Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2)

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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 2

by Stephanie West

  Madhava nodded to Scelus citizens he and Dagaa passed in the street as he thought of all that had transpired in the last few months.

  They were dawning on a new age. He hoped the people of both Scelus and Vidya Cadi could set aside their differences and move forward as a unified people. Half of the citizens couldn't even tell you why the centuries long war had been fought in the first place. Such foolish nonsense.

  Madhava felt certain the right warrior, Kagan quo Rordan, had won the battle. Listening to the Daimio speak and watching him in action had convinced Madhava, Kagan was honorable and had the planet's best interest at heart. Never once had tales of abuse leaked from the Vidya Cadi territory. Even the Toufik slaves of Vidya Cadi had been well fed and appeared content.

  At least that is what Madhava had believed up until tonight when the sounds from the room next door had greeted him. Madhava didn't want to believe that the leader he thought was honorable was abusing his supposed mate.

  Madhava had witnessed his former Daimio force gentle females one too many times. He'd even been compelled to hold the poor women while they were subjected to horrific abuse. The only thing that kept Madhava in line was the knowledge that his sister would suffer far worse if he had ever betrayed Vigdis.

  Madhava sighed, grateful that those days were over.

  Madhava shook his head in disbelief at what he'd overheard as he and Dagaa entered the small drinking establishment. He had a hard time believing a female could make such noises in the throes of passion, but clearly Giselle hadn't been in distress as he'd thought. The fact such a small creature could take on such a large warrior was mind boggling.

  There were several Vidya Cadi warriors from Kagan's party already in the pub, mixing with the local warriors. The atmosphere was welcoming and light. Madhava sat next to Dagaa at a table in the corner of the bar, so they could soak up the unprecedented sight.

  "Did you ever think you'd see the day?" Dagaa gestured to the crowd.

  "No, I really didn't. I always assumed I'd die in battle or Vigdis would have my head on a pike for some trumped up reason." Madhava shook his head at the turn of events.

  A waitress approached and took their order with a shy smile. Dagaa gave her a broad grin in return, making the female's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red. Ladies seemed to favor Dagaa everywhere they went, and Dagaa returned their interest. Females didn't smile at Madhava the same way. In fact the waitress took one look at Madhava and rushed off to get their drinks.

  "You know if you smiled you grim bastard they might not run off." Dagaa nudged him with his boot.

  "Doubtful." Madhava smirked. "This is not what the females are looking for." He gestured to his scarred face.

  The nasty mark along Madhava's face along with the numerous others earned in battle seemed to frighten women. That along with his reputation made it near impossible to catch a female's eye. Females wanted a warrior that could be gentle with them, who didn't look frightening. They didn't want a constant reminder of how brutal males could be. Madhava doubted he had a gentle bone in his body. He'd seen and done way too much in his life.

  "Giselle said that scars are attractive on a male." Dagaa shrugged.

  "Yeah well Giselle is clearly not normal." Madhava grunted.

  Both men looked at each other then started laughing as they recalled the randy things they'd overheard.

  2 The Greater Good


  Providence lay stunned in the unidentified flying vessel as the bright light around her dimmed to a more manageable level. She blinked, allowing her eyes to adjust as she looked over to see Todd unconscious a dozen feet away. Part of Providence wanted to curl up, close her eyes and give in to the drowsy sensation that washed over her. This had to be a dream. That's what it was, all a dream.

  Except the way the cool glossy metal floor felt beneath her palms, and how the lingering spots danced in her vision, from the now absent bright light, it was all too crisp. Even the air had an odd scent, an antiseptic quality that she could almost taste. Her dreams were never in technicolor, not like this.

  Providence scrambled over to Todd's prone form. He was breathing, his pulse was steady, and he didn't appear to have any injuries on his head to explain his state.

  "No Kim five more minutes." Todd grumbled as Providence checked to make sure he didn't have any broken bones.

  "Is he seriously sleeping?" Providence looked at the man incredulously.

  How in the hell could he be dozing like a baby while they were on some crazy ass vessel. Providence gripped his shoulders and shook the man.

  "Wake up." Nothing.

  "ATTENTION!" Providence bellowed in her best drill sergeant voice, which usually snapped most soldiers out of anything.

  But still the man didn't rouse.

  Providence glanced again at her surroundings. She had to figure out what the fuck was going on.

  The room they were in was enclosed with frosted glass. The floor and ceiling a glossy metallic gray that was cool to touch. Light glowed from the ceiling as if the metal itself radiated energy. Beyond that the room was a box with no discernible doors. It looked straight out of some futuristic horror movie.

  Before Providence had a chance to start panicking, she heard voices and saw a shadow approach the glass. She instantly froze, like a rabbit caught in the garden, lying a foot from Todd. She kept her eyes open, focusing on the shadow on the other side of the frosted glass wall.

  As a crack formed and the wall split Providence debated closing her eyes and playing opossum, but she had to know who she was dealing with. So instead Providence let her gaze go blank, pretending to be one of those creepy people that slept with their eyes open. She was very careful not to change her focus as a figure stepped into view.

  The figure was tall, NBA basketball player tall, with long slender arms and legs. The person was so pale it was nearly white as a sheet. The creamy yellow jumpsuit it wore almost seemed garish against its fair skin. Providence noted the little tuft of a mohawk on the strange person's head. She also saw the creature had solid, dark, almond-shaped eyes situated above a little button nose. If she hadn't been certain before that she was on an alien vessel, she was damn sure now.

  The figure approached Providence twittering a tune and looking calm. Providence wondered if the odd alien was speaking or humming. The alien reached out to take Providence's arm holding a device in its hand.

  Providence was no longer willing to play the compliant abductee. Providence yanked her arm free and quickly scrambled back.

  The alien squealed in surprise. Suddenly a second taller figure entered the room. This one entirely bald.

  "Calm human." The second creature held up his hand. Providence could see the alien had only a thumb and three fingers.

  The alien touched the first one's shoulder with what Providence assumed was a grimace, though with its narrow lips it was hard to say.

  "Are you okay Cila?"

  "I am fine Zer." The first alien, Cila, nodded. "Just startled. I thought she was asleep."

  "Well apparently not." Zer replied as he glanced back at Providence. "Human female I apologize for the circumstances that bring you here. It seems our vessel had an unfortunate effect on your craft."

  Providence didn't quite know what to say, so she just nodded.

  "Cila make sure the male is unharmed." Zer instructed.

  Providence watched as Cila kneeled, placed the handheld tool against the back of Todd's hand for an instant, and then rose up again.

  "He is unharmed." Cila nodded.

  "Good." Zer replied. "Now please human female let us confirm that you are also well."

  Providence didn't want to anger the aliens since up to this point they seemed contrite for the harm their presence had caused to her plane. Plus if she was ever going to get off this ship she needed to be as non-threatening as possible. Todd seemed to be just fine, so she held out her hand. Cila approached and held the device against her skin. There was a mild tingle, but that was it

  Cila smiled at Providence. "No ill effects from the quarantine vapor."

  Providence nodded. That explained the odd sterile smell. It's probably what had knocked out Todd, though the aliens didn't admit as much.

  "So would it be too much to ask that you drop us off on the shore?" Providence asked.

  Cila looked quizzically at Zer.

  "Well little human you have seen us. That is outside of protocol for subjects we return to the surface."

  Horror set in the instant the words fell from Zer's mouth. She should have played dead.

  "Her bio scan shows that she is suitable for the colony." Cila stated.

  "Shit, shit, shit." Providence's mind screamed.

  Were they seriously suggesting what she thought they were?

  "Are you abducting me? I'll let you know right now that seeing you has had no ill effect on me whatsoever. I'm not ignorant, nor am I vain enough to think we are alone in the universe. I've always believed others existed, just never met an alien. You know this is a shitty way to go about inter-species diplomacy!" Providence practically growled as she jumped to her feet and crowded towards the far wall.

  Every horror movie featuring aliens surfaced in her mind and she started to panic.

  "You are correct it is shitty." Zer stated borrowing her term. "However we have studied your people and have noted your violent tendencies, so diplomacy is difficult. Despite that fact our people have deemed your kind acceptable for seeding the galaxy. In fact your statement regarding intelligence just proves how suitable you are. We need humans in the colony that can accept us."

  "What are you talking about?" Providence insisted. Her mind was racing too fast to process.

  "Based on the environmental conditions of your planet from overpopulation and misuse of resources, along with the geological record of catastrophic asteroid activity, we are concerned your people are going to be eradicated. So we have been collecting suitable members of your species to start a colony. The screening of your DNA indicates you are a suitable subject for that colony." Zer calmly explained as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Providence's mouth hung open before she regained her wits.

  "And if I am unwilling to go play Eve in your clandestine Garden of Eden?" Providence yelled.

  "We will place you in stasis as we have the other subjects."

  Providence stood in shock. This couldn't possibly be happening to her. Providence didn't know what to do. It didn't seem to matter that she didn't want to go wherever they planned on taking her. She debated lashing out at the duo, but didn't know how many other aliens were on the ship, nor what weapons they might have. All she knew was that if she was unconscious, she'd never find a way off the spaceship.

  "Don't knock me out, I'll behave." Providence conceded but didn't voice the fact that it was only a temporary truce.

  Zer looked at her dubiously. He obviously wasn't a fool.

  "I would like to be able to talk to a female of your species." Cila said with a smile.

  "Fine but know that if you become threatening, you will be put to sleep for the remainder of the voyage."

  "Yes." Providence tried not to growl. It was hard for her to wait and not act, but these people had the upper hand. "What about Todd?" Providence gestured to the man sleeping on the floor.

  "He is unsuitable for our needs. He will be released on shore as you requested."

  "Oh thank god." Providence closed her eyes. Todd had a wife and kids. It was bad enough she was being taken against her will, but it would be a real tragedy if he went missing. "Thank you." Providence told her captors in earnest.

  "Come. What is your name?" Cila twittered.

  "Providence." She replied as she followed Cila out of the frosted glass holding room with a final look at Todd. She hoped the aliens hadn't been lying to her.

  Zer followed her looking just as concerned by the fact she was roaming free.

  "I am Cila and this is Zer." Cila formerly introduced them. "Our people call themselves the Miran Sona."

  Providence nodded to acknowledge she heard, but couldn't bring herself to say 'nice to meet you' because it wasn't.

  Providence's mouth hung open when she saw the giant cavernous interior of the spaceship. It held cargo and a smaller ship the size of a minivan.

  "How do you travel about undetected in this behemoth?" Providence asked as she looked up at the transparent domed ceiling that rivaled the Pantheon of Rome.

  "We stay beneath your ocean during the day." Cila replied. "Come you can show us where would be best to deposit your companion."

  Providence took a final glance at the large vaulted interior as they passed through another thick set of frosted glass doors which slid shut behind them. This room reminded Providence of a cockpit but on a far grander scale. On the far wall was a long window looking out into the star lit night. Providence watched as Cila tapped on a console and an image of the southern Florida coastline came into view.

  Providence walked up to the giant map and pointed to Cocoa Beach.

  "That is too close to the area your flying vessels congregate." Zer stated.

  "Well as close to here as possible. There's a hospital near here." Providence pointed to another location.

  "That will be acceptable. We will place him on shore."

  "Please make sure the tide doesn't wash him out to sea while he's unconscious." Providence begged the alien.

  "He will be on land in the inflatable vessel you were carrying. I will observe till he either rouses or your kind have located him." Zer replied.

  "Thank you."

  Providence watched as Zer exited. She wanted to run after the alien and beg the creature to let her go too. The intensity of nearly crashing then being sucked into an alien vessel was starting to overwhelm her. She found herself starting to hyperventilate, bright spots twinkling at the edges of her vision. She had to reel it in or she was going to pass out.

  "Is there someplace I can sit please?" Providence asked Cila.

  "We have sleeping quarters for you if you like."

  "No!" Providence said suddenly. She was exhausted but there was no way in hell she was going to sleep and potentially miss an opportunity to get free. "Actually can I watch Zer take Todd ashore?"

  Providence was hoping they would use the ship she'd seen beneath the large dome. Maybe once Todd was safely loaded, she could force her way onto the smaller craft. She hadn't seen any other aliens, and though they were tall, they didn't look that strong.

  Providence wandered over to where the door had been, but the frosted glass refused to open automatically, the way it had for Zer. She was trapped unless she wanted to attack Cila and force the alien to open the door. Unfortunately Providence couldn't bring herself to act on that notion. If she did, she might put the other sleeping humans on board at risk.

  "You can sit here and observe." Cila pointed to a seat in front of the large screen.

  Providence growled in frustration as she sat in one of the molded chairs. Her feet didn't touch the floor since it was made for the lanky aliens. Several minutes passed and Providence saw a light shoot out in front of the massive ship. Cila followed the smaller craft getting a close-up view.

  "Cila don't you ever feel bad about taking people against their will?" Providence asked.

  "Yes however I would feel worse if your people went extinct. We have seen it happen before." Cila considered her sympathetically. "But I am sorry. It was devastating when I was chosen for this mission and had to leave my family behind, but at least I was able to be with my male. Are you mated?"

  "No. Is Zer your mate?"

  "Yes he is. I am glad you are not mated. You don't have offspring do you?"

  Well that answered one of Providence's numerous questions. She had wondered if Cila was female but wasn't sure. Their differences were slight. For all she knew they could be sexless.

  "No Cila, I am only leaving behind my friends, parents and sisters." Providence replied sadly.

; "There will be many of your kind at the colony. Do not fear. I promise you we mean you no harm."

  Providence appreciated the alien's altruistic mission, but there had to be a better way of going about it.

  "I'm not really afraid. I'm angry that I wasn't given a choice." Providence argued.

  "In that we are the same." Cila nodded solemnly.

  "You know there are better ways to find people willing to go to a new planet." Providence thought about all the sci-fi fanatics.

  "I imagine there are, but we didn't create the protocol."

  "I guess every species has its bureaucrats." Providence groused.

  Providence's attention was drawn back to the wide screen. She repressed the tears that wanted to fall as Todd was deposited in the raft and safely jettisoned ashore. None of the people noticed the small alien vessel lurking in the surf as they surrounded the groggy airman on the beach.

  Zer returned not long after and strode onto the bridge.

  "Your companion is safe. How is everything?" Zer asked Cila still looking concerned that Providence wasn't safely asleep in some freaky space pod.

  "All is well. We were discussing our mutual frustration with how the colony has been established." Cila informed her mate.

  "Cila!" Zer exclaimed. Clearly the male was the type that followed orders without question.

  "Zer I understand the necessity but don't try to convince me to be happy about spending the rest of my days on a distant planet where I won't see my offspring grow and have young of their own."

  "That is awful!" Providence said.

  Providence was quickly realizing that she wasn't the only one being asked to make a sacrifice.

  "Cila I know but..."

  "Zer!" Cila's mohawk stood on end, a clear indication of her agitation, as her voice rose to a shrill level. "Providence do not misunderstand, I have no animosity towards your people. I want to see you flourish, as our people have, and the other species we have assisted. But I think it is harsh bureaucrats, as you've said, who decided that we are to assist the colony then die out without a trace, leaving the new world to your kind. I don't understand why we cannot grow side by side."


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