Dalton, Tymber - Good Will Ghost Hunting: Hell's Bells [Good Will Ghost Hunting 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Dalton, Tymber - Good Will Ghost Hunting: Hell's Bells [Good Will Ghost Hunting 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Tymber Dalton

  “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  “You’d better, or I’ll be up here with a glass of ice water to dump on you.” Becky left, shutting the door behind her.

  Kal rolled over and looked at the ceiling. Frankly, all Kal wanted was for the day to be over with so she could spend a guilt-free night with Will. It’d been difficult sleeping next to him all the time they were under her parents’ roof and not being able to make love to him. Dang it, she missed that.

  Less than a minute later, there was a soft knock on the door. “Yes?”

  Her mom peeked in. “You awake?”

  “Yeah. Becky already bounced me out of bed.”

  Laura Martin smiled and walked in, softly shutting the door behind her. She was already dressed to go to the salon. “I’m so happy! My baby’s getting married!”

  Kal forced a smile. She sat up and threw the covers off. “I’m not a baby anymore, Mom.”

  Her mom sat next to her. “I know. Pretty soon you’ll be having babies of your own.” She blushed a little.

  Kal didn’t know if it was because of her connection to Will or just plain old daughterly intuition, but Kal had a flash of insight. “Mom, what’s going on?”

  Laura lowered her voice and blushed more deeply. “I wanted to have a talk with you.”

  Inside, Kal groaned. “Oh, no. Mom, please—”

  “No, I’ve never really sat down and had this conversation with you.” She took a deep breath. “About a husband and a wife.”

  Kal bolted off the bed and held her hands up in front of her. “Mom, seriously, please. No birds and bees. Trust me, I had biology in high school, I know where babies come from.” Not to mention she’d already boinked Will in probably a hundred different positions more than her parents had ever had sex in the first place.

  Um, eww, creepy thought. Should not have gone there.

  Her mom would not be deterred. “Sweetie, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Kal took a deep breath. “Mom, honestly. Please don’t.”

  “I just want to make sure you understand. There are options if you wanted to hold off on having kids—”

  “Mom!” Kal buried her face in her hands. “Tab A goes in slot B, nine months later, ba-da-bing. Condoms, the Pill, and all sorts of ways to not have that happen. Please, can we not have this conversation!”

  “I’m sure Will must have certain…expectations for tonight.”

  Yeah, so did Kal. Particularly that she wanted him to boink her blind and silly in a very loud and raunchy way, since they’d had limited opportunities over the past few weeks. “Believe me, he’s not the only one.” Kal walked over and opened the bedroom door. “Consider the conversation had, okay? Please?”

  Laura smiled. “All right, dear. If you’re sure.”

  “Oh, believe you me, I’m sure!”

  Kal’s mom went to check on her father and get his day started. Becky was already downstairs. Kal glared at Becky’s amused smile when she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee mug.

  “Well? How did ‘the talk’ go?” Becky asked.

  Kal rolled her eyes. “Oh, puhleeze.” She dropped her voice. “I think at this point I know a heckuva lot more than my mom does on the topic.”

  Becky snickered over the skillet, where she was cooking up her wonderful French toast. “I wondered if that’s what she was planning.”

  She slapped Becky on the shoulder. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “Hey, it was either stay quiet or tell her that ship had already sailed. I didn’t think you wanted the cat let out of the bag.”

  Kal nearly choked on her coffee. “Heck, no! What are you, crazy?” Kal desperately lowered her voice as she looked through the doorway to make sure her mom wasn’t downstairs yet. “I managed to short-circuit her though, thank goodness.”

  * * * *

  After breakfast, Kal and Becky grabbed their showers. The photographer showed up to document the rest of the morning and rode with them in the limo to the salon. Kal didn’t want to mess with her nails, but she’d agreed to a manicure and clear polish. One less hassle on an already crazy morning.

  Back to her parents’ house to get dressed, this time with Mia in tow. The women helped Kal carefully put on her dress and more pictures were taken. With the busy morning and so many people around, Kal hadn’t had time to talk to Will, and she missed him like crazy.

  When she had thirty seconds to herself she closed her eyes and sent her mind out, hoping he could hear her. “I love you,” she thought to him.

  After only a moment, his reply. “I love you, too. Are you okay?”

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too, babe.”

  “Are you okay?” Please, God, let him be sober! she thought.

  “Safe, sober, and so ready to be alone with you this evening.”

  Kal smiled. “Me, too.” Her mom walked in. “See you soon.” Kal opened her eyes.

  “Are you ready?” Laura asked.

  Kal nervously nodded.

  Her father appeared in the doorway behind her and touched his wife’s shoulder. “I want a minute alone with her.”

  Her mom looked exasperated. “Kenneth, we need to get going.”

  “Just a minute.” He stepped inside, leaving Laura out in the hall, and closed the door behind him. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  Kal tried not to cry, didn’t want her eyes looking red and puffy any sooner than absolutely necessary. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  He gently hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Not too late to back out, young lady. Especially since we didn’t have to pay for the wedding.” He smiled.

  That pulled Kal out of her funk and she managed a laugh. “I thought you’d warmed up to Will.”

  He nodded. “I have. As long as you’re happy with him, that’s all that matters.”

  Kal forced back another wave of emotion. “I’ve never been happier in my life than I am when I’m with him, Daddy.”

  “Then that’s all I can ask for.” He offered her his arm. “Let’s not keep the man waiting. Don’t want him to get cold feet.”

  Kal slipped her arm through her father’s. “That’s the last thing that would ever happen.” Boy, was it.

  * * * *

  The limo driver loaded Kal’s bags. She’d packed the night before, tucked what little else she needed in there today. Aidan assured her he’d take care of it all.

  Then again, if they forgot anything, it’s not like they couldn’t just pop back for it.

  Kal suppressed an amused snort.

  Becky grinned. “What’s so funny, girlfriend?”

  Kal shook her head. “Nothing. You know, we’ll be doing this for you pretty soon.”

  Becky nodded. “Yep. But I’m going nature girl. You know me and white clothes don’t have a good working relationship. I found a beautiful tropical print dress that’s gorgeous, and it will look good for my outdoor wedding. I’m having a luau, you know.” She grinned and playfully elbowed Kal. “Every guest there will get leied.”

  Kal laughed. Another reason she’d insisted on a dark blue for the bridesmaids’ dresses, so poor Becky wouldn’t have more problems if she spilled something on herself. Becky always wore her food well.

  The closer they got to the church, the harder Kal fought the urge to call out for Will to spirit her there. Whether it was her emotions or just from missing Will, or maybe having so many archdemons together in one place at the same time, Kal was having difficulty remaining calm and steady as she felt their combined pull.

  She opened her eyes and found her father smiling at her. “Cold feet?” He winked. “We can turn this limo around and go home, if you want.”

  Kal grinned. “No, Daddy.”

  “Kenneth!” Laura scolded, horrified.

  Kal laughed. “He’s just teasing, Mom. It’s okay.”

  Laura relaxed.


  When they arrived at the church, Laura pushed her way out of the limo to make sure Wi
ll wasn’t where he could see Kal. Becky and Mia carefully got out. That left Kal and her father.

  “I suppose we can’t pay the driver to take off with us?” he joked.

  Kal rolled her eyes, but she laughed. “You won’t let up, will you?”

  “You’re my baby. It’s my job.” The driver leaned in to help him out. Outside the limo, he waited for Kal, then offered her his arm again. Laura reappeared with a broad, beaming smile.

  “It’s all safe. Come on, I’ll show you where to wait.”

  They were twenty minutes early. Kal’s emotions vacillated between nervous that it was finally happening and anxious to get it over with so she could get on with her life. The second made her feel guilty. Her mom had been able to distract herself with the wedding plans, and even her father seemed happier over the past few days.

  How could she possibly begrudge them this?

  They left Kal alone in an anteroom while Laura got the wedding party all arranged in their positions in the church foyer. Kal used that time to close her eyes and send out her mind. She found Will, Ryan, and of course, Aidan. Surprisingly, she realized she could easily sense Jeff, too. Come to think of it, she’d been able to sense Jeff for the past few weeks.


  Ryan stepped into the room. Kal’s back was turned, but she knew he was there.

  “Hello, Ryan.”

  * * * *

  Ryan struggled not to sigh as he looked at her. He held a strong barrier in his mind, praying she wouldn’t sense his thoughts. “Hello, love.” She turned, smiling. She was a vision. Screw not being a virgin, white suited her complexion better than ivory would have.

  “Bad luck to see the bride, isn’t it?” she teased.

  “That’s for the groom, not for me.” He shoved down another wistful pang before walking over to her and taking her hands. This could have been his day. “He’s a lucky man.”

  “Please don’t make me cry. I don’t know if my mascara’s waterproof or not.”

  “No, love. I just wanted to see how you were holding up. Not much longer now.”

  “I’m good. I’m okay. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Not like Will and I are strangers.”

  * * * *

  Ryan smiled. While Kal sensed it was a real smile, it seemed as if genuine happiness never touched his soul, as if he was perpetually sad. Maybe his pain from losing his soul mate so many years before?

  “May I kiss the bride?”

  Kal nodded.

  He leaned in and gently brushed his lips across hers. She closed her eyes and fought a sudden, nearly overwhelming urge to throw herself into his arms. Her mind told her she should break their kiss, but her heart and soul didn’t want to lose this fleeting contact with him.

  Ryan tipped his head back so he could meet her gaze. When he squeezed her hands again, Kal felt something warm and deep inside her as she stared into his green eyes.

  “Enjoy your wedding night, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Pretend it’s the first time. It’ll be just as special.”

  It took her a moment to regain her voice. “What is with you? Why am I the only one who gets to see nice Ryan, and everyone else gets evil Ryan? Why am I so lucky?”

  “I have a reputation to protect, love.” He released her and took something from his pocket. “You are very special. I have something appropriately special for you.” He carefully draped a deep red, nearly black garnet amulet around her neck. On a delicate gold chain, it looked vaguely familiar although she couldn’t place it. “Don’t worry, the chain is unbreakable. Consider this your ‘something old’ item.”

  She touched it and looked at him, finally finding her voice. “Why?”

  “Why is the chain unbreakable?”

  She grinned. “No, duh.”

  He returned her smile. “Because, love, as I said, you’re special.” He reached out and gently caressed the amulet with his fingertips. “Very special. And very powerful. I’ve told you that from the start. This isn’t like the talisman I gave Jeff. I can’t very well give it to you in front of all those other people, can I?” He brushed her chin with his fingers. “Never take it off.”

  A thought flitted through her mind, chilling her smile. “This wasn’t Abby’s, was it?”

  A wistful look crossed his face. “No. She never had one. She was a powerful woman in her own right, but not in the ways you are. You should have this. It rightfully belongs to you.”

  “How do I explain it to Will?”

  “The truth. There is no secret about this. It’s not unheard of for me to give amulets to certain soul mates. He might find it unexpected, but frankly, it’s not his concern who I do or do not issue these to. It will most likely comfort him to know you have more power than he thought.”

  “So I can stay safer?”


  “What can I do with it?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Will’s still not quite back to his prior strength yet. I suspect with you as his soul mate he will gain even more powers. How those affect you, it remains to be seen.”

  She touched the amulet. Beneath Ryan’s shirt he felt her touch as if she’d stroked his flesh. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.

  No, dammit, it’s something. Anything.

  Ryan forced a smile. “We can discuss this once you return from your honeymoon. Perhaps life will settle down a little and allow you and I some time to explore your natural abilities. For now, I need to get out there and take my place before your mother hunts me down.” He touched her shoulder. “Kal, again, enjoy tonight.”

  She met his eyes as her gaze suspiciously narrowed. “What did you do?”

  “A little surprise. Pleasant, I assure you. I have some latitude in different ways.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead, lingering a moment longer than he planned, reluctant to let her go. But she wasn’t his. Not now, and hadn’t been for a long time.

  She surprised him with a strong hug. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He kissed her neck. “It’s my pleasure, love. Be happy, you two. You’ll have some time alone to relax on your honeymoon. Enjoy it. Enjoy each other.”

  Kal studied him, something gently tugging at the outskirts of her mind. She couldn’t grasp it long enough to figure it out. “What’s going to happen, Ry?”

  Ryan knew Kal had no idea she was the only one he allowed to call him that. “I’m assuming you mean the big picture?” She nodded. “Not your concern, pet. That’s my job.”

  He took her hands again and looked into her eyes. “I promise you, you have my word that I will never willfully put him or Aidan or the others into a situation I think they won’t return from. There is nothing I know of in the immediate future that we must fret over. There are rumblings I must to keep my ear to, certainly. My job is to prevent those rumblings from leading to something to worry about. If there is ever a time I feel they might be at risk, I will always do everything in my power to minimize that. I promise to be honest if I feel there is considerable risk. Believe me when I say that for now, all is well enough that you don’t need to concern yourself. Right?”

  She nodded and hugged him again. “Thank you for bringing me together with him. I understand why you did it. I’m not mad at you.” She paused. “Anymore.”

  He laughed and closed his eyes. “I never would have let harm come to you. Not now, not ever.” He gently patted her on the back and quickly turned before she spotted his tears. “Good luck, love. You’re a beautiful bride. You’ll make each other very happy for a good many years.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aidan and Jeff stood next to Will at the front of the church. Aidan sensed Will’s nervous tension, but it was a happy time for his soul brother. Aidan smiled as he felt Jeff’s hand playfully brush his.

  When Jeff did it again, Aidan briefly captured his hand and squeezed.

  Aidan swore he heard mental laughter, but maybe that was just the combined good mood of everyone in attendance. Aidan was trying to tune out as much as possible so he di
dn’t get overwhelmed.

  When the wedding march sounded, everyone stood and turned. Kal walked down the aisle on her father’s arm. Kenneth Martin seemed a little shaky, but looked like he’d make it without stumbling. Ryan stood ready to preside over the service, a peaceful smile on his face.

  Kal looked beautiful, calm. Her dress was gorgeous, perfect for her. Off the shoulders with an elegantly beaded bodice, form-fitting and not too fancy.

  Aidan felt Will’s joy and relaxed, knowing that for the first time in many years, Will felt absolutely no sadness in his heart.

  Maybe Ryan wasn’t such a shit weasel after all.

  Aidan spotted the amulet around Kal’s neck when she was a few feet from the altar. It was all he could do not to walk over and examine it. He hadn’t seen it in…

  Since Chloe died.

  Blinking, Aidan tried to focus on the ceremony and hoped his mental barrier and Will’s preoccupation would hide his thoughts. He tried to catch Ryan’s eye, but he’d also put up a barrier and refused to meet his gaze. He managed to pass over the ring on command without dropping it despite his shaking hands.

  The ceremony seemed to last five hours. Aidan knew it was only a few minutes. When the happy couple turned and walked down the aisle, Aidan bumped against Ryan and their eyes met.

  “Later, Aidan,” Ryan mentally scolded.

  “No, now!”

  Aidan felt Ryan’s mental shove, and he had to follow Becky down the aisle, walking fast to catch up.

  He hoped his smile looked right in the wedding photos. It took conscious effort on his part not to stare at Kal’s chest, where the amulet hung from its gold chain, gently bumping against her flesh every time she moved.

  Later in the reception hall, Aidan somehow managed to give the toast, barely able to pull his gaze off Kal and her amulet.

  The amulet he knew without a doubt was the mate to the one around Ryan’s neck.

  The amulet that had been around Chloe’s neck when she died—when she was Ryan’s wife and soul mate. When Ryan took her as his wife, Aidan had been the one to place the amulet around her neck before he put her hand in Ryan’s.


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