Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1) Page 5

by Cara E Holt

  “Me?” I say nervously.

  “Yes you Ebony. As do half the senior year boys.”

  I laugh nervously. “I don’t think that’s true. Have you seen some of the other senior girls?” I ask him. Lorcen smiles and shakes his head. He leans in further.

  “I haven’t noticed any other senior girls since I first saw you in class.” I think my mouth hangs open rather unattractively in shock. Lorcen puts a hand on my chin and closes my mouth. He looks like he is about to kiss me when a knock on my window makes us both jump.

  Lorcen sighs. “Impeccable timing.”

  I turn around and find Blaine smiling at me through the closed window. I press the button to open it.

  “Hi Blaine.”

  “Hey.” He replies. “Been somewhere nice?”

  I nod. “ Lorcen took me to Cat Rock Park.”

  Blaine sniggers in response.

  “Did you want something Blaine?” Lorcen asks from behind me I can hear the hostility in his voice.

  Blaine smiles at me and ignores Lorcen’s question. He opens my door. “You coming inside Ebony?”

  I nod and turn awkwardly to look at Lorcen who is looking none too impressed with Blaine’s presence. “I should go.”

  Lorcen nods and taking his scowling eyes off Blaine he smiles at me taking my hand. “I’ll text you later.” I nod and he releases my hand and I climb out of the car. Blaine grabs my hand and proceeds to pull me towards the house. He turns and waves at Lorcen.

  “See ya Lorcen.”

  I turn when Lorcen screws his car off our drive and down the street. We head into the kitchen where Scott is making smoothies.

  “Hey Ebs, how was the date?”

  Blaine scoffs as he sits at the breakfast bar. “Date! Please! He took her hiking!”

  I glower at Blaine. “It was nice, we had a picnic.”

  Scott laughs at Blaine. “So is there going to be a second date?”

  I blush and shrug and play awkwardly with a spoon on the counter. “Maybe.”

  Scott pats Blaine on the back. “One nil to Lorcen. We need to go.”

  Blaine sighs in agreement and then flashes a smile at me. “It was nice seeing you Ebony.”

  “You too.” I reply and I can feel the blush deepening. I watch them leave and then sit there day dreaming about my date with Lorcen Wilde. The house phone ringing pulls me from my day dream.

  “ Finally! “ Taylor shouts when I answer the phone. “I want details!! Did you kiss? Where did he take you? Are you seeing each other again?”

  I laugh. “Slow down Taylor. One question at a time. It was nice, he took me to Cat Rock Park. Yes we kissed and yes it was amazing and I hope to god he asks me out again!”

  Taylor screeches excitedly down the phone, blasting my poor ears.

  “You are one lucky bitch you know?”

  “I am aren’t I!”

  A knock at the front door interrupts our girly giggling. I quickly tell Taylor I’ll ring her later and rush to answer the door. Flinging the door open I stop dead in my tracks when I find Lorcen stood there.

  “Hi.” I say surprised.

  Lorcen smiles and holds out my bag. “You left this in my car.”

  “Ah sorry, I completely forgot about it.” I take it from him and stand there nervously.

  “No worries. He looks behind me into the house. “Blaine gone?”

  I nod and hold the door open further. “You want to come in?”

  He sighs. “I can’t I have to get home. Family stuff to deal with.” I try to hide the disappointment on my face.

  “I’ll see you Monday, in English?”

  I nod. “Yeah sure.”

  Lorcen turns to go but then stops turns and walks back towards me. He takes my hand and pulls me gently towards him.

  “I don’t think I got to say bye properly when I dropped you off.”

  I smile and place my hands on his chest. “No I don’t think you did.” My eyes watch his lips hungrily. His lips are on mine before I finish speaking and I respond straight away, his tongue probes inside my mouth and I melt into the kiss. I think I hear myself moan. Lorcen pulls away and I can see he is as breathless as me, it feels good to know our kisses affect him as much as they do me. He rests his forehead against mine.

  “I’ll text you tonight.”

  “Okay.” I reply still trying to steady my breathing. Lorcen smiles and walks backwards towards the steps, he gives me a wave and then turns and runs towards his car. I stand and watch him leave and then stand there for another few minutes reliving that kiss. My heart is definitely in deep big trouble.


  I awake Sunday morning and grab my phone, no messages from Lorcen. He had said he would text last night but he didn’t. I couldn’t help but feel gutted. Maybe he had changed his mind about us, was I too much? I convince myself that there is a reasonable explanation as to why he hasn’t text, after all he did say he had family stuff. I make my way to the kitchen where mum and Scott are sat eating.

  “Any plans today kids?” Mum asks as she piles some bacon and egg onto a plate for me. My mum is a real feeder.

  “Nope.” I reply. I had a day planned with my new book.

  “I’m off to the pool with the soccer boys.” Scott looks at me. “You wana come sis?”

  I look up from my phone surprised. “You want me to hang out with you?”

  Scott grins at me. “I think I can put up with you for a day. Besides Blaine would be made up if you came.”

  Mum pauses with her food. “Ooh Blaine’s a good looking boy Ebony.”

  I groan. “ Mum please.”

  She smiles. “Is that who you went on a date with yesterday?”

  “ No that was Lorcen.” I reply paying great attention to cutting up the bacon on my plate.

  Mum smiles proudly. “ So my beautiful girl has caught the attention of two senior boys already.” She nudges me when I ignore her.

  Scott scoffs. “Not just two Mum, half the soccer team are bugging me about her.” I give Scott the daggers and mouth at him to zip it.

  “So you fancy it?”

  I shrug and nod. “Can Taylor come?”

  Scott smiles. “Sure, she is kinda cute.”

  I press her number on my phone and it barely rings once before she answers.

  “Well hello.” She says trying to do a posh British accent.

  “That was a dismal attempt.” I laugh. “Want to come to the pool today with Scott and some of the boys?”

  “Are you kidding me?!” She yells.

  “Get ready. We’ll pick you up in half an hour.” I put the phone down to a squealing Taylor.

  I head upstairs and pull out my swimwear options. It’s between a one piece blue polka dot, a red bikini or a yellow bikini with a cute frill on the briefs. I am undecided so text Taylor ‘One piece or bikini?’

  ‘Bikini always!’ she replies a second later. I have never really been comfortable in bikinis. I feel so naked and exposed in them and I’m self-conscious about my pale skin. Mum pops her head round my door.

  “Can’t decide?” She asks looking at my swimwear on the bed.

  “Nope. What do you think the red or the yellow?” Mum comes into the room and stands beside me. “The red.” She says decisively. “You always look beautiful in red. It compliments your dark hair and beautiful skin tone.”

  “Red it is then.”

  Twenty minutes later we pick up Taylor who is all smiley and flirty when she gets in the car with Scott and he laps up the attention. I have thrown on a pair of denim shorts over my bikini briefs and a white tank. While Scott and Taylor chat and flirt my mind drifts to Lorcen and the fact that he hasn’t text. The pool is already very busy when we arrive and is a mix of teens and young families enjoying the weather.

  “This is fab.” I say excitedly.

  Taylor looks at me like I am strange. “Anyone would think you have never been to an outdoor pool before!”

  Scott laughs in response. “We haven’t.
We come from northern England remember. We get about a week of sunshine if we’re lucky.”

  Taylor looks horrified. “Sounds awful.”

  “Hey Scotty!” A male voice hollers from across the pool, followed by the waving of hands. He’s with a group of about five others and I can see Blaine is with them as we walk over. Sat in his blue shorts, wearing sunnies. Even from here I can see how ripped he is, his abs glistening in the sun.

  “Well my day just got better” Blaine says standing and fist bumping Scott. Blaine comes over to me smiling and grabs my hand.

  “Come and meet the boys.” I smile shyly as I am introduced to Josh, Andy and Dom. A pretty girl called Amber is introduced as Dom’s girlfriend. She smiles when we’re introduced but there is no warmth behind the smile and that’s when I realise she is one of the girl’s I have seen with Blaine’s ex. I put my towel down on the grass and sit down beside Blaine with Taylor to my right.

  “I hope you brought sunscreen.” Blaine says.

  “Already put some on at home.” I inform him. He looks disappointed and clicks his fingers

  “Aw damn, was going to offer to cream you up.” Blaine stands and holds a hand out. “You coming in.”

  I shake my head feeling very self-conscious about stripping out of my short and tank vest.

  “You go I’ll be a minute.” I watch him turn and dive into the pool with ease. He does look good in a pair of swim shorts.

  Taylor nudges me. “Perve.” She teases.

  “What? What can I say I’m a teenage girl.” We both laugh. I take a deep breath and slip out of my shorts and top. I feel so pale next to all these sun kissed bodies. I sit on the edge of the pool and dip my toes in the water. Blaine swims over and I can feel his eyes move down my body appreciatively. He smiles wickedly and grabs my ankles pulling me in with a large splash. I come up spluttering, rubbing my eyes. Blaine laughs playfully. I flick water in his face and he responds by splashing me back. He ducks under the water and before I can figure out what he is doing he grabs my feet and pulls me under. I come up again spluttering and ready to retaliate but find that he is the other side of the pool and climbing out. He turns and winks at me and I give him the bird laughing. I swim over to the side and lean over the edge, Blaine is drying himself off and it is then that I notice the tattoo on his right shoulder. I strain my eyes to look closer. Oddly it looks very similar to my birthmark. My birth mark is over my right breast, my bikini just covers it but it is a strange thing my mum always said it looked like a star with a circle in the middle. Blaine smiles at me and pats the towel next to him. I climb out of the pool as gracefully as I can and walk over. Blaine holds out my towel and I wrap it around me and sit beside him.

  I soak up the sun and sigh. “This is so nice.”

  Blaine nods in agreement. “I love the summer. Hail the summer and red bikinis.”

  I blush and he laughs. “So you and Lorcen. Are you two a thing now?”

  I frown and shrug and toy with the end of my towel. “We went on a date, isn’t much more to tell.”

  “You enjoyed the date though?” I feel uncomfortable with the question but nod in response.

  “I did, apart from the bear.”

  Blaine looks at me surprised. “Bear?”

  “Yep a big angry bear, charged at us but according to Lorcen, Hawkeye scared it away.” I blush. “I passed out.”

  Blaine looks at me puzzled. “Scary stuff.” He smiles then. “You know if I took you on a date I could guarantee no angry bears.”

  I laugh nervously. “That’s good to know.” I’m not really sure where this conversation is leading but it makes me nervous. I look up at him and he is looking at me all serious.

  “Give me a chance Ebony. Give me one date?”

  I smile awkwardly. I’m not going to lie I do find Blaine attractive, I mean what girl wouldn’t but I’ve been on a date with Lorcen and I’m not sure where things are going there, but then he said he would text last night and he didn’t.


  Blaine looks at me shocked but pleased. “Okay.” He smiles from ear to ear. “Tonight?”

  “Why not, but I have to be home for ten thirty as it’s a school night.”

  He smiles. “It’s a date then.” Scott then shouts him from the pool and smiling he gets up and dives in. I decide I need a drink and Andy points me in the direction of a mobile van. I pick myself up a can and decide to have a walk around. I’m walking along soaking up the sun when I feel a sudden icy chill. I find a small old woman with dark brown hair that falls down to about her waist and weird violet eyes observing me. She steps towards me invading my personal space.

  “Erm Hello.” I say awkwardly.

  She leans in more. “Child of destiny, your time is near. Your path is set. Your mate chosen.”

  I laugh nervously. “Okay, err thanks.” She grasps my wrist then and I feel the chill spread down my arm.

  “There will be those who seek to possess you, as you can bring them great power. Let the one from the cold be your protector.”

  “Okay lady, I’d like my arm back now.” I say somewhat freaked by her behaviour. She frowns at me, “You must heed my warning. “ I nod and pull my arm out of her grasp. I jog off in the opposite direction. I stop and glance back to check she isn’t following me and she is nowhere to be seen! Well that was odd!


  Later that night I am ready for my date with Blaine. I’ve decided on skinny jeans, wedges and a white sleeveless blouse. He is on time and turns up looking gorgeous, wearing a blue polo type t-shirt and grey jeans.

  “So where are we going? “ I ask as we get into his truck. “You promised no bears, remember.”

  He laughs. “I don’t think there will be any bears in a restaurant.”

  “That’s a relief!”

  We pull up outside what looks to be an Italian restaurant. “Hope you like Italian? Papa Mario’s is the best around here.”

  We go inside and it has a lovely cosy and warm atmosphere and we are guided to a table in the far corner. We are looking at the menu when I decide to raise a question I have been wanting to ask.

  “So you and Nicole. What happened?”

  Blaine shrugs. “She’s not the girl for me.”

  I nod and continue looking at my menu. “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your princess.” I say jokingly.

  Blaine laughs. “Are you calling Nicole a frog?” He asks eyebrows raised.

  “No God! I didn’t mean that.” I’m all flustered and feel an idiot. Blaine smiles and reaches for my hand across the table.

  “Relax Ebony. I’m teasing you, but you’re right I have yet to find my princess.” He says it as if his words have hidden meaning somehow.

  The food arrives and as promised it tastes amazing. Being a girl who loves her pizza I ordered a Hawaiian , Blaine opted for Spaghetti Carbonara. Blaine is good company and we chat about school and he asks me lots of questions about my childhood in England. Blaine orders us a chocolate mousse to share, which feels a bit intimate, but it’s nice.

  “Mmm this is heaven.” I say licking my lips. Blaine smiles from across the table he reaches over and his thumb runs along the edge of my mouth, which he then pops into his mouth.

  “Some had escaped.” He offers as an explanation and I blush in response. Blaine pays for the meal and is the perfect gentleman helping me into my jacket. As we leave he takes my hand in his. We are walking across the car park when I stop realising I have left my phone on the table.

  “I’ll go get it.” He offers giving me his car keys and telling me to go wait in the car. He heads back inside and I continue walking to the car. All at once the lights on the car park go out and a chill hits me. I shiver and look round me as I walk. I stop dead in horror as I see two red eyes glowing at me from across the car park. It is dark but I can make out the shape of what looks like a huge wolf. Do they have wolves in Boston? I have no idea. It growls a deep scary growl and I panic and start running towards Bla
ine’s pick up. I’m nearing the car and flash the keys to open it but I don’t make it. I feel unbelievable pain my right shoulder, the wolf thing pounces on me sending me flying to the ground. I scream in agony and cover my face with my hands waiting for its imminent attack. I hear a yelp from the wolf and moving my hands see the wolf go flying over the top of the car and landing with a thud in front of the car. I hear Blaine’s voice as he comes to me and scoops me up.

  “Get your ass to Papa Mario’s now!” He yells into his mobile that he is holding with his other hand.

  “Blaine.” I murmur.

  “I got you Ebony.” He opens the car somehow and places me down on the seat. “Lock the door behind me.”

  He moves to leave the car, I grab his arm weakly. “The wolf will kill you.”

  He smiles softly. “Don’t you worry about me. Now lock it.” With that he leaves and I manage to lean up and press the lock down. Despite the pain and my vision becoming blurred I sit up and look out the front window. Blaine and the wolf face each other across the car park. The wolf bears its teeth and looks terrifying! My heart is in my mouth, Blaine to my surprise then draws a sword that emits a blue type light and they charge at each other. I scream in surprise when the car door to my left opens. My vision is blurry but I realise its Lorcen. He scans my face looking concerned.

  “You hurt?”

  “My shoulder.” I mumble. The pain is becoming unbearable.

  Lorcen leans his head out of the car. “Blaine she needs a healer. The venom is in her system.”

  “Take her then.” I hear Blaine shout in-between blows.

  Lorcen sighs in frustration. “You’ll have to take her, our best healer is away at the Elven festival.”

  Lorcen leans in and strokes my face tenderly. “Hang in there gorgeous.” He kisses my forehead.

  “You’ll be safe now Mo Siorai.” And then he is out of the car and he draws a sword. Blaine climbs in the front of the car and we speed off.

  “We can’t leave him.” I protest looking back out the back window.

  “Trust me Ebony, Lorcen can handle that thing. I need to get you to a healer.”


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