Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3) Page 20

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Giorsal,” he closed his eyes. “I cannae do this to you. I cannae allow you to pledge to me when I donnae ken if I can be released from the bonds that have been forced upon me. I love you. You have possessed my heart since before I kenned what love was. You have always been there for me as a helpmate, a confidant and a friend. I think of you every waking moment and I dream of you every night. I love you with a passion deep within me, but I cannae accept your pledge…” the pain in her eyes echoed the pain in his heart.

  Suddenly she froze in his arms, and even the flames of the fire stopped moving. The cave was eerily silent.

  “Giorsal?” he said. “Giorsal, are you all right?”

  “She is fine,” Dagda’s voice came from the entrance of the cave. “I have but frozen her in time. I needed to speak with you.”

  Assisting him by moving Giorsal gently to one side, Dagda helped him stand.

  “What do you need from me?” Caylean asked.

  “I need you to stop being a fool,” Dagda replied. Caylean’s brows drew together. “Aye, you heard me right, lad,” he went on. “You are being a fool. She is in love with you and you have always been in love with her. At least for as long as I have known you. Here she is telling you how much she loves you and all you can do is tell her you cannot be with her?”

  “I cannae!” he cried. “You told me what it did to you seeing your woman mate with another how can I put Giorsal through that? Until I am certain the gods will nae call on me to bed the druidesses, I will nae put her through that!”

  “Geileis was nae my woman,” Dagda said. “She never was. And she married my brother. It broke my heart but that is her choice. I was forced to watch them with the rest of the grove on their wedding night and I tell you, Caylean there is no force in heaven or earth greater than the anger of a man seeing the woman he loves give herself to another. Especially a brother.”

  “You said your brother was killed,” Caylean said.

  “Aye, but I never told you I killed him,” Dagda replied.

  Caylean’s eyes grew wide. “And Geileis?” Caylean asked.

  “Left the grove and I have never seen her since,” Dagda said. “Now I am telling you, lad, donnae let Giorsal go. For she will find another and I pray to the gods you never have to see her with another. That is not something any man should see.”

  Caylean did not speak for a long time, but when he finally did he looked up at his mentor.

  “Can you swear to me that the gods will nae call upon me?” he asked.

  “Aye, I can, because I am releasing you from my grove and giving you to your mother’s,” Dagda said.

  “Nay!” Caylean cried. “I donnae want to be released from yours.”

  “We will see each other again, lad, ’tis nae a death sentence,” Dagda replied. “You will always be welcome in my grove. You will always be a great friend and I will always love you as a son. But you are being foolish if you let her go.”

  “I love her,” Caylean breathed.

  “Then tell her and pledge to her and her alone,” Dagda said. “Mate with her and be one.”

  “Will you join us in marriage?” he asked.

  “I am nae your high priest any longer, lad,” he said. “Your mother will have that honor. Mate with her as wolves tonight and on the morrow, you will join as druids.”

  Caylean nodded and went back to Giorsal still frozen. Kneeling beside her he looked back at Dagda who, with a wave of his hand, unfroze the cave.

  “Caylean?” Giorsal cried. “What happened?”

  “Forgive me, my love, Dagda needed to speak with me and he froze the cave,” he said.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  His hand reached out and stroked her cheek lovingly. “Aye,” he answered softly. “Everything is fine. Now where was I?”

  “You were telling me you could nae be mine,” she said a tear slipping from her cheek.

  “Nae tears,” he said wiping it away. “Dagda helped me understand that I cannae wait any longer. I love you, Giorsal. He released me from his grove freeing me to be part of mother’s and therefore the gods will nae call upon me to mate with the women of my grove since they are my relatives and have mates of their own.”

  Hope flashed in Giorsal’s eyes. “But that is nae what you wanted,” she said. “I am sorry for you.”

  “’Tis what I wanted, Gio,” he replied. “The only reason I did nae tell you how much I love you is because I was afraid the gods would call upon me again and I could never break your heart like that.”

  “And now?” she asked tentatively.

  “Now,” he breathed a laugh. “Now I can tell you that you have possessed my soul and I love you with a deep passion. I cleave myself to you so that I will never be parted from you again. Tonight, with the moon as our witness, I swear to you my undying love, loyalty, friendship, and honor. With you by my side, I will have something worth living for. I swear to love and protect you and any children we may have. All this and more, I swear by the light of the moon and seal with a kiss.”

  His lips brushed hers in a soft kiss and soon they proved their love by mating under the moon.



  Caylean stroked Giorsal’s bare back as her head rested on his chest. Neither of them were asleep and he could feel her fingers stroking the fine hairs on his chest. Never had he felt so content. Overwhelming love filled him as he kissed her hair, holding her tightly to him.

  Moving her head, she looked up at him and smiled.

  “I must look a fright,” she whispered.

  “You have never looked more beautiful to me, mate,” he said.

  Her grin widened and a blush tinged her cheeks.

  “Are you happy? With me, I mean?” she asked.

  Lifting her chin to force her to look at him, he kissed her gently.

  “Never have I ever felt so happy,” he said. “I was a fool to deny you for so long. Can you forgive me?” Giorsal stared at him for a moment, then a mischievous grin spread across her face.

  “That depends, mate,” she asked.

  “Oh? Depends on what?” he asked.

  “On how well you love me, you are nae too tired, are you?” she teased.

  “Och, minx,” he laughed. “I will love ye well.” She squealed then giggled as he twisted and hovered over her.

  After a moment of kissing her neck, he pulled back, seeing with satisfaction the red marks he had made. Their gazes locked and she reached to stroke his face.

  “I love you, Caylean,” she said softly.

  “I love you, Giorsal,” he answered turning his head to kiss her palm. “Let me prove it to you.”

  Making love well into the night, they both fell to each other’s sides. Pulling her into him, Caylean held her tightly, kissing the top of her head. Snuggling into him, Giorsal nuzzled her face against his neck.

  Humming a sigh that tickled his chest hair, Giorsal went quiet. For a time, Caylean thought she had fallen asleep but when she moved closer to him, she asked a question he never thought she would ask.

  “Have you fathered any children while you were in Erin?” she whispered. Caylean froze, knowing she had every right to ask, he was not afraid of the answer but the meaning behind her question worried him.

  “Nay,” he answered simply. She moved in his arms and pulled herself up looking down at him. Steeling himself against her reaction, he waited for her next question.

  “Why? I thought you said you had many females over there. How could you no’ have fathered children?” She asked.

  Taking a deep breath before he answered, Caylean attempted to explain part of his culture to her.

  “Druids are sometimes required to mate with others and as such many bastards could be created, however, the gods are merciful and have granted all druids the ability to cast a spell temporarily preventing them from fathering children, or for women, to be unable to conceive until the time they chose. It is something that can be placed on them, and removed as m
any times as needed,” Caylean said.

  He waited nervously for her to respond. Giorsal looked at him and smiled slightly.

  “Like Aunt Isla and Aunt Eithne?” she asked. “They told me they have a way to prevent conception after several children when they and their mates agreed to wait on having any more.”

  “Aye,” he breathed out relieved. “Just like that. And since we are immortal, a woman could conceive thousands of times, that is no’ fair to them.”

  “Does that mean that our times together this evening will nae bare pups?” she asked.

  “Aye,” he said. “Until I remove the spell.”

  She slowly nodded and her smile grew.

  “As fond as I am of children, my love, and I cannae wait to tell you I am expecting, I find that I desire to be your mate for a little while longer before we have any children,” she explained.

  Breathing out the breath he was holding, Caylean kissed her and soon they lost themselves in one another again.


  “What in the name of the gods is going on here?” Tristan bellowed.

  Caylean and Giorsal gasped awake and immediately pulled their blanket over them. Caylean had cast a spell on his tunic creating a blanket late in the night when the temperature had dropped and neither desired to dress. Pulling her close to him, Caylean successfully shielded her from view.

  Aedan, Weylyn and Tristan stood at the entrance of the cave.

  “Papa,” Giorsal cried and turned scared eyes up to Caylean. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to find you, lass. Now I ask again, what is going on here?” Tristan demanded.

  “I… we… ehm…” she stared up at Caylean begging for help.

  “Tristan,” Caylean began. “We were mated under the moon last night. I love Giorsal and she loves me. I could nae image my life without her. I am sorry for no’ asking for your permission but I ask your blessing.”

  Tristan’s hand shook in a clenched fist.

  “How dare you,” Tristan accused. “I took you into my pack. I treated you as a son. I encouraged you in your pursuits and this is how you repay my kindness? Bedding my daughter like a common whore inside a cave? How dare you!”

  Weylyn and Aedan snapped his name in warning and Giorsal cried.

  “I truly meant nae disrespect,” Caylean answered strongly. “I love her and she loves me. It happened and I am nae sorry for it. I will nae apologize, only that I am sorry for no’ asking your permission.”

  “I wanted him as my mate, papa,” Giorsal had tears in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. “You all have kenned since I was a child that Caylean was my soulmate. I donnae understand why you are so angry. It was I who wanted him. Donnae punish him for it. He wanted to remain as we were, but I did nae and I am nae sorry for my actions. I have my mate just as you and mother.”

  Tristan stared at his daughter for a long while. Finally seeing her for the woman she had become, a single tear slid down his cheek. She was no longer his little girl. No longer the child he would rock to sleep. No longer his. Looking away he discreetly wiped the tear.

  “Perhaps,” Weylyn began. “We should leave and let them be?”

  Clenching his teeth to prevent any more tears, Tristan nodded.

  “I give my blessing on your union and look forward to celebrating your mating when you return,” Tristan said.

  “Thank you,” Giorsal breathed.

  “Stay as long as you would like, but I would ask that you return home within the moon’s cycle. I have had word that Loeiza is expecting her first child by spring. We will be travelling to the Sutherland Keep soon and I hope to introduce you as a mated couple.”

  “Of course we will join!” Giorsal cried.

  “And we will have to handle any backlash there may be,” Tristan said cryptically looking at Caylean. “Now,” he swallowed. “I will tell the pack of your mating and we will rejoice with you when the time comes.”

  “Thank you, Alpha,” Caylean replied.

  Nodding once, Tristan stepped out of the cave followed by Weylyn. Aedan winked at his son and followed his father out of the cave.

  Caylean fell onto his back and sighed heavily. Covering his eyes with his forearm, he chuckled when Giorsal looked back at him.

  “That went very well,” he teased.

  “I wish I had your confidence,” she said.

  “Aye, well,” he rolled back up and pulled the blanket away from her. “You have more fire than I ever could, my love. I love your ferocity and I thank you for fighting for me, no’ just today but last night when I could have ruined our future.”

  “I love you, Caylean, I will always fight for you,” she said.

  “Then I am well blessed, my love,” he leaned in and kissed her.



  Liam Arc’hantael, High Priest of the Loch Alsh Druids, paced back and forth between two strong oak trees. He was waiting for someone and they were late. Far too late. Looking up to see the moon high in the midnight sky, Liam cursed under his breath.

  “Dear me, shapeshifter, donnae say that curse was for me,” a man’s voice said in the darkness.

  “You are late,” Liam said.

  “I was detained,” he replied.

  “With what?” Liam demanded.

  The man stepped into the sliver of moonlight and Liam stopped. He had never met him face to face and the resemblance was uncanny.

  “You will nae ask that of me,” he said. “What I do is my affair.”

  “We were to meet when the moon touched the top of the trees,” Liam reminded.

  “I ken well when we were to meet, shifter,” he spat. “And I told you I was detained now,” he took a breath. “Much has happened in the past moon cycle. Caylean and Giorsal mated several days ago and Giorsal is now immortal.”

  “We kenned that could happen,” Liam huffed. “You could nae prevent Weylyn and Eithne’s mating so I am nae surprised you could nae prevent them.”

  “I was nae there,” the man yelled. “If I had been I would have stopped them but after he killed Galbraith, I need to talk to Geileis.”

  “You mean you needed to slake your lust for a female,” Liam accused.

  The man growled and took a menacing step forward. “You will nae speak of me and my mate like that,” he said.

  “Your mate?” Liam laughed. “Your whore more like. You have nae claimed her to your Alpha.”

  The man tackled Liam to the ground. As they fought the man shouted, “I owe him nothing, I should be Alpha, he is weak and lets our blood dwindle down by allowing our pack to mate outside and our children become half-breeds and hybrids!”

  Liam froze taking a strong hit to his face. Grabbing the man’s wrists, he held him tightly mumbling a spell causing him to freeze.

  “I donnae question you, Alpha,” Liam said. “But I need to hear what you just said. You said hybrid. Tell me more.”

  Allowing the man to be released from the spell, he fell to his back and gasped for air. Liam stood and helped him up.

  “Hybrid,” the man panted. “Caylean has phased and he is a hybrid. I overheard the conversation between Weylyn, Aedan and Tristan.”

  “When he phased were his eyes black with yellow pupils?” Liam asked.

  “Aye,” the man said. “And he had wolf legs but stood upright like a man. It was the most awe-inspiring thing I have ever seen.”

  “After all this time,” Liam sighed in relief. “My father was right.”

  “Your father?” the man asked.

  “Gabhran,” he answered. “But you would know him better as Maelogan.”

  “Maelogan?” the man was shocked. “He killed Weylyn’s mate.”

  “Aye and Tristan’s mother. He ordered the human trackers to kill her.”


  “Because Mabh kenned who he was. She had too much influence over Marrock. She was making him weak. We needed him strong to fight.”

  “Have your army ready, druid. I will
do my part.”

  “I have sent a message to our brothers in Rhineland. They are a moon’s cycle away,” Liam answered.

  “Good, I will wait to tell The MacRae the truth behind his son’s death until they land on our shores. You have the Wolf’s Bane?”

  “Of course,” Liam answered. “And all druids coming were told to soak their arrows in it.”

  “Good,” the man replied. “I will meet you at the back gate when it is done. You are sure Wolf’s Bane will affect Caylean?”

  “Aye, hybrids are nae immune,” Liam answered.

  “Good,” the man replied. “It may be difficult to speak with me. We are going to Sutherland Keep. I will beg off to the travel feigning an illness.”

  “They will ken you are lying,” walking forward, Liam touched the man’s shoulder, immediately the man retched into the grass. “The illness will pass in two days.”

  A string of curses flew from the man’s lips. But Liam chuckled and patted his arm.

  “I will see you again when my brothers land,” Liam said. “Now go.”



  “Are you sure you are all right, Eion?” Eithne asked as he rested in a chair in the main hall.

  “Aye,” he answered softly. Covering his eyes with his hand. “I must have eaten something foul.”

  “I would be happy to assist you,” Caylean offered. “You have been like this for a couple days.”

  “Aye,” Giorsal walked up slipping her hand into her husband’s. “Caylean and I have been home for a day and you have been horribly sick.”

  “I am well, sweet one,” he answered.

  “Do you think you will be able to join us tomorrow, Eion?” Tristan called from across the room.

  “I may,” he said then attempting to sit up, he groaned. Caylean eased him back.

  “Let me at least give you a tisane to assist you,” Caylean said.

  “Nay nay, I thank you. I just need rest,” Eion said. “You all go. Give her my love and tell her that I will see her soon.”


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