Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1) Page 10

by Cara E Holt

  I stare in challenge at him and then beckon my head towards the girl that had been sat on his knee who is chatting with another girl at the next table. “Not want to invite your friend back over to your lap?”

  Lorcen smiles and leans in not taking his eyes off me. “No but you can sit on my lap if you’d like.”

  I gulp, as my heart does somersaults, keep it together Ebony I tell myself. “You wish. Beside I wouldn’t want to upset your friend.”

  Lorcen sighs nonchalantly. “She’s a waitress here. I’m a prince Ebony, girls tend to drape themselves over me, often uninvited.”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes. “You’re so full of yourself. How did I not see this before?” I ask myself rather than him. Lorcen leans in again and tucks a piece of my hair behind me ear.

  “Probably because you were too busy enjoying my kisses.” He teases. I huff frustrated trying to think of a witty come back.

  “Yes they were almost as good as Blaine’s.”

  Lorcen stops mid drink and glares at Noah. “He kissed her?”

  Noah holds his hands up in defence. “What? I couldn’t follow them around all the time.”

  Lorcen frowns but then chuckles to himself. “So pretty boy stepped up to the challenge did he?”

  “Don’t call him that.” I chastise.

  Lorcen shrugs and smiles. “Well he is. Pretty, dependable, reliable, and predictable.” He fakes a yawn emphasising his point. I tut in response and turn away from his infuriatingly handsome face. I can’t quite decide whether I want to stamp on his foot or kiss him.

  I jump when Lorcen whispers into my ear. “I Love the fae ears by the way.”

  I self-consciously touch the ear he whispered in. Noah puts a hand on my shoulder. “Well as entertaining as this reunion is, I have a mate that I haven’t seen for nearly a week. So I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted.”

  I give Noah a beaming smile. “Say hi to Megan for me.” He nods and leans down to drop a kiss on my cheek. Standing he ruffles his cousins hair. “Behave yourself.” He tells him.

  Lorcen winks and grins. “Don’t I always?!”

  I’m suddenly conscious that even though we are in a room full of fae, we are alone. I fiddle with the sleeve of my dress and I can feel Lorcen’s eye’s on me.

  “Nice dress.” He compliments and I mumble a thank you.

  “I’d prefer a pair of jeans though.” I tell him sighing. He smiles still observing me closely

  “Your cute butt does look good in jeans.”

  I blush red and feel flustered under his gaze. My heart does a little flip. Lorcen thinks I have a cute butt!

  Lorcen stands then and offers me his hand. “Let’s get out of here.” I place my hand in his and he pulls me up. The usual electric buzz pulses through me at contact with him.

  “Where are we going?” I ask as he starts to lead me out of the barn

  “Getting you more comfortable.” He leads me across the courtyard and in through a small side door and up a winding stair case to the top of one of the turrets. Lorcen knocks on a door before us and a soft voice tells us to enter. We enter the room and it is floor to ceiling with rolls and rolls of fabric in every colour and material you can think of.

  “Aoife my lovely.” Lorcen says walking us over to a stunningly beautiful blonde girl. Lorcen drops a kiss on her forehead and she looks at him in adoration.

  “What can I do for my favourite prince?” She asks all smiles and sweetness.

  Lorcen turns to me then squeezing my hand. “I need you to work your magic and make some clothes for my Ebony here. Anything she wants.”

  Aoife observes me and claps her hands together in excitement. “You’re his match!”

  I mumble a yes and she comes rushing over and embraces me. “It’s about time. I thought poor Lorcen would never find you.”

  I smile as I step back out of her arms she walks around me then. “I’m thinking lots of red, purple, green and maybe some lemon dresses. All perfect for your lovely skin tone.”

  “How about trousers?” I say hopefully, please no more dresses!

  She stops walking round me and looks at me surprised and then at Lorcen. “Really ?”

  He nods. “Whatever she wants.”

  “Trousers in black and some in blue. “ I tell her smiling.

  “Tight trousers.” Lorcen says grinning and sitting down in an armchair. Aoife chuckles and moves

  back behind her work table, she flicks her fingers and a number of rolls of material float down off

  various shelves. She looks at Lorcen hands on hips. “Out Lorcen.”

  Lorcen sighs disappointed. “You mean I can’t stay and watch. I could help take her measurements.”

  Aoife laughs and points at the door. “Out now!”

  He holds his hands up in mock defeat. “I’ll be in my quarters, can you bring her over when your

  done.” With a quick smile my way he leaves us to it.

  For the next hour and a half I’m measured, pinned until finally I’m stood in a pair of fitted leather

  black pants, black healed ankle boots and a fitted purple top, the sleeves are long and the neck is v-

  neck. It’s simple and I love it. It’s cinched in a the waist by a black band which fastens in a bow at my

  back. I look in the mirror and I’m not one to blow my own trumpet but I look good. Aoife really has

  worked her magic.

  She smiles clearly delighted with her creation. “That outfit will cause a stir at court. The princess in

  trousers. I’ll work on the rest of your wardrobe today and have it with you for morning.”

  I take her hand. “Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how good it feels to not be in a dress.”

  She blushes at the compliment. “Ah it was a pleasure. You are such a dream to dress, with that tiny

  waist and those curves.” She holds up a hand and some ribbon comes floating down. “One last

  finishing touch.” She takes the ribbon and moves behind me she starts to plait my hair, weaving the

  purple ribbon into the plait. She then makes a choker with the left over ribbon and ties it round my

  neck. She takes my hand an ushers me out of the room. “Okay let’s go and find prince charming and

  see what he thinks.” I snigger at her description of Lorcen and she looks at me in surprise.

  “You don’t find him charming?”

  I smile and roll me eyes. “Oh he’s charming alright! He could charm the hind legs off a donkey.”

  Aoife looks at me funny but says nothing and guides me across the castle and up the stairs of

  another winding turret.


  We enter a circular room that is decorated in black furniture, the walls are

  decorated in silver and black. It is sophisticated but warm at the same time. I stop in my tracks when

  my eye’s find Lorcen lounging on a sofa with no top on, book in hand. He looks so relaxed and at

  home here. My eyes can’t help but travel down his chest. Breathe! I tell myself.

  Lorcen looks up from his book and his eyes slide appreciatively down my body, observing me from

  head to toe. Without taking his eyes off me he puts the book down and comes to stand in front of

  me. He then walks around me taking in my outfit and I shuffle my feet nervously under his attentive

  eyes. He looks at Aoife then and winks at her. “You out did yourself Aoife.”

  She gushes at the compliment. “Ah the princess would look good in a sack.”

  Lorcen stops in front of me and grins. “That she would. You look like a warrior princess.” He says

  Huskily. “Leave us.” He says gently to Aoife, never taking his eyes off me. Aoife giggles and sifts

  off out the room leaving us alone. I look around the room avoiding his gaze.

  “What are you reading?” I ask him looking at the book on the sofa.

  “A book.” He answe
rs in a teasing and playful manner, still stood in front of me, watching me.

  Lorcen steps closer and lifts my chin with his finger giving me no choice but to meet his eyes. How

  easy I can get lost in those deep green eyes of his. I wonder with anticipation if he is going to kiss

  me when his gaze drops to my lips, but to my surprise and disappointment he turns and walks away

  from me.

  “Want a tour of my place?” He asks turning back to face me and offering out his hand.

  “Sure.” I tell him a little breathlessly. My hand in his he proceeds to show me round his home. I’m

  shocked to discover that Lorcen is a big reader and has a room floor to ceiling with books and all the

  great classics are in there.

  We stand outside a door and he smiles pushing it open. “This, is where the magic happens!”

  I roll my eyes at him when I lean in and realise it is his bedroom. His bed is situated on a raised area

  in the middle of the room and it looks out towards the balcony. The view from here is breath taking

  and you can see so far out.

  I walk inside and make my way to the glass doors. Lorcen follows me silently and when he sees

  where I’m heading uses his magic to open the balcony doors. I step out and then take a hesitant step

  back when I realise how high up we are. Lorcen chuckles from behind me and I turn him and give

  him a questioning look.

  “You’re scared of heights.”

  I scowl at him. “Why is that amusing?”

  He grins. “A half fae scared of heights.”

  I get what he is getting at now and smile. “Yes I guess it is pretty ironic.” I step back inside and he

  follows me in, the doors close behind us. It’s then that I’m drawn to a picture above the fire place.

  The painting is of a girl with dark hair and blue eyes sat under a tree reading a book. I move in closer

  and stop dead when I realise the girl in the painting is me and the tree is the one in my back garden

  back home. It was my favourite spot for reading.

  I turn to face Lorcen and he is observing me warily. “How? That’s me. Who painted this?”

  He comes and stands beside me and looks up at the painting.

  “I painted it. My whole life I have had dreams of a dark haired, blue eyed girl. So I would paint the

  images from my dreams. I don’t know how but somehow I knew the girl in my dreams was my soul


  I’m floored by what he has told me. Firstly that he is the talented artist and secondly that he has

  been dreaming about me his whole life.

  “I’ve dreamt of you too.” I say almost in a whisper, scared to admit this to him. He looks at me

  clearly shocked, but thrilled at the same time. He takes my hands in his and pulls me to sit on the

  sofa in front of the fire place.

  “You have? What did you dream?” He looks at me expectantly and greedy for more information.

  I blush, there’s no way I’m telling him all of it. “In one we were flying and, well the rest of the dream

  doesn’t really matter.”

  He squeezes my hand and leans in closer. “No please tell me, I want to know?”

  I blush. “Well we are laughing and having fun and well erm, then we…we kiss.”

  I look up to see him smiling somewhat smugly but then his face softens. “Doesn’t that tell you

  Something Ebony? When we have both been dreaming of each other.” He hesitates. “Have you

  dreamed about Blaine too?”

  I shake my head. “No.” He strokes his finger along my hands as they are held in his.

  “ You’re mine Ebony and I’m yours, that’s why we dream of each other because we are meant for

  each other.”

  I look at him puzzled. “So why am I matched to both of you?”

  He sighs and runs his spare hand through his hair. “I don’t believe that to be true. I believe there is

  another explanation. I know that you are for me Ebony. I’ve dreamed of you since I was little.

  When I walked into class that day in high school and saw you I knew. My mark burned. I felt it here.”

  He says putting my hand in his over his heart. He sighs and letting go of my hands rubs his forehead.

  “I’m not good at this hearts and feelings stuff. I’m sure Blaine is an ace at it.”

  “Let’s not talk about Blaine.” I say softly. I’m still coming down from the high my heart is on from

  hearing Lorcen say that I am his. He is right, I have never once dreamed of Blaine, it is always him,

  saving me, kissing me, or me searching for him.

  “Noah told me about the barguest head left on your bed.” He looks worried and it’s heart-warming.

  “Yeah, it appears I have an enemy. I asked Blaine to teach me to fight and defend myself but he said

  it wasn’t appropriate for a ‘princess’ to fight.

  “I’ll teach you.”

  I look up thinking I have miss heard him. “You will?” He nods and I beam at him delighted.

  “I will always protect you but I may not always be around and I’d feel better knowing you can

  defend yourself.”

  “When can we start?” I ask eagerly and he laughs at my obvious excitement.

  “Tomorrow. I need to go get dressed now. You want to wait for me in the living room?”

  I nod and leave him making my way back to the living room. I sit on a sofa in front of a roaring fire,

  above the fire place is another picture I failed to notice earlier. The photo is simply of two blue eyes

  with a white snow covered forest underneath them. They are my eyes. I sigh and rest my head on

  the arm of the sofa, tucking my legs up. I can’t think straight when I am around him, I turn to mush

  and all I can think about is him, his body, his kisses, him.

  A hand strokes my face and I vaguely here my name being spoken.

  “Wake up Cailin Alainn.”

  I open my eyes to find Lorcen’s beautiful eyes above me with a sweet smile on his face. He’s knelt

  down beside the sofa leaning over me.

  “You fell asleep.” He states, his hand still on my cheek. His head is so close to mine and all I can

  think about is pulling him closer and kissing him. Before I can register what I am doing I grab hold of

  his top and pull him closer until his lips meet mine. The kiss is not gentle. It’s urgent, needy as if we

  we have been starved of each other. My hands find their way into his hair and Lorcen shifts and his

  hands go round my waist he lifts me off the sofa and onto his knee without breaking our kiss, so

  that we are sat on the floor with me straddling his lap. His hands grip my butt and he pulls me closer

  against him and I moan into his mouth. My body is on fire and I tingle everywhere. I briefly open my

  eyes and gasp as I see we are surrounded by a glow. Lorcen smiles against my lips and reluctantly

  pulls back. He rest his forehead against mine, we are both breathless.

  “So not going to try and deny the glow thing this time?” I ask raising a brow.

  “This.” He said pointing to the glowing light surrounding us. “Just reaffirms what I already know.

  That you are mine Ebony Lockhart and mine alone.”

  My toes curl in delight at his words and I smile and blush. “Why do we glow?”

  “It’s very rare. It often happens at the bonding ceremony. However, sometimes when a fae couple

  connect it can happen. It signifies a very strong bond between soul mates. It is seen as holy and very

  rare.” He smiles and plays with my hand in his.

  “Wow.” I say in response, not sure what else to say to that.

  “So, did you glow when Blaine kissed you?”
He asks looking at me grinning.

  I roll my eyes at him. “No.”

  He smiles looking mightily pleased and does a mock bow. “I rest my case.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You can be a real smug bastard sometimes you know.”

  He raises and eye brow and winks at me. “I make us glow. I deserve to be smug!”

  We both laugh and to be fair he has a point I mean how many people can say that their kisses make

  them glow.

  He sighs still holding me on his lap. “We need to go to dinner.”

  “Like this?” I ask him pointing at the glow around us.

  He laughs. “Yeah we should probably wait until it dies down.”

  “How do we do that?” I ask clueless.

  “ Well we both probably need to stop thinking about continuing that kiss for a start and

  that’s not going to happen for me with you sat on my lap looking all breathless and gorgeous.”

  I blush. “Oh.” I move to get off him but before I can he holds me in place and there is a serious sexy

  look on his face.

  “Stuff dinner.” He says smiling wickedly as his lips descend on mine.


  About fifteen minutes later Lorcen guides me into a small but opulent dining room. The walls are

  decorated in gold and red. It reminds me of a room you would expect to see at Buckingham palace.

  “You’re late.” Barks Queen Eira from her seat at the head of the table.

  Lorcen grins at me. “Sorry we got held up.” He smiles at me and I blush and look anywhere but at

  the Queen. I wonder if I look like I have been kissed silly because that is how I feel. My lips still tingle

  from Lorcen’s kisses and I still feel flushed and on a high from the experience. As Lorcen guides me

  over to the table I notice two kids sat there observing me with interest. A girl who looks about

  thirteen with long auburn hair and a boy who looks about fifteen who shares Lorcen’s dark

  locks and green eyes. The boy is grinning at Lorcen knowingly as if he knows what we have been up


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