The Runaway Countess

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The Runaway Countess Page 32

by Leigh LaValle

  In addition, all parties in this room will be charged with silence in the facts and persons involved with this case. I will report to London that we suspect the highwayman was found, but there was not sufficient evidence to hang him. I will say I deported him for a minor crime. Everyone’s silence will protect everyone else. No one in this room wants their participation to be public knowledge.”

  “I’m not paying anyone!” Lord Nash stood.

  “You’ll not pay the children of Lord Redesdale, whom you swindled in a land grab case? Interesting that your victims are within the aristocracy as well. Makes me curious as to what I will discover when my men look through your private affairs.”

  “You cannot”

  “It is entirely within my power to interpret and implement the law. Should you find that I have too much bias in this case, or that by its nature of importance it should be tried in London, I will stand down.”

  “I say we take it to London.” Lord Horris stood as well.

  “Very well. I will be glad to explain to Parliament, Horris, how you broke the leases on sixteen tenants because they did not vote for your nephew in the House of Commons. How you forced them from their homes, from their fields, weeks before harvest with not a care for their investment in those crops. How you, their landlord and supposed protector, left them with nothing because they dared to exercise their right to choose.”

  Horris and Nash sat down with a huff.

  Mazie bit back a laugh, but her face was drawn. He hoped she understood this was the best he could do. For everyone.

  Trent held up a pen. “Shall we draw up the agreement?”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Two lovely berries moulded on one stem./So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart.” Shakespeare

  Mazie sat at the bottom of the grand staircase, the marble cold beneath her thin skirts. She did not care that the butler, two footmen and a maid had just witnessed the unleashing of her tears. Did not care that she must look a fright, her eyes red rimmed and puffy, and tear tracks streaking down her cheeks.

  Roane was gone. Deported to Australia for three years. Saying goodbye to him had been a terrible loss. Each of their lives had been marked by too much separation, too much loneliness. But he was alive, and he would come back to her. She rubbed her hand over her face. She would see him again. She would.

  She placed her elbows on her knees and waited. Waited for the man she loved. The man she trusted completely, and who had proven himself worthy of that trust.

  The front door stood open to the morning, open to her freedom. A warm breeze, sharp with the scent of fresh-cut grass, stirred the foyer. She could leave at any time, follow the breeze out into the summer morning and life beyond. Mrs. Pearl had already gone home, and Mazie supposed she would soon follow. But she needed to talk with Trent. To thank him, to say goodbye.

  More tears burned behind her eyes and she blinked them back. Leaned her forehead against the cold marble balustrade, let the stone seep away the burn of her sorrow.

  The deep timbre of Trent’s voice blew in on the breeze and sent gooseflesh across her skin. He was climbing the front steps, murmuring something about his horse and London.

  He was leaving.

  She stood and he stepped through the door, blocked out the sunlight with his broad shoulders. He was alone. Whoever he’d been speaking to must have returned to the stables.

  He was looking down at a paper in his hand as he walked into the house. He still limped a bit, and the bruise near his left eye looked menacing. But there was a lightness about him she had not expected. It gave her hope.

  She stepped toward him.

  He looked up, froze when he saw her. “I thought you would be gone by now.”

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head, unable to speak for the lump in her throat. Gone was the buttoned-up Londoner who had threatened her in his garret prison. Replaced by this beautiful man, his hair a tad long, his boots worn. She was so happy for him, somewhere in the mess of her heart. “I want to say thank you, my lord. It will be terrible having my brother gone for three years, but I know you sacrificed for him and I am grateful.”

  Trent watched her, his grey eyes unreadable but not cold. He neither came forward nor walked away. “You are welcome.”

  “I also wanted to say goodbye.” She forced her chin up, forced space into her aching throat. “And to say that you were magnificent in there. I was so proud of you and I-I…”

  I have never loved you more.

  He folded the paper and put it in his pocket, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “Will I see you again?” Her corset cut into her ribs each time her lungs filled with a wildly sharp breath.

  He tilted his head to the side. “If our paths do cross, please let me know if I should address you as Mazie or Lady Margaret, or some other moniker you have adopted.” A small smile played about his lips.

  Oh, how her heart dared to hope.

  She wanted to go to him, touch him, but her feet remained rooted in stone.

  “You need not call me anything.” Other than your love. “You see the part of me that cannot be named.”

  Recognition flashed in his eyes and her heart flipped. Trembling started in her chest, ran through her entire being. She pressed on. “I plan to stay in Radford, to…to pay my own restitutions as it were, and to set down roots. I will be at Mrs. Pearl’s cottage should you look for me.”

  His brows lifted in surprise. “What about India and the Caribbean?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head. “I don’t want to run anymore. Even from…” She waved her hand, indicating the hall, the trial. Him.

  He took a small step toward her. “You will not leave Radford?”

  Still, her feet would not budge. “I will stay here and grow old and…and mossy.” She laughed, almost a sob. “I have a lot to think about, to consider about my life. Do you know, I could not have planned this whole debacle any better were I in charge.”

  He said nothing. Pain was etched on his face. The pain of her lies. He was such an honest man.

  Sunlight eddied around them. Somewhere, clouds were racing with the sun. She memorized him, his every lash and shadow. This face she would know forever. “Cat will send my things to Mrs. Pearl’s.”

  Nothing. No response.

  Just the heavy brow. Heavy with betrayal. Would he always think of her like his father, like someone who could profess love yet deceive at the same moment?

  She bit her lip. Tasted blood. Walk away, Mazie.

  It was time. There was no use putting it off any longer. Her heart in her throat, she shrugged. “Well, goodbye for now, Trent.” She gave him a wobbly half-smile and turned.

  He did not stop her.

  One foot in front of the other, she walked out the front door. Out of his house. Out of his life.

  He did not stop her.

  She walked down the steps. Into the brilliant sunshine.




  She froze at the sound of his voice.

  “Mazie, wait.” He ran down the steps behind her. “You will stay? In Radford?”

  She turned. “Yes.”

  Again and again her heart beat his name. In hope. In prayer.

  He looked out over the front drive a long time before shaking his head and looking back at her. Something like a smile hovered around his lips. “This is a dangerous game you play, Miss Mazie. It would be best not to underestimate me.”

  She choked back a laugh, recalling that first night they met. “I will remember that.”

  His face grew solemn. She loved him for it, the way he took life seriously. “You will stay for Mrs. Pearl?”

  “Partly. For me as well. And…for you.”

  His expression was harsh. He was at war with himself.

  He was here, after all the time and struggle. He was here.

  And she would not run. Not in any way.

  Fear burning in her veins, she reach
ed out and touched him, fussed with the lapel of his navy morning coat. “You could take me now, Trent, and we could do this the easy way.” Her voice shook. She smoothed his shoulder, tried to steady her breath. “Or you could make me work for your affection, months, years, and we could do this the hard way. Whichever you choose, I’m not leaving.”

  Sunlight played in his dark hair as he raked his eyes down her body. “The hard way, definitely.”

  Her lungs froze with grief. Her hands dropped to her side. He did not want her. “I see.” She turned to walk away again, but she had meant what she said. She would fight for him, whatever it took.

  “Mazie,” he said her name on a laugh.

  She spun around, nearly slipped on the step.

  His hand shot out, pulled her against his chest. “Why don’t you come inside with me and we can go to my room. You can try to convince me there. I promise to take my time and not give in too easily.”

  What was he saying? Could it be true?

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I love how you challenge me, Mazie. I love how you make me step out of my comfort and change. I love how you make my life exciting.”

  His heart was racing. Or perhaps that was hers. Their happiness was like a bird in flight, two wings beating.

  His eyes smiled down into hers. “I love you, Mazie.”

  “Truly?” Her breath hitched.


  Joy spread though her being. Soaring and strong. “I love you too, Trent. God, how I tried not to, but I do.”

  They both laughed.

  He turned and tucked her into his arm, led her back toward the house. “Now, about the hard way, I have some ideas.”

  Hours later, Mazie stood at the mullioned window in Trent’s room watching the sunset. Puffy clouds tinged with lavender hovered over the orange flame of the horizon, ready to disappear on the other side of the world.

  “I will miss my brother.”

  “He will return.”

  She looked over her shoulder at the handsome man sprawled across the bed, his long, naked limbs tangled in the white sheets. Her heart raced at the sight of him. No, she decided then and there, she would never get used to how handsome he was.

  She padded across the room on her bare feet and lay on the bed with him. Resting under the blue canopy, she tucked her naked skin against his. “Do you think Roane will return? Truly?”

  “Definitely.” Trent ran his finger over her collarbone. “Australia is no challenge for a man like him. He will come back stronger. You wait and see.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so. It is why I sent him there.”

  She rolled over and buried her head in his shoulder. He smelled musky, the scent of their lovemaking. She touched her tongue to his skin and savored the salty taste of him.

  She loved everything about this man.

  He stroked her back. “Mazie, love, I must return to London soon.”

  “Oh?” She tried to keep the disappointment from her voice.

  “Don’t get all tense, hummingbird.” He continued the long caress of his fingers from the nape of her neck down to the swell of her buttocks. “I want you to come with me.”

  She pulled back and looked at him. Into his lovely grey eyes.

  “Only if you want.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I will stay here if you prefer.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I want you to marry me, Mazie.” His eyes searched hers. He was still nervous, the silly man. “I want you to be my countess, though you claim to be exceedingly ill-prepared.”

  She pulled him to her, pressed her lips to his. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” He froze beneath her.

  “Anything for you, my esteemed lordship.” She rolled him onto his back and straddled him. “I will even be a countess in London for you.”

  His laughter caught in his throat as their bodies met, as their flesh sought and gave.

  His breath hissed between his teeth. She loved how sensual he was, how her body ached to open for him.

  “You will be a countess in Radford as well, hummingbird.” He held her hips. “This is where we belong, where we will raise our children.”

  “I will be the mother to the thirteenth Earl of Radford.” She laughed and nipped his earlobe. “I hope he looks just like you.”

  He turned his head and kissed her hair. “I love you, Mazie.”

  He took her head in his hands and kissed the corner of her mouth. “I love you, Lady Margaret Parthena Chetwyn.”

  He kissed her neck. “I love you, hummingbird.”

  Happiness bloomed wild and tender within her heart.

  “I love you, future Countess of Radford.”

  She turned, caught his lips with hers.

  There was no more need for words now. Only the soft patterning of their bodies and the unfurling design of the stars above.

  About the Author

  Leigh LaValle lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. When she is not writing, mommying, or reading, she is rarely seen cleaning. More often she is found hiking or, when she is really lucky, in the white powder of the ski slopes. She is also a devoted yoga practitioner and instructor.

  Reach her at [email protected] or drop by for more information on what’s coming next.

  To keep her safe, he will not only have to risk his life, but also his heart.

  The Spy Who Loved Her

  © 2011 Melissa Schroeder

  Once Upon an Accident, Book 3

  Lady Anna was once considered the catch of the season. Now, three years after she fell for a man who tried to murder her cousin, she eases her guilt with charity work at an orphanage. Until her mother insists she do her duty.

  Attending her cousin’s ball is irritating enough. It’s her one dance with Daniel, the unscrupulous Earl of Bridgerton, that rubs her nerves raw. And oddly leaves her senses on the edge of arousal.

  The ton sees Daniel as a scoundrel. In truth, like centuries of Bridgertons before him, he leads a vast network of spies, protecting England from her worst enemies. His resolve never to marry means the one woman he’s always wanted—Lady Anna—is off limits. Especially now that his father’s murderer is coming after him as well.

  At first, Anna wonders if Daniel was put on this earth just to annoy her. It’s only when she finds him injured that his mask begins to fall away—and so do the barriers between them. But their flaring passion puts her right where Daniel didn’t want her. Next on a killer’s list.

  Warning: This book contains spies, musicales, men who think they know everything, women who know they do not, naughty liaisons, matchmaking mamas, and a seduction that will curl your toes.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for The Spy Who Loved Her:

  Anna ordered her heart to stop beating so hard. Surely everyone could hear even over the musicians. She had known the moment Daniel had come upon her group. She had done everything to calm herself down, but nothing seemed to work. It was an embarrassing situation. The one man she seemed to be interested in was the one man she could not stand.

  “No comment for me, My Lady Poppet?”

  Oh, she hated that name. It had been his name for her from the moment Sebastian had brought him home one day on break from Eton. She had loved it at first. What girl would not? Daniel was a charming man, graced with a type of Adonis beauty that belied his true personality. His brown hair had been a bit overgrown and his golden eyes had always been kind.

  When she had come to town, she had been so sure he would treat her with the proper respect. It was her fault she allowed her girlish dreams to build a fantasy that would never come true. She had expected her playmate, a man who could always make her smile no matter how horrible of a day she had. Instead, he had been distant and they had slipped into a strange sort of argumentative friendship. They could rarely be in each other’s presence without a fight ensuing. The truth had crushed her usually exuberant spirit. He thought of her as nothing but a poppet, a c
hild, and always would.

  No matter how many times she told herself to ignore him, she could not stop the way her body reacted. It was most unsettling. Still, she would not back down, because he would know that he had gotten to her. She willed herself to look into his eyes and knew the moment their gazes locked, it had been a mistake. Heat flared low in her tummy, feathering out over her body.

  Oh, bother.

  To save herself from embarrassment, she focused on a point over his shoulder.

  “I know you are doing this for Sebastian.”


  Even without seeing his expression, she knew he had raised one eyebrow. The condescension was easy to hear. But she would know even without that. She knew everything about him. His moods, his expressions, his faults, and even knowing all of that, she still loved him. Or had. Her fantasy had been shattered when she had made it to town. Then she had realized that the façade she had believed in never truly existed. But that was just one of many fumbles she had made in her first years in town.

  She brushed her thoughts aside and concentrated on finishing the dance.

  “Your brother is worried.”

  Of course, how could she forget? He would never ask her to dance if her brother had not asked him to.

  She huffed out a sigh. “He has become a worrywart.”

  Daniel laughed. It was a sound she did not hear often anymore and even as she cursed it, her heart warmed at the sound. “Yes. I will say from the moment he married, your brother changed.”

  She glanced up at him sharply, studying his features. “But for the better.”

  He looked down at her and the breath tangled in her throat. She could not help it. His pretty looks were renowned in the ton. She had known even before coming to town that women were drawn to him. Thick light brown hair, those dark golden brown eyes with thick, dark lashes, not to mention his calculating wit and solid physique, attracted most women. Unfortunately, she had been one of those women and it did not seem she had freed herself of the affliction.


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