Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3) Page 23

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Fire arrows!” Aedan roared down to the bailey. The wolves rushed to the well to put out the fires as the arrows hit.


  The rest of the night was a blur of arrow fights and trebuchets from the MacRaes. Tristan, Aedan and Weylyn gave the wolves under their command, orders. After deaths on both sides, the battle turned in favor of the wolves. The MacRaes retreated to regather their men and the wolves cheered. That is until they heard a responding cheer from the center of the bailey.

  Turing back, Tristan locked eyes with Eion standing arrogantly between two druids, a massive druid force behind him.

  “So brother,” Tristan said. “You are our father’s son after all.”

  “I am more of Marrock’s son than you ever could be,” Eion answered.

  “Aye, that I believe,” Tristan said. “And you desire to – what? Take my place? Become Alpha?”

  “I will become Alpha and I will have Father’s laws again and the abominations you and these so-called wolves have created with your druid and human mates? They will feel the full force of my wrath,” Eion stated.

  “So you betray your kin?” Aedan demanded.

  “I donnae betray anyone who has nae betrayed me, first,” Eion snapped.

  “Who and how have we betrayed you?” Weylyn yelled down.

  “Well you and your whore for one, Uncle,” Eion said calmly.

  “Eithne and I are fated to be together,” Weylyn shouted.

  “If you had just stayed dead when I stabbed you in the stone circle during the solstice all those years ago none of this would have happened,” Eion revealed.

  “It was you?” Weylyn demanded remembering the day so many years ago when Weylyn had met those who meant the most to him within the druid stone circle and felt the knife in his back.

  “You were supposed to die that day and Eithne and I would have been happy but nay you lived and took the only thing I lived for away from me,” Eion said. “You already had your mate, why did you steal mine?”

  “Eion, Eithne is nae your mate and in all the years you have planned your revenge, you could have gone to find her,” Weylyn said.

  “Och donnae fear, Uncle,” he spat. “I have found a suitable woman to slake my lust.”



  “Eithne, Isla, I must speak with you,” Odara said in a hushed tone.

  “What is it?” the women asked as they stepped away from a wounded wolf in the infirmary.

  “There is a woman and a man asking to meet with you but I have never seen them before. After what Blane told me about Eion sneaking around, I was hesitant to let them near you,” Odara said.

  “Thank you, you are very thoughtful, did these two people give their names?” Isla asked.

  “Nay, but they did tell me to say, ‘sisters come to me’,” she said. “I hope I did the right thing.”

  “Aye,” Eithne clutched her hand. “Thank you, Odara. Where are they?”

  “I had them wait in the kitchens,” she answered.

  “Thank you, we go now,” Isla stated.

  “Keep to the shadows,” Odara said. “Eion has opened the back gate as we expected and is speaking in the bailey. Please be careful.”

  “Gather as many women and children as you can. Use the Eastern gate and hide in the woods near the loch, we will follow when we can. If we donnae within the day or if you find you cannae stay, head north to Gregor’s land,” Isla instructed.

  “Aye, please be safe, my ladies,” Odara asked.

  “All will be well, now go.”

  Wiping their hands on their outer gowns, Eithne and Isla kept to the shadows as they crossed to the kitchens. Once inside, they called to the couple standing in the light of the sconce.

  “Labhaoise, Bowdyn,” Isla called and embraced her sister and her sister’s husband. Eithne hugged her as well and Labhaoise took a moment to hold Eithne at arms’ length to see her pregnant belly.

  “You look beautiful, Eithne,” Labhaoise said.

  “I thank you, sister,” she replied. “I am so very happy. But why are you here?”

  “Is everything all right, Labhaoise?” Isla asked. “We were nae expecting you. Where is Geileis?”

  “I have news and Bowdyn is home from Erin so he wished to accompany me,” she said.

  “Of course, but now we are under attack,” Isla said.

  “From Eion and Liam Arc’hantael?” Labhaoise stated.

  “How do you ken?” Isla asked.

  “Because he journeyed to us every fortnight to be with Geileis. They have been hiding their relationship. Oh, Isla I am so very worried about our sister. He has poisoned her against all of us and kenning her history I am worried about her. She vanished the other evening just after Eion left. Have you seen her? I worry that she is reverting to what happened years ago,” Labhaoise stated.

  “In Erin?” Isla asked. “She has nae told me her past. What do ye ken?”

  “Enough of it,” Labhaoise answered. “Please let me stay and assist.”

  “Aye of course,” Isla replied.

  Just then there was a loud crash and a howl. The women raced through the hallway and out to the bailey. Bowdyn held his sword and stood in front of the women. Tristan, Aedan and Weylyn along with Blane and the other wolves who were not on the battlements, were fighting Eion, Liam and twenty druids. Bowdyn took a step forward but Isla caught his arm. Raising her hand, she covered his forehead and mumbled something. He looked at her confused.

  “They are fighting as wolves. You are a druid. What I marked you with will help them ken you are friendly,” Isla explained.

  “I thank you,” he replied and raced into the fray.

  Giorsal was still on the battlements alternating arrows between those in the bailey and the MacRaes who had begun their second wave of attacks while giving orders to her father’s wolves beside her. Isla grabbed a sword and made a move to join the fighting.

  Knowing Weylyn would be furious with her if she swung a sword, Eithne found a bow and quiver. Taking position away from the fray, she took aim and fired.

  Finally, everything went quiet and Eithne strained to see what had happened. When those who remained formed a circle, Eithne saw Eion lying on the ground, his throat ripped out. Tristan stood over him, blood on his half-phased mouth. Liam also lay on the ground not moving and when the druids saw their leaders, they raised their weapons in surrender. Tristan phased to his human form and spoke.

  “Your leaders are dead, what will you do now?” Tristan asked.

  “We did not know you had druids on your side, Alpha,” a man said, his eyes turning to Bowdyn then back to him. “We were blinded by the possibility of being as our ancestors and gaining lands across the sea. Please forgive us. We will return home if you allow it and not bother you again.”

  “You are free to do as you wish so long as you help us fight those you incited against us,” Tristan said. The druid bowed his head and agreed.

  “Alpha!” a voice called near the front of the gate. Tristan turned to see a group of men and women all dressed as warriors, swords drawn and bloody, come running through the gates.

  “Dagda!” Tristan cried seeing the leader. “Thank the gods you have arrived so quickly!” Greeting each other as a warrior, they embraced.

  “Caylean’s message was urgent, my friend, we flew with the speed the gods granted us,” he said.

  “Aye, and I thank you,” Tristan replied. “We have need of you.”

  “So I see,” Dagda answered. “We cut through your human intruders but another wave is coming.”

  “Aye, the MacRaes,” Tristan explained. “We were friendly with them but another of our group turned him against us.”

  “Eion,” Dagda stated. “I felt his evil when I first met him. He was jealous of you and intent on revenge.”

  “He will nae bother us again,” Tristan stated and moved so Dagda could see his body.

  “Aye good,” Dagda replied.

  “Tristan!” An
other voice came from the back entrance of the bailey.

  Turning to see Gregor and his men marching up, he greeted his brother by marriage.

  “Gregor! ’Tis good to see you,” he said.

  “Aye and ye,” they shook hands as warriors. Dagda greeted his dearest friend and embraced him. “I received your message but it looks like you have everything handled.”

  “Aye but the MacRaes still need to be handled,” Tristan replied.

  “Their crime?” Dagda asked.

  “The son of the MacRae attempted to rape my daughter and Caylean saved her by killing him. They march on us for retribution. My brother Eion led some druids against us. He wanted to be alpha and be a tyrant like our father,” Tristan said. Both Dagda’s and Gregor’s eyes flashed yellow.

  “We will deal with them, Alpha,” Dagda said. “No man should be allowed to take or attempt to take advantage of a woman and live.”

  “I thank you,” Tristan sighed.

  “Where is Caylean?” Dagda asked. Tristan looked around then turned to Weylyn and Aedan. Giorsal stepped forward, bow still in her hand.

  “I will look for him,” Giorsal said.

  Tristan nodded to his daughter and watched as she left the bailey. Isla and Eithne came forward embracing their husbands and introducing Labhaoise and Bowdyn.

  “With your permission, Alpha,” Bowdyn started speaking to Tristan. “I will fight with you against these humans. We cannot allow the son’s sins to go unpunished.”

  “I thank you,” Tristan said resting a hand on Bowdyn’s shoulder.

  Before they had a chance to move to the battlements, they all heard a voice.

  “Sisters!” A woman called. As soon as they turned to see Geileis running through the bailey, she stopped, her eyes catching Eion’s fallen body. She screamed and ran to him.

  Clutching him to her breast she wept over him. Kissing his forehead, she held him close.

  “Geileis?” Dagda breathed. She looked up sharply when she heard him.

  “You!” she shouted. “You did this!”

  “Geileis, my love,” Dagda stepped forward.

  “I am nae your love,” she hissed. “You killed the only man I loved! And now you have killed the second.”

  “I did not do this,” Dagda stated. “I admit I killed Flynn but only because he came after me. He turned against us, Geileis. He was fighting for the Romans.”

  “You lie! You have always lied! You could nae believe that I could be happy with anyone other than you!” She screamed.

  “I loved you!” Dagda shouted. “But Flynn never gave me a choice.”

  “He was nae immortal. He was human you could have allowed him to win,” she cried. “And now you have taken someone close from me again.”

  “He had the dagger, Geileis,” he stressed. “Lucien’s dagger made to kill those of our kind. It was a fight to the death.”

  “Aye, I ken. I gave it to him. I wanted you dead!” she screeched producing a dagger from the folds of her gown. “Eion was to help me. Now I will have to do it myself!”

  She stood from her lover’s body, held the dagger out, just as Dagda raised his hand to stop her. She raced to him, murder in her eyes.

  “Sister, nay!” Labhaoise cried stepping in front of Dagda.

  Bowdyn swung around the moment he heard her gasp. His eyes widened when he saw the sisters embracing but Labhaoise’s eyes were rimmed with pain.

  “Nay!” he roared and raced to his wife.

  Geileis held her tightly and helped lower her to the ground when Labhaoise’s legs buckled.

  “Forgive me, Labhaoise,” Geileis cried. Bowdyn fell to his knees and cradled his wife.

  “Labhaoise, Labhaoise,” he wailed as he saw the dagger still in her chest. “Stay,” he whispered.

  “What have you done?” Isla shrieked.

  Geileis looked up helplessly.

  “I am sorry,” she said. Dagda froze Geileis in place.

  “She is one of ours, we will take care of this,” he said.

  “Labhaoise is our sister,” Eithne cried. “How could you, Geileis?”

  Unable to move or speak, Geileis’ eyes pleaded with her sisters.

  “We demand the right to punish her for her crime,” Isla stated.

  “She was our sister first,” Dagda replied.

  “You are in love with her,” Eithne snarled. “You will nae be fair.”

  “Under the god Donn of the underworld, I demand the right of her punishment,” Isla ordered.

  Dagda looked from one to the other and nodded once.

  “Labhaoise!” Bowdyn wept. “Nay!” He clutched her close and cried out. “Nay! Gods nay!” He let out a roar that shook the bailey.

  Weylyn wrapped his arm around Eithne as she shook with silent tears seeing her sister lying dead in her mate’s arms. Leaning into him, she buried her face in his tunic and wept.

  “Bowdyn,” Dagda called softly. “Let me save her.”

  Bowdyn looked up at him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “How?” he demanded.

  “Let me save her,” Dagda repeated.

  “If there is a chance, Bowdyn please,” Isla said.

  Bowdyn nodded and gently, lovingly set Labhaoise down and laid her out. Dagda straddled her hips, trapping her body beneath his. Slowly pulling the blade out of her chest, his hands covered the wound.



  Closing his eyes, Dagda reverted in on himself and entered the spirit world.

  Wading through the lost souls, he called for Labhaoise. Voices all around him called out to be saved but he focused on her spirit. After a moment, he found her. Walking with others towards a mountain, she blindly followed.

  “Labhaoise!” he shouted. She stopped and turned to him. “This is nae your time. You must come back.” She cocked her head to one side and studied him. “Think of Bowdyn,” Dagda said. “He needs you.”

  “Bowdyn,” she whispered.

  “That’s right, come with me,” he replied holding his hand out to her. She turned slightly looking over her shoulder. “Look at me. Focus solely on me. Come now.”

  She looked back at him and took a step forward. Crying out as the pain registered on her face, she retracted her hand.

  “Hurts,” she moaned.

  “Aye, but come to me now. Fight it,” he said. “You are strong.”

  Taking another step towards him, she winced. Another step and she cried out. Another step. She clutched his hand.

  Pulling her into him, she vanished and Dagda opening his eyes. They burned black and the others watched as a Celtic pattern appeared and formed on the side of his neck. He lowered himself over her corpse. Closing his eyes, he lowered his mouth over hers and a flash of light passed between their mouths. Labhaoise gasped awake just as Dagda fell to the side wheezing for breath. Two of Dagda’s warriors helped him up.

  Bowdyn slid over to his wife and gazed down at her. “I am well,” Labhaoise said. “I am all right,” she constantly soothed him as he crushed her to his chest.

  “I love you,” he repeated over and over again.

  “What are we to do with her?” Eithne demanded looking at Geileis.

  “We will lock her in the dungeon,” Tristan offered.

  “Aye, for now, then we will decide what to do,” Isla’s voice was hard.

  Tristan motioned for two of his men to remove her from the bailey and to take the bodies of Eion and Liam away.

  Blane came up to Tristan, battle weary but his eyes shining.

  “We have won, Alpha,” he announced. “The battle is over. With the combined force of Gregor’s and Dagda’s men we were able to push the MacRae Clan back.”

  “Well done, Blane,” Tristan replied. “Now get yourself some water and go to your wife. We are victorious today. This calls for celebration.”

  “Thank you, Alpha,” he said and headed back into the keep looking for Odara.

  Dagda, back to full strength, turned to Trist

  “I would like to speak with Caylean before I leave,” Dagda requested.

  “Aye, I donnae ken where Giorsal is,” Tristan said.

  “I do not feel his presence here,” Dagda replied. “Where is their room?”

  “I will take you,” Tristan offered.

  Dagda nodded and followed Tristan, Aedan, Weylyn, Eithne, Isla and Alexina through the keep, up the stairs and down the hall to Caylean’s and Giorsal’s room. The door was closed but they all heard sobbing from the other end. Tristan did not wait a moment more to force the door. Giorsal lay on the floor sobbing, a note tucked in her hand.

  “Giorsal!” Tristan cried. Alexina rushed to her daughter and held her. “What has happened?”

  “Tell us, love what happened?” Alexina soothed. Giorsal sobbed but handed them the letter.

  “He left,” she cried. Tristan took the letter and opened it.

  My dearest love,

  Forgive me. I never desire to hurt you, but I find nae matter what I do I am destined to do just that. I have only ever wanted to be a good mate to you, but this thing that I am, I cannae control.

  I ken what I do is far worse than physical pain, but for your safety and the safety of our family I must go. I love you more than the stars in the heavens and every night I will think of you and pray you forgive me. Releasing you from our bond hurts me more than you will realize but for your safety I must. You are free, Giorsal. Be happy, my love.

  Be at peace with this, Giorsal. I want you to live again.

  I love you,


  “The fool!” Tristan breathed. “The arrogant, selfish bastard!” He shouted.

  “Tristan!” Aedan snapped. “I ken what Caylean did is foolish but I will nae allow you to dishonor my wife by calling him a bastard.”

  “Your son has left my daughter and you dare me no’ to impugn your wife’s honor? What about my daughter’s honor?” Tristan bellowed.

  “He is a fool and I am ashamed of his actions but I will nae permit my wife to be privy to his shame,” Aedan replied.

  “Where is he?” Weylyn stepped forward changing the conversation. Kneeling and stroking Giorsal’s hair out of her face, Weylyn spoke to his son and alpha while giving comfort to Giorsal.


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