Hell Fighters From Earth Book 2

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Hell Fighters From Earth Book 2 Page 36

by William C. Seigler

  “Yes, of course,” responded Cee.

  “If an enemy jump ship drops into the system, then take the team out to destroy it. You got it?”

  “Yes, I understand completely. Do you think another will drop in?”

  “I don’t know, but if one did, it would be the worst possible thing that could happen.”

  “Captain Smith, why aren’t you firing?”

  “Oh man,” he said as he opened up on the ship Blackstone was orbiting.

  It zigged and zagged making it hard for Denver to get a bead on it, but soon nosed over and crashed.

  A third had just dropped off its troops and swung up to get a rocket off at Blackstone’s ship. This one exploded close to the ship. Both Smith and Blackstone could feel the shutter as the shrapnel struck the ship.

  Klaxons sounded as the ship began to lose integrity. Blackstone silenced them. Data scrolled across the screen describing what systems were down and how the computer had wired around them.

  “Colonel, we okay?” asked Denver.

  “We aren’t falling out of the sky, at least not yet, but the enemy seems to have come up with a new exploding round.”

  “They seem to be capable of making adjustments as the battle proceeds. I didn’t think them capable of that,” mused Smith.

  “Neither did we,” said Blackstone. Then he considered for a moment just who “we” meant now. He did not have much time to ponder the question.

  The transport that had shot at him was providing cover for another one making its final approach to the landing site up on the ridge.

  Blackstone dropped in again circling the grounded craft. Smith fired it up when suddenly the other transport flew into his line of fire. He could not tell if it was accidental or if it was defending the one on the ground with its bulk. It did not matter; Smith opened up on it.

  “Colonel, we’ve got incoming!”

  Blackstone knew what that meant and jerked the ship up sharply away from where the rounds would go off. From where Smith sat, they just looked like harmless puffs of black smoke.

  “Just what I thought, one of them is making a run for it while the other engages us with rockets,” offered Blackstone.

  “Captain, our first units have reached the evacuation site, and a jump ship is inbound,” beamed La Force.

  “That’s great Admiral.”

  There is one other thing. The men on the ridge have engaged the enemy.”

  “They only have to hold them,” replied Smith.

  The ship rolled sharply left and all Smith could see was the dark sky. He wondered for a moment what Blackstone was doing.

  “How about the tracks; where are they?” Smith asked.

  “They’ve gotten around behind the Reptilians. The enemy is hemmed in and cannot go anywhere,” replied La Force.

  “That’s good news sir; please keep me informed.”

  “Captain, I’m heading off for the fleeing transport. You should be able to get it before they can come to its aid,” said Blackstone.

  “That’s great; let me know when we are about to engage.”

  “Will do; It will only be a moment.”

  “Captain, Sergeant Jefferson informs me that a Reptilian transport has engaged them,” radioed La Force.

  “Sir, let Jefferson know that transport is armed with rockets.”

  “Yes, that is what he said. They are returning fire.”

  For the twentieth time, Denver cursed himself for being out here in the fight instead of running the battle from the compound. Oh hell, La Force is doing an adequate job and keeping me in the loop. Still, this is no way to run a firefight.

  “Besides, this is more fun,” he said aloud as Blackstone rolled the craft up to where Smith was looking straight down and his stomach lurched. Fortunately, he had not had much breakfast.

  He opened fire on the fleeing transport. Most shots missed at first, as he led in the wrong direction because of the way his ship pirouetted around the target. The transport juked left then right trying to shake Smith’s aim. Soon it began to smoke.

  “Captain, the first ship is away,” said Admiral La Force.

  “Colonel, did you call me?” asked Smith.

  “No, it was the Admiral. He said the first Grey transport is away.”

  “Admiral, I forgot to say, we needed to get as many men on it as possible, just in case something goes wrong.”

  “I am aware of that Captain Smith. We loaded the first one to the gunwales,” said La Force, fighting irritation.

  “Sorry sir, guess I’ve got too much on my mind.”

  “Don’t worry about it Captain; I’m just glad these men will take orders from a navy man.”

  “I put the word out that it was you who came to save our bacon.”

  “What’s the situation of your ship, Colonel? asked La Force.

  “We have been hit, sir. We really need to land and assess the damage,” Blackstone answered.

  “Understood, but Colonel we cannot allow your ship or any part of its drive to fall into enemy hands.”

  After a moment’s pause, the Admiral came back. “Colonel, one of the tracks has been disabled; can you land and pick up survivors?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I’m transmitting coordinates.”

  “Got it sir; we’re on our way in. Captain, did you get all that?”

  “Yes sir, got it.”

  The Reptilians were probably happy to see Blackstone’s ship with its in-system drive and began to pour fire in on it. Fortunately, they were a bit far to be effective, but they had hit the track, and it was smaller.

  As soon as they were on the ground, Smith was on his feet and down the ramp. The track was on fire, and the men were carrying one of their own toward the ship.

  “Is this everyone?” shouted Smith.

  “No, the top gunner is still in there. I don’t know if he’s alive. Sir, that thing is going to blow.”

  “Get aboard the ship,” ordered Smith. He charged at the smoldering track, climbed up on it, and was immediately engulfed in smoke.

  He found the gunner slumped down in his position. Blood was everywhere. He lifted the man’s head.

  Tyron smiled up at him, “I’m trying to stop the bleeding.”

  “Can you move?”

  “My web belt is caught.”

  Smith disconnected it and dragged Tyron up out of the gunner’s chair. “We’ve got to get off this thing!”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” said Tyron as they both stumbled and gagged. They leapt off and fell to the ground. Smith dragged him to his feet.

  Together they ran toward the waiting ship, up the ramp and fell onto the deck of the cargo bay.

  Tyron looked over at Smith and said, “What took you so long?”

  “My auntie’s birthday, I had to wrap her present.”

  Tyron grinned from ear to ear.

  He grabbed the headset. “Colonel, they’re all aboard. Get us out of here.”

  He turned to the crew, “Who’s TC?”

  “I am sir,” responded a PFC.

  “Get a man on that fifty. We’ve been orbiting around the enemy and firing them up. The ammo’s in that locker,” Smith said pointing. “Secure the gunner with this lanyard. TC I want you wearing the headset so I can talk to you.”

  “Yes sir, we’ll take care of it.” The legionnaire set about his task.

  “Come on Tyron,” said Smith as he pulled him from the floor. “Let’s see what it will take to patch you up. TC, let me have your extra man for a couple of minutes.”

  Soon they had the bleeding stopped and administered a painkiller. Smith secured Tyron to a seat and headed forward to join Blackstone.

  Blackstone looked at him surprised. Smith put on a headset. “I’ve got the track’s crew running the fifty. We
’ve got one wounded, but he’s stable.”

  Smith fought down his concern over his old friend. There was still work to do.

  “Going after that last transport?”

  “Yep,” replied Blackstone.

  “Captain, the second jump ship is loading troops,” said La Force.

  “Admiral, is everyone out of the hideout?” asked Smith.

  Before the Admiral could answer, Smith heard Cee’s voice in his head. The little Grey sounded like he was going to explode.

  “They have opened the tunnel! Enemy troop transports are getting out.”

  “Admiral, Cee informs me that the enemy has managed to get the launch tunnel open. We are about to have more company than we know what to do with. Is everyone out of the facility?”

  “We’re the last ones, and we are about to head out,” said La Force.

  “Blow it when you get clear, sir.”

  “I’ll do what I can, but we used the explosives from the morgue for Cee’s ship.”

  Smith had forgotten about the men who were ready to take out another jump ship should one drop in. “There’s nothing we can do about that now. Just get out and blow it.”

  “Okay see you later Captain, good luck.”

  “Cee, I need something done,” said Smith.

  “What is it Friend Denver?”

  “Do you think you can drop the explosives down the launch tunnel?”

  “I do not know. I will confer with the team leader.”

  “Sergeant Jefferson, are you on frequency?” inquired Smith.

  “Yes sir, I’m here.”

  “The last of the command group are leaving the caves. I need your people to bring up the rear. Get the ground troops on the ridge onto the tracks if possible and get everyone out of there.”

  “Roger, understand we are to cover the remaining personnel and bring out the infantry.”

  “Affirmative, that is correct.”

  The ship rolled up on its starboard side, and Smith could feel the vibration through the ship as the gunner began working on the target.

  “Admiral, can you get the men up on the ridge to head back to the pick-up site?”

  “I’ve already tried that, but one group is heavily engaged and can’t get out just now.”

  “Send me the coordinates.”

  “They’re on their way,” said La Force.

  Cee broke in. “Friend Denver, we feel that trying to drop in down the tunnel is too risky. We must land and attempt to place the charge by hand.”

  Great, hand them a Grey scout ship or let the tail end of the evacuation get overran.

  “Why doesn’t anything ever go according to plan?”

  “Cee you will have to make that determination yourself. If the landing zone is too hot, do not try it. Otherwise, minimize your time on the ground.”

  “We will do so.”

  “Colonel, after we bring down this one, we have people hung up at these coordinates who need our help.”

  Blackstone was watching the target vehicle closely. It was sitting on the ground, smoking with personnel pouring out.

  “Okay,” said Blackstone. “Where to next?”

  “Right here,” said Smith, pointing.

  “Be there in just a few seconds.”

  Blackstone turned the ship and shot away in the direction of the embattled legionnaires.

  Smith called on the intercom, “We are going to relieve some infantry who are fighting the Lizards. Do it exactly like you did the enemy transport. Just don’t hit our people.”

  “Yes sir, my guys are on it,” responded TC.

  Suddenly Smith jerked the headband off. Blackstone looked over. “You okay?”

  “No,” was Smith’s only response.

  He took a couple of deep breaths and said, “Cee, please do not scream. What is the problem?”

  “I am sorry Friend Denver, but we are undone. An enemy jump ship has just dropped into the system.”

  For a moment Smith sat in numb astonishment. “How far away are they?”

  “They are in the system!”

  “I know that, but they don’t usually drop in near a planet, not sure of their navigating or something, I suspect.”

  “Oh yes, you are correct, and Friend Denver, it will take them a half hour to get to the planet.”

  Blackstone brought the ship up on the starboard side again, and Smith could see the fight out the side porthole. The fifty began working on the Reptilians. Shortly, the Legion began to withdraw as the pounding continued.

  La Force came in over the radio, “The hideout has been destroyed.”

  Smith knew that it would not be completely destroyed, only the ways in would be blocked. Hopefully, the Lizards will never figure out how to get in or even bother. Mostly he hoped they never found the burial site. That concern tugged at his mind. He forced it away.

  “Cee, you must go and take out that Reptilian jump ship. We are defenseless against it.”

  “But what about the transports and the launch tunnel?” cried Cee.

  “That Reptilian ship must be destroyed; I’ll see what we can do about the launch tunnel. Go quickly.”

  “Yes, Friend Denver.”

  “Admiral is the last jump ship at the pick-up site?”

  “It’s on its way in, but I’ve just gotten word that the Reptilians have just dropped into the system.”

  “Yes sir, Cee is on his way out to deal with it. We have freed up the last unit of legionnaires. We will head back to the Reptilian base and see what we can do to hold them up.”

  “What can you do?” asked La Force, his voice betrayed his concern.

  “I don’t know yet, sir. Just let me know when all our personnel are on that jump ship.”

  “Captain, you are not going to do something stupid are you?”

  “No sir, don’t worry, it’s me.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of Captain.”

  As the ship sped back toward the Reptilian base, Smith called over the intercom, “How are you set for ammo?”

  “Three more boxes, sir.”

  “You’ll get to use them in a few moments. Stand by.”

  Already several Reptilian transports were streaking toward the fighting. Blackstone passed them in an instant. Then came the first of the Reptilians who were running to the battle. They would be much too late.

  Ahead was the enemy base. There were three transports sitting outside with troops climbing aboard. This was not going to be easy.

  “Colonel, can you orbit the tunnel?”

  “I’m way ahead of you. Here we go.” He brought the ship up on the starboard side and again the fifty opened up. Lizards scattered, and soon one of the ships was on fire.

  “Colonel, any chance you could hover in front of the opening?”

  “Sure, but that will make us an easy target. What are you trying to do?”

  “We could get really lucky and hit a transport as it flies up the tunnel.”

  “You’re kidding, of course.”

  A second transport was on fire, and the fifty began working on the third.

  “TC, we are going to hover in front of the launch tunnel. I want the fifty firing continuously down the shaft. You got it?”

  “Yes sir, shoot down the launch tunnel every time we pass it.”

  “Negative, we are going to hover over it; just keep firing.”

  There was a moment’s pause. Then, “Uh yes sir.”

  “Captain we won’t have long. There are just too many of them on the surface.”

  “You’re right, but we’ve got to do something.”

  “Captain, the last jump ship is on the ground, we are loading,” called La Force.

  “We are in position TC. Fire it up!” called Denver as he rose from his seat. He raced aft an
d could hear the fifty open up.

  Smith looked over the side. They were only about four meters off the deck. Reptilians were beginning to peek up over debris; it would not be long before they started firing. Then he got an idea. He took a grenade and ran as far out onto the ramp as he dared, pulled the pin, and let it fly with all his strength.

  “Get back here and give us some cover,” he commanded the remaining men. They moved out and began firing all around, keeping the lizard’s heads down.

  In spite of that, the ship was taking abuse. Denver had left his weapon slung on the bulkhead. As he ran up the ramp, he remembered that he was out of communication with everyone. He grabbed the headset instead.

  “Colonel, we’re keeping their heads down. How is it looking up front?”

  “They can’t cover the front, and we’re taking fire. Can’t stay here much longer.”

  “Admiral, how is the loading going?”

  “We are loading the first of the tracks even as we speak.”

  “Let me know when …”

  At that moment there was a thunderous explosion and flame shot out the launch tunnel. The fifty gunner was on fire and rolling across the deck. The other men were missing.

  “Shit!” Smith grabbed the extinguisher and quickly put out the flame. Then he ran to the edge of the ramp. Three men were on the ground.

  He quickly put the headset back on and called Blackstone. “Colonel, we’ve got men on the ground. We’ve got to land; I’ll pick them up!”


  “Land the ship, now!”

  Blackstone knew that Smith had lost it, but landed anyway. Denver bounded out the back as soon as the ship touched down. He pulled the first man he came to, to his feet and carried him back up the ramp. He deposited his load on the deck and turned to get another. It proved to be unnecessary. One was supporting the other and clambering up the ramp.

  He grabbed the headset. “Get us out of here!”

  The ship shot straight up and away from the Reptilian base. “Colonel, we’ve got to land and get this ramp up.”

  “Right.” The ship shot away in the direction of the evacuation.

  “Cee how is it coming along?”

  “Friend Denver, I do not understand the question.”

  Right, be mindful of how you ask him questions. “What I mean to say is, how is the mission going? Have you destroyed the Reptilian jump ship yet?”


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