsing on top of her. She holds me tight against her for a few moments until I roll myself off and lay down next to her.

  She rolls onto her side and puts her head on my shoulder, an arm across my chest and a leg over mine.

  “I think I’m glad you got drunk.”

  She laughs and I lean my head down to kiss her. She sighs, smiles and puts her head back on my chest.

  “Not what I thought you were going to say, but I guess this wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t. Don’t get used to the scenario though. It was worth it this time but I’m never drinking that much again.”

  I don’t want her drunk ever again. I will be more
than happy to have her like this and sober all the time. I wrap my arm around her.

  “That’s okay. I like you better sober. We can have more fun that way.”

  “Yeah we can.”

  “You know I’ve wanted to do that since you moved in with me.”

  She laughs and shakes her head, her hair tickling my chest since she doesn’t move it from on top of me before doing so.

  “You didn’t act it.”

  “You were going through a divorce and I wasn’t sure how much time one needs to get over something like that. I didn’t know how to act. I liked you as so much more than a friend but it didn’t seem like the right time and then I wasn’t sure how much time was right. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Well thank goodness for Tommy then.”

  Not what I want to hear after sex. “Tommy?”

  “Yup, on the phone this morning he told me to ask you how you felt about me.”

  Sly bastard, he said it to me too. “He did?” I start laughing. Guess I owe him.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “He told me to ask you the same thing.”

  “So he wasn’t flirting with me because he actually liked me I guess.”

  Is she upset by this or just shocked?

  “No, he did it to annoy me because I refused to make a move.”

  She laughs. She doesn’t sound upset.

  “You’re so mean thinking that’s funny.”

  She stops laughing and picks up her head ready to deny being mean. I don't give her the chance; I grab her and kiss her some more. She kisses me back and when I think maybe we will get seconds she starts to sway a bit.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nods, but lays her head back down on my chest.

  “Yes just a little tired, and hungry, and sore.”

  I laugh and pull the blankets over us. She is still a bit hung over. She should get some sleep. We can go home later.

  “Take a nap. When you wake up we can shower and check out. Then we can get some real food. You’ll feel much better by tomorrow I promise.”


  She snuggles against me and starts snoring almost instantly.

  I give her a bit then move her and go to shower and eat something. I haven’t yet and I am starving. I am fed, showered, and cleaning up the room when she wakes again. She looks around confused for a moment. I haven’t had sex with someone who was drunk had I?

  “Will, why did we stay here?”

  I smile because if I don’t I will cry. If she doesn’t remember earlier I will die.

  “I told you so you didn’t have to put up with the guys.”

  “I meant this hotel.”

  “Oh, I’ve stayed here before so I know it’s nice and it is rather close to the club you went to. Only two streets away and as much as you were puking last night before I got there I didn’t think you could be in a car long.”

  “Likely not. I don’t remember anything after going to the bathroom at the club.”


  She shakes her head. Wow. She had been worse than I thought. I would have taken her to the ER if I had known.

  “Hmmm. Well it doesn’t matter now. You should shower so we can check out and go home. I made the guys all leave so we will go back to an empty house.”

  “They were still there when you woke up?”

  I nod. Yeah they argued for twenty minutes that they wanted to stay and see her. We have some things to decide before they see her again though. “I think they were hoping to make sure you were okay.”

  “So why did you make them leave?”

  “I wasn’t sure how you would feel about them knowing.”

  “About us you mean?”

  I nod and her response is to walk over to me and hug me while completely naked. She has to go shower or put clothes on or something. I won’t be able to resist her if she starts kissing me or rubbing against me while naked and we have to check out in an hour at the latest.

  “You should get dressed.”

  “Not enjoying the view?”

  “Enjoying it too much. We really do have to check out and get home.”

  “Okay I will just go shower first.”

  She starts walking toward the bathroom swaying her hips, mouth all pouty and her eyes begging for sex. Oh hell.

  “All alone in this great big shower.”

  Screw that. I get to her while she is leaning over adjusting the water. I put my arms around her and tweak her nipples which has her jumping up so I can let my fingers drop to other parts. She comes once in the bathroom standing up, back to me, and leaning on me so she won’t fall over. After that we get in the shower and have lots more fun before we finally get clean.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Home at last.”

  She sighs and looks around smiling. She looks so happy.

  “It wasn’t my fault. I tried to get you to shower so we could come back sooner.” I hadn’t tried that hard truth be told and she just smiles and shrugs like she doesn’t care. She hadn’t sounded like she cared what I thought when she seduced me. Of course, I won’t mind being ignored as long as she is ignoring me when I say no more sex we have to get ready to leave.

  “I had to pay for another night because we didn’t check out in time and we came home anyway.”

  She just rolls her eyes and asks me if it was worth it every time I mention it. Hell yes it had been worth it.

  “I told you we could stay another night.”

  She had been fine with it. I wanted to make sure the guys hadn’t raided all the cupboards and change clothes. I hadn’t washed mine yet. “I needed a change of clothing.”

  “They had a washer and dryer in the bathroom Will.”

  I shrug. True, but I wanted to be home with her. To reaffirm she’s not leaving.

  “I missed home.”

  She puts an arm around my shoulders and I put one around her waist. I will never get sick of these little gestures. I don’t care how lovey dovey the guys will say they were.

  “I missed it too, but I don’t mind being anywhere with you.”

  “Sometime you will have to tell me why you never let on you liked me. Since I already shared. You don’t have my excuse of being bad with people. People love you.”

  She shrugs but answers anyway.

  “Some people, not everyone though. But it’s simple really. I mean I was an employee. If I tried something and you weren’t for it… besides you never gave me any clue you liked me. Your friends hit on me every Friday but you gave no indication. Also, I had been married and I didn’t want it to seem like I was using you as a rebound.”

  Well now that she mentions it, would I have thought she was rebounding with me if we dated right away? I won’t worry about it now because it’s not true so moving on. “How could you not tell how I felt? I thought I was obvious, so did the guys. What about the going to dance classes with you?”

  “You had fun too!”

  “Okay, how about taking you to the party and giving you the jewels?”

  “I don’t think the party went as planned and that was more so you would have someone to hide with instead of being followed around by your ex. Tommy told me so.”

  Damn Tommy for having a big mouth.

  “The jewels?”

  “I figured you didn’t want me to stick out. You know, help me fit in better.”

  I had been part of it, but I wanted to give her something also. Most girls like jewelry. I was told jewelry is what you give when professing your love. Though usually it is a diamond ring, but I’m not going there since we haven’t even really dated yet.

  “Trisha I went all the way across the country to meet you face to face and convince you to move in with me. I had so many applications here I was swimming in them literally. I tossed them before coming out to meet you hoping you would say yes. I helped you move, I gave you a credit card connected to my account…”

  “That was so I could buy groceries and dishes and a vacuum bec
ause, despite not liking dirty floors, you didn’t own one before I moved in.”

  “Okay, but why would I go across the country to get a housekeeper?”

  “Because you are more comfortable with someone you are friends with than a total stranger. You already knew we would get along so it was worth the trip to spare yourself further discomfort.”

  Damn she is far too rational. She could rationalize everything I’ve done. Here I thought I was being obvious and Tommy had been right. Girls are dense and need it pointed out to them.

  She always talks about her female friends not getting when a guy likes them and how it is so obvious to her, but not them. Maybe they can see it if they aren’t involved, but not when it is directed at them. Regardless, she knows I care for her now.

  I wrap my arms around her when she heads for her room thinking because I am saying nothing in response that I have given up.

  “I think you are just incapable of noticing what guys think about you.”

  I kiss her neck and she relaxes against me.

  “You think so?”

  I nod. “It’s okay. You can keep being oblivious to guys.”

  She laughs and turns around kissing me. I will never grow tired of her wrapping herself around me and making out with me.

  I don’t want to stop, but we need to talk. To figure some things outs. Tomorrow is Sunday so we will spend the day together, but I have to go back to work Monday. I don’t want to; I want to spend all my time with her to make up for lost time. But I know I can’t.

  “Trisha we should talk.”

  “We aren’t supposed to have a lot to talk about in the beginning of the relationship. Serious stuff comes later.”

  Sighing I wish we were already there, but she is here and she is with me and willingly despite everything that has gone on between us. It is a start.

  “Well we have to talk about us.”

  She nods and kisses my neck this time. Distracting…

  “Okay talk.”

  Like I can think about anything other than the fact that we have two beds to choose from while she is doing that.

  “When it’s the weekdays…”

  “You still have to work, I still have to work. After dinner we can hang out and maybe if we both finish early we can occasionally do dinner and a movie so we get a date in now and then.”


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