The Lies We Believe

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The Lies We Believe Page 3

by Eden Rose

  She purses her lips and then winks. “I want to know what’s going on with you and Damien. He’s so hot… But what an asshole for showing up like that.”

  Everyone that is close to Garrett and I know that we are not bringing up Baron’s name. It’s not that we are trying to forget about him, it’s how we cope. We all miss Baron and we always will. Push away the problem until it no longer exists.

  “I don’t know, man. What are you doing for dinner tonight?” I ask her in an effort to change the subject.

  “Thinking about steak or something…” Liz replies with dreamy look on her face. She does this a lot when she’s thinking very hard about something. “So, when are you going to see him?”

  I roll my eyes and then lean over the desk to push her feet off of my desk. “This again?”

  In the back of my mind, I know I should tell her about how he broke into my room and changed my alarm clock. I have no idea how she or Garrett would react to this. Especially since Garrett is a police officer. He would probably want to kill him. I know that from their past, Damien and Garrett didn’t get along and I still don’t know the exact reason for their animosity.

  Shrugging she picks up her coffee and takes another sip. With a disgusted look on her face, she swallows and then sets it down on the desk. “When is your next patient?”

  Quickly, I flip through my planner and scan through the list of people that I have on there. “Looks like in two hours. This is a first time patient so I need to be back in time to ensure that everything is set up the way it should be for her.”

  I read on and notice that this patient is suffering from breast cancer and she’s had it for a few months. They started her out with some pretty aggressive chemotherapy so I wouldn’t be surprised if her teeth needed some help in rebuilding.

  “Well, we have enough time to get some coffee.”

  I don’t even bother arguing with her because there is no point in trying to win. She’s one of those stubborn people who act as if they are never wrong. Totally the opposite of me.

  We go down to Starbucks, which is in the cafe on the first floor and order our drinks. Since it’s fall time, I love to order the Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s really good. And since I haven’t been sleeping, I add two extra shots to it. Go on and judge me.

  Groaning, I check my watch and see that it’s time for me to go back to the office and prep for my next patient. I don’t want to go back there back I know that I should.

  I take the two flights of stairs up to my office and then turn the corner to see a familiar silhouette of the man that has been haunting my dreams and my waking thoughts.

  “Damien?” I question and walk closer to him and see him standing next to a woman. He’s wearing a pair of dress slacks that are hugging his ass and fit perfectly on his hips.


  Shortly after moving out here, I had gotten the call that no son wants to get. It’s the call from his mother that explained that she has cancer and it’s affecting her teeth. As a dentist, I wanted to help her even though Mary Alexander is my mother and I couldn’t treat her.

  Plus, to her, I’m just a man whore.

  See, it’s this kind of shit right here that makes finding Audrey easy for me. My mother is obviously needing a dentist that specializes in this and now I get to see Audrey. Bad part, my mother hates Audrey and thinks she’s a whore.

  “Damien, sweetie? Where are you?” My mother calls through the intercom of my house.

  Silly me, showing her where the intercom is because now she treats it like I’m her butler or something. I shrug off the feelings of wanting to ignore my mother and grab my suit coat. Granted, I’m probably way over dressed for a consultation, but I’m hoping to talk to Audrey alone.

  I fucking miss her.

  After all of these years of not seeing her and then finally having her writhing under me, I don’t think I could go back to not having her. I know that we have a lot to talk about but I honestly don’t care anymore. I just want to be with her.

  “Yeah, mom. Be right there,” I call through the intercom and shove my feet into my work shoes. Quickly, I grab my wallet, keys and cell before walking out of my room.

  By the time I get to the main floor of my house, I already see my mother looking through my mail. Cancer has changed her and has made her even nosier than ever. I have noticed that she has been going through my stuff more and more.

  My mom’s perfectly styled hair is swept off to the side and I notice that she’s getting more sallow in color. I’m hoping that they are able to prevent her from doing too much chemotherapy.

  “Hey, mom,” I say to her. I walk over towards and place my hand on her narrow shoulder. “How are you feeling?” I kiss her cheek and then give her a light squeeze.

  Over the past five years, I wish I could say that our relationship has gotten better and stronger, but that would be a lie. We are still working on some things and a lot of that has to do with her being so cold.

  She looks over her shoulder at me and then scowls. “When are you going to get a wife or something? I’m not old enough to be a grandma or anything… But when I die, it would be nice for you to have a wife and a family of your own.”

  I roll my eyes and then leave the room. She’s constantly baiting me and trying to get me to feel guilty for something that I don’t feel guilty about. There is only one woman that I would be remotely interested in marrying and she’s currently ignoring me.

  Well, I probably shouldn’t have fucking broke into her house and changed her alarm clock.

  “Come on, we need to go to your appointment. It’s with Dr. Michaels.” Of course I haven’t informed her that we are going to Audrey and I’m hoping that she doesn’t even realize that it is her. The last thing that I need is for my mother to get in the way of me and Audrey.

  Because there will be a me and Audrey. She just needs to get on board.

  I walk out of my house and into my car that I have waiting for us and then drive over to the hospital. “Are you nervous?” I ask her and look at the road. I’ve noticed that if I’m looking at her and ask her questions, it makes her nervous and not want to answer me.

  With my cell phone hooked into the stereo system of my car, when it rings, the whole car rings. The blaring noise of my cell phone ringer makes my mother jump out of her skin. I bite back my chuckle and then answer it.

  “Hello?” I say into my dash.

  I wait a couple of seconds before saying anything. “Hello?” I say again. After waiting a couple of more seconds, there is still no one on the other end. I hang up the phone and choose to ignore it.

  “I suppose. I don’t know what to think or what to do about it. Maybe I should go back to Houston and see Simon.”

  Hearing Simon’s name makes my blood curdle a little. The brother to my ex-girlfriend, Liz, hates my guts because he thinks I’m the one that made her go crazy. What people keep forgetting is the fact that she was a lunatic before we even got together.

  And, in case you didn’t know, Liz is formally Garrett’s girlfriend. Not to be confused with his wife or whatever the hell she is, Liz.

  “Well, let’s get this going and then we can get back,” I said to my mother on an eye roll.

  Is it wrong that the reason why I asked her to come here is so that I could see Audrey? Does that make me a bad person? I know I’m a desperate one but I can’t help it. Plus, I know that Audrey is a great fucking dentist.

  We get to the hospital and I pull up to the turn around so Mom could go inside without having to wait for me. Once she’s cleared the car, I park it in the garage and then shut off the engine.

  Again, my phone rings and I answer it. “Hello?” I say with a little more force than I normally use. “Is someone there?”

  I hang up the phone and my mother looks at me with questions. I shrug and then continue on with what I was going to do in the first place. There is no point in getting her all riled up over something.

  As I’m leaving the car, I take several br
eaths in order to control myself so I don’t freak out when I see her. By freak out, I mean grab her by the waist and push her in her chair to eat her out until she screams so loudly that everyone hears it.

  I adjust my dick that is poking against my zipper and shiver a little from the contact. In order to punish myself, or tease myself, depending on you look at it, I have not jacked off since I was last with Audrey. I want all of my orgasms to be given to her and just like her, I want all of hers to be given to me.

  Call me a sadistic asshole for not giving into the pleasure that my dick demands.

  I walk into the hospital to see my mother being directed to the elevators and I meet them there before she can leave. The ride up the twelve levels is quick and painless which is nice considering how nervous my mom is.

  “The office is 12B,” I inform my mom as I recall the letter I got confirming her appointment.

  Man, if I didn’t want to get inside of Audrey again, I would be all over these nurses who keep going past us and are checking me out. There was one that is a blonde and she’s got a pair of big titties on her that are begging for my mouth. Of course, I just give her a side eye because I don’t want it getting back to Audrey that I’m trying to fuck all of her coworkers.

  If Kurt could hear what I was thinking right now, he would probably call me an idiot. He’s always been the type that believes in fucking everything that walks and gives him any type of attention.

  I need to call that asshole sometime soon.

  “Damien?” I hear from behind us.

  I spin on my feet and take a look at the woman that has been in my mind since I last seen her. Is it possible for her to get more beautiful as the days go by? I honestly don’t think it is.

  God damn it. When did I become such a fucking pussy?

  I smile at her dazed and confused look on her face and stick my hand out for her to shake or whatever. “Hi, Dr. Michaels. We are your next appointment.”

  My mother looks from the both of us and then back to me. “Great, another doctor you’ve probably had sex with.”

  I can’t help it, my face feels as if it’s on fire right now from her statement. “Jesus, mom. Do you really have to be so blunt around other people?” Asking the question was stupid because I already knew that she didn’t care if she embarrassed me.

  Audrey shakes her head and places her hand daintily in mine. I squeeze it gently and then bring it to my lips. Partly to piss my mother off and the other part is to make Audrey squirm. I want her to know what I could do for her.


  The sight of Damien has red hot heat flowing from the tips of my ears down to my pussy causing me to be uncomfortably wet. Why is he here?

  Just as I finished explaining to Liz that I’m not going to see Damien again, he shows up at my office. This is bad. This is real bad.

  Why is it bad? Let me explain to you how this is bad. Every time I see this man, I think about what he looks like when he’s naked. And if that’s not enough of a reason, I also think about what he looks like when he’s about to come and after he comes. The way his eyes lit up when I used to suck his dick deep in my mouth. The times when we would be getting frisky and he would want to try something new with me.

  Fuck me.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Michaels. Are you, uh, ehrm,” I stutter out and try to remember her name. How unprofessional! “Mary Alexander?” I ask her as I remembered her from the last time that I had met her.

  Let’s just say that she thought I was a money grubbing whore or something along those lines. I can’t honestly remember all of the bad shit she said about me.

  Damien’s mother still looks perfect after fighting cancer for the past few months. I remembered that she reminded of a Martha Stewart with her perfect ways and perfect house.

  “Yes, Dr. Michaels. Should we go inside?” She asks me with her shaped eyebrows raised.

  I nod my head and begin unlocking the three locks into my office. I know it’s a little bit of an over kill but you never know with some of these people around here. I have drug samples and patient files in my office and I need to make sure that everything is secure.

  “Shocker,” Damien mutters under his breath.

  As soon as my door is open, I push it further open so they can come into my office. Before I’m able to get to my desk, Damien rubs his big and warm hand over the swell of my ass.

  My eyes widen and I look over at him from the corner of my eye to see that he’s smiling. The little bastard totally knows that he’s turning me on beyond belief right now. “What is your problem?” I hiss out and stare at him.

  He smirks and then winks at me before joining his mother inside of my office. I resort to going through the motions of being an oncologist dentist and listen to all of her symptoms and the treatment that she’s going through.

  Damien is still an ass. A hot ass. But he’s still an asshole. However, his mother is making me think there is more going on with Damien than he let us believe.

  Mary asks me questions about the x-rays and all of her testing that will need to be done on her teeth to ensure that they are strong enough to withstand the chemotherapy.

  This is the part that I hate about my job. Looking at the light that a person once had and watch it as it flies away. Some of my patients look as if they know and believe they are going to die from cancer. Those are the patients that I have a problem with.

  “Well, I think I have all of the information that I need. If you would like to remove all jewelry and go sit in my chair in the next room, I will be there in a moment.”

  Before either of them have a chance to argue with me or say anything, I get up off my desk chair and walk over to the door to open it for them. I smile politely at both of them as they pass me and then I go back to my desk.

  Picking up my phone, I dial one of the nurses in order to help me with my tools. I’m feeling a little devious, so I make sure to call one of the slutty ones that has slept with every male doctor in the hospital. I know that she’s cute and I’m pretty sure that Damien would find her attractive.

  Deep down inside, if I were to admit it, I would probably say that I’m playing a game. However, I wouldn’t admit it if I were; which I’m not playing a game.

  My email notification blinks at me as I’m about to walk away from my desk and I stop to open it. I have many clients that use email as a way to communicate with me and I need to make sure that everyone is still doing okay. As it loads on my screen, I see a photo of a letter.

  The letter is handwritten and is definitely a female who wrote it. The letters are bubbly and full with loops that connect them.

  Audrey: By now you have received several of my letters and I still haven’t received anything that I have asked for. Trust me when I say that the information that I do have is enough to put your brother in prison and your nieces left without any money. Let’s just say that not all files in the military are secure just like a person’s house. This little baby was easy to find. I want twenty-five thousand dollars delivered to Los Angeles Post Office by the close of business day on Friday. If you fail to give this to me, I won’t fail to make good on my threats. Get to counting.


  The first two of these letters that I received were pretty bland. Mostly telling me that if I didn’t comply with something or another than someone was going to get it. Personally, if someone has threatened you over doing something, nine times out of ten, that person does it anyways.

  Plus, my family doesn’t have twenty-five thousand dollars!

  I look over at the mirror next to my desk and push my shoulders back to look at my face better. The pimple that was growing on my forehead has finally died off so I don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  As I walk into the room that has my dentist chair along with all of the equipment that I need, I take a look at Damien. Right now he’s engrossed in his phone and isn’t paying attention to me. Or so I thought. I felt my cell vibrate in my lab coat and I pull it out to see a text message.
br />   UNKNOWN: p.s. You look hot

  I squint my eyes and look at him sitting next to his mother all smug as if he did something that is worth him being a smug little asshole. I shake my head in an effort to clear the thoughts of stabbing him in the neck with something sharp.

  God damn it. How come after so many years of not seeing him, I still like him? Yes, he’s attractive. However, what he did to me should totally trump my being attracted to him. Not only is he sexier and has aged well, the fact that he’s caring for his mother is another thing.

  I don’t even like this woman. Fuck me!

  “All right, Mrs. Alexander, let’s take a look.”

  After doing all of the necessary check ups and looking at her mouth, I notice that she has developed thrush. I take a few samples of it in order to make sure that it’s not something else equally damaging.


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