Buttons and Grace

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Buttons and Grace Page 6

by Penelope Sky

  “It’s gonna be more than a few days.” Cane walked to the other side of the bed and rested his hand on Crow’s shoulder.

  Crow turned to him, a slight smile coming onto his lips. He was still slightly high, but with every minute, he was coming back to his regular self.

  “At least a month,” he said. “But that’s what Lars is for.”

  Lars joined Cane’s side and rested his hand on Crow’s. “I’m so glad you’re alright, Mr. Barsetti. Mrs. Barsetti and I were worried the entire time.”

  “Lars, call me Crow. We’ve known each other long enough to use first names.”

  Lars patted his hand. “I’ll allow myself the luxury just for today. But tomorrow, it’s back to Mr. Barsetti.”

  Crow chuckled. “Sounds fair.” He turned back to Cane. “Everything go alright? How many did we lose?”

  “Five,” Cane answered.

  “How about Bran?” Crow asked.

  “He’s fine. Got shot in the chest, but the vest protected him.”

  “Good,” Crow said. “Bran is a good man. I’d miss him.”

  I smiled down at Crow, loving the way he was more affectionate than usual. Most of the time, he was brooding and quiet, shutting off all his feelings and pretending he didn’t have any.

  “He’s dead, right?” Crow asked next.

  “Yeah,” Cane said. “I took care of it.”

  “You’re certain?” Crow pressed.

  “Yeah,” Cane said. “Shot him between the eyes twice. Dumped his body in a landfill.”

  “Good,” Crow whispered. “That’s what he deserved.”

  I ran my hand up and down Crow’s arm, massaging him so he wouldn’t get worked up over Tristan, someone who was officially gone. “The doctor said you’ll be here for a few days before they let you go.”

  “I want to go home now.” Crow’s broodiness started to rise. He wanted his way at all times—even when a health professional disagreed with him. “I miss Lars’s cooking.”

  Lars smiled. “You didn’t like the frozen lasagnas?”

  “They were good,” he said. “But not as good as when they’re fresh. And I’m not eating hospital food…probably tastes like shit.”

  Cane chuckled. “I like you better like this.”

  “Strange,” Crow said. “I think I like you better too.”

  Lars patted Cane on the back. “It’s nice to see the two of you getting along. A very rare sight.”

  “I love my brother,” Crow said bluntly. “Not sure why I never say it…”

  My eyes softened, and I turned to Cane.

  Cane couldn’t hide the touched expression on his face. “I love you too, man. I’m glad you aren’t mad at me over this whole thing.”

  “How can I be mad?” Crow said quietly. “We went to hell and back for my wife. I’d do the same for yours.”

  Cane nodded, but he couldn’t hide his look of pain, obviously thinking about the fact that Adelina said she didn’t feel the same way.

  Lars patted Cane on the shoulder. “Let’s give these two some privacy.”

  Cane walked out with Lars, still wearing the sadness on his face.

  Now that it was just the two of us, I pulled up a chair and took a seat at his bedside. My hand rested on his arm, and I treasured the feel of his warm skin. I traced the web of veins across the surface, remembering each one without even touching them.

  Crow watched me, turning serious now that Lars and Cane were gone. His eyes were slightly different because of the drugs in his system, but he gave me that intense look I’d come to expect from him. It was a look he only gave me. No one else in the world had the luxury of receiving that scorching expression. “All I could think about was you and our little one…”

  I smiled when I heard him talk that way about our baby like he was already a part of our lives. I hadn’t known how Crow would react when I told him I was pregnant. He didn’t seem enthused about having a family. But he was so supportive, even if that wasn’t how he really felt. But now, he seemed genuinely excited. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be happy when I told you I was pregnant…”

  He didn’t turn away from the comment. “I didn’t want a family. It was the last thing on my mind. But the idea of you being pregnant with something we made together…is pretty incredible. And thinking about the two of you while I was in Tristan’s captivity kept me going…kept me sane. It numbed the pain in a way medication never could.” His hand moved over mine. “I didn’t want our child to grow up never knowing me. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “And you didn’t.”

  He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’m telling Cane I’m leaving the business. We’re going to have a quiet life from now on. Just the two of us and wine. No more running. No more looking over our shoulders. I promise.”

  I realized Crow didn’t know what Cane had sacrificed to save him. “Cane gave the business to the Skull Kings.”

  Crow took a little longer to grasp information than he usually did. Until the medication wore off completely, his thoughts would be convoluted. When his eyes dilated and his jaw tightened slightly, I knew he understood what I’d said to him. “He did? Why?”

  “He couldn’t round up enough men to save you. Everyone he called was too far away or there wasn’t enough time. I suggested we make a trade with them. In exchange for their help, Cane had to hand over the business.”

  Crow’s eyes softened as he sighed. He looked up at the ceiling with one hand resting on his chest. His eyes shifted slightly back and forth as he thought to himself in silence.

  My hand stayed on his. “That must have been hard for him.”

  “He knows it was worth it. There was no other option.”

  He turned his eyes back to me. “I guess that solves our problem, then.”

  “I’m excited. Maybe I’ll finally be able to go shopping on my own now…”

  The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Don’t push it.”

  Chapter 10


  I drove through the countryside and approached my house as dawn broke. I spent the evening at the hospital with Pearl and Lars. Pearl was exhausted from not sleeping much over the past few days, so I told her I would stay awake and look after Crow.

  Even though he was fine.

  When morning arrived, I headed back to my house outside Florence. The sun was rising above the horizon and sprinkling the fields with gold and green. Vineyards were everywhere, and the purple grapes looked deeper in color at this time of day. I pulled in front of the house and walked inside, knowing Adelina would still be asleep.

  She was sitting on the couch when I walked inside, wearing one of my t-shirts and sporting messy hair. It seemed like she’d slept on the couch because there was a bunched-up blanket kicked to the side. “You’re home…” She nearly jumped off the couch as she ran into my arms. She crashed into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. It was a greeting a woman gave to her man after being separated for a long period of time. It was affectionate, loving, and the way her face lit up when she saw me was priceless.

  She gave me something worth coming home to.

  “How’s Crow doing? Is Pearl alright?”

  “My brother is good. The surgery went well, and he’s supposed to go home tomorrow. Pearl is with him.”

  “I’m glad they’re reunited.” Her cheek was pressed into my chest, so she turned her face so she could look up at me. “And I’m glad you’re home too. That nightmare is finally over. We can both sleep well tonight knowing there’s no one out there trying to get us.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be a nice change.” I angled my neck down and kissed her on the forehead. I didn’t know why I did those sorts of things. I never saw Crow do it to Pearl, so I wasn’t sure where the influence came from. “And I’m very sorry about Lizzie.”

  Her face immediately fell in sadness again. “It’s not fair that I survived and she didn’t.”

  “No, it’s not. But she would be happy if she knew you escape
d.” My hands moved around her slender waist, and I felt the feminine curves I’d memorized. I loved her body, every feature, every touch. No other woman in the world stole my sexual attention the way Adelina did. She had the softest skin, the cutest freckles, the brightest eyes…everything about her was perfect. But her gorgeous features didn’t do justice to the beauty underneath. Her light continued to shine even during her darkest times. She reminded me of Pearl in many ways, but she somehow seemed even stronger.

  “I need to tell her family…to give them closure.”

  “Yeah, you should.” Not knowing what happened was worse than hearing the painful truth.

  “How did she…?” She didn’t produce a coherent sentence, but she didn’t need to. The question was clear.

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s dead. That’s it.”

  “Her parents are going to want to know.”

  “It’s not going to lead to justice. I already killed Tristan and every man who worked for him. Whoever it was that hurt her is long gone. They’ve been punished. Knowing exactly what happened to her and how she was killed isn’t going to lead to any new evidence. In this instance, less is more.”

  Adelina lowered her eyes, tucked her hair behind her ear, and nodded.

  “Don’t let this weigh you down. She’d be happy that you got away.”

  “I know she would.”

  “Then I hope you can find some peace…eventually.” My hands moved to her cheeks, and I cupped her face. Her skin felt cold to the touch, her bright eyes seemed dark. My thumb brushed the corner of her mouth before I leaned in and kissed her. I missed the passion we used to have, the way I dove deep between her legs in my bed, but now I just wanted to touch her. I wanted to feel the connection between us. She didn’t love me, but when my mouth was on hers, I could pretend that she did.

  She kissed me back, her fingers wrapping around my wrists.

  My kiss intensified even though I didn’t do it intentionally. My mouth was working on its own, drunk off the way she made me feel. My life had been a roller coaster for the last three days. I hadn’t slept. I hadn’t felt good once. Her affection was the greatest drug I’d ever consumed.

  I wanted to keep going, but I hadn’t showered, and this couldn’t go anywhere. Sometimes we fooled around, but I didn’t expect her to be ready for sex. I wasn’t an asshole, and I would never pressure her. When she was ready, she would tell me. I ended the embrace and stepped back. “I’m going to shower and get to bed. I’m pretty tired.”

  “Have you slept?”

  I shook my head.

  “You want me to make you something to eat?”

  I was hungry, but I was too exhausted for food. “That’s okay, but thank you.” I dropped my hand and walked upstairs to the bedroom. The sheets were messy from the last time we’d slept together. I undressed and got into the shower, letting the warm water wash away all the grime under my fingertips. My hands smelled like the metal from my gun, and my hair was caked with dirt. I closed my eyes as I felt the refreshing sensation drip down my body. My brother was safe, Adelina was free, Pearl was happy… Everything was as it should be.

  But I was still miserable.

  Adelina and I hadn’t spoken more about that awkward conversation we had over dinner. I’d brushed it off at the time, and I think I’d been believable. I wasn’t going to be pathetic and let her see how much she hurt me—how much she devastated me. I wasn’t sure where that left us now. She wasn’t my prisoner anymore, and there was no one outside these four walls that wanted to hurt her.

  She was free.

  But what would she do with that freedom?

  Would she choose to spend it with me?

  The glass door opened, and Adelina walked inside with her gorgeous nakedness. Her beautiful nipples were firm because of the cold in the bathroom. She stepped under the water with me, and her hair was immediately soaked until it clung to the back of her neck. She looked at me for an invitation even though she didn’t need one.

  My eyes roamed over her body, seeing the faint hints of bruises that still marked her skin. The worst of it had passed, but the more serious injuries still needed time to heal. When I looked at her skin, I didn’t think of the places where Tristan had touched her. I didn’t think she was infected, broken.

  I saw the same woman I saw before.

  I wanted to treasure her beautiful body like it’d never been touched at all. I wanted to erase every memory she had of Tristan. I wanted to make sex beautiful and pleasurable. I’d shown that to her once before, but I could do it again until the message sank in.

  She stepped under the shower and looked up at me as the water fell down her face. Her hands moved up my chest, exploring the hard muscles underneath her fingertips. She studied me like a mountain climber looking for the perfect grip. “I know you’re tired. I just miss you.”

  My hands moved to her hips, and I pressed my forehead to hers. If I could do whatever I wanted, I would lift her up and make love to her right then and there. But until I got her permission, I couldn’t do whatever I pleased. “I don’t want you to miss me. So stay until you don’t.”

  Chapter 11


  The medication masked the pain, but I felt weaker than I ever had. My ribs would take time to heal, my leg needed time to regain its strength, my eye was still swollen and purple. If I shifted my body a certain way, my stomach hurt. There were stitches along my abdomen, and I had to make sure I didn’t tear them by moving too quickly.

  I hated feeling this way.

  I hated feeling so weak.

  My family wasn’t in danger, but I liked to be prepared for any eventuality. A hard life had taught me to be ready for anything—especially the unexpected.

  The doctor said I was free to go and offered me a wheelchair.

  Fuck that. “I’ll walk.”

  “You shouldn’t put any weight on that leg for at least two more days,” the nurse said as he engaged the brakes on the wheels.

  “I can walk,” I repeated.

  Button rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry. He’s very stubborn…”

  I rose to my feet in a new pair of clothes Lars had retrieved for me. I wore dark jeans and a black t-shirt, the typical stuff I wore around the house. I felt like myself, but my body wasn’t quite the same. I still felt pain from my left leg, but I didn’t show the grimace on my face. “I’m fine. Let’s go.”

  Button gave me a pissed look and pointed to the chair. “Sit down, or I’ll make you.”

  I didn’t question the fiery look she gave me. I knew she meant business. She might be half my size, but she could do some serious damage if she wanted. Without raising a fist, she could make me feel like shit with just her words. She was pregnant and terrified for my well-being, so I sucked it up and obeyed.

  The nurse winked at her.

  * * *

  The bottom windows of the house had been repaired. Lars must have taken care of the arrangements, swept up the broken glass, and fixed the window behind the kitchen. It didn’t seem like anyone had been there to kill me.

  I walked into the house at a slower pace than I usually moved, but I held myself as straight as ever. All of my bones could be broken, but I’d still find a way to walk like a man.

  Lars emerged from the kitchen, back in his tuxedo. “Mr. Barsetti, it’s nice to have you back.”

  “It’s nice to be back.”

  He stood with his hands behind his back, staring at me with a discreet look of fondness. “Would you like me to prepare lunch? I know you weren’t a fan of the hospital food.” He smiled, teasing me for the slipup I’d had when I was still a little high.

  “Lunch would be great, Lars.”

  “Perfect. I’ll bring it to your bedroom.”

  “I’ll take it in the dining room.”

  “No.” Button’s aggressive voice came from behind me. “You’re getting into bed, and you’re staying there until I say otherwise.”

  I was so happy to be reunited with my wife, but sh
e was such a major pain in the ass. “I’m not sick.”

  “But you aren’t well either.” She turned to Lars. “He’ll take lunch upstairs. I’m gonna get him in the shower first.”

  “I can shower on my own,” I snapped. “I’m not helpless.”

  “You don’t want to shower with a beautiful, naked woman?” she asked incredulously.

  My eyes narrowed on her face. “When you put it that way…”

  “Thank you, Lars.” Button grabbed my hand and guided me to the stairs.

  “It’s nice to have you back, Your Grace.” Lars gave a swift bow before he walked into the kitchen.

  It took me longer than normal to get up the stairs. There were times when I wanted to take a break, but I refused to show weakness in front of Button. I wasn’t trying to protect her, just to show her that nothing could slow me down. I was still the protector I’d always been.

  We got into the bedroom, and she started the water. She stripped all of her clothes off then returned to me. She pulled my shirt over my head then worked my jeans.

  My eyes were on her tits.

  It didn’t matter what we were doing. If her top was off, I thought about sex.

  By the time my jeans and boxers were off, I was already hard.

  She smiled as she looked at it. “Looks like everything is still working properly.”

  “Maybe you should make sure.”

  * * *

  I lay in bed, bandaged up and exhausted. I had just taken more pain killers to control the throbbing sensation all over my body. My ribs hurt the most. Just taking a breath was painful. A fire was burning in the hearth, and the sun was beginning to set.

  Button sat beside me in bed wearing one of my t-shirts. Her brown hair was pulled over one shoulder, and her face was free of makeup. She hadn’t put any on since she showered, but I preferred her appearance this way. She wasn’t hiding behind anything. It was nothing but her, in her purest form.

  She scooted close to my side and kissed my shoulder. She was careful to snuggle with me without touching my injured areas. She normally rubbed my chest, but that area was off-limits because it was too close to my ribs.


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