Buttons and Grace

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Buttons and Grace Page 23

by Penelope Sky

  I was forced to agree with what Pine had said.

  She was everything he described her to be.

  My eyes trailed over her body, and I tuned out all the words she said. She discussed her business ventures, the struggles of opening her first store, and her journey to becoming a powerful capitalist and brand.

  But my eyes cared more about the hollow of her throat, the smooth skin that would be perfect for a man’s tongue. Her left hand was absent of a wedding ring. In fact, she didn’t wear any jewelry at all.

  If I saw her on the street, I wouldn’t have known she was such a successful entrepreneur.

  She worked the stage like she owned it, making the audience laugh at times and take her seriously at others. She knew exactly how to engage with her audience, to make them feel exactly what she wanted them to feel.

  She looked carefree.

  I sat in the back row and watched from a safe distance, but my eyes were entranced by the way her hips swayed from side to side. She didn’t drag her feet when she walked. She worked her heels like they were flat sandals.

  And she had the kind of confidence that rivaled my own.

  I’d never seen a woman quite like this. I met other women in business who were successful, and I’d met women just as beautiful.

  But never at the same time.

  She was a different breed.

  When she finished her presentation, she opened the floor to questions. People fired off right away, some with good questions and others with mediocre ones. It was obvious who were experienced business owners and who didn’t know how to add two numbers together.

  One reporter in the front raised his hand.

  Tatum focused her gaze on him. “Go ahead.”

  He stood up so everyone else in the auditorium could hear him. “As a woman entering her thirties, does this mean you’ll be putting your business on hold to start a family? Or is having a family a goal you don’t value?”

  My eyes narrowed at the backhanded insult posed in the question. It was sexist, to say the least. I wasn’t even a woman, and the question annoyed me. My gaze turned back to Tatum, wondering how she would handle it.

  Her face softened into a smile, and it looked so convincing I would have thought it was real. “It’s very rare that I encounter a reporter who’s so concerned with my reproductive health. My ovaries are in great shape, thank you for asking. I’m not entering menopause for at least twenty years, so I’ve got some time.” She scanned the audience again, not breaking her stride or confidence. “Any other questions?”

  Both corners of my mouth rose into a smile, admiring the way she brushed off the question without really addressing it. She made the guy look like an ass even after he’d already made himself look like an ass.

  Another reporter stood up—another male one. “How does it feel to be the richest woman in the world?”

  I actually rolled my eyes at that one.

  She wore that same diplomatic smile. “I’d imagine it feels the same as being the richest man in the world.”

  I smiled again, noting her subtle fire and hostility. She insulted people without making it obvious, fighting her battles with an indirect touch that was more powerful than a punch in the face.

  And I respected her for it.


  Lucas hung nearby, acting as my private driver and bodyguard. He was there only for show because I certainly didn’t need a man to fight my battles. When I hired him, I just needed him to navigate me through the city so I could keep working in the back seat, but he offered more extensive services. After working for me for years, he’d developed a strong sense of protectiveness over me.

  Loyalty was far more valuable than a paycheck, so I accepted his offer.

  Jessica and Courtney trailed behind me, their notepads ready for anything that I could possibly need. They stood in silence, scanning the room and informing me of anyone important coming my way. They were my professional entourage, providing an intimidating circle that made business associates think twice before approaching me.

  If I were alone, I wouldn’t be able to bat the flies away.

  A man in a black suit approached me from against the back wall of the auditorium. His suit stretched over his strong shoulders, his tailored outfit obviously the work of Armani. A powerful body was hinted underneath the collared shirt and jacket, and I suspected there was a wall of muscle tucked away. I only allowed him a short glance, keeping my thoughts and reactions buried within my green eyes. I didn’t recognize his face, and I wondered if he was an aspiring businessman.

  With looks and confidence like that, he’d probably make it.

  Jessica interposed her body in his way, cutting him off before he could walk up to me. “Hello, sir. Can I help you?”

  He stared at her with his hands resting in his pockets. The look wasn’t hostile, but his deep brown eyes exerted so much power it filled the room like humidity. He never tore his look away from her, silently commanding her to step aside.

  Jessica visibly shrank before my eyes, turning into melted butter right there on the floor. Whether it was his obvious attractiveness or his radiating power, it wasn’t clear what made her take a large step to the left.

  My assistant needed to get a backbone.

  Now there was nothing in this man’s way, so I faced him with my hands together at my waist. I didn’t flinch the way Jessica did, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t affected by his stern countenance. He had a square jaw that was chiseled into masculine perfection. A five o’clock shadow sprinkled his jaw even though it wasn’t even noon yet. His cream-colored collared shirt was pressed over a hard chest, the muscles of his pecs hinted at beneath the fabric. His eyes were brown like a hot cup of coffee on a fall afternoon, but they shone with a depth as cold as a winter morning. He stared at me with the same hard expression he gave my assistant, not the least intimidated by me. Men surveyed me with mixed opinions, some respecting me and others doubting my work. Men were sexist without even realizing it. So far, I couldn’t tell how this man viewed me.

  Words weren’t spoken, but a conversation carried on between us. It was a silent battle of confidence and power. He seemed to be testing me, but I was also testing him. The longer neither one of us spoke but kept our certainty, the more assured we seemed.

  I had all day.

  He pulled his right hand out of his pocket and extended it to me. “Diesel Hunt.”

  Now I understood the subtle hostility. I took his hand, feeling his powerful wrist under my grasp. I purposely squeezed my hand a little harder than his, needing to project the same kind of strength that oozed from his pores. “Tatum Titan.”

  His fingertips were callused as if they hit the keyboard for too many hours of the day. His skin was warm to the touch, his testosterone-pumped muscles producing heat like a furnace in the middle of January. His hand was significantly bigger than mine, overpowering my grasp with brute size. I made up for petiteness with strength, giving him a harder squeeze before I dropped my hand.

  I’d heard the rumors about him. That he was tall and handsome, a bit of a ladies’ man. Usually, rumors were exaggerated, and sometimes, completely false. But everything I had heard about him was dead-on.

  He was something else.

  He didn’t return his hand to his pocket but rested it at his side. “I enjoyed your speech.”

  And the assholes who continued to undermine me—unsuccessfully. “I doubt a man as experienced as yourself learned anything new.”

  His chocolate-colored eyes narrowed, focusing on my lips for just an instant. “That’s a compliment coming from you, Ms. Titan.”

  I let my lips soften into a smile.

  “But you must not think that highly of me if I can’t get you on the phone for two minutes.”

  I wasn’t stupid enough to think this topic wouldn’t arise. He obviously had his determination set on me, interested in one of my businesses. I liked to work alone, and from what I understood, he did too. “I have two minutes now
, Mr. Hunt.”

  His eyes concentrated on my own, and he took a slight step forward. He was definitely in my personal space, his power infecting every corner of the room. Like a gentle hum in my ear, I could actually hear it. With a height that far exceeded my own, even in heels, he had to be at least six foot three.

  I liked tall men.

  “I’m a man that lasts longer than two minutes, Ms. Titan.”

  Whether he meant to make the inference on purpose, I picked up on the innuendo. He exuded sex by the gallon, and I was surprised he didn’t smell like a woman’s perfume right then. He probably had women battling over who could give him head first. Women were a commodity he had in surplus, a product that never expired.

  “Let’s have lunch. You must be hungry after that lecture.”

  “I have plans for lunch.”

  “Then let’s schedule something for tomorrow at my office.”

  I stopped myself from laughing, but I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. “Mr. Hunt, I’m not interested in any kind of business venture with you. I’m flattered, nonetheless.”

  He didn’t show a hint of anger, but he hardly blinked as he looked at me. “It’s not smart to turn down an offer you haven’t heard. Rule number one of business school.”

  “I wouldn’t know—I didn’t go to college.” I wasn’t like the rest of my peers with their Ivy League degrees. I started working in the industry before I became a legal adult. While there was always new material to learn in any environment, a formal education seemed boring to me. I preferred a hands-on approach to life. There were some things you couldn’t learn from books—like how to survive.

  He glanced at my lips again, this time staring at them longer than before. He obviously didn’t care if I noticed before he looked me in the eye again, as confident as ever. “I’m interested in your publishing house. It’s a failing business, if you didn’t know.”

  I didn’t know how he got his information, but that didn’t matter. He was right on the money. “I’m aware of my finances. Thank you for your concern.” I didn’t like to be questioned about my choices. I wouldn’t be in the position I was now if I didn’t trust my instincts.

  “Then you should listen to my offer.”

  “I’m not in the market to sell.” If he pushed harder, I’d push harder back. I glanced at my watch before I looked at his concentrated expression once more. “Your two minutes are up, Mr. Hunt. Take care.”

  I pivoted away from him, maintaining the same posture I did anytime I was in the public eye. My shoulders were back, my chest was out, and I glided on my heels. I wore stilettos every hour of the day except when I was finally alone in my penthouse. They were like a second skin, and walking barefoot felt almost unsteady.

  Diesel Hunt didn’t stop my exit, but his eyes burned into my back. I could feel his presence surround me like a heavy blanket, nearly suffocating me. The heat from his gaze licked my body like flames from a hearth. I could even feel his look on my ass.

  Diesel Hunt wasn’t an enemy I wanted to have, but he wasn’t an appropriate business partner either. Hopefully, that interaction was the last one we would ever have.

  But I suspected it wasn’t.


  I spun the pen in my fingers as I looked across the city. My legs were crossed, my suit fit me like a glove, and I stared at the skyscrapers I owned. Manhattan wasn’t mine, but I was an ambitious man with a driven mind. One day, I would own everything.

  And everyone.

  I had a few meetings that morning, but my head wasn’t in the game. My thoughts kept drifting to a queen in stilettos, a woman who countered my confidence with her own majesty. She was so certain in her worth that she assumed I couldn’t afford her.

  She was wrong.

  Face-to-face, I noticed the corners of her mouth. The skin was creamy white, and I imagined how soft it would feel if I brushed the back of my finger across her cheek. My jaw ached when I thought about those lips, that plump and pink mouth that would feel good all over my body.

  She had almond-shaped eyes that were distinctly feminine and accented the green color of her irises. As womanly as she was, she showcased the kind of presence a king held every time he addressed his subjects. I’d never met a woman more beautiful, more exquisite, and so abundantly powerful at the same time.

  Jesus Christ.

  She turned me down without caring about the money on the table. She was so wealthy, so suave, that she didn’t care about missing a deal. She was headstrong and stubborn, playing by her own rules and not even entertaining mine. When I suggested she come to my office, she nearly laughed.

  I spotted it.

  Women threw themselves at me constantly, wanting to be a visitor in my bed for the night. They wanted to ride on my expensive yacht in the Caribbean. They wanted a glimpse of the fast lifestyle that I experienced on a daily basis.

  They never said no to me.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I heard the word.

  But Ms. Titan wasn’t impressed by me. She didn’t care about my money. She didn’t care about my line of cars and yachts. There was nothing I had she didn’t already possess.

  Except her bed.

  I continued to spin the pen in my fingertips, thinking about those long legs underneath that skirt. She was five years younger than me, but just as successful. It was hard to earn my respect, but she’d earned it a million times over.

  She was magnificent.

  Natalie knocked on my door before she stepped inside my office. “Sir, your next meeting is in five minutes.”

  My back was to her, and I continued to stare at the city, knowing her building was just a few blocks away. “Cancel it.”

  Natalie didn’t question my decision, knowing that was a big mistake. “Shall I reschedule?”

  “For tomorrow.” I rose out of my chair and buttoned the front of my suit. “Cancel everything for the next hour. I have somewhere to be.” I knew exactly where I was going, but now I wasn’t entirely sure why I was going.

  I told myself it was just a business opportunity, a way to steal a dying business and turn it into a thriving one.

  But I’d never lied to myself—and I didn’t want to start now.

  * * *

  Jessica’s jaw actually dropped when she saw me standing in front of her desk.

  When it was obvious she wasn’t going to say anything, I took the reins. “Diesel Hunt here for Tatum Titan.”

  Jessica continued to stare at me before she finally grasped this was reality—and she was still staring at me. “Uh, of course.” She frantically flipped through her schedule book before she realized she was already on the correct date and flipped back. “Uh…”

  My hands slid into my pockets. “I don’t have an appointment.” If she wasn’t going to give me any of her time, fine. I’d just take it.

  “Titan doesn’t see anyone without an appointment…”

  Until now. “I’ll take a seat.” I sat in the comfortable lobby outside her office. She had two large glass doors that led to her expansive space. I didn’t look inside because I didn’t want to be caught staring. Her couches were gray and the walls were white. Vases of flowers were everywhere, and nothing but the sound of keyboards and ringing phones filled the air. Her three other assistants kept looking at me, recognizing me instantly.

  Jessica walked into the office and returned a few minutes later. She approached me with her fingers interlocked tightly. She was a nervous mess, and it made me wonder why Titan employed someone so unsure of herself. It was a direct contradiction to her own personality and work ethic. “She’s unavailable.”

  Man, this woman was infuriating. “I’ll wait.”

  Jessica glanced at the door then looked at me again. “Uh…”

  I watched her, hostility in my gaze. If Titan wanted to get rid of me, she’d have to see me. She’d wasted enough of my time dismissing me. Now it was my turn to waste her time.

  Jessica walked back into the office. She was gone longer thi
s time before she came out. “She’ll see you in ten minutes.” She walked back to her seat and sat down, her head bowed and her eyes concentrated on her desk.

  A smile formed on my lips, the sensation of success running through my veins. No one said no to Diesel Hunt—not even Tatum Titan. I always got my way eventually.

  I suspected she made me wait ten minutes out of principle, just to retain some of the power in the situation. The second she agreed to meet with me, she lost some of her leverage over me.

  I loved this game.

  Jessica spoke to Titan on the phone before she approached me on the couch. “Titan will see you now.” She opened the glass door for me.

  I dropped my smile and walked inside, surrounded by the pleasing aesthetics of her office. Her entire back wall was a large window that overlooked the city, giving her the exact same view I got from my office. A white desk sat in front of the window with white bookshelves on either side of the wall. I’d walked into a Pottery Barn catalogue but still felt the radius of her professional control.

  She didn’t look up from her computer until I was standing directly in front of her desk. Even when she was sitting, she had perfect posture. Her back didn’t touch the chair, and her shoulders were held in precise alignment with her spine. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, soft and long. A slight curl was in the strands, and it made me wonder if her hair was naturally curly. Her makeup was the same was it was last time, subtle and sexy. She rose from her chair, standing in a black dress that was tight and highlighted the perfect contours of her body. With an hourglass frame, she had noticeable tits, a tiny waist, and an ass that was luscious.

  She extended her hand to me. “Hunt.”

  I took it, squeezing her wrist harder than she’d squeezed mine last week. “Titan.”

  She dropped her hand and sat down again, her legs crossing. Her black stilettos were visible under the desk. Her legs were long and beautiful just like last time. She wore a shiny watch on her wrist and a white gold necklace around her throat. There was a subtle hint of vanilla inside her office, and that’s when I noticed the vase of lilies on her table. There were hydrangeas in the lobby. Fresh flowers were a rare sight in corporate offices like this. It seemed like a feminine touch she specifically requested.


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